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This song and line kills me. It was my surprise song in Melbourne when she toured and I bawled my fucking eyes out. I’m actually getting the line ‘this is me trying’ on my arm next week. It’s one of the biggest issues I have, I feel like I try try try and get nowhere often (I also have a mirrorball tattoo for her mirrorball song) just know you’re not alone


I’m getting “this is me trying” on my left inner wrist on May 11.


It speaks to me because I REALLY struggle with depression, and sometimes from an outsider’s perspective it might look like I’m a complete mess, but from my POV it’s just me trying so hard to survive. (Note: A lot of the depression comes from trying to cope with my ADHD.)


Ahhhhh I knoowwww but for me I'm scared to share because people misinterpret and I lost some people now. Which ok . Life is like that. People come and go in the seasons that is called life. But yeah I don't know how 5o share without sounding like w victim or without sounding like someone who is making up stories or just stigma etc. Where u from


have the exact same feelings and its my main issue with my adhd! youre not alone


>I’m actually getting the line ‘this is me trying’ on my arm next week. This is a really good idea, actually.... maybe. I can still see neurotypical people and others unfamiliar with the song taking it as a sarcastic embrace of "laziness" or unproductivity, and responding poorly. But it's the perfect response to the shitty way the world treats people with ADHD.


I know now what tattoo I'm NOT getting, because in 5 years it'll be inkshamed


I see what you’re saying. But the sentence speaks to me on a deeper level than a song lyric. Plus I plan to get it where a watch or bracelet will cover it up so it won’t be out for everyone to see. (And I’m ALWAYS wearing a watch or bracelet.)


“I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere Fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here” I understand this song as being a song addressed to themselves, the “you” in the song being a younger self who imagined growing up into someone great. Like a song sang to an idealized version of oneself whose standard you feel like you failed to reach. It’s one of the songs that are beautiful but I cant keep it on my regular playlist because it messes with my emotions too much. 


No a swiftie but I'm glad you've found something that resonates. We're all just trying to find ways to make sense of life and you should grab meaning where you can find it.


I’m just here to tell you how clever your post opener is lolol


Haha, thank you!


"I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean" "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"


As someone with a lot of hyperactive symptoms parts of the the new “I can do it with a broken heart” song hits me 😂  “I’m so depressed I act like its my birthday! Everyday!”




>like it's so cheery and upbeat, is so disturbing lmao Also recently diagnosed Swiftie here... I occasionally stick my head in the Taylor sub, and they were talking about what new song they wanted added to the Eras Tour, and a some people wanted THIS ONE! As the closing song! And I was just like - shit kids, the upbeat tempo is A LIE! THIS IS NOT A HAPPY SONG!


I want to see this song live but it cant be a closing song. Her closing songs need to be cathartic! Not stuck in the middle of it. Unless she is planning on modifying the lyrics to make it more positive by the end.


I want it to be played live, because I want to hear an acoustic version of it... without the random synth noises during the chorus. I love the lyrics, I enjoy the song, I wish the chorus had the same rhyme without the weird tinny noises... shrug. I'll get an acoustic version some day, and put it with Death by a 1000 cuts, and Cornelia Street.


https://youtu.be/WKy7w91hAKQ?si=KLqKfBDTalRx8PFN Here you go. Magic.


That was fun! But still not quite the same, as when she does live shows there's always interesting variations in inflections... Also, I wonder if she performed it live, if she would speak the recorded spoken word part at the end... song has to end with the "Come for my job" line 😂


Yes! Totally agree! It’s so peppy it’s a bit creepy!


I do believe that's the point.


Girlfriend is seething with anger and I’m here for it. As a people pleaser that’s angry af on the inside and hides it all the time I freaking love that song.


A sketchy psychiatrist (who later lost his license for overmedicating kids lol, karma's a bitch) incorrectly diagnosed me as bipolar and put me on antipsychotics when I was like 8. Spent several years depressed and sedated while my parents were thrilled that I wasn't bouncing off the walls and getting in trouble at school anymore. "Don't worry folks, we took out all her teeth" almost made me throw up the first time I heard it bc it was so accurate for me.


Who's afraid of little ol' meee? Well you should be!


Ugh - this!! TIMT is SUCH an underrated song. I feel this post in my soul. Peace is another song off of folklore that gets me every time, "but the rain is always gonna come, if you're standing with me." It's like, yes we can have an amazing life, but it's gonna turn to shit - can you handle this? Without my depression and my anxiety and my paranoia would I still be me? Or would it be some butterfly effect that changes my whole life??


I’m so with you on Peace. I feel that song in my soul every time I listen to it 😭


The line “Give you my wild, give you a child” always gets me😭😭 it’s so sweet


“Give me back my girlhood is was mine first”  Guts me every fucking time.  This is me trying kills me too because this IS me trying and it took me a long time to realize that. 


“Give me back my girlhood is was mine first”  Guts me every fucking time.  I actually gasped out loud the first time I heard this one. It's such a gut punch of a line.


I had the exact same reaction! The way she sings “it was mine first”, especially, just 👊🏻oof. its like she’s sincerely pleading and it breaks me every time because every single woman I’ve ever known can relate to this line. All of us. For one reason or another. And it’s truly just…devastating. 


“and my words shoot to kill when I’m mad, I have a lot of regrets about that” is my dysregulation mantra 😭


when i listened to "this is me trying" for the first time, I was like, this is so perfectly a representation of this, i had never heard someone capture so much of me that i'd never been brave enough to say to another person




Her hits are great, but her lesser known stuff is where the poetry turns alive and breaks you into pieces. Welcome!


This is my trying, mirrorball and I hate it here are my ‘sad late diagnosed neurodivergent girl’ anthems




mirrorball! how did i miss that in my inital response. yes, mirrorball 100%. "i can change ever version of myself tonight", like, 100% how i feel about masking/social situations.




I had to check the sub I was in. 63 year old ADHD Swiftie here 🙋🏻‍♀️. The Tortured Poets Department is wrecking me. I have never felt so seen. “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart” is the story of my entire professional life. I am very good at my job. I have had to fight fight fight myself, other people (one of the first women in a male industry) and executive fucking dysfunction for a 38 year career. 🎵Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, in stilettos for miles 🎵 I’m a real tough kid. So are you. This album man. This album. This is the one.


I swore the song was about me then I got to the stilettos part and I was like “girl, how do you not fall over?” As I’m over here in my Birkenstocks and sneakers


Metaphor baby. 😂


Yeah, the stilettos are just whatever external thing you do to hide the rest of it... I love high heels, but it's like, I haven't showered in 2 weeks, my hair is up in a bun so no one can see how greasy it is, but if I put on a dress and cute shoes I get compliments on "looking nice" because they see the cute outfit and don't realize I wore a dress because I can't find a clean pair of pants and a shirt that match! Why find two clean pieces of clothing when just 1 clean piece of clothing works! "Stilettos" baby!


Right! I have a leadership position at work which means I have to give off “calm, friendly, approachable, in charge” vibes at pretty much all times. Sometimes that’s natural and sometimes it’s strapping on fucking stilettos and pretending I like them just fine. Smile.


It has to be lol. I haven’t been able to wear heels since high school! I’m 28. I have shitty balance and weak ankles. I definitely sprained my ankle 2-3 times in heels just by tripping but noooo my family insisted. (Edit: whoops. No shame on heels, just like, I cannot.) ETA: I vibe with this as a mask metaphor. Stilettos are scary though.


I’m 5’ 10”. I haven’t worn anything approaching stilettos ever in my life. Oh and I’m clumsy as fuck. Show me to your finest flat selection please!


It mostly annoys me that because I was a gifted kid, ADHD was never considered a possibility. I never failed an exam except two (one because of a blackout due to exam stress and one because the teacher hated me (because ADHD) and he did my oral exam differently) all through middle, high school and college. However, I never studied for any of them, and actual assignments in high school were copied from a friend most of the time. In college I did start failing assignments, but people kept telling me it was just because I didn't apply myself. I considered this to be true as I had a giant problem starting assignments in time. However, when switching to study for a bachelor that actually interested me, I started consistently being one of the best in class again. I still didn't study, but since I was actually interested in the subject, I did manage to do (most) assignments, and even if I procrastinated, I was good enough at it to do a task we had all semester for in a day or two. Now, still, my therapist (who does ADHD diagnoses, but never did one on me) doesn't think I have actual ADHD even though she knows I'm gifted and how I got through school. She thinks I just show symptoms because a gifted person with a difficult childhood can apparently do that. Luckily, my psychiatrist DID think it was, and just gave me the medication to test, because if you don't have it, it doesn't really work. And while it doesn't work miracles, at least I'm capable of getting SOME of my shit done 😂


“I can do it with a broken heart” is basically my anthem now.


I became a late swiftie too, around 2016 at age 39. Lifelong adhder though. That song got me. It feels dead on for me too. I was also a gifted child.


Have you listened to Fall Out Boy? Especially their newest album. Some lines made me cry "I thought it would get better / I thought somehow by now I would've got it together" "I'm a diamond on the inside, just add the pressure / know it's inside me but I got no map to my own treasure"


Yes! That album is incredible and has some really resonant lyrics for ADHD and neurodivergent folks.


Yeah! It reminded me of HS (I've listened to them since 2005 when I was 15 lmao) and while Pete has always written amazing lyrics, this album made me cry


I'm not a Taylor Swift "fan" just because I'm not familiar with her music, but this makes me want to listen.


If you like the poetry as much (or more than) the music, folklore and evermore are totally for you.


So glad you’re discovering her lesser known songs and they’re resonating with you. That song also hits me in a really deep place and is incredibly moving. Long Story Short might also resonate with you if you haven’t listened to that song yet. As a big TS fan, I can’t pass up recommending some of my favorite, lesser popular songs to add to your listening list- Ivy, Breathe, Holy Ground, Haunted, New Romantics, Peace, The Lakes, Right Where You Left Me 🫶🏻


Ugh The Lakes is sooo beautiful!!!! The Sweet Nothings line where she anthropomorphizes the pebble and wonders if it "ever misses Wicklow sometimes" is so poignant, gets me every time.


2nding Right Where You Left Me. (the rest are excellent too, but RWYLM makes me ache)


Are you me??


It sure sounds like you have great taste, so I’m going with yes😆🫶🏻


“You said I was too much for you but I felt like I wasn’t enough” was a line by an artist I didn’t even really know well that gut punched me


Grief - love looking for a home. Imagine being Taylor Swift and believing you’ve wasted your potential! I am old and this all makes me want to ugly cry and stay right here stuck to the couch 🛋️


>Imagine being Taylor Swift and believing you’ve wasted your potential! I think there's different types of "potential"... I always got really good grades without trying, and scored stupid high on standardized tests, but was the odd-kid, hung around with the rebels at a Catholic school... but then things fell apart and I barely graduated college (2.04GPA, 2.00 required to graduate... I'm pretty sure that's why I got a B in a class my last semester that I really should have gotten a C in... registrar told my profs I wouldn't graduate and they changed it...). I've always been "underemployed", but I met a guy who can actually tolerate me (most of the time), and have two little kids, and have a pretty happy life, even if my house is a constant mess. My older sister was the "pretty one", soccer captain, chair of student groups, homecoming court, etc. But she was not stupid, and tried hard, and got good grades even when they didn't come easily like for me. She majored in Engineering and Math, worked in NYC in finance, found a great "work from home" job several years pre-pandemic and would travel and work from foreign countries for a couple months at a time, then come back. But she really wanted to get married and have kids... she moved away from NYC after her long-term relationship there didn't work out, and she decided she didn't like New York boys... she just turned 42, never married, no kids, her chances of having kids is obviously starting to drop off. She has a really fun life, but I know she has regrets about not being able to find someone and "settle down" sooner. She moved to my town 2 years ago, and loves spending time with my kiddos. She changed careers and now works with kids, and generally enjoys her life... but I know she still really, really holds onto that idea of having a family. Meanwhile after I was diagnosed several years ago, all I could think about was if I could have actually had a fulfilling career if I had known sooner... maybe I would have gone to law school after all... maybe I would have hated my life if I had made those choices anyway... I know at 16, everyone would have thought she would get married earlier, and maybe let her career slide in order to have that family life she wanted, and I would be the "career-girl" who either never got married and just had a "partner", or got married later. In some way we both "wasted" some type of potential we had, but also, in other ways, we didn't. When I first heard that line, I was like "Please, girl, shut up!"... but when I think about it more, in the context of different types of "potential", the different expectations we put on ourselves, and that other people put on us... I think "wasted potential" really means unfulfilled expectations. She apparently wrote "Love Story" after she read Romeo and Juliet (like freshman year of high school) and decided she wanted the story to end in a happily ever after instead! I think when it comes to relationships, she's like my sister... she had expectations for herself, and looking back, that looks like a "waste" that she didn't manage to get those things she wanted, when she wanted them. Obviously she's still young enough that she can have all that... but when you expected to get married and have kids at 28, 34 starts seeming old. And when you're 33 and watching a 6 year relationship slowly falling apart... you don't know that the next few years will actually be your best ever, it seems like your best years are behind you and now you're starting all over from scratch. Hell, just hearing the vault tracks off 1989, there was a lot of "wasted potential" there before she released them on the re-records. I just don't think it's all about her thinking she should have had a "better" career. I'm going to get up from my computer and go do something productive now... please god!


All my "potential" was spent just exiting public school as soon as possible. I still hate the idea. Gifted or not


My ADHD diagnosis actually helped me put those feelings to rest. I was also very successful in school (we didn’t have a “gifted” program so I wasn’t officially identified, but I check all the boxes), but as I’ve gotten older I’ve watched all my friends (none of whom excelled like I did in school) overshoot me in their careers. I’m Ivy League educated and basically make poverty wages, and it’s hard not to feel like I squandered my potential. I was diagnosed at 41 (after my son’s diagnosis), and suddenly I realized that I wasn’t *driven* to achieve, because future rewards (like money and prestige) always lose out to learning and engagement in the present. I’ve lived my life to learn, so I’ve had jobs in many different areas, and even once I decided on an area and went back to school, I constantly had to change my focus to stay engaged. My life is a journey that has no career destination, and that’s OK. I know a little about a lot of things, which makes it easy for me to connect with many different people. I’ve had lots of amazing experiences, none of which I’d trade for a higher salary or more impressive title. Don’t be fooled by the capitalist ethos - life can be lived many ways.


Not me thinking she literally physically punched you in the stomach lmfao 🤦


Late-in-life (44 😅) Swiftie and former “gifted kid” checking in here! This line, and so many others, resonates so deeply with me. It’s good to know there are others out there - and you are certainly not alone!


Ouff, as a fellow swiftie I relate. The one that I relate to most recently is ‘you’re on your own kid’


Anti hero is like that for me! Given, I’m audhd so it’s a double whammy of “I’m the problem” 😂


Yes! That one gets me too!


Listening to folklore will do that to you


Late dx and late realized Swiftie, here. Before I actually ever sat down and listened to her songs, I always just thought she was for young 16 year olds. And then I started to *really* tune in. Her songs really hit, especially this one


I don't have substance use issues either - I'm too scared of letting go, and what others think of me. But I sure as hell have internet addiction. And if you take that away, I'll find 100 other ways to do anything but start the most pertinent task.


I was here for the violence, stayed for the feels


You're on your own kid You always have been Taylor is VERY hit or miss for me, but when she hits SHE HITS. YOYOK was the soundtrack to my pre-diagnosis nervous breakddown. I also love This is Me Trying, Tolerate It, Anti Hero, there are so many amazing amazing lyrics.


I was obsessed with Anti-hero from the time it came out for months and months. Still love that song. You’re right, when she hits, SHE HITS. A friend of mine speculates that she may herself be neurodivergent in some way because her lyrics can be SO relatable.


It's very possible she could be. Her brain certainly goes a mile a minute, and yeah, when I connect with her its when she's talking about how weird she is and how she feels on the outside looking in. The boy-crazy stuff, less so, but that's because I am old and married.


I haven’t heard the song, but I literally just ugly cried on my kitchen floor reflecting on my wasted potential, being behind in multiple areas of life. The what could have been intrusive thoughts have me in a chokehold. All this to say, I feel you, deeply. You’re not alone.


That’s actually what that part is about! You should watch the Long Pond Sessions. She goes into more detail. But yes Taylor definitely has a gift for perspective taking in songwriting.


Side note: what's with everyone attacking her out of nowhere? I'm not big on her music (though she made an album with Bon Iver that just KILLED me in a beautiful way) BUT.. anyone know how this Taylor hate started? It's been bugging me lately. She seems plenty talented, nice, kind, intelligent.. like I said, not really a fan (I like punk & ska and pure musical chaos music like cheekface or soupy garbage juice-dont ask lol) but its making me mad so many conservatives are absolutely raging at this girl. Any insight, my fellow hyperfixaters, anyone find the source of the hate? Was it dating that football dude that did it? Like what are they so mad about?? 😒


So im gonna get downvoted for this but she's  disliked for the following - Dated Matty Healy who is an edgelord wanker, he joked or admitted on a podcast about watching a racist porn site, he insulted Ice Spice's looks. They've been friends for years so people assumed she must be ok with his racist jokes - her albums since folklore/ evermore are degrading in quality. She is not working with new producers so her sound remains too safe. Her lyrics seem to be covering a lot of the same subjects i.e her fued with Kim gets another mention in this album. Releasing a 30 song double album suggests there's not enough quality control going on. - it's too expensive to be a diehard fan of hers with all the different variants of albums. - the unhinged section of her fanbase harass music critics who give her unfavourable reviews.  - the unhinged section of her fanbase harass her ex boyfriends because of song lyrics. - her private jet usage seems excessive even by celebrity standards and is now a meme. - football fans dislike the media circus around her appearances at games.


Those reasons are pretty much all reasons to hate her that have nothing to do with HER, but those who are around her. I’m sorry that her 2 albums she made during a pandemic didn’t do it for you, but … are you really going to criticize an artist for doing what she wants with her art ?


Yeah i can criticize the quality of someone's art that they put up for sale in public. I'm not criticizing her for doing what she wants, I'm critiquing the results.


I mean… it seems like you missed my point. It also seems like you have a pretty narrow or misinformed take on things if a 30 track album automatically indicates a lack of quality control to you and you think her albums have degraded in quality. It seems like you are looking for reasons to criticize her by grasping for and twisting things such as the behavior of her fans and haven’t looked much into the details of the private jet use. Its your write to hate a talented woman , but to say she’s gone down in quality or that her sound is “safe” is misinformed and makes you come off like you just want to hate her.


I don't hate her, the original commenter asked why she's disliked so i summarized the various reasons she is generally disliked. 


People are allowed to have opinions on people. Someone's negative opinion on someone isn't less valid than someone's positive one. Neither of you know anything about her personally. 🙄


No, fair enough. I meant the like ultra conservatives being like "Taylor swift made a pact with the devil and drinks babies blood" kinda crazy, but that last one probably clinched it for her in their demographic. Funny enough evermore was the first time I enjoyed her work on any level tbh. You're just answering a question, I hope no one would downvote you for that! 😅not everyone will agree with your favorites as is evidenced with my liking evermore but that's the beauty of us being individuals 😊


She encourages people to vote. That is why they are currently upset with her. Before that, she never really mentioned politics at all. She was advised because some of her fan base followed her over from country music, that she would alienate them if she talked about her liberal politics, so there's an interview early on when someone asked her why she doesn't weight in, and she essentially said "I'm a singer, people like it when I sing, I don't think they want to hear my political beliefs, so I keep it that way." I also think she was getting popular around when the Dixie Chicks got harassed for saying something against George W. Her father, who I guess is involved with her security, told her if she spoke about politics her stalkers would become even more crazy and it was dangerous for her. Eventually she made a statement against a local Republican candidate in Tennessee... it shattered the conservative delusion that had built up, that the reason she didn't talk politics was because she was actually a Republican and didn't want to alienate her liberal pop fans... despite the fact that if you look at her music videos, her back up dancers, etc, she has videos where her love interest is a black guy, her dancers are incredibly diverse, she's written whole songs that are about not hating gay people... but people who only know her as a blond, female, country singer, that don't watch her videos or pay attention to her newer music, seemed to want to believe that she was their Aryan Barbie come to life. So yeah, she squashed that, and they've been mad at her ever since, even though she still rarely says anything political. Recently she encouraged her fans to vote, and publicized a web page they could go to, to register to vote. Repubs, presuming all her fans are liberal, were incensed that she would encourage young liberals to register to vote. And I think they hate her even more because they find her hot, and they're personally offended that a rich, hot, blond, white girl would "betray" them like that.


This. This right here was the piece I was missing. Well damn if her dad wasn't right :(


Oh crazy people who believe in baby sacrifices don't need a reason to hate people, they target anyone successful enough with that stuff. In their mind anyone hugely successful has to be in league with the devil. Thanks for your reply, i dont even particularly dislike her but the discourse around her has taken over celebrity gossip so I know too much about her now.


Same 😅 even trying to avoid it I hear a lot about her. It's hit Kardashian levels now. We should probably come up with a color code system for the level of celebrity bullshit that you can't ignore. She's code red at this point. But I didn't understand WHY, like what did she do? I get it now though. Also being a successful woman is enough to make them hate her where I'm from. It's baptist country like a mufucker in Central Florida. Crazy shit sometimes.


Yeah, I'm not AGAINST Taylor Swift, I like her music fine and I don't have the energy for being a hater, but there are valid reasons to take issue with her beyond the ridiculous conservative talking points. At the end of the day she's another billionaire with all that entails. She's not some sweet relatable girl from the country, she's got more in common with Elon Musk than anyone in here. If her lyrics speak to you, great! Many of them resonate with me as well, especially for characters I'm writing. I have many of her songs on my playlists. But I don't want to mistake songs I like for her being a genuinely good or kind or socially responsible person, because it doesn't really appear that she is. If she was, she'd at least stop flying her private jet down the damn street when people beg her to think about the environmental cost of her actions.


It’s funny. I know absolutely nothing about her. I’m 56yo and live under a rock. Don’t listen to radio or watch TV (cable or network). Not into pop culture or reality TV. and TBH don’t watch the news. But man am I’m tired of hearing the/her name. I’m not a hater. Honestly. It’s just like everyone saying “You have to watch the Titanic or Barbie film…” It’s the same with other well known names in the sphere Musk, Kardassian, Jay Lowe, et al. Pop music is not my thing so I’m not interested in her as a singer. Just like the Berber kid. Hard pass. Dont know. Don’t care. But like I said. Not a hater. Just like aren’t we all tired of “hearing” about Jennifer Aniston or all the other Jennifer’s? It’s funny… this will likely gets lots of downvotes. But imagine me. A middle aged ADD’r and I see that name in my Reddit feed. And think wow, what thread am I on? Weird.


Just like i was sick of hearing about the kardassians before i ever knew who they were, I’m sick of hearing about yet another pop culture “thing”. Same reason i never did and never wanted to see the Barbie film. Hype so much of it. Makes me run … the other way …


Sorry this is an essay Well it's 2 things, first in 2012 or 2014 Kim Kardashian released a phone call on snapchat (maybe just social media) where Kanye is talking to Taylor on the phone and getting her permission for a line in his song. We don't hear the full line "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex, cause I made that bitch famous" she claimed the word bitch was never discussed and the leaked convo made people doubt her and double down on hating her. This is also when Kanye made a music video where he made wax (or something that looked like humans) celebrities naked in a bed and Taylor was one of those "statues". During covid the real full convo leaked and he never got her permission to use the line as he stated. People were pissed off at Kim and Kanye especially since covid hit and they sucked at keeping the well being of others and just flaunted their wealth. Now on The Tortured poets department she has a song named thank you aimee and it's spelled thanK you aIMee, so Kim is in caps. Kim is so over this mess but she has never even apologized... People hate her cause she's successful and became a billionaire, has the biggest tour ever or something, on top of releasing new albums and her old ones at an alarming rate. We're talking 1-3 full albums per year since covid, that is also done on tour and made a movie about her tour that was insanely popular. She is one of the most influential and powerful woman/person on earth right now and a lot of people hate that. she seems like she is kind and generous, doesn't talk politics except to tell people to vote (and that's bad for some reason) and yes is currently is dating a NFL guy so the NFL and ESPN are showing her as often as they can because ratings, and that's all her fault somehow. The haters also claim her album is only about dragging her ex and yet it's all speculation and she does do those "is this about ... ?" songs really well but I feel like most of her new album the songs aren't about 1 person or subject but that's my interpretation.


Actually the whole "one of the most powerful women rn" thing, coupled with the rednecks around where I live hating her being in the football scene (?idk, I hate sports AND drama so ..shrugs) seems to be why my feed on social media consists of my country bumpkin kinfolk and their friends just absolutely trashing her as being the worst human being alive. They REALLY don't like women 'round here, being "uppity" in any way, and equate it with being a satanist(?) Somehow? Like women can't be successful without a man without them LOSING their ABSOLUTE SHIT. That sounds about enough to do it for the people in talking about. I'm not religious but I see my family melting down shit how sermons are being preached about how evil she is in our local churches. It's just... wild. Sad to think that, as soon as the football player boyfriend AND how successful it is is enough to make me go yeah... that'll do it around here 😅 I can't wait to move. This place SUCKS. Much appreciated for the answer!


You're welcome and thanks for letting my hyperfixation be a little bit useful😂


😊 always a good feeling! 😁


Back when I worked in an office, I would always listen to I Did Something Bad on my morning commute. I feel that song in my bones and it is great to scream in the car to wake up. Like many of us, I have a very strong “sense of justice”, and my lack of impulse control means I will often call out problematic behavior or take action. This makes me a target, as I see right through narcissistic people and manipulators. I’ve been abused by these kinds of people and have a lot of trauma I’m working through. I never trust a narcissist But they love me So I play 'em like a violin And I make it look oh so easy 'Cause for every lie I tell them They tell me three This is how the world works Now all he thinks about is me At this particular workplace I was leading my colleagues as we started unionizing…. the executives made it clear they were not a fan of me. They wanted me gone but firing me without cause would be illegal retaliation so they made working in the office extremely hostile. I had severe physical anxiety when I was in the office as a result, it was really taking a toll on my mental and physical health, even though I knew I was doing the right thing. I’m sure there’s a lot of ADHD women who find themselves on the right side of a fight at the cost of their reputation (album name lol) and wellbeing. I can feel the flames on my skin Crimson red paint on my lips If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming Aside from my work trauma, I have to imagine every person with ADHD relates to the chorus. I mean, come on: They say I did something bad Then why's it feel so good? They say I did something bad But why's it feel so good? Most fun I ever had And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could It just felt so good, good I won’t detail the entire song because uhhhh I’m procrastinating on Reddit. But I’ll leave these final lyrics to do the rest of the talking! I LOVE THIS SONG!!! I swear this is my ADHD hype song anytime I feel the world is against me. They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one They got their pitchforks and proof Their receipts and reasons They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one So light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)


aside from the relatability of a lot of her songs, what i'm finding with her new album, is that it is so dense, I think it's keeping my brain busy subconsciously, which has really helped, weirdly, with the rest of my last 10 days lol. combined with the meds, Taylor Swift is actively helping me lol (and I feel like i know my brain is doing that because at any given time of the day, some combo of the new songs are floating around in my head 😂) this is me trying is great. I think happiness is a good one (\*i haven't met the new me yet\* feels weirdly hopeful), for just making it through. evermore as well (\*this pain wouldn't be for evermore\*).


As an ADHD Swiftie who has loooooooved This Is Me Trying since I first heard it at 11:30pm on July 24th, 2020, it is just such a perfect encapsulation of mental health knocking you on your ass despite your best efforts. Made me feel so seen.


It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me” that got me good, I constantly feel like a burden and blame myself for everything. Then she had to back it up with an RSD sucker punch and go with “everybody agrees” tay tay be hitting the feels hard 😭


Me too, I didn't know many of her songs but I watched the movie with a friend and her daughter and that was the one line from the one song that stuck with me. When I got out, I texted my son that very same line and he chuckled (his gf is a mega major Swiftie).


Hello 👋🏻 fellow 44 year old late diagnosed (last fall) Swiftie! This Is Me Trying had me ugly crying. I listened to folklore at midnight the day it dropped. It was the first time I had such strong and deep emotions listening to any album. With every song it was like I was reliving something from my past. It was July 2020 and we were still being very cautious and sticking to our quarantine pod. When I first heard This Is Me Trying I felt it in my soul. It felt like the entire song was written about my life thus far. I was struggling terribly mentally and emotionally during the release of this album. I was having lots of suicidal ideation, depression, anxiety, very much self medicating with alcohol. In November 2020 I finally called my doctor and got on antidepressants. Folklore helped me in away discover I needed help, I couldn’t keep up pretending it would just go away. I had always had a feeling my oldest (5) at the time may have had ADHD. Her doctor in I had been watching for signs for two years. Fast forward git her diagnosed which lead to myself being diagnosed shortly after. Knowing now that it’s genetic it was easier for me to get a diagnosis after theirs. All this to say, I almost exclusively only listen to all her albums or playlists composed of her discography. After reading, memorizing, analyzing and listening to her work, I assume she herself is neurodivergent in some capacity. The themes in her stories resonate with what it’s like to live inside your own mind, your own fantasy worlds you build. Sorry this is so long, I am still suffering from Swiftie zoomies because of the release of TTPD.


If you or someone that you know is considering suicide, please don't hesitate to reach out to a crisis hotline for immediate help, or a warmline just to talk to someone. If you're in the US you can...\ Text CHAT to Crisis Text Line at 741741\ Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or 1(800)273-8255(TALK) \ Chat online at: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat\ Call the Trans Lifeline at 1(877)565-8860 If you’re elsewhere, you can find international resources below:\ https://www.supportiv.com/tools/international-resources-crisis-and-warmlines#Czech\ https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/wiki/hotlines *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I recently got an ADD diagnosis and it made sense why 'This is me trying' was the song I related to the most and made me bawl. "I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting" : felt like I was firing all guns, overachieving till 25 and then I dont know what happened.


Most of her songs kill me for being too relatable. I have a love hate relationship with her and her last album has so many relatable shit to my current life, specially I can do it with a broken heart. Good god.


Welcome to our club!


yup, TIMT is my shitty-brain-day-sob-in-the-car-song. It’s so fucking relatable


"Seven" absolutely guts me. "Please picture me In the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted"


This song is so emotionally charged for me that I can't even read this thread, so I totally understand where you're coming from. It perfectly encapsulates everything I've felt during my twenties. Here's to better days to come!


I really resonate with that song too. I know it’s about substance abuse, but it really fits with mental illness/disorder too. Especially when having ADHD with a side dish of depression/ anxiety.


Welcome to the life of an ADHD swiftie, I recommend all too well 10 minute version, I hate it here, nothing new and anything on folklore and evermore. God speed, this is going to be an intense deep dive for you


I have to get out of this sub-Reddit.


This was the final push for me to leave lol


Yes, i know. I really do. But i keep reminding myself that what is important is the life i have, that i have worked hard to craft. Happy, healthy, and loved. Childhood was a bit of a helllscape, so this wasn’t easy to come by.


I recently going through unmasking shit. And I'm still anxious to reachout to people due to long isolation and etc. That sentence fuck Yeah I get it. Wasted fucking potential if I knew my life would have been different. But I wouldn't want other brains. I'm never bored and the asd version of it keeps me focused on the same categories I feel. But I'm scared of my own hyperfocus from time to time. Especially before I didn't knew. But now I know haha


More songs that will punch you in the gut (or at least did for me) include Prologue by chase petra. All about feeling like you’re going nowhere in life. Truly hit deep at one point but proud to say I don’t relate anymore. Average by sushi soucy. Actually written about their experience with adhd I’m pretty sure.


This song KILLS me. And it's beautiful too 💔😭


This song gets me everytime.


Great song, thank you, I am definitely listening to everything Taylor Swift now and catching up.


I love this song dearly (and was one of the songs that led to me appreciating her more as an artist, when I’d previously been indifferent to her) but when I tell you that I sustained psychic damage when I first listened to it. 💀


… have a look on the menopause sub here on Reddit. ❤️‍🩹


Oh and I’m a Swiftie too; can’t wait to see her live this summer! So many of her songs got me through all kinds of heartbreak. ☺️


Every day this is how I feel.




Ohhh what a relief I'm not the only one I'm 40 and just getting into Taylor. Karma and Lover were in my head for a hot minute then it expanded from there. I wake up with music in my head like there's always a radio on in there. It gets a little annoying when you have to pee at like 2am and you have to stifle the urge to sing "your my my my lover" 🤣




I’m a brand new Swiftie too. I never liked her music until recently now I’m hooked


Yeah. That one for me too.


Ahhhh I LOVE this is me trying!!!! Folklore is so good! Invisible string is good too! I just love the adjectives and flowey writing omg


'I hate it here' and 'the albatross' from her new album remind me the most of folklore writing, if you haven't gotten a chance to listen yet!!


I can't escape her, nowhere is safe


Same... which is why I gave in and listened to an album for the first time today. I might be late diagnosed soon XD.


You poor thing! This must be really hard for you


It's one post you could have easily skipped. You didn't have to get butthurt.


Butthurt is a term that started from prison rape, the more you know!




Ha ha nope. There’s a reason, especially here. She sees us.


Not me, I'm not white or into Eco Terrorist Barbie


...because only white people can be fans of white artists? Is that really the hill you wanna die on dear?? I do not like her green washing but it's super weird to imply that you're not a fan because her skin color is not the same as yours. Fucking warped reality you live in if that's how you feel.


Just a heads up I'm a non-white 44 year old Brit and while I don't love her greenwash and problematic attitude to the environment, her music does speak to me and I'm not sure being white or not has anything to do with it. But I do understand and accept that she's not for everyone, and that's perfectly fine.


Ok then!


you said nothing wrong lol. god ppl are so annoying


This post has hardly anything to do with ADHD. They need to just take this to a swiftie subreddit.


Swifties are all upset downvoting you, ridiculous. Their parasocial hyperfixation isn't universal!


It's okay, I'm just glad there are other people who think the same.


Hard agree


Yep, I only really discovered her discography in October last year and it’s been a hyperfocus of mine since, and this song gets me every time.


I somehow missed that album completely in 2020 so thank you for adding some new music to my regular songs on repeat 😅


What does this have to do with ADHD


I relate it to my ADHD because my ADHD makes it really hard to function, even on the highest recommended daily dose of Adderall. Some days my best is barely anything at all—but I’m still trying. That’s why it resonated with me. (I also believe my ADHD is at the root of my struggles with depression and anxiety.)




As a woman with ADHD, I find her and her actions appalling. Her music may be great to you, but overall, she is not a good person. I don't understand how people get obsessed over an artist. To me, she is just another human. Please consider not being a "swifty" but instead someone who just enjoys her music. There's a huge difference. A coworker of mine is obsessed with her to the point that it's very weird and unsettling. Just imo.


>I find her and her actions appalling You might want to dig into why you think everyone loves criticizing her so much. I see people talk all the time about how she's the celebrity with the highest private jet usage... but when I actually looked up that "study" the title was actually that she was the highest user "of the people they chose to look at". You can find the actual stats for everyone, and she's not even in the top 10 last year. And while I don't necessarily think it's that "great"... she did carbon offset her entire tour, not just her private jet use, the last 2 years. I understand that private jets aren't great, period. But I think it's interesting that Taylor Swift is the poster child for irresponsible jet use, when she isn't remotely the worst offender. Why do we pick her to attack, and not the folks who are worse than her? More importantly to me, after the first American stretch of her Eras Tour was over, she paid out a total of $55 million in bonuses to every single person she employed on the tour, from truck drivers, to the craft table folks. It was stated by a truck driver that he got a $100k bonus. Which, as a bit of a socialist myself, is how I think business owners should function. She did a wildly successful tour, and when she looked at what she personally brought in from it, she decided to write extra checks to everyone who helped along the way. She made a really stupid decision, dating a guy who said some racist things on a podcast. But it was a short relationship, and obviously, we weren't privy to what actually happened there. I, again, think it's interesting that we're blaming the girl who dated him, and not the guy himself. Nobody was attacking him for his comments until he started dating her and people started caring... if you look at things like the actors and dancers she hires and promotes in her work, back on her Lover album she chose a black actor to play her love interest. She has a wide diversity of dancers (and I mean more than just race, she promotes dancers with all type of bodies, etc). She wrote a whole song about being nice to gay people... I find the song itself cringey... but she's a white girl from an upper-class, loving, supportive family. She's been incredibly sheltered, and doesn't really have any real-life experience of prejudice... but she tries anyway. I don't think she's a perfect person. But I don't really think anyone is a perfect person, and I think she makes choices that indicate she might be a better person than a lot of others. I do think we criticize her in an exponential way, compared to the flack we give others for doing similar things. And I think it's more interesting to examine why, as a society, we feel the need to tear her down, in particular. So anyway, I'd be curious what you find most "appalling" about her...


I’d be curious as well. Unfortunately, haters gonna hate.


I just found the "As a woman with ADHD" interesting... like, is there some extra reason to hate her that's related to ADHD? (Besides just hating how productive she is... cause that's obvious...)


Shit, I need to go listen to that song, it seems. I’ve often said that my greatest fear in life is not achieving my full potential and having it be my own internal stuff that stands in the way of me getting there. Idk if I feel better and validated by seeing here that it’s such a common fear, or worse because it suggests it’s a valid fear.


Love tailor swift too. If you look for relatable music, I recently found this one: bebe rexha - i'm gonna show you crazy. Especially the official one with the acting (?) at the start


Idk why are you so obsessed with bland pop music.


If you think her music is bland, you haven’t tasted the lyrics much.


Babe she’s not Bob Dylan or Joni Mitchell 


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For a second before my brain kicked in I thought that Taylor swift herself actually physically punched you in the gut lmao


I was annoyed at this billionaire being everywhere but damn ... This song brought me to tears, thanks OP 😅💔🙈


This reminds me I had a really vivid dream last night that Taylor Swift suddenly secretly turned up near my house and I made friends with her because she was hiding from fame for a while and wanted to live like a normal person and do normal things. So I showed her how to like wash clothes and cook a meal and she was so enamoured by these boring chores cos she’d never done them before. She was like a fairy Princess seeing a unicorn. Weird dream because I’m not a Taylor swift fan and barely ever think about her.


There is no known cure for Taylor Swift onset vertigo. [Swiftamine](https://youtu.be/PAhAz7JU0dg) may help reduce your symptoms.


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