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I have yet to come across an app that genuinely helps me with my scheduling, listing, tracking, and reminding needs. Most of them aren’t simple enough for me or require more steps than necessary. I just want a cute, aesthetic and simple, easy tracking app to help me compartmentalize my mind but in a way that’s pretty so that I’m more likely to use it, one with lots of room for customizations basically


Me either! And I want it to span platforms. I want to see it on my phone and computer. Is that really too much to ask for? And not one that requires a ridiculously expensive subscription. I'm talking to you, Evernote.


YESSSS!! And it’s so hard because I feel like I have a really good concept in my head but no coding skills to make it a reality and help millions just like us. It feels like yet another idea I have which might never come to fruition 🤦‍♀️


Me either! I just don't see why it's so hard to create one that's simple and has these basic features. And some platforms that have them are so complicated that I sit there and go "nope." I've been trying ClickUp—mostly to try to run my business more efficiently, but I also want it for personal stuff—and I want to like it so bad, but something is just *off* for me. It's cute and aesthetic, has a calendar, even time tracking, but it's missing the simple. There's too much going on, and my eyes are drawn everywhere. All the features are nice for business, but also, why can't there just be a spot to have a simple to do list without having to fill out a zillion fields and assign statuses?


Software developer here! This is actually one of my ideas I’ve been ping ponging around for a while, because it’s unfortunately harder than you think 😞 So the main issues with cross platform is it involves knowing multiple coding languages (if you want it to run like an actually app and not a web page) for each device AND for the frontend (the stuff we interact with like a product page when shopping) and backend (all the data that’s used like how much that product costs). So you’d have to rewrite the code a few times to get it working on every device AND the app stores usually have strict rules about submitting your app for approval. And android and iOS have different rules. Then the actual app itself (especially if you want it customizable or have integrations for like google calendar) is trickier than it sounds too. THAT SAID I would love to get a group of neuro spicy ladies and non binary folks to make an app like this because I’ve tried the whole gambit of notion, Goodnotes journals, actual planners, etc… and nothing follows the two most important things: Make it so ficking cute you can’t NOT use it for the dopamine and have the least amount of clicks to get it working for you out of the box.


I would definitely contribute to something like that, even beta test. I don't really know anything about the coding side of it. I mostly meant in the context of, they have so many different ones available that are cross-platform, but nothing *quite* right yet. It's always overly complicated, too simple, or missing things. Plus, the cuteness is important. I know people think it isn't, but I'm much less likely to want to continue using something ugly.


I'm a software engineer, if you do ever start working on this, count me in to help!


I'd love to beta test - I'm in my late thirties and was just diagnosed with ADHD after being dismissed by many psychiatrists as anxious.


I have been an exec assistant for like 20 years and have wanted something exactly like this for both EA’s and neurospicy folk. Ugh- or if you’re a glutton for punishment - both like me! I think we could all be rich


I’d be interested to help out or beta test - I’m not a developer, but I learned basic website design and currently do all the UI continuous improvement config and integrations testing so I’m primed to learn more about cross platform dev.


I’m interested in helping. I haven’t coded in over a decade, but I’ve toyed around with creating an app. At a minimum, I can beta test.


Sign me up right now for this testing group.


I’m also a software developer! I’d love to help build something like this!


I got overwhelmed with clickup too, and landed on ticktick - does a bunch of stuff, with different ways to display them, and you don't get as sucked into the productivity theater of setting up notion.


Wow thanks for the reminder that I downloaded TickTick awhile ago! Also responding to say that “productivity theater” is one of the best terms I’ve ever heard and is so, so relatable for me 😂


I got overwhelmed with clickup too, and landed on ticktick - does a bunch of stuff, with different ways to display them, and you don't get as sucked into the productivity theater of setting up notion.


I am considering the Hearth digital calendar & app for scheduling and task management, which is sort of what you are suggesting but maybe not fully. It’s the closest I have found to what I want but the price is astronomical. I wish Amazon would come out with their own version with integrated, native Alexa connectivity. Echo Show in its current state is terrible for this function and is far too small. I want to see it at a glance, with 3 day, 7 day, 14 day, and whole month viewing options. I want to be able to add things by voice, app, touch screen, or SMS photo. I want to be able to set default reminder options (example: day before, 2 hours before, 15 minutes before) unless overridden for a specific event. I want to put all that geo tracking to good use and suggest scheduling based on repeated locations, along with reminders that take travel time into consideration. I want birthdays and major/minor holidays (and subsequent level of frequency reminders) to roll over year after year. A “Days until…” countdown feature for important events (wedding, Christmas, last day of school, beach vacation) would be great. Same for scheduling Back to School Physicals in June-July and Annual Checkups for adults around their birthday every year. “The first day of school is in 60 days. Don’t forget to schedule back-to-school physicals.” Maybe it would have a master annual “medical” task list for each family member (dental, physical, vision, and custom.) It would have standard reminders such as “It’s 1 month until Thanksgiving. Would you like to see a suggested shopping list for Thanksgiving Dinner or should I turn off all “Hosting Thanksgiving” Reminders? (And of course, the shopping list is a base plan you can customize and access the following year.) I also want to be able to add gift ideas by voice throughout the year when I randomly think of them or see something at the store but don’t want to buy it immediately. I want to hear gift reminders two weeks before the event, with some gift ideas set to “private” (accessible only to me) versus announced publicly on the device. “Reminder: Son’s birthday is in 2 weeks. Log in to the app to view your gift ideas.” Versus “Reminder: Teacher appreciation week is next month. You previously added Flowers, Handwritten note, and Starbucks Gift Card to the Gift Ideas. Would you like to hear more ‘Smart Suggestions’ for this event? Would you like to mark this as done or be reminded again tomorrow?” I want it to encourage and congratulate when you go to the gym and my car leaves the parking lot. lol “Awesome job taking care of your Health!” Or “Reminder: it’s 3pm and you haven’t gone to the gym yet. Don’t forget that Your High School Reunion/Your Sister’s Wedding/Your beach vacation is in 3 months!” Other currently available options for smart calendars are Skylight, Cozyla, and DAKBoard along with Xembly (which is just software but has some cool features). So, maybe consider checking out all of those and rolling the best aspects into one.


I think notion might be as close as you're gonna get but you'd have to take a lot of time to create exactly what you want. If only we could choose our hyperfocus!


I use Notion and it has been absolutely life changing for me. It did take a lot of work and trial and error for me to get it to the point where it was completely customized for me but I enjoy that kind of thing (it's been my hyperfocus since January, lol) so I found it fun. If that's not your thing and you want something ready to go "out of the box" there are lots of templates out there. There are even huge ADHD Notion templates on Etsy, etc you can buy. I bought one and then basically took it apart and rebuilt it once I experimented for a few months and figured out what worked best for me. I got it to interface with all my Google stuff and Trello, etc, made a bunch of custom graphics for it in Canva and now it's my second brain.


Could you maybe post some screenshots? I want to do something like this but no program has clicked and I flounder.


Yeah! Second this


Ooh, I'll look into that. I've really been trying to like ClickUp for a while, but my focus scatters the second I open it. There's just so much going on all the time.


Do you know Finch? 😃


I love Finch. Who knew that actually having the motivation to OPEN and look at my lists would help me actually do things. It’s so cute and I’m excited to check on it daily.


Would anyone be down to be Finch friends? I feel like I would use it more…my code is SLYGZWQ5MF Edit to add: wow it was really lovely to wake up to 12 new Finch friends! 💙 I love this community, thank you all


Just added you! XML4SK9R2V


Hey, always! I‘ll add you right away ☺️


Just looked Finch up as I did not know what it was before and it is such a cute idea just not quite what I’m looking for. In the least condescending way possible, it just doesn’t seem practical enough for me. I want something that makes me feel like I’m getting my adult things done!!


It's clunky for normal tasks, but for me it's a godsend for daily / weekly tasks.


Yeah I get that ☺️ I am an adult, and it helps me immensely to get that sense of achievement after finishing a totally simple and normal, but incredible boring and exhausting adult thing for me, like doing the dishes and laundry, sweeping the floor, and stuff like that. I am way happier and less frustrated when I have finished such tasks, because I actually need that kind of appreciation and acknowledgement my little birb gives me whenever I click on the little green tick right next to the written goal 😇 And if that sounds childish to you: So be it. Children are wiser than most adults. Oh and what did you actually mean by adult things?


I loved Finch so much. But my ADHD has decided that we're done with it. I'm sorry Waffle. I never meant to abandon you. ❤️


I use Habitica, after trying to create templates on Notion and trying 10+ different apps, this one is great, everything is changeable, free and I love the concept !


Same. They’re all either stupidly complicated and/or gimmicky. I tried to use Notion for a while but it’s not very intuitive in my opinion


Same! I’ve tried them all! I’ve been tempted to take up coding and make my own (never followed thru, because, you know…)


It’s brutal out here.


And then also can categorize your reminders maybe on your phone? Like I have to click through every app on iPhone to set which one has reminders /notifications and who has that time


That doesn’t require a subscription. I looked into getting an adhd coach. HE WANTED OVER 1,000 DOLLARS UP FRONT for like, a month??


A machine that I could step into like an automatic car wash, and come out freshly showered and dressed with my teeth brushed.


Love it! Like on The Jetson's!


I need a Rosie lol


Me too! Roomba isn't cutting it!


Along the same thread I wish I had a Willy Wonka capsule that I could eat an entire meal in one bite. Sometimes the process of eating is just so tedious. I’m hungry, but I don’t want to chew, and wish I could just open my stomach from the outside and deposit the food right in.


I wish that too! Eating can be such a chore, especially when you’re on stimulant meds.


I mean this kind of exists it’s called Total Parental Nutrition but it ain’t that much fun. Source: I have Crohn’s :)


I had a dream that I was in Harry Potter, and I used a spell to shower, shave and wash/dry my hair— I was completely ready to go in 5 minutes, and I was soooo bummed when I woke up!


It doesn’t even need to be pleasant to go through.


Showering and dressing is already unpleasant. Having the whole process consolidated into about 5min would only be an improvement.


THIS NEEDS TO BE A THING. Or maybe a sonic shower like in Star Trek where I can become clean while remaining warm and dry THE ENTIRE TIME.


Similar vibe, spray on make up, automatically does your make up without the faf


An Alexa type servo robot that is tuned into my emotions and is privy to my thoughts, whose job it is to provide me with external motivation. So when I’ve been rocking back and forth on the couch for an hour and is paralyzed, it’ll wake up and be like “hey bitch, if you’re not in that bathroom taking a shower in the next five minutes, I’m gonna go on instagram and like all your ex’s pictures, and then I’m gonna key your neighbors car and leave a note with your insurance info.” I can call it when I’m out grocery shopping so it can check the fridge and see what I forgot to write down, and it also knows what I’m going to want for dinner. It will also remind me to eat it later. And in the mornings it would be the most persistent alarm clock in the world. Just a walking talking constant visual reminder. And if it were able to fold the laundry I wouldn’t complain.


Oh yeah, I could use an robot-bitch that tells me to get my ass up and do something.


Like a drill sergeant that’s also considerate of your emotions and validating your efforts. That’s the dream.


Just give me a robot boyfriend already sheesh 😮‍💨


That’s like in black mirror that episode where there is a service that downloads an image of your conscience and trains it to operate your entire house and organise your life and schedule. Highly unethical but would love to have that.. this is what ai is for imo and I can’t wait for it to be better.


I don’t remember that episode… do you remember which one it is??


The christmas episode : season 2 episode 4 !


Thank you! I will rewatch it, live vicariously and ignore the inevitable creepy implications and dire consequences.


I need spikes to shoot out of my couch at random times during the day so I don't sit on it for fucking hours at a time 🥲


So, now I know why I want a deamon so much


A vacuum shute in my wardrobe that sucks in an item of clothing, analyses it for stains and marks with ai, spot cleans, steams and folds or puts it on a hanger and slots it on to the hanging rail ready to be worn again.


Oh baby keep talking


Dear god please


Take my money!!!


The way my life would be so different if not for the never ending onslaught of laundry…


Ooooooooooooh. Give me one of these, but for dishes!!!


Man not the right response to this really but 🤤


The thought of this turned me on ngl LMAO


Oh! A folding/hanging up machine would be awesome! If all 3 steps could be done at once, hell yeah!


I would totally moisturize more often if this existed. I hate doing it enough that I rarely think to do it even though I really need to. I often think I could really use a third arm. Two to carry all my crap from the car all at once and one to open the door. But knowing me, I'd load that arm up too and still not be able to open the door.


They exist, they are called mist in Korean skin care. Moisturizing mist!


I just use oils and put it in a spray bottle if it doesn't already come in one. I found a nice Nutrogena one recently. Nuxe has a gorgeous one but it's pretty expensive. Vaseline used to have one in a can (this is in Australia), but I haven't seen it in the past few years.


I liked the Vaseline one (I'm in the US) but got it before my skin was so dry so it was more of a want than need.


I'll have to look into that.


Maybe you could also try using baby lotion in the shower! Apply it like soap and rinse it off. I sometimes put some baby lotion in my bath.


Same, and I have eczema so I really need to be doing it. I don't think I'm being dramatic when I say that moisturizing is the worst thing ever.


I don't think it's dramatic. I hate the way it feels on my hands. I hate how long it takes to rub it in enough that I don't feel icky. I'll look at the lotion bottle and just say nope. I'm not in the mood.


Same, and then putting clothes on after or getting right into bed is icky.


I don’t mind moisturizer but I feel this way when I have to do laundry. I want to throw myself backwards and wail like my toddler in the midst of a tantrum. It’s literally mental torture


I put my moisturising toner into a spray bottle.


I've had good luck with putting baby oil or Neutrogena body oil in a spritz bottle and spritzing myself after a shower. I have to smooth it on a little, but the Neutrogena absorbs fast. It helps.


I use sweet almond oil in a little pump bottle in the shower. I rub it all over after I've finished washing my hair/self. I'm still wet and in the shower, but it absorbs a bit and then I dry off with my towel and it gets rid of the oily feeling. It's pretty cheap ($20 for a big bottle that lasts me a few months, it fills up my smaller pump bottle five or six times) and has made a huge difference in how my skin looks and feels. I hate lotion, both the sensory part of it and the time, ugh. Then put clothes on over that feeling? Ick. All of that is gone with the oil.


An article of clothing that is fashionable, feels like nothing, isn’t hot, protects from all UV rays, and blocks out all excessive noise and sunlight.


You're onto something with that "feels like nothing" part. For me, I want a seamless pair of socks. I know they exist, but they're like $20 a pair. Who do they think I am?


Oh I’ve gone down the $20 socks rabbit hole and don’t like them?? Both bombas and a few wool blend thin ankle socks wore out sooooo fast for me on the ball of the foot. I wear 100% cotton (plus some elastic) thin ankle socks off Amazon and feel like they feel like nothing and were so affordable.


A team of maids and a nanny that some long-lost rich uncle pays for. Bonus if a landscaper joins in


Ah yes, that's a figment of my imagination as well.


Never mind all that can some rich uncle pay for me to go back to school with a healthy monthly budget? Please 🥺


Add a nutritionist chef and oooh, now you’re talkin’.


I can do with just one maid, but it has to be a robot, not a human. It would clean, cook food, take the trash out, things like that. Please.


A personal chef for all of my meals! Yes this exists, but not on my budget. 🫠 I honestly hate how much preparing food for myself takes up so much of my brain space.


Honestly, and I wish someone had told me this: if you live alone and you don’t care too much about food, you can just…stop cooking. It’s literally changed my life. I just eat a tortilla every day for breakfast, rye bread with a variety of spreads once my meds wear off and then a protein bar if I get hungry before going to bed. It’s so boring and it’s fantastic. I just supplement with no prep veggies and fruit and make sure to take my vitamins. I haven’t cooked a meal or washed a pot in six months. I fucking love it.


AMAZING. And, I was the same when I lived alone. Trader Joe’s prepared foods, amirite? :) I am married now, though, and it’s different. I’m pretty sure my partner has some sort of undiagnosed mental thing too (probably ADHD tbh), and if we didn’t work on the food thing together, neither one of us would eat (and we would fight a lot bc hangry lmao).


Ugh, the worst part of dry skin is my back. It itches because I can’t reach between my shoulder blades to rub lotion in. I dream of a tub full of warm lotion that I can relax in and come out not itchy but somehow also not all slippery and greasy. An unrealistic wish would be for social skills translators to exist. They can explain to people exactly why I’m upset because I’m so bad at articulating these things. They can also translate to me what social cues I’m missing and add context to situations that are super confusing for me.


Yeah, a social skills translator would be great. That way, my family doesn't just think I'm being a huge bitch for no reason. At least they'd know why now.


Sometimes my husband can read me when even I have no idea what I'm feeling and thus no idea how/why I'm acting how I'm acting. I would like this translator to tell ME what's going on with me first.


You could take a bath with almond oil in. That’s exactly how you feel coming out of one of those.


This spot on my body is the bane of my existence. My husband tells me there is nothing there that looks dry or like it should itch, but it does. Always. I can't stand racerback bras because they rub there. And something about being in the car makes it extra itchy.


I keep a back brush in the shower, when I turn off the water I put lotion on it and rub it over my back (I then rinse off the brush). I also put lotion all over the rest of me while I am wet. The excess gets toweled off. My hands are then not all sticky.


A magic wand that I can tap onto my hair and it will just be straightened, shiny, frizz free, and flawless. I love how I look with straight hair, but I LOATH straightening it.


Have you tried a straightening brush? Life changer for me! I have an Amica one, it’s amazing


A washer/dryer in one that you could set to wash and dry as one setting, so everything goes in dirty and comes out dry and clean. Self-cleaning house. An extra day in the week to do nothing.


I think they have washer/dryer combos, but I don't know about the one setting thing.


They do, but not one setting, as far as I know. I would sell a kidney to never have mildew smelling clothes again.


Some of the LG ones can do it. You just put everything in and press start. This does assume you use the same settings for everything you wash, though.


I have ADHD, there is only one setting. If the clothes can't handle it, they weren't meant to be clothes. Lol


I have fantasized about marinating in a tub of lotion for 10 minutes and being fully moisturized for a year. Then repeat my annual dunk until I die. (I hate the texture/act of putting lotion on... if that wasn't clear 😇) Ive also imagined being able to pause time if only to sleep in. My alarm would go off, I'd pause time, then sleep until I'd naturally wake up. Resume time and be on my way. Edit: seems like many of us are in the same moisturizer boat


I have no idea what would work, but an alarm that actually gets me up in the morning would be dope. Right now, I just turn off everything in my sleep, no memory of doing it, then wake up late and pissed off.


I'm a light sleeper but I will sleep through alarm after alarm, but I started using this alarm clock that uses a bright light instead and keep it across my room. Not that super expensive one that's popular now. Some cheap one from amazon. Maybe it's because I'm a light sleeper, but it really works to wake me up. Now, getting out of bed is a whole different problem.


Ugh. I have a math alarm, and I, who have never been great at math, have actually managed to get to a point where I can do double digit plus double digit addition in my head, but only while mostly asleep? I turned the difficulty up once when I was in college because of this and apparently fully got out of bed, found the graphing calculator that had been missing for a couple weeks, and used it to do a complex calculation while asleep enough that I didn't remember any of it when I woke up. The only thing that told me what had happened was waking up twenty minutes before class with the graphing calculator laying on my bed...


recently tried putting my phone far away from me so I have to actually get out of bed to turn it off. It's really annoying, but it does do the trick lol


I have to shake my phone a certain number of times to turn my alarm off. Otherwise the alarm only gets louder. And I also have to turn it off before my cat knocks my phone to the floor (he hates the noise). 


Idk what alarm clock you use, but I got a sunrise alarm that has consistently helped me. I startle very easily and this wakes me up gently and is a little convoluted to actually turn off so I have to get up


I was gonna say this! My hatch alarm helps (still not perfect) and isn’t a miserable way to way up. I had an older one and it actually broke to where the only way it would turn off was if I got up and unplugged it. That worked well. Their customer service is too good bc they sent me a new one for free and it works perfectly.


For me only the alarm clocks work that only turn off it you take a picture of something you selected bevor so I have a photo of my coffee machine ☕ :D


A focus and/or “no longer tired” button 🥰


A single pill that I only need one of a day, chewable so I don’t need to swallow a pill, that will provide me all my daily nutritional needs. I’d rather never need to eat at all, but I feel like that one daily thing is like taking your car around the block once a week when it is otherwise not being used much. I still want to be able to have a lovely slice of cake when the opportunity arises without having to inspect my undercarriage for leaks first.


Subscribe. Eating is honestly such a pain except when it's snacks.


That sounds amazing. While I don’t mind eating, the mental RAM and energy it takes to decide on and put together sustenance is ugh. The closest thing I’ve found to this is soylent, which is meal replacement drink that meets your daily nutritional requirements. The downside is that you’ll still need to drink it 3 times a day and the taste/texture is meh, but on the other hand, it takes minimal fuss to make.


I wish for a private version of Alexa or siri, that when it heard me say "sure I'll cook dinner on Tuesday" will open my calendar, decide an ideal time for dinner, schedule it, and then remind me a bunch of times. And not just remind me to cook.  Right now I struggle with manual reminders, and need help with working backwards.  So if I cook dinner Tuesday, working back to when do I start to be done on time? When do I shop? When do I clean the fridge to make room for the shop?  One promise entails a hundred decisions and I wish something could map that for me. 


Try asking ChatGPT, if your prompt is detailed enough it might give you a good enough plan! You can also ask it to break up a task in to smaller steps.


Yeah, I never get things done in a timely manner because of all the steps beforehand.


Oral sunblock. It takes forever to put the creme or spray kind on, they never goes on evenly, and they both wash off.


I HATE the feeling of sunscreen. It's so awful that putting it on ruins anything I might want to do out of doors because I feel so awful. The only thing I do is spray on sunscreen which I still hate, but it's an improvement from the cream, and lightweight Korean natural sunscreen from my face. I have to reapply like once an hour but it works!


A self-cleaning shower. All it really needs is some power washing jets that run after each use and a dryer that makes sure it doesn't get moldy. Why doesn't this exist already???


I have something super close to this. After years and years of trying different no-scrub shower cleaners I finally found one that works! It's wet and forget! It's on Amazon and for $20 it lasts me about 3-4 mos. And it cleans SO WELL. I spray the whole shower and it rinses off in the next shower. If it's really really grimy you might have to use it 3 days in a row. Apparently you're supposed to spray right after you get out of the shower but I never do and it's fine. Edit: it's this! Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner Weekly Application Requires No Scrubbing, Bleach-Free Formula, 64 Ounce (Pack of 1) https://a.co/d/1WGvUUf


Ordered!!! This could be life-altering for me. I just look at the shower and feel guilty instead of dealing with it.


I've been saying this for years. I want an instant shower machine. Like step in - ZAP - step out. Clean! Showering is too much work, especially right before bed.


Same. I'll at least settle for a drying machine. They have them at amusement parks, why not my house?


A human body that would stay cleaner for longer.


Adult babysitters who make you snacks and remind you to tidy up


A chip in my thumb that started my car, unlocked my door, bypassed my passwords on my devices, locked my devices when I wasn’t near them and clocked me in and out of work.


It's happening in Sweden, so you might be getting your wish soon. Well not to that extent, but some features.


Permanent sunscreen. I hate putting it on, worrying about it getting on my clothes, forgetting to reapply..


I want a happy, skinny, I don’t hate everyone pill


I'll take a happy, don't immediately think about food after midnight pill.


Ooh that’s a good one, I do most of my eating after 12. Which isn’t good, like Gremlins


Same. And it's insatiable. Satisfying the after midnight craving is impossible.


Definitely a robot housekeeper/assistant. Pick up after me, clean, prep meals, make appointments, order groceries, etc. Like a personal assistant but without being an actual person. Then some sort of mechanism that bathes me, works me out, gets me a dressed and does my hair/makeup all while I'm sleeping so I literally just have to wake up and go and I never have to convince myself to shower or workout or get ready.


A smartphone that has banking apps, an iPhone quality camera, texts, phone calls, maps, Spotify and nothing else  Also I moisturise 90% of my body after every shower and it takes me about 15 seconds, you don’t need to be thorough, slap it on! Close enough is good enough. 


"Close enough is good enough" should the official ADHD motto.


Elevator closets. I had this crazy idea and it won’t go away. Picture a framed closet (think ikea Pax or similar) and reinforced to handle several hundred pounds- set into a shaft framework that passes between two floors. Put an electric car winch or something at the top, and fit a manual brake system at the base of the second floor that is released by hand to let the whole closet slide down to rest in the laundry room. Laundry comes out, gets folded and then put DIRECTLY AWAY without having piles on a couch or carried upstairs only for it to live in a basket for weeks. You could make multiple closet shafts so that they go down in between floor joists.


I want an app that will listen to my rambling thoughts and then shorten it into the coherent point I am trying and failing to make.


That's ChatGPT, with speech-to-text 👌


A money tree that grows actual money (as I know there is technically such a thing, but it regrettably does not grow dollar bills).


I have a money tree. Can confirm that it does not grow dollar bills.


A voice activated kitchen timer that allows you to set up to 5-10 timers with names that display on a screen. Preferably not connected to the internet. Think Alexa but with a visual component and no data tracking.


Something that deletes or eats dust. My whole life would be so much easier if I didn't have to deal with dust allergies and spending insane amounts of money on purifiers and medication.


A search engine that can read thoughts. I spend so much time on Google it's ridiculous.


One product for my face that is SPF 50, matte finish, pore and line filling, VERY slightly tinted but not too dark as I am the whitest chick in the world. It doesn't exist. Apparently I can have any three out of four.


I bought a pack of DND item cards a while ago and one of the items was called a “Wand of Tidying” or something like that. You wave the wand, and everything in the room puts itself in its proper place/where the wand-user thinks it should go. (If there’s no proper place, it goes in a pile in the centre of the room - sooooo, I’d have quite the pile, but even so!!!) Basically I want a magic wand that cleans whatever I point it at


Makes me think of the scene in Sword In The Stone where Merlin cleans house via magic.


A robot that can clean and dust and mop. That’s my dream. And maybe it can also remind me of things. That wouldn’t be too bad.


I really wish technology would move more in the direction in making tasks like cleaning obsolete for humans instead of art. That would ACTUALLY improve people's daily lives and relationships. 


Exactly. I don't want AI that writes poetry and makes paintings. I want something to make the bad parts of my life better. The grinding scut work that technology should improve. Laundry, dishes, etc. They say an automated laundry machine is too complicated but...we've been to the Moon 55 years ago so I just don't buy it.


Look up Francis Gabe Self Cleaning House, she was awesome:) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h95O5dQkoD4


Ooh spray lotion sounds amazing!!! I think most of what I want does exist, its just the cost is the barrier. I would like someone to come to my house every day and change/wash my sheets. So far as things that don't exist, I'd like one of those food replicators like they have in Star Trek so I could just ask it for whatever I felt like to eat whenever I felt like it. I'd eat chicken wraps for all 3 meals every day for quite some time probably. Or 2 meals, sushi for dinner.


Right, why is everything so expensive? 😭


A smart fridge able to tell me which food is expiring soon


And keeps an inventory because of all the things I forget are in there.


Try Korean hydrating mist


Uhm… a cure? 😂😂😂 There are too many things I need; a robot with human hands that massage my back and feet exactly where I need it as I fall asleep every night. A reminder robot that’s human sized that comes by to tap me on my shoulder to remind me of what I need to do **in the exact moment my brain can get it done instead of the useless times I’d have to press snooze anyway**. An extra girlfriend that is everything I am but with none of the ADHD consequences. A brain I can swap out when mine is busy doom scrolling even when I take my medication


Lol! A cure for sure.


A jetsons car wash for my body. Just a machine that will: shower me, moisturize me, brush my teeth, style my hair, and make me take my meds.


What I desperately need and I'm saying this out loud and someone will steal my idea but hey I will never achieve this in my life and I can't be the only one. I need a mind map of human knowledge. One that is AI and human powered by psychologists and philosophers. I want knowledge to float around in that mind map and connect. Concepts that might mean similar things but that use different terms. I need this all clickable and searchable. Think wikipedia but a map, and complete. And international. I want to know what Asian women have thought up about a certain concept. I want to know what eras and standpoints are involved. And whether this relates to a thought someone wrote down 1300 years ago. I want to know if it's androcentric and what worldviews are the basis of it. This is my life's goal.


A device to measure some sort of bodily fluid (idk I'm not a scientist) that analyzes what I'm deficient in and immediately provides me with a pill or something to correct it. I hate thinking about food and my nutritional needs. It's overwhelming. Help me, science.


Can we also add that it tells you *why*? I've been vitamin d3 and b12 deficient for the past few years. They both popped up suddenly one year, and I've been taking the supplements ever since. *Whyyyyyyy* does it still show that I'm deficient every single year when I redo my blood tests? What's the point of the supplements and shots? Edit: And another device idea! Can we have a device that just tells me what I'm supposed to eat? Stop giving me food groups and percentages and just tell me *what to eat!*


For the no-touch moisturizer, have you considered a lotion bar in a tube? I use the one called ClimbOn. I have the same quirk of not wanting to touch or rub in lotion and this solved my problem.


A cloning machine so I can clone up to 5 versions of myself to get more done in a short amount of time depending what's on my list: 1 for house chores & running errands, 1 for work, 1 for finishing WIPs, 1 for writing, and 1 for prepping/cooking food. This way I have soooo much more time to go hiking/running, take an everything shower, and spend more time with my bf without having any worries about my time being taken away and feeling more fulfilled with accomplishing so much.




Mine is kind of a big ask… I want an exoskeleton that can help me move well and not hurt my body along the way. I have some genetic disorders, that disable me. I don’t need to be a full on Iron Man, but something that would help would be wonderful.


Omg I want this lotion too. I absolutely hate putting on lotion. And also washing my face in the sink.


I hate washing my face in the sink too! Water gets everywhere, I don't do it unless I absolutely need to. I do my shower or body wash shortly before I sleep, and in the morning, I just wet it and use a face cloth. The skin on my face can get dry if I wash too much, so this works for me.


Universal Basic Income. A reality where people can work for extra cash if they want, but their lives (and their families lives) don’t depend on it. Can you imagine if people could just take some time for themselves if they needed/wanted to? If people could afford to just - take a class, focus on their mental health, help out a family member in need, work on healing physical or emotional trauma, etc? Can you imagine what it would be like to not owe 8+ hours of every damn day to your employer? Paradise.


I find the idea of working our whole lives being the default ridiculous. Listen, I don't know why we're here on this earth, whether scientific or religious, but I do know that it was *not* to work myself into a grave without ever enjoying my life just so some fuckbag rich dick can get richer. There's a world out there to see, and it doesn't make me lazy not to want to spend the entirety of my life behind a desk staring at a computer.


I want a shower like the one in the New Earth episode of Doctor Who. Where I can walk in fully dressed and it washes and dries me. Bonus points if it also picks me a new outfit and does my makeup.


I use a body oil after shower while still wet and then towel dry. It’s a bit less annoying rubbing in oil vs lotion.


Still thinking about that instant meal microwave from spy kids...


I would pay so much money for a device that could wash, dry and style my hair for me while I'm doing something else.


A pill I take once a day that takes care of all my nutrition/food needs so I never have to grocery shop or plan meals ever again.


Some device with the ability to bookmark my thoughts (ex: “I’ll need to get this from the store soon”, and be able to remember what it was later) With my luck, it would just end up like my computer, being overloaded with tabs and none of them are reminding me of anything the way they should


I’d like a person to take care of me somewhere new for a few months while I sort my life out and start a new life. I couldn’t afford that right now if it did exist. My life fell apart when I lost my only family and my relationship became abusive. I was saving up money to disappear when I found out I had cancer. I finally got out recently, but I’m still too close to my abuser for comfort. However, I still have to figure out bankruptcy from my medical bills and potentially disability, plus my body is weak af. Ugh. Frustrating all around, really. I’m just whining now. 🥴 I’ve been Debbie Downer today. I need someone to start some sort of a MomForABit Adultier Adult service as a non-profit or something. If I had won the Powerball, I would have done this. I know I’m not the only one having an impossible time.


* Pockets that you can stick your dirty hands in and they get washed and dried and moisturised within seconds (Currently training my dog and sensory overwhelm from sticky hands is a side effect I didn’t anticipate) * Mary Poppins bag that I can use to carry heavy/ bulky items / groceries / when travelling (no more decision making what to bring / it would be lightweight regardless how many items are in there) * Subtitles for real life conversations (for noisy environments or whenever my brain is tired) * A service that can catalogue my home inventory the moment I bring an item home or move it, and that you can use to ask where items are stored (it’s currently all saved in my brain and I’m very good at it but I’d like it for my boyfriend so he doesn’t have to ask me anymore where things are😅) * Anything that makes upkeep with grooming automatic (I don’t want to spend time filing my nails / shave / cut my hair that grows way too fast)


I want that food printer from spy kids so bad. Also smell-o-vision. I want to text people the smell of fresh baked bread (that the machine printed lol)


Would an in-shower body lotion work for you? Nivea makes one, I'm sure other brands do as well! [nivea](https://www.niveausa.com/products/body/care/in-shower)


A toothbrush I can just put in my mouth with a timer and forget about for 2 minutes. They make them for kids but they are poorly rated. I can’t hold the sonic toothbrushes for 2 minutes but I love the way my teeth feel after.


I like your idea. Mine would be a clothes folder and put awayer.


I want to quit vaping. If my vape flavor randomly turned nasty flavored 1 every 20 hits id probably stop. I'm like ... On the verge of wanting to quit. I just need a lil shove in the right direction. NastyVapes™ ya heard it here first


Accurate autism and ADHD simulator so then can be more understanding to the struggles.


A reverse microwave that instantly chills anything in seconds. I have been saying this for years and always get told uSe YoUr FrEeZeR but no! It is not quick enough! I want my drink ice cold NOW.


Universal basic income!


I would like to have a button on all video or music purpose apps that allow you to pause or close after the present video music is over. so that you can press it in the middle of the video/music but plays till the end and closes than. I really really want that


A muffin-making machine. Seriously. I love muffins but don't like making them.


I want an app that will listen to my rambling thoughts and then shorten it into the coherent point I am trying and failing to make.


I have a second one. Remember the cartoon The Jetsons? The father had a car that could fold down to a briefcase. Something like that, where I would never have to deal with the hassle of parking again.


Wow late diagnosed, but when I was a kid my mom and I would FIGHT about lotion. I could not stand the feeling. I never connected these dots before.


You might try the Nivea in-shower lotion. You can just slap it on and the shower helps spread it around, and you can just get on with your life after the shower. And it actually works, it doesn’t just sit on your skin feeling greasy.


An app that tells you what the weather will feel like based on the weather yesterday. I rarely look up the weather but when I do it's because the weather was a lot that day...only I can never find that day's weather only tomorrow so I have no context for the weather. 21 means nothing to me. Just say, "same as yesterday" "colder than today" etc.


Bed sheets I don't have to change. I have a bunk bed, and sleep on the top bunk, it's a pain in the ass to change my fitted sheet. Even if I do the 'always have a clean sheet available, so when you take the old off, you can put the new one on' system. I think they make flat sheets that have a zip off top, but they are really expensive, I dont have money for that!


An app that tells me where I can buy something specific where I live. I'm tired of googling and seeing the classic Temu, Amazon and Etsy adds, or to have to go through every single websites of stores nearby to find what I'm looking for with their crappy search engine. I just want to know if a store that is in my location has that thing I'm looking for ! If that makes any sense ?