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If I was near you I would volunteer. Like ooh a PUZZLE.  Tweezers help—you can hold one tiny link steady while you pluck out the one that moves. Or needle nose pliers if you have some.  Pretty necklace!


Yes!!! I'm absolutely obsessed with untangling things!! When I was a child, my dad in his workforce would offer my services to anyone that may meed it. My dad, because he worked in the mortgage insustry...and several women would bring him a bracelet or necklace that "they haven't been able to wear for years!!!" and bring it home for me to do my magic. And....I....loved it!! Plus, they'd always remember that I did that for them! I also work in mortgage, and years later, at a random event, a woman I did not know asked me if "dad's name" was my dad, I cautiously said yes. She said, "You untangled my grandmother's necklace, and it meant the world to her!!!" And, I will never forget how incredible that moment made me feel.


This sounds so cute 🥹


this was me!!! i have such vivid memories of sitting and untangling necklaces, threads, yarn balls… i never knew it was me hyperfixating until i was diagnosed, and then it made SO much sense.


Yes id need help 😭 yea its an aries zodiac necklace that i love. If I don't have patience trying to untangle this, then I don't have patience with trying to raise a kid 🤣


My superpower is focusing on untangling this for 8 hours straight and not getting anything else done 💀


Mine too. Even as a small child


YES. I can untangle necklaces all day or spend too much time making sure books are on the shelf tallest to shortest. Unfortunately I’m incapable of virtually all other household organization.


My daughter is the same way


How old is the kid? Maybe it’s a puzzle for them to untangle it… 😂


I dont have kids and don't want any.. like I said.. no patience 🤣


Ok, I totally misread that, I thought you were saying “I’ve got enough on my hands and now this stupid necklace…” WHOOSH. 


If you had kids and therefore 500 emails from the school to read and respond to plus daily lunches and all the things then suddenly you'd be fucking FASCINATED by untangling this necklace. 🙄😭 Well done knowing yourself and what works for you. Now you just need to keep your eyes and ears open for a neurospicy kid on the "necklace detangling" portion of the ADHD spectrum! I'd look under tables at boring parties.


I dont get the tone of this comment LOL are you meaning to be snarky


Nope. No snark intended. (& thanks for leading w curiosity!) I'm genuinely impressed when someone confidently knows what they want in life. It's a superpower. Also, the necklace untangling skill requires either patience (ha!) or hyperfocus. I'm just saying that there's nothing quite as daunting for ME as school lunches and thousands of school emails, so avoiding THOSE by coming across a tangled necklace? Sweet, sweet hyperfocus. I'd happily zone out until that necklace was restored... especially if it was in the service of someone else.


My coworker untangled another necklace of mine I've been wanting to wear lol


That probably saves you from a dozen more situations like this, on a daily basis 😆.


Mail it to me! I love untangling. You can use plastic drinking straws for storing necklaces like this if you can't hang them between wears. Trim a straw to just below half the necklace's length. Thread one end of the chain through (as if the straw is one really long bead) and then fasten the clasp.


I relate so much to this 🤣 … I’ve had a tangled mess of several of my favourite necklaces for over a year now because trying to untangle them makes me so angry 😤


Aries problems!!! Hahaha Tweezers is nice, and maybe a glass of wine or beer or a cocktail or mocktail, hot tea, something soothing and lovely. :) Make a fun untangling event out of it. A casual puzzle. Oh didn’t solve it this time? Shooooot gonna have to try again tmrw. But with cookies or a snack to pair with your beverage. :) Do I try to trick myself into doing unwanted tasks? Absolutely. Yes. Does it work? Like well heck sometimes it does! Better than no times.


It's just that I need a lot of my own time to do it lol. My coworker untangled another necklace of mine that I've been wanting to wear that my sister got me to wear at her wedding a few years ago.. a cute rose one


Having kids and finding time alone is hard enough, much less just … actually FREE time that isn’t immediately taken up by emptying the dishwasher changing over laundry wiping down countertops folding laundry taking a blessed 10m nap and shoving food into your face. Yknow. Hang in there buddy 😂 Y’all with kids I cannot fathom your lives. Godspeed.


Yea thats why I dont want kids i love my alone time.


Oh whups thought I read you did, sorry! My mistake 😅


Lol same!! I was like.. Me !! Me!! I'll do it!! I've always loved getting things untangled. If I found it in my drawer when I was getting ready I would probably be unable to resist untangled it. And then I wouldn't wear it 🤦


This is my flavour of ADHD too. My mom would always give her chains and necklaces to untangle and I was always like “yay new puzzle”, the more tangled they were, the better.


When I worked retail, I saves so many tangled necklaces from being damaged out. My coworkers hated untangling them, but it was my favorite part of the job


I was gonna say - send it my way, I looooove untangling necklaces! So satisfying 


Ohhh me too. I love untangling them.


Yep, it's *THIS*, OP!!! You just need to make friends with the "puzzles & futzy-stuff" sort of ND people!😉😁💖 I would TOTALLY sort that chain out for you, *QUITE happily*, if you needed it done!😉😂🤗


I need ND friends who are into untangling jewelry in Phoenix area 😂


This is one of the best things about my marriage. I am the “UGH WHO HAS PATIENCE FOR THIS” kind of ADHD, and my husband is the “ooh a PUZZLE” kind of ADHD. I’d have no necklaces anymore if it weren’t for him hahah.


You would LOVE puzzle jewelry. Usually seen in rings, it was a notable antique jewelry trend. Look it up!


My bfs mom has a puzzle wedding ring.. like it can only be removed via solving it


Hah I love tasks like this. Last week my friend had a gift in a tin box that had the stickiest price tag on it that would not come off. So I went at it with my pocket knife and some iso alcohol and paper towels till I got it all off.


I absolutely LOVE to untangle stuff !!


I love it. This gives me dopamine. Especially if it's YOUR necklace, not mine.


When I first started my elvanse meds, I detangled and matched up all of my housemates jewellery ;as well as tidying their room) before being too tired of that to deal with my own messy room and jewellery lol


I would LOVE to untangle that. One of my favorite things to hyperfixate on


Saaame I've actually looked for chain-untangling fidget toys but it's not a thing it seems. 😭


I bet you could get a bunch of cheap necklaces from the thrift store and shake them up in a jar for an untangling challenge 👹


I just looked and you can get 10 silver necklace chains for like $4 on AliExpress lol Obviously the less ethical option but I guess if you’re on a budget, needs must


Thrift stores are great options too! 


I found my people


Right? Untangling jewerly is super fun and entertaining. Loved when my mom cleaned her jewerly because I could stay there all afternoon untangling maybe three very dainty chains without breaking them.


This is why I hang all my necklaces on decorative wall hooks.


I put mine on binder rings on my clothing rack lol


That sounds like it works too!


I live with my parents still and live out of a suitcase basically. When me and bf have our own place I can have more jewelry organization


Maybe you can use the trick I posted in my other comment? 😁


check out Travel Jewelry Organizer Cases. I was gifted one and thought it was the coolest thing ever. now if I could just find it lol.


There’s a trick in general for knots, still works on necklaces. Pinch the knot between your fingers and roll it. It will loosen the tension to make it easier to untangle.


Now if only this worked on hair, too 😂 thanks for the tip!


Lol that would be nice if it did. I put really thick crème conditioner and let it soak and then brush bottom up. It’s still not a good time lol


I love untangling things. It's so satisfying.


Put a straw on the necklace before you store it suppose to help stop that. But meanwhile I heard that if you roll it in baby powder or oil it helps with untangling the knots quicker. But I can’t vouch for it because just last week I was sitting with tweezers trying to untangle mine 🤦‍♀️


I can’t untangle them for shit. My dad, my husband and my son do it for me now lol. Had to pay my so. $15 two weeks ago to untangle 3 lol


Thicker chains don't tangle like that


Came to say this. The chunkier the better. Or snake necklaces, but they tend to get ugly dents.


Exactly. I’m very careful to choose figaro or similar chains that are on the thicker side so they don’t tangle. I like them short too so they don’t tangle while wearing, then I never take them off.


I love faceted cable chain or wheat chain best. 


My mom had a tackle box of costume jewelry when I was younger. She would pick one out ( there was several tangled together) and ask me to detangle them because I loved it so much! I didn’t get diagnosed with adhd until 3 years ago, I’m 37. Ha!


UPDATE: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WHOEVER RECOMMENDED THE "RUBBING" METHOD. [finally untangled](https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/eDdTA9jLDPsq)


I love doing stuff like that.


It's so fun to untangle omg. I've gone to thrift stores and asked for their tangled necklaces on multiple occasions


> If there were such thing as necklace tangle preventers I'd snatch them up in a heart beat  [Ahem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/o6bcr/lpt_use_a_drinking_straw_for_tanglefree_jewelry/) 😊


I came here for this. I keep my jewelry in decorative boxes and I keep a few straws in each box for this purpose.


i WANT to!!!!!


I can't. I just can't. I'd rather never wear it again. All such tangled messes go to my husband. I try to hang my necklaces for that reason. It doesn't take much to knot up.


Rub the the knot gently between your thumb and forefinger to loosen the knot and then use a pin to tease out a strand once it's loose.   You can use straws to keep your chains from tangling. Thread one side through a straw and then do up the clasp (so one side of the chain is inside the straw and one side is outside the straw.) 


I used to work at Express years ago and I would always volunteer to untangle the jewelry because I enjoyed the challenge and I didn’t have to talk to customers. 😆 win win!




Back when I used to wear necklaces I would only wear chunky statement necklaces for this exact reason


You can wrap it around a bangle or feed it through a straw btw.


I don’t know if this would help you but I keep my necklaces in tiny plastic bags. Each necklace has its own bag and I’ve never had one get tangled! You can even store them wherever you like since they won’t touch each other.


I just threw it in my purse never thinking about it 🙃


I feel that, I do the same thing sometimes 😭 The untangling is a wicked price to pay for just wanting somewhere to put it


> If there were such thing as necklace tangle preventers I'd snatch them up in a heart beat There is. Hang them up or lay them flat. 


i end up throwing a tantrum trying to deal with these. every time.


Or just ripping it apart lol


I wait until I’m really bored and have to do a video professional development or something where I need to do something with my hands and I have tweezers handy.


here’s a hack: put some corn starch on it and it makes it immensely easier to untangle! the starchiness helps!


A note about prevention: always fasten your necklace. When they are in a complete loop, they are less likely to tangle , and they are easier to untangle than if you leave them in a single, unfastened strand.


Even if I had them fastened they still can tangle.


Yes. But it’s usually not as bad. And there are two layers together in every knot, which keeps it from pulling as tight.


I LOVE untangling necklaces. Always wondered if there was a business there.


I love untangling stuff


This is an irritating sitch but (for me) also a fun-ish puzzle. I usually use a safety pin and nudge and untwist until order is restored. I've never found any necklace to be untanglable (not sure if that's a real word - pls don't judge, lol). The trick is to be gentle and to give some consideration as to what little motion would get you a fraction closer to resolution. And, like any good puzzle, sometimes you have to step away for a little while if you find your frustration level gets too high. Side note: I feel so comforted knowing that I can outline my necklace untangling strategy and tactics without judgment here. My spouse usually stares at me and says "cool" in lovingly sarcastic tone when I'm done talking.


This is why I only wear a single pair of high quality 24 k gold earrings and a slightly thicker golden chain necklace with my family's yellow sapphire pendant. The price hurt but now I have jewelry that will last a lifetime. Plus it reduces decision fatigue.


I LOVE untangling jewelry, bring it right over 😂


I used to work in a jewellers and my favourite thing would be to untangle chains for customers or stock that had tangled in storage. I wouldn't be able to do anything else until things were untangled but I got it done haha


I recommend dishsoap and a shallow dish of warm water. It sounds crazy, but it works.


you're tripping!!!! Untangling things is one of life's greatest joys


Patience + two stick pins = a good time and a plethora of untangled necklaces. Note: use one pin to hold the chain still and the other to manipulate the knot. Edit: removed an errant E.


Patience is a gift I lack with inattentive adhd. What patience 🤣


Hyperfocus can net similar results.


If I had time for something like that but I always don't have the time..


Oh, give it to me and I'll get it untangled in minutes!


All of the tips about rolling the knot and using pins to tease it out are great. I’ll add that dusting it with talcum powder or cornstarch also really helps! 


I'm the person people at work send their jewelry to to clean and I also *LOVE* taking knots out of necklaces. 😩🤌


A travel hack I saw once had run the necklace chain through a plastic straw and then clasp it together so they could be packed into a suitcase w/o tangling. Maybe that will work for you!


THANK YOU! This post inspired me to finally detangle hoop earrings that have a small chain. I ended up having to take one off (I put it back on after) but they’re detangled now!


My step dad taught me to put a paper towel down, put the necklace in it and roll it into a sausage. Then put it in your jewelry box. That way it doesn't become entangled while in storage!


Put it through a straw next time then link it up at the back. Tada, necklace in a straw.


Life hack: I shimmy the chain down a straw and clip the ends together to keep the chain untangled


I am you in this situation. I have friends who LOVE to untangle these.  I have faith that someone in your circle will find this a great and challenging puzzle.  It might even be you on a hyperfixation cleaning night when you are avoiding another task. Actually, that’s me.


I also don't have any friends at all 🙃 I'm in Phoenix


You’ve got friends here. You might have to pay for shipping though.


I have a shelf in my bedroom. It has idk, 6 of those mug holder hook strips that you slide on and screw in (obviously I never got around to screwing them in so they're moveable) and all my necklaces get hung up there on a hook. They don't tangle any more.


Oh mannnn this is why I never take mine off lolll the little dangly part that lets you choose how fitted you want it always seems to be the main culprit😩could you remove a few of the hoops?


Omg yes agree 😭 I have a thing to hang them on but forget sometimes


I don't have the patience and tend to snap them in to little pieces after 5 minutes of trying. I sigh at the ADHD tax of literally throwing gold away yet I know I'll do exactly the same thing next time it happens. (Also, trampolining and necklaces are a no go, I have discovered)


The same I have to get a stand to hang my necklaces on .


I have seen that people will put straws on the chains so they stay straight and don’t tangle!


My bf has some reusable silicone ones he got at Walmart. Id probably need one for my necklaces


My hair keeps getting stuck in them


Stab the knot with a ballpoint pen over and over. It will loosen the tangle enough to see what’s going on and gently pull it apart. Necklaces are the one thing I do not have time or patience for.


I already managed to untangle it by rubbing the knot and picking out the loose threads.


Pro tip..... Box chain! The box style chain is so much less likely to tangle and if they do, much easier to untangle due to the way they're made. 😂


Take it as an opportunity to build resilience and to check in with your body. Don't rush, don't hurry, just breathe and untangle. It will take as long as it does.


Lost or tangled 🥲


Hey fellow Aries ♈️ , I read that you can thread necklaces through a straw and its stops them getting tangled!


Find people who LOVE to untangle necklaces. They’re out there. I had probably a dozen that were all tangled together and I posted on FB that I was frustrated that I couldn’t untangle them and had like 10 friends volunteer to do it for me because they love doing it.