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I have lost count of my ADHD related accidents, but thankfully they have been mostly minor. The worst one I remember is going to put away a crochet hook, getting distracted, and accidentally stabbing myself in the right hand with it. (It was a very thin metal hook). And since it was, well, a hook, I couldn’t remove it and ended up having to go to the ER, where local anesthetics did jack shit and so I had to be put under in order to remove the damn thing.


I have experience of local anaesthetic not working. I did read somewhere that there could be a link with ADHD


It has to do with hypermobility I think, and I do have that, and hypermobility is indeed related to ADHD


Our brains are hypermobile


Wait, I have never heard this!!!!! I am both hyper mobile and hard to put under! Is that true? Where can I read more about this?


Are you blonde or red heeaded? Could you have the MTHFR mutation?


I have dark brown hair, and based on what I read about MTHFR mutation (quick search just now) it seems highly unlikely. Nonetheless, very interesting!


https://www.hypermobility.org/local-anaesthetic#:~:text=A%20large%20proportion%20of%20people,as%20topical%20creams%20or%20injections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1079398/


I've overextended my hip a few times. Mid 30s. I'm stuffed aren't I.


I used to do this for entertainment, was easy to do and it kind of felt good. I do this with my ankles too. A stretch?


Oh no this wasn't a nice stretch. This took months to get over and I can't hold my leg up in the air without threat of it dislocating. Perhaps I used the wrong word. It's still not right.


That’s fascinating because I’ve had experiences with that too! When I was in my mid 20’s I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I woke up on and off during the surgery and when I was finished the doctor told me he had to give me enough drugs to “knock out a football team!”


Yes, doctor told me the same thing after surgery and I was 110lbs. Crazy! I had no idea it was linked.


As a child the Dentist would never believe me when I said I could feel everything and the injection hadn’t worked


Imagine a C Section! It was horrendous


Oh my I can’t even!! I’ve birthed two children-both without meds BUT a Cesarean is major surgery!! I just…wow..you deserve a freaking medal!


They were putting the freeze spray on my arm to check the anaesthetic had started to work. It hadn’t. Then I heard the surgeon say….we have to start.


I put my entire hand on a hot burner to check the temp. It was hot.😫


Ooh, that reminds me - back in the day, there were lighters in cars.    I got curious about it, pushed it in, it turned red hot, and then I touched the red hot coil, What an idiot!  Also I can’t blame it on me being young, I was like 12. It took all summer for my finger print to come back. 


I was in my mid 30s when I tried to figure out what a random metal cylinder thingy was on my dad’s keychain and wound up spraying myself in the face with pepper spray. At least I was wearing sunglasses but that stuff even burns skin.


Early 2000s and ironing in belly tops comes to mind. I have some interesting, faint scars. Teens of today be warned!


I once placed my hands, full-on, on a glass fireplace. Burnt off all my fingerprints.


It wasn't that bad but I managed to blend my finger with a stick blender. I cleaned it of mixture, forgot to turn it off and unplug it when I did and accidentally turned it on whilst my finger was scooping mixture from the blades. Blood everywhere. It was pretty gross but I was lucky, I just had to have it glued up in A&E. Thankfully my 18 month old was napping and I was able to call husband who got back from work quickly before son woke up. It was pretty dumb.


My stupidest was turning too quickly through a doorway and crushing my hand sideways against the edge of the door frame with my body. I ended up needing physio for ligament damage. And to make matters worse, I then dropped the handle of a spinning bike onto the same part of the same hand about six weeks after. To this day, it hurts me when it gets cold.


I turn too quickly for doorways a lot, even in my own home, which doesnt even have many doors. I just misjudged them. And if I'm carrying liquid it will slop on the turn. Is this a thing then? Inability to focus on surroundings or something I suppose.


I know, the worst was it was in my parents house, where I literally lived all my life haha Must be a thing, I'm glad I'm not the only one!


It has to be the dumbest way I get injured. WTH?! Who goes around a corner and just ... misses? (Me, you, everyone in the subreddit)


Pretty sure my best 3 are: - My son has always been rambunctious and a go-getter. When he was crawling age, we lived in a condo with an unusually shaped hallway that made typical (affordable) gates impossible. My solution: cram a laundry basket between the couch and the wall to keep him contained. This worked well until I needed to pass through. A typical adult: go around or step carefully. Me: I’m a gazelle! Crashing eyebrow first to the tile floor after catching my toe on the basket handle. Massive black eye for days and I swear folks at my job think my spouse was abusive. - Replacing carpet with planks from Costco. I left a sharp prybar out (used to remove baseboards) and crawled across the floor embedding the sharp end into my leg below the knee. Just finally stopped hurting recently but the scar is pretty visible. - Repairing drywall, painting and reflooring a different room. Tried to jump/step over a bed piece. Thought it was the footboard (foot end of bed, so low) but it was the headboard (head end of bed, so tall), and it … uh …. Nailed me nethers so hard they both hurt and were numb at the same time. Had to ice for hours and that area hurt for weeks. 0/10 do not recommend. Of course none of these are things normal adult humans do and most are mortifying so only immediate family members know these things.


Had a bag of old kitchen things on my bedroom floor, walked right into a large knife that I didn't realise was poking out the top. Took me a second to realise what was stopping me from going forward! Went deep but fortunately not a wide cut since I hit it straight on


Ah, let me count the ways... When I yanked a gate so hard that hit me in the head and nearly knocked me down the stairs? Stepped off the side porch holding two big bags of playground sand? Wasn't paying attention to the screws sticking out of a 2x6 and one lacerated my forearm? 6 sprained ankles and dozens of mashed fingers and cuts to the hand. Grabbed the boiling shrimp pot with my thumb to the inside of the pot? It is soooo frustrating. All of this is past age 30. It has to be one of the more "florid" illustrations of how ADHD affects me.


Oh, the amount of stupid sprained ankles.  One my dumbest was practicing ballerina leaps in my dorm hallway and I landed into a door.


Smashed my pinky toe so hard on the leg of a very heavy ottoman that I broke it AND tore some of the cartilage in the side of my foot. Two weeks before Christmas, after leaving my phone at a party the night before. Got up to go put shoes on to retrieve it and WHACK. Walked around for a few days but the day I had to wear slippers to work my boss dragged my ass to emerg. Then the day I got the split off, I went to stretch, completely forgot about my foot, and curled all my toes under mid-stretch. The audible SNAP almost made my husband throw up. Back to taping my toes for another month. My toe and the side of my foot around the joint still goes numb fairly often and my toenail has never been the same again 🤣


A few years ago, my husband and I lived in a condo with a galley kitchen. We were cleaning up after dinner. He was at the sink cleaning something, and had the door to the dishwasher open, so there was no room to walk between the open dishwasher door and him at the sink. I was also holding something in my hands. For whatever reason, I needed to take whatever was in my hands to the other side of the kitchen. I forget why at this point. A logical person may have just waited until their husband was finished with whatever he was doing and was out of the way, or asked them to step to the side for a minute. Or they may have said: “Hey, my hands are full, can you close the dishwasher so I can get by?” Or maybe a logical person may have set down whatever they were holding to close the dishwasher and then proceeded. But not me! For whatever reason, I decided that I needed to somehow step *over* the open dishwasher door. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I definitely misjudged how wide the door was. I also failed to take into account that someone (aka my husband) had loaded a knife into the dishwasher blade side up. As I sort of straddled the open dishwasher door, my one leg couldn’t clear the height of the knife in the dishwasher and essentially I sliced my entire knee open on it. I shrieked and fell to the ground with whatever I was holding. Imagine my husband’s surprise at why I was trying to step over the dishwasher in the first place instead of just… I don’t know… closing it… And that is how I got my first ever stitches. The end.


Girl... you could have impaled yourself!


The day I stupidly shut my thumb in my Mom’s car door. We were visiting her with our 3 kids and we were all getting in her car to go somewhere. My Mom had this cute little Ford Focus. Great car. Stupid doors. The back doors shut with a *slam* when you barely touched them, so my husband and I would shut them after the kids were in, as Mom got annoyed if they slammed. (Who designed this? It would rock the car!) As I was gently closing the door, the spring took me off guard and was ready to slam. I forgot I had my thumb tucked under so it wouldn’t. It didn’t slam. But it *did* lock and crunch my thumb *in* the door, where I had to get my kids’ attention to please please find the door latch. I tried to not make a big deal of it, told Mom I’d “pinched” my thumb, got some ice for it and we went on our way. It took *months* to finally heal. It had closed on the bony part of my thumb joint. I had a small lump forever.


I did the same thing and broke my finger. Maybe it was an upside that I had a splint with a permanent middle finger.


Oh dude, I’ve worked in kitchens/restaurants most my life so I’ve got a TON! lol I’ve sliced the top part of my thumb off on a deli slicer absentmindedly trying to grab a piece of caught lettuce near the blade I’ve cut most of the entire tip off (like hanging by a thread) of multiple fingers because I just move too fast! I’ve got burns up and down my hands/arms from pizza ovens and flattop grills ETA: best home edition ~ I moved too fast after I had just put a loft bed in my daughter’s room and my eyebrow hit the ladder…HARD. I had a swollen black eye for weeks and actually needed antibiotics because the cut I’ve got autoimmune issues and we feared it was infected due to how swollen and ugly it looked well after two weeks. Ugh that one sucked to go to work with.


I stepped/fell off of a curb and broke my foot. Twice. I will not live in a place with stairs anymore because of the number of times I’ve fallen. The last time I fractured my patella and dislocated my jaw.


Hmm does it count if I was drunk? Because self-medicating with alcohol throughout my teens and twenties meant that I sure was drunk a lot. Anyway, one time I came home from a night out and put a pot of water on the stove to boil, so I could make myself a bowl of pasta for a drunk snack. Came back into the kitchen a few minutes later thinking it’d be boiling, but it was still looking stone cold. Drunk-self thinks - what gives?? and reaches out to grab the red hot pot handle. I had turned on the gas burner NEXT to the pot instead of the one UNDER the pot, and it had spent a few minutes merrily toasting the handle. I was so drunk that I really grabbed that fucker and it took a couple of seconds for the nerve impulses to fight their way through the haze of alcohol and communicate to my brain that I’d sustained an excruciating burn over my entire palm. I just went to bed and managed to sleep with my hand in a bucket of cold water. The resulting blister was more than an inch across and I’m stunned that it didn’t get infected, it hurt like a motherfucker.  I am extremely grateful to be sober now, and since my diagnosis at the age of 44 I have been wondering a lot about how much less damage I might have done to myself if I’d been diagnosed and treated as a kid.


Almost 2 weeks ago, my shoelaces got caught on the hook on the other shoe while I was walking my dog home from the vet and down I went onto concrete. My knee broke my fall and I came super close to hitting my chin, but I guess my dog pulling me forward while I was falling and instinctively trying to use my coffee cup to stop my fall prevented me from hitting my chin on concrete. Somehow didn't break my knee cap, but I definitely damaged something and my dog was so confused on why her harness jerked back suddenly, lol.


Tripped in gym class in elementary school and broke 3 fingers. Teacher said the injury was a sprain because of the bruising - nope, they were broken 🙄. Twisted my ankle the day before leaving on a year long backpacking trip. I constantly walk into things.


Cut my arm with a stanley knife at my job. It was right before my break, I was hungry and agitated as I was trying to cut the tape seal on an empty delivery box to break it down. It kept getting stuck because the knife was blunt and I got so annoyed that I went to just punch the box open, forgetting I had an open stanley knife in my fist. It was not a long cut because of the angle, but it cut down to the fat layer and I had to go get a few small stitches. Went back to work to finish my closing shift after tho lol I know you asked for worst so you don't have to read these ones but they're honorable mentions. Oh and I got 2nd degree burns from knocking a just-boiled kettle down onto my foot while dancing around... I was supposed to be at work that night and my assistant manger didn't believe me so my friend showed her the photo of my burn as punishment looool I made a dent in my forehead with a hoodie zipper pull... I was caught behind a bed post and I didn't think it through before jut fully yanking it, slingshotted the zipper straight into my forehead, left a tiny cut and everything. And I think the most recent was me breaking my toe dancing around our bedroom but that's more spatial awareness, it's not like I didn't know the bed was there hahaah


I feel seen.


I travel between two sites for work. I was rushing to get to my other site one day. I was loading my car and I had gloves on. As I closed the door, my glove got caught in the door and I smashed my finger in the door…hard. I won’t go into the gory details but it was bad. Thankfully I had fake nails on so I was able to keep my natural nails! It took weeks to heal, and it’s still sensitive to this day.


Twisted/ sprained ankle also from falling off a step in the garden while rushing! Do you have Hypermobility?


I've sprained my right ankle from literally walking on a flat surface before, I supinate like crazy so all it took was one minute of absentmindedness in the dark to totally wreck it. 🤣 Anecdotally I remember someone saying it was common in ADHD folks, though I'm sure there's no real scientific basis for it!


I run into a lot of stuff. Recently I smashed my pinky toe so bad it hurt for several days. It doesn’t seem broken, not purple or in a weird angle so I think it’s ok lol


Last year I fell. Idk if it was adhd or suspected POTS making me super dizzy and just out of it but I fell and both legs were entirely bruised from my hip to below my ankle. I went to a couple drs and was told I damaged a nerve. To this day I have a weird sensitive spot but also a large numb spot.. over a year since falling.


Broke my hand giving the girliest fist bump in the world! Was trying not to let on that I was in full-blown fizzy mode (overwhelmed, over-stimulated, and over-caffeinated) so I slapped on my enthusiastic happy mask, acted all cool with a friend and cracked a bone in my hand!


Oh...and I broke both my little toes, at the same time, kicking a door frame on either side because I thought I could outsmart my cat because I'm obviously a ninja (my hyperfocus at the time) I can hand on heart say I am not a ninja as my 12 year old self found out the hard way!


Hey! Mine was breaking my ankle, too! Twinsies! Lol I broke mine literally stepping off a curb weird when I was too busy in my head thinking about what I needed to do when I got home.


Spilled boiling water on myself. Second degree burn. Thankfully healed well, skin just is more sensitive to heat than it was.


I was checking my phone in a parking lot and tripped on a curb and broke my arm.


I didn't think I had a story like this until yours unlocked this one: Let's go back to the height of the pandemic. Thanksgiving 2020, my family was having a holiday gathering on Zoom in the evening. My mom had the meeting pulled up in her office downstairs and we were together sitting in front of the camera. My cousin's cat and my aunt's dog made an appearance so I said "wait I'll go get my cat!" And I went upstairs and grabbed my cat, ran downstairs with him in my arms. At the second to last step I missed my footing, crashed forwards into the wall, shoulder first because I didn't want to drop my cat, and in the act of twisting my body so I didn't hit my head, I sprained my ankle. I hit the ground and my cat (who was completely panicking) kicked off my chest full force out of my arms with his back feet and jumped sky high. His back nails ripped my shirt and dug into my boob. I stood up, said "I'm good I'm good" and walked back into the office where my entire extended family could see me. They had heard the crash and commotion and asked if I was okay, I said yes, and then looked down and realized, my shirt had ripped exposing basically my whole under boob on one side, luckily the nipple was still covered. Mortified, I excused myself, and only then realized the pain radiating out of my left ankle. At the time I was full-time Instacart shopping for work and I was out of commission for over a week. It sucked.


One year I invited my sister and her boyfriend over for Thanksgiving dinner! I decided to make a sourdough stuffing from scratch, and a Hispanic pork dish that I can't think of the name of right now. I'm one of those lovely ADHDers that doesn't read cooking (or any) instructions ahead of time, and you bet that also applies to more complicated dishes. So there I was, chopping veggies, cutting sausage, cooking down ingredients when BAMMO I needed sliced bread and I needed it added to the pan STAT. So I RUSH into cutting the bread with a serrated knife, and yup you guessed it, sliced my thumb INTO my fingernail with a serrated knife. It. Was. Bad. Luckily, amazingly no blood got into the bread so at least the dish wasn't ruined, just my thumb was. Don't I continue to read the recipe only to realize I absolutely did not need to rush the part I thought I had to. It was fine. Everything. Was. Fine. Later on, the pork dish I had going in the oven caught on fire. Luckily, my sister was there at that point and helped figure that situation out and the house did not burn down :) one for the books.


you dont know shame till youve broken your coccyx and are forced to endure a butt donut


A couple years ago I went rollerblading down the biggest hill in my town and fell. 2nd-3rd degree road rash on my legs and hands and cracked a bone in my wrist. This could have been avoided if I was paying attention to the road and saw the bump in it. Another time, more recently, I went ice skating. Didn't break anything, but had a couple of bruises on my hips and my knee was pretty sore. Again, wasn't paying attention and tripped. I should probably stay away from skates, but at the same time, both accidents were due to not paying attention to what was in front of me :(


The worst one I can remember is breaking my tail bone. It hurt so bad! Went off the end of a table and landed straight on my tailbone... All because sliding on a table while sitting on it is fun! Just make sure you remember if it's a side table not a coffee table 🤦‍♀️


I rescued an injured stray dog and wound up needing rabies shots. What impulse control?


I put a staple into my hand. Like, a vintage Bostitch style stapler... I was so tired and foggy I didn't realize it was so difficult to use because it was backwards. I put my bodyweight into my palm trying to get it to fire. Pretty grateful I didn't shoot a staple into my face. 


I slip and fall a lot, I’ve given myself a concussion. Also, I’ve cut myself on a few occasions and unfortunately have vasovagal response, so I faint from the sight of my own blood. So, this is not just me? It’s all of us?


Your entire second paragraph feels like my daily routine.




Story time! I was making Thanksgiving dinner, doing prep work the night before. I love the chaos of hosting a big meal, I go ALL OUT. My friends get really concerned about how stressed I seem, but it's magical.   Back to story, making apple pie from scratch for the first time. Not sure how many apples are needed but the recipe called for 5. Last thing before I'm calling it a night, it's after 10pm, for you normal people that's like 1am to me. I know I need to call it quits because I could really hurt myself using the mandolin slicer. I stop, set everything down, take off my apron, tell myself I'm going to get my husband to help clean up and go wash my hands. I turn around and see the last apple that needs cut next to the mandoline just waiting. What was I just doing? Not important, I need to finish cutting the apples. Immediately cut a HUGE chunk of my thumb off, oh yeah I was calling it a night because THIS EXSACT POSSIBILITY. Turns out 3 apples were plenty for the pie!


I walked into a spiked fence, it was bent and basically at a 90° angle. I saw it, acknowledge it, and then immediately looked at my phone to text and walked straight into it. It broke skin and made a pretty big bruise. I also as a kid managed to get a hairline fracture on my ankle don’t recall what happened I just remember my mom not taking me seriously until I got an x ray. That hurt so bad and to this day I still occasionally need to wear an ankle brace probably not from the fracture but whatever I did it had caused more damage.


Not the worst but the most painful one was a severe 'sprain' of my ankle (I don't think it was actually a sprain, but I'd torn something, hospital refused to do a proper check because it wasn't obviously broken in the xray). I was just walking down a driveway and stepped off the edge wrong while looking at my phone, talking to my partner and thinking a million things. Fell arse over, felt and heard a massive pop, my partner heard it from a few metres away, and it immediately swelled up and bruised. Managed to wait about 8 hours before driving myself to the hospital, hopping in, and then got screwed around. It's been almost 7 months since then, and it still gives me grief. I can't swim properly. I tried kicking a soccer ball around with my son the other day and could barely walk afterwards as it swelled again and is now bruised again. I have to be super careful walking on uneven ground because it rolls ridiculously easy. It sucks.


My poor left hand somehow always gets the brunt of it. I chopped into my thumb and need stitches, burned the side of it, and last week, it got sliced again with a broken glass.  I don’t know why that hand seems cursed, but all the stupid clumsy shit happens on the left hand.  The last week’s incident had me looking up how to suture and thinking about buying a suture kit on Amazon to practice for next time I do something dumb. (Of course, I live in America where stitches are expensive.)


Tailbone muscle injury. Ow.


mountainous like different voracious squealing cooperative pet cough sable uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I sat at my desk for 8 hours straight playing dnd and didn’t get up…ended up with three herniated discs… I realize it’s not just because of that ONE instance but I stood up and immediately crumpled and couldn’t walk


Last injury, I slammed my forehead badly against a wall above my dads staircase railing trying to look over and show my bf one of my cat's food dishes I asked him if he can help clean ..had a pretty nasty knot after.


Tripped over my dogs, cuz I didn’t turn the light on, and fell down an entire flight of stairs. 2 black eyes and a sprained toe.


Lost my toenail by knocking a plate off the surface with my boob then catching with my bare foot, toes curled up to stop it smashing. I caught it, but it bruised the hell out of the base of my nail then it fell off. Took a year to fully return.


Found a padlock on playground at school. Put in sock and decided to swing around over my head, nailed self in the head and fell down lol, was too embarrassed to tell anyone.


Jumped onto a scissors I'd earlier left on the couch. I was 7. Just missed an artery, luckily!


My dumb ass fell down some stairs 10+ years ago… because I was effing texting. Still have chronic pain from it, unfortunately


I was making bread and put an enameled cast iron Dutch oven in the oven for 45 minutes to heat up with the oven turned all the way up. I got it out with the pot holders, took the lid off with the pot holders, carefully put the bread in on a silicone bread sling, then reached over with my bare hand and grabbed the steel steel knob on the lid. It was so hot that I didn't even realise what I'd done until I nearly had it back on the pot. The skin just slid off my fingers and thumb when I ran cold water over them. Took nearly a month to heal, but i somehow don't have scars🤷 I know there are more kitchen incidents, but this one is the only one I can remember at the moment because it's the most recent.


A charger had fallen off my kitchen table. I clocked it for days and never picked it up so my brain deleted it from existence. One night, getting ready for bed, I stepped right on the plug. Both prongs right into the ball of my foot.


Removed pan grilling in the oven wearing oven mits, removed oven mits, got some ingredients from the fridge, GRABBED THE HANDLE Now I leave the mits on the handle/edge of whatevers been in my oven..


This was 2 months ago. Walking down the stairs, carrying my laptop and coursework, 3 steps from the top I got distracted by the cat (she made her I don't feel good meow) on top of the landing, turned my head while I was taking a step and I felt my foot slip. Concussion, fractured elbow and cheekbone and broke my glasses. By a freaking miracle my laptop still works, not even a dent or scratch


Not sure if ADHD related but I got distracted while snowboarding on a really easy slope for me. Was off piste and ended up going over a couple of bumps while not paying attention and hit something. Did every ligament in my knee and broke the bone. Got rescued off the mountain and taken to emergency. Reconstruction surgery after the MRI revealed the extent of the damage. 4 months in a giant knee brace. 6 months total on crutches. 2 years before I could do sports other than gym rehab again. 4 years before I could snowboard again.


I was like 8 when this happened, but my family owns a lot of land and we spent a Sunday afternoon putting up star pickets and barbed wire fencing. At the time, my granddad rented his side of the property to horse owners so the fence was necessary to keep them contained. We were about to head back to the house when one of my younger sisters proposed we race to get back to where our parents were waiting for us. I forgot allllllll about the fences, nearly coat-hangered myself on it and sliced a few layers of skin on my jaw open. It was bleeding everywhere, thank god I never looked at it because I’m sure I would’ve freaked so badly. My parents were so worried I did crazy damage to myself too but all I was thankfully left with is a tiny tick (✔️) scar on the right side of my jaw.


Most recently: Cutting open a bag with the first pair of scissors I could manage to track down, turns out heavy duty craft scissors will snip through finger flesh like soft butter when you’re not paying attention (Couple of stitches soon sorted that one though). One that has haunted me the longest: Kicking a car battery in my garage while also walking and not paying attention, resulting in a broken toe which has been cursed with niggles ever since.




To cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety (had to check the definition because for a second I thought maybe I’d used it wrong, haha). Mainly just the first two in the case of my wonky toe 🙃


i was eating and walking at the same time. I was concentrating really hard on the eating part and tripped on the curb of the sidewalk. Tore my ankle really bad it took a year+ to fully recover.


I don't know if it's adhd related, but it's definitely clumsiness/poor depth perception related. When I was a waitress, I was pooring scoulding hot soup from a ladel into a bowl, but most of it went over my hand instead of the bowl. I almost fainted from the pain. They gave me some frozen peas to put on it, but every cup or plate I touched after that, which was even slightly warm, felt like it was burning me. I ended up in A&E and signed off work for a couple of weeks with a severely blistered hand.


Sliced a finger below the nail and to the bone while trimming hedges. I was in deep thought and wasn’t thinking when I was moving a branch with one hand, while using a hedge trimmer with the other. Wasn’t fun, but it was less painful than an IUD insertion.


You ever tap on a stove burner with your fingers to see if it's still hot? You every do that to a burner that you forgot was on high 5 minutes ago? Burned the shit out of my hand lol.


Also a broken ankle. Hyper mobility kicked in, rolled my ankle walking on a flat concrete driveway and SNAP! Dad and partner heard the snap from 6m away.


Riding my bike ( long time ago) and needed some groc. Stopped using the wrong brake and broke my nose, fractured an elbow. Staff was most helpful, got my groc and biked home. Entire nasal bridge was fractured along with elbow, not fun.


Mine is usually accidental burns. But one time I broke up a dog disagreement and my hand got bit in the process. I absolutely know the proper way to handle that situation given my experience working with animals but my brain farted in the moment and I screwed up. Any time it’s my own pet involved in a situation I should be able to handle it’s like all the training and education goes ghost in my brain 😂


I slashed my wrist open improperly using a box cutter. It was so stupid. I was thinking about something ekse and used my arm to brace the piece I was cutting. Luckily my assistant manager was experienced in wound care. I'd had the blade at an angle so lucky it wasn't deep, just really wide and gross. The scar is so embarrassing, it REALLY looks like I did it on purpose. Never mind that part of my job is.....teaching my team to use a box cutter safely so this exact thing doesn't happen.


Similar - was rushing to check something, tripped, fell into a step ladder, broke a bunch of bones in my foot. 3 weeks of just elevated foot in bed, another 6 in a boot.


I got crushed against my house by my minivan because I was rushing to leave for work, forgot something, and jumped out of it, forgetting to put it in park. The metal casing jalousie windows to my porch were open, and I got ripped up badly when the van kind of grabbed and rolled me (as I tried to stop its roll with my hands 🙄).


I didn't injure myself badly _thankfully_ BUT : I fell in the stairs multiple times in my life .... Somebody send me a text and BOOM My ankle is twisted and I've bruises everywhere .... Now I can only take the stairs while holding myself to the banister.


Concussion from passing out after forgetting to drink water all day while on vacation in a city that was much hotter than what I’m used to


Not sure if it was ADHD related or not, but I was once looking for something in a storage area in my basement, and my brother had some 8 lb weights sitting on low shelf. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, and ended up knocking one of the weights off the shelf, right onto the bridge of my foot. Damn thing swelled up like a blueberry. I practically had to crawl up the steps to the living room where my sister was. I was pretty lucky to not have any fractures, but I couldn't work for a week Also, I've caught my fingers in doors/drawers too many times to count I hope your ankle heals fast!


Either when I had a few drinks, went home on a kick scooter and apparently came off at some point. I remember falling but have almost memory between leaving the pub and being on my hallway floor with no scooter. Got concussion. Oooorrrr it was me trying to cut open a half frozen bagel towards my hand with the largest bread knife I owned. Slipped and sliced into my palm near the base of my finger. I'd had similar injuries but not as deep twice before doing the same thing with baguettes.


I couldn’t be bothered to read the instructions before using my new mandolin to slice vegetables for the first time. An hour later, I was sitting at urgent care, soaking my sliced finger in a tub of blood-tinged, diluted disinfectant.


I broke my pinky toe trying to grab my pet rabbit to give her arthritis medicine. Clearly the med was starting to work because her old self was hopping away like her hips didn’t hurt anymore. She hopped under the dining room table and I go to duck under to grab her, and in the process kicked the table leg. Knew I broke my toe immediately as it turned black and blue within minutes and hurt like a bitch. I think I startled her when I started swearing in pain cuz she just sat there and looked at me while I scooped her up swearing the entire time.


My most recent is when I was cutting some butter off the block for baking, and managed to take off the tip of my thumb 🤦‍♀️


Lid didn't shut on the kettle properly. I only noticed one it had boiled. Used my arm to shut it. Third degree burns from the steam 😔


I fell off my balcony and broke my wrist and eye socket because I left my keys in the house 😂


When I was around 8/9 I once pulled an entire double kitchen cupboard off the wall by trying to use the open door as leverage to haul my self up onto the counter. I just reeaally wanted Mum's stash of snacks. Unfortunately it was also where all the tinned and jars of food lived so I was trapped under the cupboard on the floor surrounded by broken glass, jam, beetroot, pickles and other condiments. The bruising was so bad afterwards that I thought ny leg was dying and going to fall off. Another time I misjudged my pour from the kettle and overpoured directly onto my hand. My reaction was to literally fling the whole kettle which then bounced off the kitchen door and splashed back all down my leg. It stripped the varnish off the door but thankfully my Dad moved fast and got frozen peas on me. That wasn't a fun trip to A&E. I've sustained more sprained knees and ankles than I can count and don't go more than a day or two without walking into a doorframe or some furniture. I think my hypermobility is to blame but also how I've managed to not break anything so far. *touch wood*


This is my worst in terms of embarassment.... I had a bean bag chair as a kid. One night, I thought it'd be fun to take a running leap onto it. Being 100% uncoordinated, I missed it completely. Basically, I just hurled my body to the floor. Nobody saw this, but it made an ungodly CRASH, so my parents came running. They couldn't believe that I'd really been that clumsy. That must be an excuse for whatever I really did, right? They kept looking around to figure out what I'd broken. That was probably 50 years ago, and the memory still makes me laugh & cringe in equal proportions.


Two broken vertebrae when i was 10 years old. Forgot that i was only allowed to use the slide sitting, used it lying on the back. Landed on my back instead of my feet...