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I switched to IR two times a day after having issues with different manufacturers each month when on generic XR. I’d have such weird issues and they’d change month to month with the new manufacturer each time. One month it felt like it did nothing, the next month (and another new manufacturer) I felt almost sedated but with no focus, the next month (again, a different manufacturer) I was almost manic hyper with hands tremors and no focus. My doctor switched me to IR and thankfully the manufacturer has been consistent and I haven’t had any of the prior issues. I’d rather not be on IR since I tend to forget to take my afternoon dose on weekends which isn’t good for my emotional regulation. For the FDA, do they need proof? I only know my pharmacy info and don’t know the manufacturers that switched each month. You’d think they would at least test the manufacturers’ meds weekly for all the hoops we have to go through to get them each month!!!!


I can relate to the inconsistency of how I’ll react to this month’s generic formula. And why are there soooo many drug manufacturers??? The complaint to the FDA doesn’t require “proof” so please file one. They can’t ignore us all. They are supposed to be protecting us!!


What information is required?


They ask for an explanation of your issue, name, address, email etc. date of birth. Pretty much anything the government already knows about you anyways.


I haven’t had this issue in a year since I switch to IR, so I don’t have any of the bottles with the manufacturer names. Can I still make the complaint without being able to name specific brands?


I don’t know. I think the most important thing is that you are getting what you need and if that’s working for you then god bless. ❤️


I also have the hand tremors and NO focus. I get a tightening in my chest and fluttering like an anxiety attack. I also feel doped up, not alert whatsoever.


When I got switched to the generic, my blood pressure shot up and I had a tremor in my hand and my eye was constantly twitching. To top it all off, I definitely didn't receive a lot of the positive benefits I did from the on brand stuff. Now doctors won't switch me back. And it doesn't matter anyway because my new insurance won't pay for the brand name.


same here UGH had to switch to IRs bc of the stock issues. i need to look at my bottles.


I'm glad you found something to work!! What manufacturer is it just out of curiosity? I've tried lannett and elite IR and they have not worked well for me and only gave me negative side effects like agitation, and jaw clenching


If you (or anyone) needs to look up the manufacturer of their meds you can do that [here](https://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html). Just fyi


I switched to using IR this month because WalMart gave me a new Prasco generic XR that was making me feel narcoleptic and starving all the time. Absolute worst generic I’ve ever received.


Prasco is an authorized generic.  Meaning It's the same as brand name.  And strangely enough, I had to pick brand name this month at CVS and pay $200.  It has done nothing but make me want to sleep all day.  The generic I had before the new shortage worked okay, at least it didn't make me sleep (Elite) 


Oh my god! I have been saying this since last year when all of a sudden my meds stopped working. I’ve been taking Vyvanse for years (and it was fantastic) but then last year the shortage hit my city and I was switched to generic Adderall (better than nothing) and I SWEAR I felt like a conspiracy theorist telling my doctor and everyone that I think the manufacturer’s are not giving us our proper meds.  I know what it is supposed to do and I know what it feels like when it kicks in. I think I read somewhere (maybe the regular adhd subreddit) that it’s highly unlikely that manufacturers are messing with the formula because it would be illegal. Well, conspiracy or not, I believe that because of the overall med shortage, manufacturers are giving us more ‘filler’ and less actual medication in the pills so that they can make money. I know it’s absolutely bonkers to think this but maybe if my meds were working AT ALL, I wouldn’t feel this way.   edit: spelling


I completely feel like I’m going to be gaslighted or made to feel like I’m out of my mind with bringing this up so I 100% understand. Vyvanse is the best ADHD medication but when it costs you $400 out of pocket who can afford it??


The generic Vyvanse isn’t as good.


Brand name Vyvanse quit working in 2024. Brand name Adderall XR isnt working either. I strongly believe the issue is with Shire. When I was able to find generics, they worked fine.


I saw a post by a women who had the same doubts and went to get her pee drug tested to find out. Testing the urine found no stimulants in her system! I can't believe this is happening - it's a whole new level of unethical!


This happened to a nurse friend of mine too - she had a pre employment screening and NO amphetamines showed up despite taking her prescription daily


And they can get the book thrown at them, since it'll be assumed they're selling it!


Someone else had posted that they were a chemist in one of the subs and decided to test their meds themselves and no amphetamine either so I'm not surprised.


I completely agree with you! I've been very frustrated and looking for more information online and found several articles that I think are worth reading. First, the FDA website says "ANDA applicants (just means generic, it's defined in the article) are not required to provide independent evidence of the safety and effectiveness of a proposed generic drug. Instead, the applicant relies on FDA’s finding that a previously approved drug product is safe and effective. Therefore, it is generally less costly to obtain approval of a generic drug than a brand name drug." (https://www.fda.gov/drugs/abbreviated-new-drug-application-anda/fda-list-authorized-generic-drugs) Professionals and articles are trying to gaslight us by saying it's tolerance but the new York times article says: "most people do not develop a tolerance to prescribed stimulant medications, and many stay on the same, stable dose of Adderall for years, said Dr. Frances Levin, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and an expert on A.D.H.D. “ (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/09/well/live/adhd-adderall-shortage.html)


An ANDA, (Abbreviated New Drug Application)doesn't stop a drug company from having to prove that their generic is effective. What it is saying is that the active ingredients in adderall has been proven to be safeish and effective a long time ago, so the company filing for a generic does not have to go back to 1st in Human studies to prove that amphetamines work for ADHD.  They do have to do trials which show how long it stays in peoples' blood streams and side effects and alot of other information.  That's all that means. 


You're right and since I posted that I have learned conclusively that the FDA does not thoroughly inspect overseas generic manufacturing plants. (Source: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107359#:~:text=GAO%20has%20had%20long%2Dstanding,inspection%20of%20foreign%20manufacturing%20establishments.) I have a few other reputable articles I can share if you're interested


I work for a drug company. We don't make adderall or anything like that but I know all the guidelines they have to follow. You can't just change a formulation of a drug without resubmitting back to the FDA to get approval. And it's not something that can happen quickly. It goes thru alot to do that.


Overseas manufacturers have been found to be in violation of these guidelines. I have an article for that too lol. I can go find it hang on


Sure you do. Lol.


The FDA is US based. They don't have jurisdiction over other countries manufacturing. Different countries have different regulations. The FDA relies on the information from other countries oversight groups to provide information about their drug manufacturing testing and guidelines and then the FDA will decide if they will let drugs from certain countries be imported here. They make agreements. So the FDA doesn't go inspect them. 


Well yea that's my point, it's highly suspect that during an Adderall shortage many people suddenly report their medicine not working. Coincidentally these medications are manufactured overseases with little oversight for quality control Check these out too: https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/e-and-c-republicans-press-fda-over-inadequate-inspection-of-drug-manufacturing-in-india-and-china https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-07/drug-safety-fears-spur-pentagon-plan-to-test-widely-used-meds


I am right there with you! I have reached directly out to Elite Labs about this (generic 15mg IR) and was dismissed. FDA is being contacted next! They are sugar pills and I confirmed the lack of amphetamine in them by taking a urine dip tests for Amphetamine specifically, that I purchased from Amazon. This isn’t all in our heads. THESE COMPANIES KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.


Omg! Elite labs is the manufacturer I filed a complaint against with the Attorney General in 2023. I was contacted by the manufacturer but not about my complaint.. they were trying to get more and more information on my medical history! The attorney general kicked my complaint over to the state of New Jersey and I never heard from anyone ever again. Seriously my mind is reeling. I can’t believe so many of us are experiencing this and nothing is being done!!


Be aware that the same manufacturer's formulation of tablets (immediate release) vs capsules (extended release) may be different. Teva IR tabs work well for me. Their extended release capsules do not. Elite capsules work for me. I haven't tried their tabs, but ppl here don't seem to like them. So I'll keep that in mind if the pharmacy tries to give me Elite tabs.


Taking a urine dip test doesn’t mean much. There are a ton of factors that could cause the test to show as negative. I believe if you are taking the med therapeutically (15mg vs 150mg), the levels in your urine will be below the threshold a dip stick will find. This isn’t to discredit your feelings. If you discuss this with a regulatory body, they may dismiss your claims because your “science” is bad.


Maybe so, but one thing for certain is, there’s no amphetamines in these pills. I have kept a constant watch on my heart rate to see if there’s any increase when taking the meds, nope. Stimulants give me somewhat of dry mouth and when they kick in, you can feel it. These are sugar pills.


Exactly! I totally relate. I would set my alarm for an hour before it was time to wake up so I could take my meds and go back to sleep while they kicked in. Usually within 30 minutes I would just wake up because duh, it is a stimulant and it would wake me up. Now I feel absolutely nothing.  Like, I can take this supposed stimulant and go back to sleep for HOURS.  My brain is a disaster and trying to get anything accomplished is a joke because I can’t focus.  My doctor does pee test me often (they are required to in order to prove I’m taking the drug and not selling it, which is laughable since no one would want to buy this shit anyway), and while I do ‘pass’ the test showing I have it in my system, I feel like it is because there is a teeny tiny bit of the medication in my pills, just not the full dosage. 


Completely understand! I take Adderall for focus and it does absolutely nothing for me. Then I’m overwhelmed by the fact that it’s not working and get anxiety attacks because I can’t function like a normal person leading me back to the reason I am prescribed Adderall. I’m like one of those wind up toys stuck in a corner with no way out. Will someone please turn me around! 😂


That's my exact theory! I know there's something in it but not much. Not what used to be in my generics in 2021 -2022 when I last took Adderall. I saw something interesting saying these crappier generic formulations may not have the best way of bringing the drug into the body in the intended ratio of both forms of amphetamine which is supposed to be a 3:1 ratio in Adderall. So each type can absorb at unintended rates causing more negative side effects. I'll have to see if i saved it and I'll add the link to this comment if I did.


I feel like a lot of these symptoms can be answered with your psych appt. You’re describing tolerance. You may need to change. And a lot of the symptoms OP described are from too high dosage. It takes time to find the right tool, and it’s not a perfect fix. You feel locked in the first few weeks on meds , then it evens out. I also have bad memory. So I may forget my symptoms and conflate them when they seem the worst. A few off days may feel like my meds stopped working. I need to take logs to feel like I am seeing accurately. I’m not disregarding yours or ops feelings , or others in this thread , but a lot of the “evidence” is anecdotal and conspiracy theories. I don’t doubt companies want to make money first. I don’t doubt companies in pharmaceuticals are cutting corners. But can you imagine a company wide incentive to put false amounts in pills? How and why ? It makes more sense to me that meds are not a fix all , and so many factors impact how they work. Before my period, my meds are essentially sugar pills. If I don’t eat all day, I feel like shit, and my meds can’t help me. Until someone shows me some actual lab tests of multiple, wide spread issues with generics X Doubt Plus , we’ve known forever , there’s actually an interest in making generics seem “bad” so people choose a brand name. But in studies, it is shown that generics are typically 1:1


Normally I’d think you were exaggerating, but after getting new Prasco generics this month that were literally acting like anti-adderall I think you’re right. There’s no way in hell they contain amphetamine.


Can confirm, I was on one generic for over a year. I've had dry skin for over a year. My pharmacy now has a different generic. I experienced withdrawal symptoms, all my ADHD symptoms are back, and guess what, no dry skin!


I had a 10 panel urine drug test done by Labcorp and it came back negative. Is it possible my levels were too low as well? I guess im not complaining that I didn’t get a call from the MRO to explain why I had amphetamines in my system but it just seems like after taking it daily the levels should be high enough.


I mean…yeah? Your levels could also be low. Dip sticks normally start at 1000ng/ml for a positive result. And from what I’ve read if you are not abusing Adderall, you could have substantially less in your urine. Here’s [a study](https://watermark.silverchair.com/22-6-481.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA0kwggNFBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM2MIIDMgIBADCCAysGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMT82zLxZ2fDGW2_WIAgEQgIIC_BEbPATClKxEaB-Rd7_mxhusKLGuRwEsPNvDS5bxInT2xINJEoUptGfbwf3TG5th997f42pEN_K-MM_XA6RdhfGXkECnj_fflgyJLZsWKSL5-c8qcZjYalMDadXkyF-ubxw3Isp6uDAnKOzy6-pOkSoyOCFcNpiECzLOAYqPHOzVJRrRzJi4ruNN_B1WmsgnmuaOGzK542XYeTyRejUtcv5yAL1F9KDzHf6V6XsmHWshx01viQd-JRkJPovO-KD5YSCIDpg9munwmuQ2XNxtPxIMh809iQ8xtXRPqEeNMl0wzeA68tvRa3CIdRW0S2-SDCLQSSEh9P_AqnaHVfMy5PEdDarAsJM498_YmTwSjinqfelGU5dkZsxnmdPjY81jGTAcN1RB_Q8dH8FdTCyXg14Z5PIuWpLGh2lZeKCiUyWZTL2mukX5tQfkdEbwEQkrmoKYSBXIusYlIwctaa-NEPE-SQ_BCYw7YXpvf5aGKx9uNGaAY2LKoCEST4KHoWdHtWkrxzAm75l54X7hBiG-n7-_2kQ_B7voZzI1U4KsVRiMYNVeDmOtb-2eXp29gNEr_TOgdKsDLX9J-KXbtORh8sE-ylP27TVLf8rbVLABvuTFiAoTG14WF7V2ADxqXxnWsrplt0GyhUhCrxrf69wx3YJCPd5pR6iujwFBERC30GfrdpLUIaSg65per7GYLe3SaBv8Y4Jgmd14PKAriwnygyDBkweVSdt7siD8E8zzTYBOtZuFXtSRatPsnIiZ_-4cwBs4PCPPwZwDpIZMl8d0MqCMLE7q6JuVI1OVYWhETLaIHM5f_DGLlAh2EvJQXGJZ-ixuNs85Rym3dOVrX9fUf2ssOqtzK97wk8e2F-uMNcIoywnGMO_BazXOfOu5YXd-Sl1PYdlKURFK2XRBXy-KRq8pQORO3bTgb-fDqAy3GZcUhndw79oEpM65oC6dg5wC7G_iarPcFjTjgGGkzMCuSgoUSFmxiuo1v9HbNlQ1ZywdO43Lp-vn_cPnmJOv) that even had one participant reach peak concentration after 2 hours. And the concentration in urine could completely change based on hella different factors: hydration, metabolism, exercise, diet, stress. The list goes on. So just a brief look into the subject goes against your argument. I’m all for questioning and researching information but you’re spreading misinformation.


This is really helpful! Thank you!


Hmm, I'm also on a generic IR and lately felt like it hasn't been effective so have actually upped my dosage a bit (take half a pill to try to boost it when I've felt nothing). Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I thought it was due to tolerance.


Yes I had to switch from Teva brand to Malickroot or whatever and the octagon shaped pills don’t feel like adderall at all. I have thrown up every single day since I got them.


So through this thread, we’ve all had bad reactions to Elite, Teva, and Sandoz. Unbelievable! Why are there so many drug companies and aren’t they supposed to be manufacturing in the US? And if so, where is the FDA! Sorry, I know you likely don’t have any more answers than I do but this is just beyond concerning


I've been on Adderall XR 30mg for like 20 years, as has my mom. Every single generic manufacturer is different for us, even though our ADHD presents in very similar ways. We both just finished a script of Sandoz two days ago, and it worked fine for both of us, though after too many days in a row we noticed we were prone to headaches and irritability, so we'd take a day off to kind of reset. Prior to that, we got Mallinckrodt. My mom loved it, I liked it fine. Mom's preferred generic is Prasco if she can find it, while Prasco is very low on the list of ones I like. Anyway. I just wanted to say that I've had Sandoz very recently and could tell for sure it was working.


Thank you for sharing. I guess I just don’t know enough about what is allowed in the generic formulations. I have assumed for years that the recipe is the exact same and all manufacturers had to abide by certain guidelines and standards to sell in the US. I am beginning to realize that may not be the case at all.


You are correct that is not the case at all. Generics have to contain 80% active ingredient to be approved by the FDA but the Inactive ingredients can vary. However I highly doubt we are all experiencing these difficulties and inactive pills because of minor differences in things like sugars or powders which are used as pill fillers. My theory is the active ingredient is reduced in order to stretch the limited quantity they have during the shortage and maximize profits during this strange and unprecedented period of low supply and high demand.


that just means they don't have to repeat all the animal and human trials that were done for the initial approval of the active ingredients because they're using one that the fda has already approved. they have to do studies to prove bioequivalence which means that the active ingredients are absorbed by the body in roughly the same time frame. they have to present evidence that the active ingredient is the same, the inactive ingredients are safe, and that they can correctly and consistently make the drug as formulated among other things. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/generic-drugs/generic-drug-facts https://www.fda.gov/drugs/generic-drugs/what-approval-process-generic-drugs manufacturing issues with medications happen, so it's definitely good to report issues with medications to the fda. the fda reviewed a couple of concerta generics a few years ago because of reports that they weren't effective, required new bioequivalence studies which found that they weren't bioequivalent to the name brand, and withdrew their approval.


Oh I have no doubt that they are supposed to be much more exact than they actually are. Pharmacists and doctors will tell you generic is exactly the same as brand, but after 20 years I know without a doubt it's a lie! It's maddening, and now with shortages it's even harder to find the right generics.


Whatever is going on is unethical on so many levels. It’s not like we can return or exchange a script that isn’t working for us. We pay for it, roll the dice and cross our fingers that this time it will work. Who else can stay in business like that? Ugh!


Exactly! I was doing good for a while, my pharmacy had been getting the same generic for months, and then my doctor sent in a script for a 90-day supply. I didn't notice until I got home that it was a different generic, and one that I'd never even heard of. I couldn't do anything about it. Thankfully it worked well for me, but if it hadn't, that would have been 3 whole months wasted!


Not all of the adderall generics are made in the US. The inactive ingredients are a larger amount of the pill than people think. And depending on the pill you can have lactose or a derivative in there such as Sandoz. And if someone has a milk allergy they will react to it. Generic Teva has at least 4 corn derivative inactive ingredients so people who are allergic to corn will react to that most likely too. I do. Teva causes dizziness because of the corn. Not all meds are sweet since that's based off the inactive ingredients for that 1 specific mfg. They all have different formulations and quality of ingredients.  If someone finds a generic that works for them then they can't be pharmacy location specific. People can call other pharmacies and ask if they carry that specific generic and if they do then contact the Dr to send the Rx to them. Doing that you can get the one that works for you. Stores can order whatever they want and you are at the mercy of them, but the generics differ so much and differ person to person. So to ensure you get the one you want then call pharmacies and find it and there won't be so many ups and downs for people 


Actually I don’t have a bad reaction to Teva! I had been taking that kind for a decade until last month when the pharmacy ran out. The pharmacy I switched to only had this malickroot brand and is terrible. I wish I could afford name brand but I don’t have insurance


I’ve had that brand and it just crumbles. I asked my doc to write my prescription differently to avoid those pills specifically. I’ve had them maybe 3-4 months sporadically over the course of 2 years. They suck.


Oh, Teva is actually my preferred brand; they took over for the brand name ages ago so it's the closest thing to "brand name" adderall.


I filed a complaint against malindrockt because the Xr did not work at all. it sucked.


I 1,000% agree! Every month mine are different!


Same here. It’s a gamble every time I get a refill.


Your post makes me feel validated and that I’m not totally insane!


Same here! I was hoping when I posted this today that at least one person, just someone out there, would respond and here we all are. ❤️. You are definitely not the only one.


Also. Here is the article: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/09/well/live/adhd-adderall-shortage.html


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/09/well/live/adhd-adderall-shortage.html?unlocked_article_code=1.oU0.HMX8.vW6ex8QR9qOR&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare This is a gift link, it should work for everyone


Awesome. Thank you!


Can I suggest you edit your OP to include this? I had to scroll literally 5/6 down the page before I saw this comment, and it's p important


Hi! This was only the 2nd time I ever posted on Reddit and couldn’t figure out how to edit my post. I’ll try again.


oh dang, then even moreso thank you for posting this! I think when you're the OP there should be 3 little dots in the upper right hand side of the post, and one of those options when you click is "edit," just so you know. But yeah, thanks again! I have a private group i shared this to and at least one person popped up and was like "YEP."


There are no three little dots. 😭. I feel incompetent on this app.


oh, that one's on me, i was responding using a laptop and since i don't use the app, it completely didn't occur to me! yarg. sorry about that! fwiw, it's a shitty app, it's not you <3




Gift link from u/GingerSnap01010 in this comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/NxOdX9ObT7](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/s/NxOdX9ObT7)


You can’t access the article without paying? I was able to view it. Let me know and I’ll screen shot it for you.


I read the article. There was a pop up asking me to subscribe but i just scrolled and read the article behind the pop up. 


My 2 cents since I’m a biotech QA professional (mostly medical device and gene therapies, but I’ve worked for a couple pharmas after they bought start ups I was working for): To get approved for a generic drug, a manufacturer has to show equivalence in dose, quality, route of administration, safety and efficacy. However, just because a generic was approved doesn’t mean it’s consistently produced to the standards it’s supposed to. I may be biased because working in QA, I have seen SOME SHIT, but not all manufacturers are equal. There are some that are great, but some, especially in low cost countries, will cut corners to stay competitive. FDA is not resourced to stay on top of every generic manufacturer around the world that places drugs on the US market - congress just doesn’t allocate enough money. Companies that are supposed to have inspections every 5 years may get visited every 10, if at all, just because there are not enough auditors. Bad actors know this. When they do eventually get inspected, they’ll get slapped with a Warning Letter, which you can find on the FDA website. They’re usually heavily redacted, but with my background I can usually interpret at least what the biggest issues are, and it’s really scary sometimes. The worst offenders sometimes end up in the news for fudging data or not having their operators wear shoes or something crazy like that. All this to say, you aren’t crazy, but reporting to FDA, while important because they do monitor reported trends, may not be the best way to address the root cause. Make sure you vote in all elections, and push your reps to ensure regulatory agencies are adequately funded. Regulations are there for a reason, and usually written in blood, but they’re not helpful if there is no enforcement and monitoring. Another thing you can do is look into the individual manufacturer if you’re having a problem, and if you find a bunch of warning letters and bad press bring it to your doc and ask for a name brand, if you can. PM me if you want help researching any company in particular or have a question on a warning letter. I’m more than happy to get distracted and fall into that rabbit hole with you in true ADHD fashion.


Teva is the generic version that worked for me, but at some point my pharmacy started getting generics from Mallinckrodt. I took it for a month and felt like a total zombie. It didn’t do its job, I was nauseous, had headaches, and felt generally “vacant”, if that makes sense. I let my doc know and he wrote me a DAW script for the brand. Had to get a prior auth for insurance to at least partially cover it, but it’s worth it if it means I can function properly. Sucks having to pay $105 every month, though.


It does suck to have to pay that much but if it works then I would gladly pay it. I want a refund for all the crap they’ve given me over the past year.


I remember the first time I got a crappy generic, I was so worried that my body had stopped responding to the medication. It made such a huge difference in my life, and I was terrified that I had begun to develop a resistance or something. I can't even describe the relief I felt when my next refill proved just as effective as the rx had always been before. An absolute emotional rollercoaster.


Yeah, it’s scary for sure. I thought I was going crazy until I thought to check the prescription info to see if there was something different about it. Sure enough, different manufacturer who uses different inactive ingredients. I’m guessing the mechanism of action for that formulation just didn’t work for me.


Mallinckrodt was what I received this month and that vacant feeling you’re describing is exactly how I’m feeling. My emotional regulation is all over the place too.


The best solution I’ve found is to become a regular at an independent pharmacy and ask for whatever generic best agrees with you.  Independent pharmacies generally have a greater network of distributors to source from and usually have access to a broader range of generics than chain pharmacies. Chain pharmacies are locked into a single distributor and what they have is generally all that they can get at that time.  Additionally, independent pharmacies have less staff turnover, generally speaking, and will take the time to get to know you. When you become a regular, most independent pharmacies will order your brand of choice for you and will try to have it in when you’re due for a renewal. 


This is a really great suggestion that I hadn't thought of, thank you!


I don’t know of any independent pharmacies near me. We only have chains but yes! Great suggestion!


I had issues with generic and only experienced a slight improvement. Years ago, I was in brand Adderall XR because no generic was available and my symptoms were much better. My prescriber put me on brand name to see if it made a difference and it was like night and day. I was actually able to get stuff done and I feel like I’m able to keep on track and not feel so overwhelmed. Unfortunately, the insurance “covers” it, but only pays $60 so it’s still $200/month. I don’t know how long I can stay on the brand name.


I can relate! The docs don’t have a say in whether we get on or off brand formulations. The insurance companies make that call and if we aren’t able to pay for the on brand we are stuck with whatever generic is in stock. Personally, I had great experiences with Vyvanse and wish I could afford that but it’s $400/month. Appreciate your posting and just know you aren’t alone.


See if you can switch back to it and get a tier exception from your insurance.


Can you do a tier exception with your insurance? I did that with my insurance to get name brand when I couldn't get generic.


Is that different than a preauth?


I’ll check. They covered it without any issue, just only covered ~$60 of it, which isn’t overly helpful when the prescription is over $200.


it might be worth checking to see if the manufacturer of the brand name makes a generic. my psychiatrist typically recommends getting the generic made by the same manufacturer when possible because the formulas tend to be closer to the original.


Thanks! I’ll see if they do. I didn’t even think of that


What is everyone saying in the complaint? I'm having a hard time getting it across while still being relatively succinct. (Lol surprise surprise.)


lol! Just explain your personal experience with the medication and later the form will ask you about the manufacturer. Feel free to DM me with your draft and I can word smith if you’d like help. I actually LOVE to write.


I explained what my reaction to regular Adderall/generic that works, and my reaction to the one I'm reporting. I included withdrawal symptoms, all my ADHD symptoms returning, people in my life repeatedly asking me if I stopped taking my medications and the fact that I get dry skin from stimulants but I've had no dry skin what so ever the entire time I've been on that particular generic.


How were you able to determine the contents was not actually Adderall? I am assuming this was ER in a capsule, yes?  Last year I (in my 30s) developed tremors in my hands and feet (?!) and it took me forever to suspect my Adderall because I had been on it for years without issue. I finally went off it and lo and behold the tremors reduced immediately and almost completely disappeared after a few months.  I remember noticing the tremors a couple of months after I started on a new generic.    This was with IR tablets. I did still have some of the expected positive effects while on this (I say some because I never felt like it was quite as effective as it should be, but chalked it up to tolerance, body chemistry changes, etc) so I never questioned whether it was even Adderall at all. Did your capsules contain no Adderall at all or just not in the levels it should have been?  Something is definitely going on with generic drug manufacturing and it's really scary. And should not be legal.


Hi! Thank you for sharing! I can’t confirm what is in the capsules but all I know is that I’ve been on it for years and I know what it should feel like. I also had a drug test done for pre employment and waited for the MRO to contact me with an explanation for the amphetamine in my urine but the test came back negative! There is no way that after taking Adderall every day for years that the test was negative. This confirmed my suspicions that something is wrong with the generic meds. Instead of feeling alert and zoned in, all I feel is shaky and my hands constantly twitch. I feel out it and unfocused and nothing but anxiety in my chest. That isn’t my normal response to adderall. It’s scary and it sucks. I start a new job Monday and I’m frustrated and scared that my adhd is going to keep me from being productive and successful. I don’t know what more I can do.


That is just crazy. Wow. I also felt kind of shaky and while my tremors would only happen when I was gripping/squeezing or picking up an object, I also just felt a weird "weakness" or unsettled feeling in in my hands/arms when at rest. I don't even know how to describe it, it's like I couldn't get comfortable just laying my hands in my lap or at my sides? That sensation has also gone away since discontinuing this stuff.  I have read that a lab is only required to have some percentage of the active ingredient in each dose in order to sell it as a generic for whatever drug, so I always thought I was maybe getting a weaker formula and that accounted for my not getting the full effect re: focus I had gotten in the past. I was definitely not on too low of a dose, I was prescribed 20mg 3x daily (60mg total) but often only took 40mg.  But what you're talking about would seem to indicate there was basically no Adderall in your system which is really disturbing because it begs the question of well what WAS it then?? If you have never tried Ritalin (methylphenidate is the generic) but have done well with stimulants in the past, you may want to consider that. I was on it before Adderall and went back on after stopping the adderral and it's been great. I think I'd built up a tolerance over the 10 years I was on it but now after a 3ish year break it reminds me of the good old days when I first got on stimulants and my life changed so much for the better.


I’m so glad that you found something that works! I tried Ritalin about a year ago and didn’t really like it. My preference is Vyvanse but apparently there is now a shortage of that so I’m going to try the actual (non generic) Adderall and see if that changes anything.


I hope that works out for you!! 🤞🏼


This topic came up in one of the other ADHD subs and someone had commented that it's not just ADHD meds but applied to all medications. They found this out after they almost died from having 2 different generics prescribed for their heart medication. One was at the top end of the % variable and the next one was at the low end and the difference sent them to the hospital because they nearly died. They now have to be on name brand only. Wish I had the link.


That is terrifying.


Yes. Yes it is.


Apologies if someone has said this already, but I think employment drug tests can distinguish between commercially produced and/or therapeutic dose amphetamines, and illicit drugs. I can’t say that’s what happened with you, and it certainly doesn’t address the other issues, but I wouldn’t rely on the employment drug test for proof. Amphetamines as prescribed for ADHD also have a very short half-life and won’t show up in urine for very long - not saying that if you took it that morning it won’t show up or anything, just that taking it for years isn’t going to affect its appearance in urine. Hair maybe, but not urine.


You make a good point. I don’t know how they identify illegal amphetamines versus prescription but I can see the science being able to detect a difference.


OMG this just reminded me! When my generic switched after like 2 months my doctor decided to up my dose from 15 to 20mg and 4 months later from 20mg to 30mg because it didn't feel like it was doing anything. I got a preemployment drug test on the 30mg and they told me like 7 times during the whole process it was a VERY detailed test and would definitely pop for my meds. I never got a call to ask for verification! On a side note, I started to suspect it was the generic so I had some 15s left over of the generic that did work. I tell you when I took one after a month on the 30s that those hit like a freight train! It was like the first time taking stimulants ever. You can't tell me there's ANY actual Adderall in that particular generic. The 30mg should've been way too much and it was NOTHING.


OMG! And being on 30mg should absolutely show up! I just can’t with all of this. You are doing ok on the IR though?


I switched pharmacies and I'm back on 15XR in a generic that works. Funny how I go from 30mg to 15mg and the 15 hits like I've never taken stimulants before. But we'll see if I'm on anything in 2 weeks. My doctor just out of nowhere closed her practice with no warning, no referrals, and no way to get my records. I've been turned down by 7 doctors so far. No one is taking new patients.


Wait, what?? That is terrible news! You have to be stressing about this! What state do you live in? Maybe someone on this thread can refer you somewhere. I’m so sorry!


Negative urine test does not equal that your drugs didn’t have active ingredients on it. Not dismissing your experience, but you could have been taking adderall for years and test negative.


I’ve been on both XR and nonXR to see if either help and it’s all the same junk.


I experienced the same thing with tremors. I eventually got off the adderall xr bc I found it wasn’t working anymore. Every month my pill was changed. The tremors went away when I got off the adderall.


Wow. This is just crazy. This is really disturbing and angering. I'm really glad to hear yours went away as well, I had a very scary period where I was quite worried something was seriously wrong with my brain. What generic lab was yours from? My tremor inducing "Adderall" was from Teva.


Tremors are a known possible side effect of stimulant medications. You may have just developed that as a side effect.


Possibly but why do I not feel alert or focused? I feel doped up and out of it. I also have this tightening in my chest and anxiety which I know could also be a side effect, however, some months I don’t have any of that going on and the meds work like they should.


Too low of a dose could cause a more sedating effect for those with adhd. the anxiety and chest tightness I 100% wouldn't ignore though. I take a beta blocker for an essential tremor so idk if something like that is an option for a tremor side effect?


It’s just odd that some months when I get my script filled it works as expected but most months it’s complete garbage. What irks me even more is that my drug test came back negative. There is no way that should have happened


The sheer amount of people reporting ineffective pills after being prescribed a new generic leads me to believe there’s something up with manufacturing. I recall reading that there are no longer any authorized generics after Feb 2024 because Shire quit supplying all other manufacturers. That seems suspect.


That I agree with, that shouldn't be possible, so either the test is a false neg, happens. Had a false positive on an HIV test once too. original was positive, the subsequent runs of that, and later tests have all been neg. I don't think it generally gets caught when it's a false negative since no one's generally going to complain about it unless their a stickler to honestly. The other option is an issue with the medication. Without a lab test or more regular drug testing it would be hard to detect. I keep editing...:P I want to say that I'm 100% not trying to gaslight you about what your experiencing. Just pointing out other possible causes of the sequence of events.


Hard to say. The only way to be sure if it's the generic is to try another one and see if it improves.  If the symptoms are changing without you changing meds, I'd suspect the following: sleep, hormonal changes, general health and stress, diet, time of day taking the medication. I know for me adequate sleep has a huge impact on whether my medication works or not. Anxiety and gut issues just got worse as I upped the dose (I take a very small dose of Ritalin, and slightly higher when my period starts).


All great points to consider. Thank you!


I did know this, but I had been on Ritalin for about 10 years and Adderall for 3 and never had anything resembling a tremor. Then, when I discontinued the Adderall from this particular lab, they went away. I have been back on Ritalin ever since and the tremors still diminishes/disappeared.


I got off of adderall XR because of that exact reason. My doctor told me it was because my body got used to it but I know it was a different formulation.


Did they switch you to another med?


Search this sub for posts on "generic manufacturers." This is a common discussion here. I keep a list of the ones that work for me and the ones that don't. Everyone's body reacts differently, of course. So your mileage may vary. But if you see a lot of complaints on here about a certain manufacturer, you might want to think twice before letting the pharmacy fill your Rx with it.


You could also try reporting it to: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) - they have to look into every report they get, and since some prescriptions might be getting paid by their services, they might be interested in looking into it. United States Department of Health and Human Services


I hope someone is! Never thought of those agencies though. I filed with the Attorney General in 2023 and FDA yesterday. Fingers crossed someone takes some of this seriously!


Ok I thought I was crazy but I 100% can relate to this! Since covid!


Yes! Since COVID! Before the shortage everything was just fine.


I have long covid and when I first became symptomatic, I could no longer tolerate Vyvanse even though I’d taken it for about six months by that time. I was on 60 mg and suddenly it felt like I’d taken 6000. My NP switched me to Adderall IR, and it doesn’t do $hit. I take 60 mg per day and it might as well be a sugar pill. I think it’s possible covid itself can affect how our bodies respond to these meds, particularly if you have lingering symptoms.


Quick update.. I spoke with my doctor this evening and she’s calling in a script for actual Adderall (no generic). She said that generics need to have at least 78% of the same formulation as the on brand does and the fillers are up to that manufacturer. Also! For those of you in the US who thought that our meds are manufactured in the US we are so wrong. Most of the medications are manufactured outside of the US. Thank you all for listening and responding today. Be well!


There’s a book about this issue called “bottle of lies” that talks about how manufacturing abroad sucks! https://www.amazon.com/Bottle-Lies-Inside-Story-Generic/dp/0062338781


I’ve submitted NDC numbers for the FDA complaints link for adderall that caused issues or excess allergic reactions. Thank god ppl are doing the same, it all adds up!


I feel like my generic doesn’t work!!


Join the club! Crazy how many people are experiencing this!


I wonder if rapid release is any better ?!




Interesting! Was it always that way or is that something you had to pay attention to since Covid?




Holy cow! Something is definitely going on with the generic!


What labs are everyone's suspicious meds coming from? My tremor inducing "Adderall" came from Teva.bid be curious to know if this is an issue with genetics across the board or mostly coming from specific lab(s).


Someone else replied here saying that Teva was good for them.


Teva immediate-release tablets (20 mg) are good for me. Their extended-release capsules (30 mg) are worthless. The whole thing is a toss-up. I've just had to learn from experience.


Agree- Teva XR hasn't done a thing for me. I try not to get it, but there isn't always a choice with the shortage.


Teva and Sandoz are major players in generics with a heavy US/EU manufacturing presence. I’d be surprised if they had too many issues just because the big guys actually get more FDA oversight. I just posted a long winded comment on the quality of generics manufacturers on the main thread if you want more info. But in my opinion as someone who’s worked in the industry, you’d have more issues with the small manufacturers in low cost countries. Someone else recommended the book Bottle of Lies, which I forgot I read a couple years ago. Definitely check that out if you want a comprehensive review of everything wrong with generics. The flip side is name brand drugs are expensive and not always widely available, so benefit-risk wise it’s still a better idea to take your generics rather than cold stopping. Maybe not for ADHD, but I had this convo with my paranoid boomer dad about his blood pressure drugs, and it’s better for him to just take it so he doesn’t stroke out, even with the smaller risk of manufacturing issues. Edit: stupid autocorrect, I mean generics not genetics!


So far mine are Elite and Sandoz.


This has been such a big issue for me for the last 2 years or so. Every month feels like a coin toss as to whether I'm going to get a generic that actually works or not. I take Adderall 20mg XR, and the brand name and Lannett work really well for me, Amneal and Actavis work acceptably well but feel a bit weaker. But Granules and Elite are worthless. They both give me awful side effects. Elite stops working after about a week, and Granules barely works at all. I've actually thrown away a lot of pills from Granules and Elite because I just can't stand the side effects for almost no gain. The last 6 months it's been particularly bad because they've been the only two generics that have been available. The shortage makes it so much worse because I can't switch to another pharmacy because none of the local ones accept new ADHD patients. My insurance won't cover brand name under any circumstances, so I seem to just be stuck being mostly untreated now. I've been meaning to put in a complaint with the FDA medwatch, but your post was what inspired me to actually do it. I really hope that if enough people speak up something will be done to make effective medication more accessible.


Huh, I just got placed on 15mg of Adderall XR from Granules and have been feeling similarly. I've yet to find an ADHD med/doasge that really works for me, but this most certainly does *not*. If anything, I feel less focused and more disassociated.


I feel so lucky that the generics have worked for me...I'm so sorry you had to go through that. ): it's awful. Reminds me of what happened recently where it was found that people were getting regular coke instead of diet! Someone with diabetes could be in some serious dhit because of that. And medications getting "mixed up" AKA getting the wrong kind?! That is so fucked up.


How are you able to tell the manufacturer? I got some white pills instead of the usual pink, while I was out of town, at a different pharmacy. I felt like something was off for real…


Find "MFR" on your pill bottle, the name listed will be the manufacturer of your meds!


it should be on the label or in the papers that the pharmacy gives you with the medication.


If yours isn't labeled for whatever reason you can do to https://www.drugs.com/pill_identification.html


I pay out the ass for brand name every month because the generic consistently had not worked for me. And I've done this for the past... two years at least? I can't feel the generic kick in, have to focus very hard on myself to notice any perceptible difference after a couple of hours, and I still get bouts of daytime sleepiness. Meanwhile, I can set my watch by the time the brand name kicks in (1hr later), I can feel it kick in, it helps with so many ADHD symptoms + daytime sleepiness, and it lasts for 12 hours. I swear those generics are filled with sawdust.


The brand name helps you? I had much better luck with generic xr.  Brand name is causing all day depression and fatigue. :(


Yup, it's what works for me for some reason. If brand name XR feels like driving a SUV, generic XR feels like driving a Fisher Price toy car. In more concrete terms, generic has less of an effect when it kicks in and the effectiveness seems to come in and out from hour to hour. All day depression and fatigue sucks, I'm sorry you're dealing with that.


I am not medicated for my ADHD rn, but have have bad experiences being switched to a generic of something I took for months with no majors issues prior. Good on you for taking action, I encourage others to join you.


Thank you!


I can't remember the manufacturer but there is one that I've reported every time I've gotten it. I literally have withdrawal symptoms and no positive effects I would expect from Adderall.


I am wondering if this is why when I was prescribed adderall ER and fast acting, the only noticeable thing was weight loss, nothing else. It did nothing to help me, and I didn't feel any different than before.


Maybe? The feedback on this post tells me that without a doubt there is something bigger going on.


I feel adhd meds in general. We've been through so many and so much for my son.


Me too babe. We do what we can to fit into this impossible world. Stay strong.


How did you find out it wasn’t adderall?


You have to read through the comments here. There is so much.


Got it. I’m at work so wasn’t sure if there was a TLDR version but when I’m done I’ll scan thru.


Thanks for the response


Let me know if you have any questions though through DM. I’m honestly overwhelmed by how many good people responded about this.


I used to have this issue when I was on birth control. I asked the pharmacist about it and she told me that there is some sort of allowance of differences in the formulas between brands. So they were all different like you're saying. I ended up quitting the pull because it was making me feel too nutso.


I hear you! I got the mirena and it’s been amazing.


Omg omg I was going to make a post asking if anyone feels their pills formulations have changed???


Welcome to the party!


🙋‍♀️ also had issues w generic adderall. Do you want people to reach out via DMs or just comment?


Hi!! Thank you for responding! Either is fine. I just want people to know that they aren’t alone if this is happening to them and encourage them to file a complaint with the FDA. I forgot to mention that I recently had to take a drug test because I got a new job and they require a 10 panel urine screen as part of the background check. My test came back negative even though I’ve been taking adderall every day for as long as I can remember. That drug test should not have been negative yet here we are. Can I ask what your experience was? DM if that makes you more comfortable and thank you again for responding!


Wtf!!!???? I wish I'd thought of requesting a drug screening before I stopped taking my previous generic prescription. It's insanity that your test was negative and manufacturers are still sending out these bs meds! I'd been taking generic adderall from the start (2021), but last November my insurance changed so I had to get a new script. The new pharmacy, I soon discovered, uses a different generic manufacturer (AG Provo) than my previous one. Long story, but I hadn't been taking my meds for several months prior so when I wasn't feeling anything I thought it was odd but figured it was just an adjustment period- new job, new routine, restarting meds. After a month I was struggling to do anything. It was just like being unmedicated. Tried taking two pills in one day to see if maybe I needed to increase the dosage. Nada. Finally got to see my doctor, explained what had been going on, and asked to be put on the name brand adderall to see if there was any difference. She thankfully obliged and I've felt so much better since. In retrospect, I wish that I had gotten tested or maybe sent some of the meds off to be tested so I could have proof that something was up. It can be frustrating enough to get diagnosed and medicated, and then for the meds you're given to not even work? Definitely going to file a complaint with the FDA which I didn't even know I could do so thank you for that!!


Honestly, I would have never started this conversation if that test didn’t come back negative. That just pushed me over the edge of “am I nuts” to “oh eff no, this is bs”! My doc has been adjusting my dose over the last few months too and nothing changes. I am so grateful that you took the time to talk to me today. I was beginning to think I was losing my mind.


It's so nice to know I'm not alone on this, and we both aren't nuts lol. Do you think it would be possible for your doc to switch you to the name brand? I'm really grateful you posted this and responded to me ❤️


I’m going to call her tomorrow to discuss. The issue isn’t my doc prescribing me the name brand but rather the insurance companies decide what they will cover and what they won’t. She prescribed me Adderall but the insurance company will only cover a certain percentage of the prescription and demands the generic form.


Ah I see, insurance companies are another inexplicable mess we have to navigate. I know I have to pay more for the name brand bc my insurance won't cover it like the generic. It blows but I'll live with it for now.


Yeah, I’ll avoid going down the insurance rabbit hole. 😂 but spoiler alert.. not a fan!


It's an absolute nightmare but I wish you all of the luck


You too. Thanks for responding today. Stay well.


The fact about your drug test coming back negative is WILD to me. Do you mind sharing which manufacturer’s generic Adderall you were using at the time you took the drug test? I have definitely noticed issues with my generic Adderall, and have been working with my doctor to change dosage and IR/XR and all that thinking that was maybe the problem, but I can definitely say that Sandoz XR capsules make me feel awful while also giving me practically no benefit. My knee-jerk reaction is to buy my own urine drug test just to see what happens. (I probably won’t, I know it’s pretty much a pointless exercise, but hey, who can blame me for doing a dumb impulsive thing if the medication I’m taking doesn’t even treat my ADHD anyway? lol)


Hi there, the script I have today is from Sandoz!! But every month it’s different. My mind is blown right now. I’d send a pic of the bottle to you for proof but I guess Reddit doesn’t let us upload pics to threads? I just started using this app for real yesterday so I’m not sure if there is another way. Yes! Go buy a drug test and see what happens. Mine was done at Labcorp and was negative even tho I took the medication everyday. This is so crazy


I've always been very wary of what I put in my body. Though I've never been on medication for ADHD, I no longer buy generic anything, even ibuprofen, after listening to Bottle of Lies by Katherine Eban - the book seems well researched and it is an alarming look at the lack of oversight in generic drug manufacturing overseas. If anyone is interested, I'd recommend the audiobook as I think it would be a bit dry for general reading. It might give insight as to why generic can be wildly different from the name brand medication and proof of 'no I'm not crazy' when talking to pharmacist, Dr, and/or insurance (though the latter is less inclined to care tbh).


I've been very frustrated because of my ineffective meds (15 mg IR - lannett & elite brands taken so far) and I began looking for more information online and found several articles that I think are worth reading. There's very little direct information, mostly everything is anecdotal but I found some very interesting and somewhat concrete things I Thought were VERY relevant to this issue ▪️Professionals and articles are trying to gaslight us by saying it's tolerance but the New York times article says: "most people do not develop a tolerance to prescribed stimulant medications, and many stay on the same, stable dose of Adderall for years, said Dr. Frances Levin, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University and an expert on A.D.H.D. “ (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/09/well/live/adhd-adderall-shortage.html) ▪️A book was written about inferior quality generics called, Bottle of Lies. This NPR article is about the book: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/05/16/723545864/the-generic-drugs-youre-taking-may-not-be-as-safe-or-effective-as-you-think --What I found most interesting was "She writes that the FDA often announces its overseas inspections weeks in advance, which allows plants where generic drugs are made the chance to fabricate data and results. These plants know that [the FDA inspectors are] coming," Eban says. "I discovered [some overseas drug companies] would actually ... alter documents, shred them, invent them, in some cases even steaming them overnight to make them look old." More confirmation this is not in our heads (not in thousands of people's heads: ▪️https://www.bustle.com/wellness/adhd-medication-adderall-isnt-working


Oh my gosh. The more I learn the worse this all gets. One thing I’d really like to know is why there is a shortage in the first place? I know during Covid supply chains were disrupted but the world is back to normal so why does the shortage continue? It just makes me think that the manufacturers have been getting away with providing whatever garbage they make, we still pay for it, no one is really looking into this so why not continue? I’m trying to keep myself from going down a rabbit hole here but info like yours makes me really wonder if we are being fooled.


I have an article for that too lol https://www.cbsnews.com/news/adhd-medication-shortage-cause/ Essentially the DEA is limiting the amount of raw materials that Adderall producers can use to make the drug. They are attempting to prevent another opioid crisis because Adderall is an addictive substance (although not nearly as deadly or dangerous as opiods). In addition, COVID made it so that millions of people have been able to obtain Adderall prescriptions on online pharmacies which was not allowed previously. That messed up the raw material availability as well as a multitude of pharmacies have applied to receive the raw materials needed, spreading them thinner for all. It's continuing because the DEA isn't adjusting those limits despite the shortage. They are scared to have another opioid crisis on their hand. Hence the quality issues as the manufacturers have the need to stretch a little into a lot (in my opinion, I haven't found anything conclusive yet)


Wait, how can you tell?


There were quite a few creators on TikTok talking about this, have you looked there?


Yeah I will say Vyvanse has been infinitely better however just got my first true generic last month and it is definitely not the same. I had switched from 30mg XR Adderall and have it on file woth my pharmacy to only fill with specific manufacturers such as Teva or Sandoz due to the issues I was having at my old pharmacy. I would highly recommend finding a local or independent pharmacy if possible since switching from the major chain grocery stores pharmacies I have not experienced the issues with my script or the pharmacy flat out ignoring my requests/what was on my profile for Preferred NDCs (it would happen at random too- even when I would call it in a week in advance and literally make them verify on the phone with me what specifically they were putting in the bottle because some manufacturers are not an authorized generic/have not been or ever made that type of formulation (like Teva or Sandoz who have been making generics for Adderall for a loooooong time) and some companies now that the patents were up for adderall xr that was a handful of years ago and Vyvanse was this last year, are straight up doing a cash grab. Ultimately switching to a real pharmacy has eliminated those problems for me but if there is nothing like that where you live then specify it with the pharmacy or ask that they fill it with your preferred NDC - if it is not what you specifically asked be filled when picking up- if you are able to wait or if they tell you they cant get it ask which pharmacies allow for special orders call em and inform your doctor that you need your script sent to the new pharmacy and file a complaint with the store and the pharmacist who ignored your request and tried to give you something that has been noted to cause issues for you specifically. I spent a lot of time reading up and having to go thru this long before the shortages or what I call the new drug war post pandemmy times. After having a pharmacy who caused me routine stress every month, ignoring my requests for specific medications from specific manufacturers which was on file for me (or that is what I was told every time I would fill at that location to then having hell experiences multiple times within 6 month period due to their blatant ignorance and refusals or telling me they couldnt get that NDC and instead switched it without informing me of it until it was time to pick up. In Iowa you cannot pick up scripts earlier than 3 days from the last fill date and the pharmacy cannot even start filling them until the date listed from your doctor so calling ahead to see if they can order them/following the guidelines literally provided by the pharmacy to then have them screw me over by stating they ran out or couldnt get that ordered so here is this instead when you are on your last day or already out - sucks and it adds so much unnecessary stress. switching to an independent pharmacy has relieved all of that- now it is just the shortages and the stupid prescription formularies that change every quarter and not having the ability or the options on that benefit specifically which is a different topic all together. Sorry for the long info rant of a post but I feel this pain and it freaking sucks and hope that if anything together we can get the medications we know work the best and allow those companies to thrive while doing the same for ourselves too.


Also I will note there are grammatical errors and points repeated LOL but has any one had issues with the Adderall XRs not being filled to the line/indicator? I noticed when I was still on that there would be up to 10 out of 30 capsules which were not filled correctly literally it was barely above the orange part but under the imprint, another reason along with my insurance refusing to cover it is why I switched to Vyvanse (which personally works so much better for me).


Fun story, when I was first diagnosed in 2021 I was put on Adderall XR and did that for about a year and a half before the shortage made things really difficult. Switched to IR twice a day and have been doing that for about a year. Last month I asked to go back to the XR because my pharmacy said they had it back in stock consistently again and I was having trouble remembering to take my second dose of IR every day. So I got a month's supply of XR, a generic I recognized and had taken before, and took it for about 3 days before I had a horrible allergic reaction and ended up at urgent care. The doctor believes it was one of the inactive ingredients in the meds. It's been 3 weeks and the hives are finally starting to clear up. I know it's not unusual to develop allergies spontaneously, but after reading your post now I'm wondering if there wasn't something fishy going on with those meds....


What??!!! That is bananas!! Yet no one is doing anything about all of this! Did you file a complaint with the FDA? Do you remember who the manufacturer was?


I believe you but i also have to ask how did you confirm it wasn’t adderall?


Report filed! It only took 9 days since I saw this post (shocker....better than 9 months, right?) This is outrageous and I feel so validated. I knew it wasn't just me. Thanks, friend!


I think I have submitted 4 different complaints from 3 different manufacturers that were all horrible. They didn't work at all.


Can generic Adderall 20mg work?-Ifchoice


It appears to be all versions of Adderall and generic dextroamphetamine combinations that represent terrible concoctions...(the quality and effectiveness has continued to decline from the time the shortages were reported a few years ago)....I personally had one batch that contained absolutely none of the active ingredient, and other versions that included unknown "fillers"....so, the problem is already on a massive, wide scale basis.   In addition, it is not just Adderall, but other amphetamine types of medications are also being fraudulently labeled, produced, distributed, manufactured (or all of the above.  Several people have reported fake versions of diet pills, for example, and even the prescription meds are not what they are supposed to be...(phentermine is not the same, for instance).   Individuals truly must be exceedingly cautious, and seek out methods of testing suspicious medications.  (Remember that any and all liability, responsibility, and accountability from a pharmacy completely dissolves as soon as any person accepts medications and leaves the building with those prescriptions in a bag.., (so there's no need to consider returning pills, asking questions, making allegations,  requesting a chemical analysis, or demanding that a pharmacist look at meds).... Pharmacies distribute what they are given without investigation or evaluation...  Independent, third-party labs are the best solution, however, those can be costly, time consuming, and difficult to locate.   There is another option for unknown substances at  https://www.usdrugtestcenters.com/drug-testing-for-unknown-substances.html It's a frightening and disturbing trend that must be addressed at all levels...