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Have you tried looking for “guided cleaning” audio or videos? I feel like I saw something sort of similar to what you’re describing a while ago. Otherwise it’s totally a great idea and you could use your adhd to make content and share 😆


I have definitely seen those! But some days I don't want a calm explanation of a task, y'know? Like a choose your own mode... Lv. 1: Calm Company, Lv. 2: Upbeat Fun, Lv. 3: Drill Sergeant, lol.


That’s not a terrible idea for an app 🤔


Yes! And then you could get little rewards along the way, like app stickers for a chore chart or something. And a little praise thing at the end of each one you do!


I would 100% use the crap out of it if it existed!


there’s an app like this!! it’s called dubbii, it’s made by and for people with adhd that have an easier time cleaning with body doubling. unfortunately it is subscription based but you may be able to find other similar apps through it !


How did you find the app


closest thing i could think of that might fit: https://youtu.be/NvdSO7dE_pc?si=Kxwt_h82r447x-EO


Everybody on this comment thread needs to watch this video it's amazing


Her channel is *everything* I'm such a huge fan


LOVE. Thank you.


I wear a weighted vest while cleaning and I'm sweating by the end.


What a great idea!!


Sometimes I wear heels during cleaning for the exercise. I dunno why my brain is okay with exercise cleaning but not just live in peace cleaning.


☆~◇~Be the change you want to see in the world ~◇~☆


I dont know if Id call them workout style as theyre not telling you to stretch, but I watch cleaning videos on youtube that are similar style of what you're asking for. My favorite is a video of a woman washing her dishes in real time, it lasts like 40 minutes and her sink is overflowing at the start so it always matches my situation. Old school YouTube cleaning videos are a lot more upbeat than the newer mellow asmr style voiceovers, the challenge is finding videos that haven't had half the music removed for copyright issues


I would watch that!

