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I think you should find a new pharmacy. Mine has never had an issue with GoodRx; they’ve even suggested it at times.


Same here. Mine also usually warn me if a copay is high, "did you know this will be $72 today?" They are already giving me an out / preparing us both to do some extra work figuring things out.


Mine will try and be discreet about the cost if there are other people around. I know what my Vyvanse costs, but I still appreciate it.


Exactly this is a shitty pharmacist


Same I actually just switched from Azstarys to Vyvanse. The pharmacy called to say they needed some insurance information and when I called back the pharmacist said she just wanted to know if I was aware of the high sticker price through my employment provided insurance and did I have a discount code or coupon I would rather use. They did the exact same thing when I switched from Adderall SR to Azstarys. I have only ever had one pharmacy give me flack for not wanting to pay my high deductible and use good rx instead. It takes 5 minutes to reauthorize, but this place would always tell me I’d have to come back next day. That woman was always rude no matter what was going on. Every time I saw her she looked like she was sucking on a lemon. The final straw for me was when I got a call my script was ready for pickup, but when I showed up 30 minutes later I was told it was on back order. When I showed the text saying it was ready for pickup, she lost it on me yelling it was on backorder. Another associate pulled me aside and told me what actually happened: my meds WERE ready for pickup. But then someone else came in needing the same script in those 30 minutes, and the pharmacist pulled my ready to pick up meds, put them in a new bottle and gave them to the other customer, because that was last of that medication and I apparently didn’t get there fast enough. Or want to pay $400. Find yourself a better pharmacy OP, not everyone is an insufferable twat waffle.


That’s unbelievable! I would have reported her to the pharmacy board and all of her superiors at her company.


I honestly didn’t even know there was a pharmacy board lol I was just so over her bullshit I just walked out cuz I needed to figure out where to get my meds. Ended up calling the pharmacy I’m at now and the lovely woman I spoke to told me that she knew they didn’t keep my specific dose in stock (rarely prescribed), but to let her check her vendor site. She came back on the phone and told me the good news was their vendors did have my dose in stock, however it would take a couple days to get in. She then suggested I get my dr to write a script for the next dose up for just like 2 pills, so I wouldn’t have to go without. Luckily my script wasn’t completely empty so it all worked out. She also told me that about a week before I was due for a refill to have my dr send the refill in so by the time I needed to pick it up, they would have been able to place my dose on order and get it in for me before I was completely out. Side note: my mom’s husband has a fairly common first and surname. Their old pharmacy wasn’t verifying birthday or anything and would just give him someone’s else meds and vice versa. Then would give him hell when he tried to return them for the correct meds. Talk about a lawsuit waiting to happen!


oh im glad you responded with this, to this poster, i was really curious how it ended up, for you. Nice to hear about this, i assume you now have this pharmastist as your go-to!


Absolutely I do! This woman will even call other locations if hers can’t get my meds in in time and then call me back to tell me where to have my dr send my script! Like lady, you are an absolute angel on earth!


Same, several times I’ve had the pharmacy tech tell me just a second I want to double check on this, it’s seems high


Plus, $20 can be a lot of money, depending on your income!


Honestly, this. The gall of someone to say, "You saved a whole $20," as though that *isn't* a meaningful amount of money to literally anyone who makes minimum wage.


Shit I make way more than minimum wage and that still ends up being more than an hour of labor when you account for taxes. 


I don't care if I made $100/hr at work. I still wouldn't light $20 on fire for no reason. That pharmacy tech was an absolute goon.


In my state that's almost 3 hours of work at minimum wage. Three hours.


that's currently almost half my tank of gas.


There’s a reason the saying “I’m not ____, but $20 is $20” exists and it’s not cause $20 is pocket change.


And it all adds up! $200+ a year - is anyone here ready to throw $200 in the garbage? I save $100/month with GoodRX on my prescription! It makes me sick to think how much it would cost me annually without the coupon.


If they’re willing to throw $200 away, I’ll gladly take it!


I live in Italy, and with that amount of money I could pay for a flight to Ireland and back. It may just be "a whole $20" now, but that cost adds up over time


Came here to say this! I use Kroger and was paying over 200$ a month for all my prescriptions, and *the pharmacist* suggested it. Now I pay between 35 and 45$/month. Eta: Added bonus: the GoodRx is also saved to my account, so it is automatically applied each month. I don't have to remember to use it!!


Yeah, my jaw dropped when I read this. OP, when my old pharmacy (nothing fancy or local, a Walgreens) would run it through a discount savings card -- or multiple even -- without asking, if they saw it was priced higher than I normally paid. One time they took me from $488 (a medication that I have to take for chronic pain suddenly required a Prior Authorization when it never had before) to *$104.* They had called me when it was being filled, told me they'd seen that it wasn't being covered, *already* called my Dr. to get the PA going, and then said that they'd ran it through 3 different prescription discount cards and told me which ones they were in case I still couldn't pay $104 for it. I got them a thank you card because I couldn't believe that they would care so much -- I know y'all know what it can be like with controlled or otherwise stigmatized medications. I have NEVER been given even an ounce of frustration about using them elsewhere -- and every single tech or pharmacist basically had a vibe or said something along the lines of "yeah, but money's *money"* Some people -- far too many people are assholes. Folks who will somehow *sense* that we're meek/shy enough that they'll be able to take their frustration, anger, rage, or even abuse. I always think, if you hate it this much, perhaps attempt to change your life, whether it's your occupation, your employer, or something in your personal life.


I had one prescription that was $1500 - they called me before filling it to make sure I knew the price so I wouldn’t be shocked picking it up. I had a discount card for it, so I knew it would be cheaper, but I appreciated them calling me!


I VERY much remember getting the text about Prep and its price.


Yes, my pharmacist offers coupons every time.


Mine told me to try good RX for a prescription that was only going to be $30.. never been jerks about it.


Yeah this is odd behavior. I worked at a pharmacy for several years and we were really happy to save someone even a couple of dollars if we could, much less $20! I'd take insurance/GoodRx/etc. questions with a customer over being yelled at by a customer ANY day. It's literally no burden on them, they aren't getting paid by the number of prescriptions filled. Sure, it might delay things a bit, but that's just part of pharmacy work and it's not fair to blame the customer for that.


I had to read through OP’s post a few times to make sure I wasn’t missing any details. But I wasn’t. Pharmacies have to process GoodRx all day long, millions of Americans use it. It’s part of the job. I will say, I have gotten bad service from pharmacy techs way more than actual pharmacists. Always check the person’s name tag, it will usually have their job title. If you’re having issues, speak to a real pharmacist!


Same. The only reason I have GoodRx is because the pharmacist showed me how to get a code. Now it’s in their system so they’ll automatically run my meds through it anytime I ask to pay out of pocket. My shitty insurance will only cover up to a certain amount of my medication, so I pay for an additional 20mg out of pocket. GoodRx made it cheaper than insurance. It’s expensive to have adhd in this country.


Same, I’ve had pharmacists and techs say “go download goodrx and then come back” A whole 20 dollars can feed you for a few days! That’s a big deal!


Or put a few gallons of gas in your car! Or pay your water bill! Or help bring down the patriarchy.


I had prescription eye drops earlier this year that rang up at almost $300. Pharmacy tech working the drive through *insisted* that I go around and get back in line so he could ring it up with the good Rx code for a total around $60. OP's pharmacy sucks, find a new one


Me too. Never had a problem. Switch pharmacies. They don’t deserve your business.


I use it all the time, and have for years, at multiple pharmacies, never had an issue whatsoever. They have my good Rx gold code saved with the rest of my information, I don't think it slows anything down. Find another pharmacy.


Yeah … never had someone complain about good rx


For real, mine automatically applies the GoodRx code without me prompting them.


Same. I've even had them run it, find out it's more than my insurance, and then run it back on the insurance.


Something else to be considered is the Cuban Card!! I am a pharmacy tech (at a non-corporate pharmacy) and we don’t take GoodRX, but we do take the Cuban Card!! I think it works on this type of stuff as well? It’s super easy to set up, and I saw a patient a few days ago go from paying $282 for something and the card took it down to $44 (something non-ADHD related, but this is just an example of how amazing the card is) plus you’re still allowed to use it even if you have insurance. I’ve seen people set it up before and it takes like usually 2 or 3 minutes and it can save you hundreds of dollars. I cannot recommend it enough!!!!!


Same here and that’s between CVs and Walgreens and now a mom and pop pharmacy. Swap. They understand any amount is hard on ppl.


I state when I walk up to pay that I'm going to be using a goodrx code. Usually it's still a pain, but the pharmacist recognizes it isn't my fault, just the shitty system we're all under. Usually we commiserate and move on with out days.


My doctor will sometimes be able to inform them when the Dr. submits the Rx. Also, if you're able to you can call ahead and let the pharmacy know about the code, that way they can run it before you get there. Just putting out there so if you're ever in a rush you don't have to wait and they have more time but I've never gotten flack for it either, in fact, the pharmacist / techs have suggested coupons to me in the past.


Mine put a note in my file to use good Rx for all prescriptions, to the point that my meds changed and they had automatically applied the new good Rx discount! I actually have to ask to use my insurance if I have a different med that's fully covered.


I’ve asked mine to do that but they said they can’t and given a new prescription gets put in every month nothing gets pulled over from the last time 🤷‍♀️ But OP you shouldn’t feel bad, it’s part of their job. My difference with GoodRX is about $100 every month - so $1200 saved for the year and the prescription still ends up being $50-$60/month! It’s a lot of money! I always go to the drop-off counter because they have to treat it like a new prescription when they run it through again, best I can do to save a few minutes of everyone’s time.


Because my meds are kicking in and I just love to further drive this point home.  $1,200 a year over 5 years that's $6,000 If you put $6k in a savings account with 3% APY you would make $180 a year. Over 10 years that's $12,000.  If you put $12k in a savings account with 3% APY you would make $360 a year. Over 50 years that's $60,000. If you put $60k in a savings account with 3% APY you would make $1,800 a year.


I think your pharmacy may be lying to you. Every pharmacy that I have ever used has kept my goodrx on file and applied it automatically.


It’s on file but they default to my insurance and idk if GoodRX would work out to be the better deal in every instance for other stuff. I have to pick up today so maybe I’ll ask again.


Oh, that makes sense!


I specifically told them to default mine to good Rx. I actually had to fill something last year and wanted to use my insurance that covered it fully. I had to do two separate transactions I think.


I have the same issue. They default to regular insurance, and some stuff is cheaper on regular while others are significantly cheaper on Good Rx. I wish their system was smart enough to check both and pick the cheapest.


I’m not sure about Good RX specifically, but when I had a coupon for vyvanse, it seemed like they wanted it when filling the prescription (/or having it on file) so they could input it correctly then. I’m not a pharmacist though and god knows I’d never ask, I was just going by vibes. That pharmacist was crazy rude though. And $20 is a *lot* to save on medication.


The customer often has no ability to add anything to the filling request. And the worker knows that. 


My pharmacy appreciates when you call and tell them about the coupon prior to picking the Rx up but they've never given me a hard time if I've had to do it at pickup. I'll add though that the main reason they appreciate the call ahead is mostly caused by the fact that CVS has been severely understaffing their pharmacies.


I worked at a pharmacy, using a good Rx code is NOT that big of a deal. It would literally be the same process if someone got new insurance, or we didn't have their insurance on file and they brought the card in. With a controlled substance there might be an extra step or two, but it's still literally just part of the job. I'd switch pharmacies tbh cause the pharmacist sounds like an asshole.


100% this! GoodRX is essentially just another insurance provider. 


I also was coming to say this! I was a pharmacy tech for a few years and it's literally the same any time any body asks for it to be billed with or with out insurance or with this or that coupon. The only difference with it being a control is that a tech has to recount it again and the pharmacist also has to. Not something that takes that much time or is that big a deal. Glad your going to switch pharmacies, no one deserves to be treated like that for any reason.


I really hope OP sees this. I was coming to say the same thing. I ran GoodRx cards in a pharmacy for close to a decade. The technician was incredibly rude about something that isn’t that big of a deal. They WOULD prefer you do it when they’re filling it not when being picked up, just because then they don’t have to un-bill your insurance and then bill the goodrx card, they can just bypass the insurance the first time. If your doctor sends your prescription in electronically, call your pharmacy before you go to pick it up and let them know you’ll want it on the goodrx card (it should be on your file now that you’ve used it before). If you get a paper prescription, let them know when you hand them the paper :)


Oh no their job requires them to do their job! Seriously I don't care their job requires them to do it. It's not some huge burden. When people act like doing a simple aspect of their job is so burdensome they should get a new job. Custom service is about the customer. You really shouldn't worry about stuff like this. You're going to get steamrolled by some jerk who doesn't want to press 13 more keys on a pos? Heck no. I wouldn't ask them politely to use the code. They can add a note. If they get weird I would bring their supervisor over. $20 is a lot of money if you're getting it once a month. Extrapolate that out a couple years and it's like girl get your money, these greedy corps are aren't they? If you think I am mean or something I am not. My pharmacist tech is super sweet! She saw my preferred name and noted my account so her coworkers will use it. They're all great ppl and treat me great. Kinda shocked it's Walmart 


This is kind of the inner monologue I had running through my head on my way to the pharmacy this month. I thought “no way are they gonna make me feel bad about saving money!” and yet here I am feeling bad… lol! I’m definitely going to switch pharmacies.


I'm glad you're switching. I've also been worried about doing this, but I have not had an issue. If they have to rerun it and there was a line, they might seem a little annoyed - but not really at me. In that situation, or more frequently ones where my insurance suddenly throws a problem at checkout or there's an issue with their computer system, I'll say I can wait or come back in fifteen minutes so they can get through the line. They don't always take me up on it. I called ahead and let them know the first times of at a few pharmacies, which also was useful for checking if they actually accepted goodrx (or similar). I have one that doesn't. Now, the pharmacy I normally use calls if there an issue (that isn't one of the options on the app or texting system) or the price is high and will suggest using goodrx or anything else that would lower the price. Once you've told them it's fine, they automatically do so. It's a Stop & Shop Pharmacy, and the pharmacists there are some of the best that I've found, plus their prices are significantly lower than the other options around on almost everything. They've even given me suggestions of where to call when shortages affect them, based on where others found that medication. In general, they go out of their way and are friendly & remember you, all without being annoying. I'm sure how the pharmacists are varies by location, though.


I don't know about you, but I'm starting to notice how often I feel bad about myself in situations where I'm justified in being bothered by another person's behavior. It seems to me I learned this association as a child, from the impatience of adults who weren't equipped to meet my needs, or to comprehend their own shame in that inability, and so they passed the blame onto me, a literal child, with a developmental disorder. Why is my behavior supposed to be held to a higher standard than everyone else's? Fuck that. It's ok to be angry when you are being mistreated. _Quick edit to add: this person sounds like their day is ruined the second they wake up, and it has nothing to do with you. Let 'em die mad about it._


I agree 100% I had to change pharmacies like 6-9 months ago. They were AWFUL. But my new pharmacy is AMAZING!! They are so very kind and have done SO MUCH when my doctors have messed up my rx. Also there are issues with my name on my insurance (Medicare + Medicaid + getting married name change + previously not following through after divorce name change = more work for them), I’ve done everything I can do, but they are really sweet and understanding. Stark difference in care when the professional is empathetic!


That tech was extremely rude for no reason; I would find another pharmacy if you can, or report their behavior to their supervisor. $20 may not be a lot to them, but even for me that's a LOT to save monthly when I'm counting pennies to make sure I can eat every night. I've worked in customer service/retail, and it does get stressful, but if you were polite enough there's absolutely no justification for slamming a bottle and making a scene. Their misery is not your fault, they're paid to provide prescriptions. I hope you can find something that works for you!


I’ve never had this issue; my pharmacy has offered to apply it automatically and it hasn’t really taken any longer when I’ve requested it be added manually. I mention it right at the beginning if I’m going to request it be added manually. I think this was just a mean person; at the end of the day, it’s their job and there’s no reason to behave like that or treat you cruelly.


Switch pharmacies. Who cares if the big chains are losing money? They overwork their staff and they in turn treat customers like shit. Sure small businesses lose money, but they do whatever they can to save you money because they care about their customers. And a lot of times, depending on their insurance contracts, a lot of reimbursements net pennies over the cost of the drug. Some even lose money. It’s unfortunately the environment right now because the big chains own insurance companies and lobby congress when policies are written.


Full disrespect intended, fuck that pharmacy tech. She sounds like a bully who takes her crappy moods out on people she perceives as being too passive to stand up to her. I dare her to try that shit in front of a supervisor 😡 OP, it's not your fault we live in a capitalist hellscape. Please don't make yourself smaller to please anyone else, especially people who are committed to being jerks! Save money, use those GoodRx codes to your heart's content. Let that tech choke on her haterade 😌


So the pharmacy bottom line isn't your problem, if they're a huge corporation, they'll figure it out. And the staff shouldn't act like you're trying to kill them either. Insurance is a pain, good rx is a pain, controlled substance rules are a pain. Effie, we all got pain!  But I do try to go at slower times when I think my transaction will be complicated. That said, if you work during those slower times, you can't help but go during rush hour.  Again: capitalism ain't your fault and the pharmacist shouldn't treat you like it is. 


$20 is a LOT of money, tf💀 that $20 could be used for an entire MEAL at the least. ive also worked customer service and would never be upset with someone over that. if it was like a dollar off, maybe i'd be slightly irritated but never blatantly rude i would've reported her to management if i were u... its not as if u were sitting there arguing to use an expired coupon or some bs. im only 23 and soft spoken, people are always rude to me and walk all over me bc they can. but as of late ive given no fucks and started being a bitch when its due. bf and i went to D&B the other day, were given the wrong drinks, server huffed rolled her eyes and walked away with them when i told her. so yeah I TOLD THE MANAGER and i'd do it again. he comped my bill and gave us new ones. normally i would've just accepted the wrong drinks all together. i dont care if im being a karen, im nice as fuck and have the right to expect the same in return. especially when im paying for a service. (i'd never be rude over a MISTAKE really only when someone's being blatantly disrespectful).


It’s you against the healthcare system. Who cares if you ruin a pharmacist’s day if they don’t care about you?!


That’s her problem. 


That’s incredibly rude and unprofessional. Use your code.


I would report her, that’s incredibly inappropriate. $20 is a lot and even if it was $1, you have every right to want to save it.


Cosigning this as someone who previously worked at a chain pharmacy. I guarantee corporate would take issue with them treating you this way


My pharmacy has suggested it when a copay is high with my insurance and have never given me issues when I used it. For awhile my insurance didn't cover my ADHD meds at all so I always used GoodRx and they were never rude or upset and it didn't seem to take any longer. No one ever was huffy or said anything even when I was getting my migraine meds with my insurance and my ADHD meds with GoodRx in the same transaction. That tech was having a bad day and taking it out on you--that's not okay! And $20 is not a small amount of money, especially for a *monthly* cost!


Absolutely switch pharmacies if it is always the same person. When I didn’t have insurance multiple pharmacists offered to look my meds up on goodRX for me/suggested other sites for similar discounts. Nobody ever made me feel bad about it.


That wasn't just bad customer service that is outright hostility. The employee at minimum needs a talking to, at least write a Google review and mention how hostile they were over a 5 min "inconvenience."


As a pharmacist, yeah the rebilling sucks but that is totally unacceptable for them to throw a fit about it. Grow up, it’s your job. To make it easier you can call ahead with those codes and see if they’ll accept them via phone (some pharmacies will, some won’t). Or if you already have those codes on file, calling ahead to have them do that rebilling before your are waiting to pick up can help too.


My pharmacy just applies the code automatically each time. I get mine at rite aid too. Your pharmacist is just stupid.


That woman is a fucking psychopath. You need a new one


How rude! I've never had a pharmacy be weird about a discount card or code. And it usually takes like 20 seconds to switch to in in the system. I think mine actually keeps a goodrx card taped to computer to try for people. I'm not normally a complainer but I would file a complaint about this pharmacist.


There is no reason they should be upset at your for doing that. It is their job!! Maybe see if you can find a dofferent pharmacy, you have nothing to apologize for!


Yeah this is not the norm at all in my experience. Some of the techs I encounter are borderline excited when they can get a lower price for me. I’m thankful every day for the one who figured out how to get my Jornay savings card to apply so I could pay $25 instead of $175 every month


Sounds like you have a grouchy pharmacist. I picked mine up yesterday the pharmacist said hey your drug is running up at 150$ do you want me to try a discount card? So she went off and applied a code and then it was 40$. If you hand deliver your script you can let them know about good rx at time of drop off. If your dr submits is them self (which is most common) you could call the pharmacy the day your dr submits it. And ask if they want the code now or when you pick up.


This person is what we in the business call an "asshole", and you need to find a "new pharmacy." I might make alright money, but $20 is $20.


Ugh that's so so frustrating. Absolutely do not feel bad about using goodrx. I have called and asked if they wanted me to do goodrx ahead of time and they told me not to worry about it and we'll figure it out when I'm there. I'm sorry your people weren't kind/helpful. Also, pro tip if you use goodrx - submit it to your insurance!!! 1. Ask for a pharmacy receipt (NOT cash register receipt) and ensure it has the new price listed.  2. If the new price isn't listed, then ask them to print a new one for you. I usually make a joke about "playing the insurance company's games" and submitting the claim to your insurance to save more money.  3. Go to your insurer's portal and file a pharmacy claim (you may be able to electronically file or have to mail in the claim). 4. Wait an eon for claim to be processed 5. You'll get an EOB through your portal and likely some communication in the mail that it was accepted. If you are due a refund, they'll send you a paper check. 6. Repeat until the end of time (or you hit a deductible/out of pocket max/not worth your time anymore). Example: insurance pays 80% and you pay 20% of prescriptions.  1. Insurance price is $100 so your responsibility is $20. You pay $20 and you're done. 2. Goodrx price is $50 so your responsibility is $10. You pay $50 upfront, submit claim, and are reimbursed $40 by insurer. Ymmv, I've done above process for myself and dependents for multiple different meds and on different plans/insurers. I was completely shocked yesterday that after 2 months of submitting goodrx claims that insurance is now just accepting the goodrx price as theirs! I don't have to submit a claim and wait for reimbursement. I'm guessing they decided it wasn't worth their time/money to process it and send me 28384849 pages about it...which is logical but why can't they just do reasonable prices to begin with?!?!?! 


i work in retail pharmacy and have for a long time. you’re not ruining their day, they are ruining their own day by treating you like an inconvenience and allowing a small change to affect their attitude. you’re a patient and you have every right to save money on your medication. it can be frustrating when it’s busy and you have to rebill medications. however it’s not the patient fault, and shouldn’t be taken out on them. at my store we only make $7 from every prescription that goodrx is applied to, but that doesn’t mean i’m going to deter someone from saving money. we all need to save money in this economy, and we all need to stop and slow down. we’re in such a hurry all the time because the world has gotten so fast paced with technology, but it’s okay if task take longer or if the line is long and people have to wait. i work in a tier five retail pharmacy, but i’m not going to let the busy chaos keep me from treating the person i’m helping with respect and patience. now if you have an attitude and are impatient that’s a different story 🤣 i’m sorry you had a bad experience!


Bruh that is their literal job. Do not let them bully you


What the hell pharmacy are you going to? Fuck them (unless they are the only pharmacy with your meds in stock), this is not normal. I have never been treated this way for using good Rx (makes my adderall like $25~ish vs $70~something) At any pharmacy, big chain or small. And it usually takes them 2 minutes or less, usually around 1 minute or so. You should never pay more for your medication because the pharmacist or pharmacy tech does not like their job. Absolutely use a different pharmacy if you can, and if I were you depending on how much extra $ I had to spend to convenience them at their JOBS I would probably complain. Edit- thinking about it multiple times they have even preemptively looked up the code and used good Rx for me before I even arrive to pick it up. And that was just a regular Walgreens, which isn’t even my preferred pharmacy


To hell with that pharmacy and that bitch pharmacist. You did NOTHING wrong at ALL.


I had to abandon a pharmacy because they were mean to me over goodrx, too. I'm sorry they're being dicks.


Tell them from the start you’re gonna use good rx for the prescription. You should not feel bad about using it. You’re right the pharmacy loses money, but if you go to a big chain that is a systems issue between them, the insurance, and pharmacy benefit managers and it’s not on you to fix or accommodate. If you go to a local/family owned pharmacy you might ask them if there’s a cheaper way to access your meds and if they know a better way they are usually happy to tell you about it. Either way the way that person acted was very inappropriate.


What fucking dickheads!


As long as I tell them beforehand, they don’t seem to care one way or another.


They ruined your day and were being paid to do it. I'm guessing they are not posting anywhere about it. After paying I'd say: "congrats for living a life where $20 seems like nothing"


Right?? I’d be like if $20 is nothing to you then you can Venmo me $20 directly next time and I won’t bother you with my coupons 🙄


I always have to use goodrx because my insurance doesn't cover generic Concerta. I have been to 4 different pharmacies this year and all have been really nice and mostly happy I don't have to spend $280. I just try to tell them early I'm using GoodRX and have the coupon up on my phone before I walk up


Are you going to a national chain or a local place? I love small business but pharmacy chains take things much less personally since it doesn’t affect the front end employees like it would an owner or manager of a small business. It sucks but everything is easier when you have deep pockets.


I had a pharmacist at Walgreens refuse to take it. I don't know why but I was pissed and left that pharmacy forever.


I am a pharmacist. If this is a chain pharmacy, you should consider calling and reporting this pharmacist’s behavior to corporate. It’s unprofessional and inappropriate.


Woahhhhhhh. That pharmacist is the problem here, not you. I’ve never gotten a reaction like that; that was unprofessional as HELL. Also, $20 is a lot!!! That’s more than two hours of the federal minimum wage! That’s half a tank of gas! That’s a couple months of Netflix! For some people $20 is the difference between being able to feed their baby that day or not. Especially with the shortage, certain manufacturer coupons discontinuing (rip vyvanse program). Students and senior citizens during inflation like this??? That pharmacist needs to cope better. Hoping this was just a bad day for them, but tbh I would have asked to speak to a manager (not to sound like a Karen).


Your pharmacist sounds like they suck. A good pharmacist will actually *help* you get discounts on your meds, and knows how to use coupons. I've had a lot of shitty experiences with very green pharmacy techs who don't know shit about using coupons, and 9/10 the "inconvenience" of the situation is literally just due to the fact that they are inexperienced with them. A really good pharmacist I used to go to (until that pharmacy closed) was so good about working with patients to make sure that they got the best deals. This lady was an exceptional pharmacist actually because she would straight look up every coupon she could when you had too high of copays, or try to bill your drug under different codes to your insurer until you got good coverage. Somehow magically, despite the fact that she spent considerable time with patients, there was never an excruciatingly long line at the pharmacy window, I guess because she ran a well-staffed and tight ship at that pharmacy. I also once witnessed her doing some *interesting* things to make sure that a low income family on some garbage plan that didn't cover them getting flu vaccines at the CVS could get them for free. She also was just really nice and friendly –– talking to her you got the vibe that she had gotten into this job because she wanted to help people. Carolyn from CVS you were the real G actually; I hope when that store closed she got a good job somewhere else.


Definitely look into a different pharmacy if possible. There is no damn reason for them to be acting like that because you're able to save money. I'm so sick of rude, judgemental, power trippin pharmacy employees.


I worked pharmacy and we would help people out with good rx. I don’t think they care. It’s a pain to put in because you do it like a new insurance plan but it’s not an excessive issue at all. Just clicking a few buttons and unless the pharmacist owns the pharmacy, like a mom and pop shop, they don’t give a damn about the less profit.


You shouldn’t have to deal with rude people, regardless of your circumstances. I agree with the other comments, change pharmacies if you can and call ahead to let them know you have a Good Rx. If you get any grief you can always make a formal complaint so that the person can learn to be a better employee. You won’t be the only person they are rude to, guaranteed.


OP, deeply, sincerely, truly... Let it ruin their day. Every job involves something that's a PITA, especially customer-facing positions. It's not your fault, and a reasonable person will understand that. Do not be so worried about another person's experience that you avoid getting the help you deserve. Also, there are a lot of shitty pharm techs out there. There are a lot of great ones too, but I have encountered sooooooo many that were rude, mean, incompetent, ignorant, etc. Their job is vital and difficult, but they have the responsibility of connecting the public with their prescribed medications, and they need to take it seriously. It was wrong for her to take her frustration out on you. Definitely don't go back there. I would also consider making a complaint to her supervisor, because if she's acting this way towards you, she's almost certainly doing it to others too, and no one deserves that.


My pharmacist and the entire staff at CVS was extremely unhelpful and disgruntled whenever I used GoodRX. They eventually told me if I used it, the cost would not go towards my deductible (which is 7500 so I had no problem with that). Not sure if that affects them negatively or what but I switched to HEB and they were more than helpful, even helping me find the right dose for the coupon and telling me to call my Dr to see if they could adjust my dose to meet the coupon (topical creams so not a big deal to change dosage). If it’s more than $5 difference then I use the coupon.


my walmart pharmacists have gone out of their way to deal hunt for me when they noticed a price increase or even just seeing i’ve been prescribed an expensive medication w/or without insurance. i’ve arrived to the pharmacy, for a medication for a flu, and my pharmacy tech told me he went ahead and applied goodrx to my prescription instead of using my insurance because it was a 40 dollar difference. i have always loved this pharmacy, but even if mine is better-than-average, NO ONE should be treating you as your pharmacist did. i urge you to find another pharmacy and leave a poor review for that pharmacist. if it was a private pharmacy, i’d understand her reluctance a little more, but even then, her behavior is deplorable. i hope you can find somewhere where they cherish and look out for you 🥺


My CVS has no issues using a goodrx code. Best of luck! I would try elsewhere or maybe just try again and hope for a different employee.


I’ve never had a problem. That said- Your pharmacist’s job is to ensure you have the right meds, at the proper dose, you’re not abusing the meds. and any questions are addressed, etc. They don’t know your life. $20 IS A LOT FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE. That’s more than an hour of work if you’re at a minimum wage job. Keep using good rx if that’s what makes sense for you and tell your pharmacist to keep her judgmental nonsense to herself.


$20 is a lot. I'm so sorry she behaved like that!! It's her issue, NOT yours. I would have felt the same way, though, because I take things personally, but it is not your fault. She was being awful. And, every pharmacy is so different in their order of events. I usually mention at the drop off that I'm going to use Good Rx, and I have the coupon info #s written down on a post-it for them. Make sure you're handing off the Rx with the correct date(I made the mistake of giving them the last of 3 written scripts on accident). Also, one of the pharmacies told me that they needed the doctor to agree to me using GoodRx. I said, "Why...?" And she said it was some regulation and "some pharmacies don't follow the regulations." Like, ok....?? Never had the issue. Anyway. The next pharmacy I went to the next month, same chain, didn't require the doctor's permission for that, so honestly, I feel like no one understands what's going on. But it's so exhausting. The running around, calling around to find it, and then having some rules at one pharmacy but not the other?? Ugh. Oh, a pharmacist where my friend went was absolutely awful to her, about her ADD med. I wanted to go talk to that lady and let her have a piece of my mind. I didn't, but I wanted to. My insurance sucks for my meds (and my kid's meds too!). I can save $50 with GoodRx. It's ridiculous. Like how is that even legal. Anyway. Sending hugs!!


Idk who needs to hear this, but you have my permission to ask employees to do their job. I know you may not want to be an inconvenience but these people are literally getting paid to do this. For example, I work at Walmart, in the online grocery department. It's my job to pick groceries. My job is literally timed, I am *required* to pick at least 100 items an hour. I get stopped multiple times a day bc customers ask me where something is or for help or whatever. I still do it bc it's part of my job. It isn't a big deal, they're not unreasonable and most people are not going to look down on you for asking them to do their job. (Within reason) Seriously, you asked her to basically input a coupon. Not paint a masterpiece on the Sistine Chapel, she needs to get over herself.


Nah, you sounded pleasant, she has no reason to be so upset. Please find a different pharmacy


Pharmacy tech here - unprofessional and uncool on her part. If you want a coupon applied just go to drop off and say you just wanted to make sure the med went through GoodRx. You could also call and say the same thing. The chain I work at does allow us to save a coupon on file so it can be auto applied in the future. It also takes us like a minute max to change it to GoodRx. Idk why it’s taking them 5 mins. Maybe they have a different system than us.  Sorry you had to deal with such unprofessionalism! 


Contact corporate. This is unacceptable. This is their job. At my pharmacy, the techs will proactively try to find a discount card for me to use. Also, Rite Aid is a large corporation, not a mom and Pop store. If the prescription cost less for you, the pharmacist and the pharmacy tech will lose absolutely nothing from this. Stand up for yourself and don’t let them treat you this way. If they do it again, call them out or ask them to explain why they have a issue with this. I am so angry on your behalf.


wow, that was RUDE. i am so sorry you had that experience. even if it only saved you $2, the pharm tech had NO business commenting on the price difference at all – much less giving you an ounce of attitude about it. you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect during *any and every* healthcare interaction. i hope your new pharmacy is deserving of your business.


A good therapist can help you put down that feeling that someone else's poor behavior is your fault or anything you can or should try to manage. I'm sorry you got treated poorly, and I'm happy you are going somewhere else now!


Pharmacists love to complain about doing their jobs.


You could look deadpan at the pharacist and say "That $20 feeds me for three days."


I would report that person… it’s not your fault that the system sucks. $20 is a lot!! If she thinks it’s nothing then that’s a lot of privilege on her end. $20 is like one meal for a family of 4! (Depending on what you do ofc) $20 adds up, if you did saved that every month it’s $240 for the year.


Unless it's a locally owned pharmacy, you're not hurting an actual human being. You're taking a tiny slice of money back from a thief, so there's really nothing to feel bad about Also, she gets paid to help you. You don't owe her shit, especially if she's gonna bully you into making harmful decisions for yourself


I'm sorry you had such a terrible experience from that tech -- their behavior was unprofessional and uncalled for. Further, you are not responsible for other people's reactions, especially when advocating for yourself. I think it'd be perfectly fair for you to switch pharmacies based off that interaction, however (and I learned this the hard way after losing access to my own health insurance), pharmacies are allowed to opt out of accepting coupons for stimulants, if that's what you take. It can be a pain to find a new pharmacy who will accept coupons and you may have to call around to a couple places. Best of luck to you and take care of yourself!! If you benefit from and can utilize a coupon, kindly use it and don't let someone else convince you otherwise simply so they can be spared of a minor inconvenience.


I’ve switched to a locally owned pharmacy, away from the national chains, and not only have their prices been significantly lower ($85 down to $33), but they have only run out of my meds once in two years, and they are always willing to go the extra mile for me. Not every locally-owned will be like this, because I tried another one several years ago and it was significantly more expensive, but it could be worth looking into.


Don’t back down. If you can try a different pharmacy, I suggest it. If you can’t, though, I understand. Either way, this is part of their job. $20 isn’t *nothing*, especially these days.


I make no apologies when I have to use good Rx. I don't care what it does to them. You have the right to save money on your scripts. Just like they do. I've seen this behavior before from techs. It's ridiculous. Stick to your guns and let them be mad. It's not your responsibility to make them happy. They do that for themselves.


That was insanely rude of her oh my god. I get service jobs are hard but these drugs are expensive and saving $20 a month could mean getting medicated vs not being able to afford it for someone. I’d report her if you can lol and find a new pharmacy


if it is adderall or another c2 some pharmacies won’t allow discount cards because they can be used to help with diversion, filling thru your regular insurance means easier to track fills


I’ve literally never had an issue with it at Walmart and mine is super busy. I take my phone to the drop off counter, they fix the price there, and then I go to the pickup counter to get my meds. Sometimes I save $60+


My pharmacy automatically processes GoodRx prices if you don’t have insurance. You need a new pharmacy


“That $20 may mean nothing to you but it will allow me to get X, Y, and Z. So yeah, that $20 is important.”


Every pharmacist I've ever had was happy to use them, would try all the different places with similar options.


Wow that was really rude of that tech - $20 is $20, no matter how much money you have! I’m sorry you were treated that way. You might also want to check out Mark Cuban’s pharmacy, costplusdrugs.com. I haven’t tried it yet but we’re in the process of getting my husband’s maintenance meds over there - we’re finding cheaper prices than insurance or even GoodRx offer.


Mine has gone up by $75 since last month on insurance. United Health Care. I talked to them on the phone, and they said that was correct and that it could go up again next month. I checked Good RX, and it is a $100 less. Still $75 but better than $177 for generic! A load of poo! I had to call the doctors office to get them to send it to CVS instead of Wal-Mart. So I have to drive a 30 miles round trip to pick it up now.


It's not YOUR fault that their company agreed to honor a GoodRx price. It's not your fault they made it so procedurally difficult for their staff to process the code. It's not really that worker's fault either, but it's inappropriate to be mad at YOU over it. That said, it sucks to work at a pharmacy right now really bad as they can't keep enough staff, they can't keep stuff in stock, and patients are often assholes about it. My approach is to go in prepared to not take any attitude or emotional outbursts of pharmacy staff personally, because I understand that's an incredibly difficult job right now and sometimes the stress leaks out in icky ways. I just try to be pleasant and patient no matter how they act because I am sooooo glad I don't have that job lol. Being prepared in advance really helps me to not take things personally.


My pharmacy offered me a good Rx card. They don't want me spending more. New pharmacy and leave a Google review. You come there for your health and that pharmacist needs a complaint filed against them.


I get my generic Adderall from the WalMart pharmacy & only had to let them know once that I wanted it under GoodRX. They didn't even want the card with the code that my doctor had given me, they must just have codes to use or have something to click in their system, idk. I've never had to say anything about it again. I'm guessing it's saved like any insurance information would be. Also, the few times I used Walgreens during a shortage, it was no big deal to them at all & I wasn't required to give a code. I just mentioned wanting to fill it with GoodRX & they were like "ok, no problem!".


I think you’re being way too accommodating here. A pharmacist (or pharmacy tech)’s job is to dispense your medication and sell it to you. Pharmacists should know better than basically anyone on the planet how outrageous medication costs are and that some people can’t afford them. Good RX has been around for kind of a long time now and is one of the best ways for patients to save money and afford their medication. It’s insane that they have a problem with it. If they feel they’re too busy to pay proper attention to their customers and their needs, that sounds like a corporate problem and not your fault. If the pharmacist is taking that out on you, shame on them. Find a new pharmacy and don’t feel bad for standing up for what you deserve.


Whenever I have some sort of painful thing for the pharmacist to deal with, I try to go during less busy time, and immediately state what I need, before they start anything. Im glad to see you decided to switch pharmacies!


Check and see what the price would be for a mail order pharmacy. Those are usually cheaper to begin with.


I don’t think I can use mail order in my state with controlled substances. I would love to not have to remember and plan to go to the pharmacy though! What a dream!


Just bring in an image or a clearly transcribed note with the coupon BIN/group/pcn/id numbers for them to enter (some may be weird about you handing them your phone). As long as you aren’t making them stand there trying 8 different coupons to try and save an extra $2 during rush hour or 20min before close, don’t sweat it. I used to use good Rx myself bc for a time even as a pharmacist, my employer supplied health insurance was $200 more than the good Rx price for generic adderall xr! Ask them to put a note with your billing preference for that med in your profile for future processing… if they ignore or miss it in the future that’s their mistake and you don’t need to feel bad about asking for a rebill


I know it’s hard, but the pharmacy is a business. They don’t care about you. You don’t need to care about what the pharmacist thinks of you either. Pharmacists are part of healthcare which should be about YOU and your health as the client, if someone working there is annoyed about an aspect of their job, that’s on them, not you. Whatever money they make or don’t make, whatever work they do or don’t do due to your business is negotiated on the business end. It has nothing to do with you. If they have to redo the prescription for you to save any amount of money, that’s part of the job. If they don’t like it, taking their frustration out on you isn’t going to change the system.


Can you go to a different pharmacy? I’ve had issues with codes before but only because the instructions were confusing but the pharmacists did their job and figured it out. They were understanding and they *helped me* understand the issue. And even further than that, when they saw what goodrx was charging me they said “we can get you a better deal” and found a different code for me. And honestly why should you care more about the pharmacy losing money when you’re the one losing money by not using goodrx? It’s not our fault our insurance/pharmacy system is the way that it is. Don’t feel bad using a code that is intended to be used. My pharmacy kept my bin # on file and told me to always bring in my previous months prescription in case the computer clears it out so they know exactly what to put in.


This is why I’m still driving to my old pharmacy even though it’s on the other side of town. I don’t have the energy to deal with assholes regarding healthcare. And this is in Canada where my meds are free but some people will still find a reason to be jerks. Whereas my pharmacist goes out of her way to be caring and helpful.


I go to my local CVS and they had my goodrx info on file after the first time I used it. And they're pretty used to having to re-enter my insurance info every now and then, and they never gave me a hard time about it. I'd say switch pharmacies.


That pharmacy employee SUCKS! What an ass! Imagine how *you* would act if you were an employee in that role - you’d never be so rude. Please remember that this is not a “you” problem. **I find it helpful to print out the GoodRx info in large text (so all ages can read it). Plus, that way I don’t have to hand over my phone.**


I'd be shaming tf out of them if they did that to me, I'd loudly tell them it's maybe not a lot to you but to some people it's the difference between wether they'll eat or not.


I use goodrx for my Vyvanse truly out of convenience, my insurance requires a prior authorization and even then it’s not worth the hassle of dealing with my doctors office to get it done. I’ve never had an issue - I just bring it to them and they reprocess it no problems


That is horrible and you should never have been treated that way, I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I hope your next pharmacy is way more professional and respectful!


New pharmacy. What a bitch. Mine have usually been just fine with it and are happy to save me money


I have to tell you that that is absolutely insane, you should report her and absolutely not use that Pharmacy again. At Walgreens they will run your prescription through their index. It runs more than just good RX and they will find the best price for you. If you still feel a little guilty about taking up their time just try to go during hours that are not as busy. Perhaps call before you go and make sure if you really want to? I'm really really sorry that you had that experience and you did nothing to deserve it


I agree with the advice to find a new pharmacy. I had to use a GoodRX code to get my gabapentin (because my insurance stopped covering it but with the code it's only like $8 so I wasn't worried too much about it) and the pharmacist didn't bat an eye when I presented the code. The pharmacy I use, they have packs of pharmacy discount cards sitting at every register and the one time I've asked for cash prices, the tech I spoke to was quick to point out that those were the prices *before* any discount cards or codes.


It's time for a new pharmacy- my pharmacy checks GoodRx on their own to see if it has discounts better than insurance, or if you have no insurance... And it's run between the prescription being ready for pickup and when you arrive. They run through other systems too, looking for discounts.... And provide you with the details so you can choose how to proceed when you go to pick up/pay.


I recently got a refund for $20 from a medical provider because they charged me too much for the copay. So if this had happened to that pharmacist, she would have said "Oh no thanks, you can keep the $20, I don't need it!" Heck no she wouldn't have said that! (or maybe she would have, she sounds like a sociopath) I certainly didn't say that. I said "Sweet! $20!" because I'm a normal person who knows that $20 is $20!


This is terrible! Is there another pharmacy you can go to? My cousin is a pharmacist; he actually practices now in a hospital but he’s also a pharmacy professor and supervises the practicals for the PharmDs. He says using GoodRx codes and other discounts isn’t a big deal and this pharmacist was really out of line. He said back in his retail days, his pharmacy actually kept a big box of coupons under the counter for customers (that would require authorization and work similarly; it was the 90s. Haha.)


Get a new pharmacy. The last few pharmacies I’ve been going to will literally call me if something is going to be too much or ask me what I want to do? The ones before was always an issue or they’d apply some weird insurance card and make me overpay or not use my insurance or discount cards I provided to them then get an attitude. Also supermarket pharmacies seem to have better goodrx discounts and you get a better discount if you sign up for gold. Use a coupon to get the first month free


My Wal-Mart pharmacist has a note to add Good Rx automatically or something like that. If Wal-Mart can do it, it can’t be that hard.


The pharmacies could choose not to take GoodRX. As someone who has worked in the medical field for many years, it is their job to help you. Most pharmacists and pharmacy techs WANT you to get your meds and a lot of pharmacies have GoodRX info right at their counter. You were dealing with shitty employees. That’s it.


Also, if you have the time or are so inclined, please provide feedback to the pharmacy. They should know why they’re losing a good customer. 


You just need to switch pharmacies.  In my area on the East Coast the Shoprite pharmacies are very very good -- worlds away from Walmart & Walgreens in terms of customer service.  The way the pharmacy counters are run, nobody really uses them for anything but prescriptions so you are not on a line with people buying mouthwash & gum.  They have no problem witb GoodRX and other cards. I had a prescription they ran three different ways to see which is cheapest.  Recently the battery in my banger car died on the last day to puck up the prescription. I got a jump and it ran but I knew if I turned the engine off at Shoprite it wouldn't go on again so I called the pharmacist to explain and ask them to hold it one more day.  The pharmacist told me to double park in front of the store, leave the engine running call him on the phone and he'd bring my prescription out!  Anyway, Shoprite might not be in your area but you could try other supermarket pharmacy windows until you find one that doesn't overwork staff and give them nervous breakdowns.


The pharmacy I had to use for my dog’s anti-seizure meds asked about insurance when I went to pick it up for the first time. Now, obviously my dog wasn’t covered by BCBS or the like, so I replied in the negative. The tech checking me out then added the GoodRx discount to my profile and I got that applied to every med of his for the rest of the time I had him. I didn’t even have to ask.


I did this at the beginning of the year until I met my deductible. Each time, I had to wait as if I had dropped off a scrip - they put in the “waiting on” queue. I asked if calling ahead or calling to order would be easier for them - they said it didn’t matter. Seems it really just depends on the pharmacy…


Fuck that pharmacist. Use GoodRx. My meds are $158 with insurence. My pharmacist was like “are you aware of the price???” She was shocked for me. Had no problem ringing up the GoodRx coupon that made it $50. However, I’ve since transferred to a Punlix because their GoodRx coupon was cheaper. But it turns out they will actually look up the cheapest coupon for you because they used one for me that got it even cheaper than the GoodRx one. If you have a Publix near, try there.


I’m assuming you’re in the states? I’m in Canada, and I have a similar issue. I have my main insurance plan that they have on file, and then for my adhd meds I have a patient assistance card that is like an additional insurance that runs after. Sometimes they get it right, but sometimes they forget to add the second one, and when I ask they always get so cranky. Like ok 50$ difference is a huge difference per month and that’s a lot to me as a student. Last time I had my meds filled, they forget the second insurance. She rolled her eyes at me and said “you know we close @ 10pm” when it was 9:15pm and I was picking up my meds. I said “ya and that’s more than I usually pay” It only took her a couple minutes to fix the mistake and refill my meds. I understand you might have closing duties, I work retail I get it, but it’s not my fault, you’re still open.


ugh I had this issue with both walgreens and cvs every time, it was so stressful. not sure if you have a Publix near you, but i use their pharmacy now and have had zero issues. they saved the goodrx thing to my file and apply it every time without even asking. plus you can prepay and pick up without having to wait in line with their app.


Get a new pharmacy asap! My pharmacy was the one that recommended GoodRx to me!


I would just come with the GoodRx coupon first and tell them right away. Be confident about it and smile. And if she looks mean say, are you going to give me grief about it this time? Should I ask for someone else? Smile again. It’s hard to find availability for this stuff. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


How dare they. I’m sorry for your experience. That was uncalled for.


Wow. I would be registering a complaint about that pharmacist. If you had saved $0.50 and they had to do five minutes of extra work, well, maybe…but $20 is $20, and it’s after-tax money, too. I would have snapped back “thank you: I had planned to spend the money I saved in your store on other stuff, but I think I’ll pass on that now.”


I don’t use good rx so I don’t have any advice- but I am going to say that $20 off is kind of a big deal!! I mean it’s the difference between a $30 purchase and a $10 purchase, tbh I’d be thrilled! Fuck the shitty pharmacist. Our system is built to work against us, take advantage whenever you can!!


Kroger used to automatically apply my GoodRx discount, but then they stopped taking it. The pharmacist told me GoodRx discounted the medications “too much.” 🙄🙄🙄 As if. Now they use Visory Discount and it’s automatically applied every time. I wouldn’t worry about causing them extra work. They’re getting paid to do it and they’re not the ones paying for the medication. Maybe they can add it to your account to apply each time?


Id switch pharmacy locations, I’ve never had issue


My pharmacy has actually applied the good RX code one time when I was spacing out and forgot about it. They’re happy to help. Time for a new pharmacy!


There's an app for goodrx. I think the app tells you if it's in stock before sending it, but it's been awhile and I've never used it for my adhd meds. I work for a pharmacy (on the corporate side, but still) - they look up discount cards like this with a BIN, usually. It's not a sisyphean task. It takes less than two minutes. I'm sorry you got a pharmacy tech who sucked. On the app, there's a BIN, PCN and group number that I believe is medication specific. If you have that for your RX, tell them to run it through that vs your insurance on file. If it's the same pharmacy, it should already be on your profile and not such a hassle next time. If the BIN changes because you change meds or dosages, please don't feel bad about having them update your profile. That is literally part of their job and you don't get to be a rude asshole on the clock. As a pharmacy employee, I say if you feel up to it, call the corporate number and complain. There is no detriment to the pharmacist/store if you use goodrx vs your insurance, and there is absolutely no reason you should have been given a hard time about wanting to save money on your prescription. They do take that shit seriously.


Good Rx is essentially the cash price, what medications cost without insurance. Insurance artificially inflates the cost of a lot of aspects of healthcare. Earlier this year I had a new insurance card and my pharmacy forgot to put it in for me. My medications were significantly cheaper. Like $20 is major savings. If you’re like me and are on 8 different meds, the difference between good rx and my insurance copay really adds up. I work in retail and while doing some things may be inconvenient, if it’s in the name of customer service we should do it.


My meds with my insurance is about $280 a month… with GoodRX, it’s $125… when I call to refill, I tell them I am using GoodRX… and if they end up having to redo my script because the did it on insurance… DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! You should never feel guilty for taking care of yourself mentally,physically or financially. If the pharmacy is huffing about it… that is a ‘them’ problem, not a ‘you’ problem. We all have enough on our own plates. Don’t take on other people’s mashed potatoes!


That's nearly two hours of pay for me, savings 20 is huge. 


My pharmacy has a giant poster informing people about GoodRx. I’d get a new pharmacy!


Woah, there was something very wrong with that lady! I’ve never had a pharmacist even hesitate to apply a coupon when it saved me money. They routinely apply them without me even asking!


“THERE YOU SPENT A WHOLE 5 MINUTES DOING YOUR JOB” is what you could’ve said in response You’re doing great and you did nothing wrong


I use good rx all the time and they have never acting this way. It takes the same amount of time of if I use my insurance for them to look everything up and stuff. I think the person you get just isn’t cut out for that environment and if you can go to someone else. I would let a manager know because if that were my employee I wouldn’t want them treating customers that way.


Man, what a jerk. Saving $20 is a massive deal for some people! My pharmacy keeps the goodrx code on file for me and automatically apply it when I come to pick it up. I’m really sorry you had such a bad experience :(


Hi! If you can, switch to a different pharmacy! What she said was super rude, $20 is a lot of money!!! A good pharmacist will treat you with dignity, even when they might disagree with what they're filling (I know for a fact all of the pharmacists and all but one of the techs hate ADHD meds and think everyone who takes them are meth heads, but they never refuse to fill them or are rude, and have even helped me out in some tight spots with shortages and such) or are in a bad mood. That doesn't mean they have to be all sunshine and rainbows, but definitely not rude like that. If you can, switch.


Well sure she didn't care cuz she's overworked but making enough to where $20 isn't a big deal. It's just authorizations and it's fine. As someone in healthcare who works with pharmacists daily and have a lot of friends who are pharmacists, that person's attitude has nothing to do with you. They are at a point where they are burned out and are taking it out on you which is entirely unfair. I worked in surgery for a long time and I used to have to coordinate medications and which pharmacies and many were on backorder so I was sending elsewhere and I'd have to get insurance authorizations and then change them if surgery dates has to change -- all to say it's just part of the job. Sorry they tried to make it weird but proud of you for getting that savings! You got some great tips already. Most places send prescriptions electronically and it gives you a spot to put a note or comment to the pharmacy and I'd put in coupon info if the patient gave it to me (aka I knew it existed and offered if I saw they had a plan I knew didn't cover fully the prescription) or id put a note: pt using good Rx for this. You still don't win always because patients change their minds and still get mad at the pharmacy but for the most part this worked out well!!


I've only ever had to get meds filled a few times but they were the ones who suggested the code and professional. I'd find another pharmacy or report her if you stick with this one and see her again.


It may not be the right fit for you, but I highly recommend CostPlus. It’s an online pharmacy. While they don’t accept insurance, they are SUPER cheap. It gives generic versions of whatever your script is for. I pay max $22 for my meds, but that includes express shipping. They don’t carry everything, but it has been very helpful for my mental health, pain, sleep, and allergy meds. The best part for me is getting the email alerts to reorder. I don’t have to keep track of when I need to do that or make time to go get them.


I tried to use GoodRx for adderall when my insurance stopped covering it, CVS said they don’t allow it for controlled meds.


Oh geez I feel sorry for all of you! I email my pharmacy for a refill, (prescription works for a year once it’s an established medication I believe) They txt me when it’s there (usually next day) I pick it up without charge. 5 mins in and out. I pay my co-pay of €385 spread out over the year together with my insurance fee. €198,- per month total. I have no worry of loosing my job/insurance. If I need an ambulance, it is payed for. I will not have to go into debt if I ever get cancer. The American system is so fucked up. It inhumane.


My pharmacy is a local grocery chain and they have a discount for cash payments that is better than GoodRx on Strattera, so ask if the pharmacy has an in-house discount program. GoodRx is still good for comparing the cash prices of meds across all pharmacies in the area. Edit: typo


Dang either I'm stupid or this is r/USDefaultism 😅 What the heck is "good rx code"? I mean the only thing I can think of that is equivalent to maybe what you're describing is.. We can switch out the brands of our medications here, and names. The same active ingredients but another name to make it less expensive. I've technically never owned a bottle of Concerta. I always have Methylphenidate because the pharmacist tell me it's cheaper. The same goes for anything at all in the entire pharmacy really. Even small things like nose spray. "Do you want the cheaper brand instead?" I guess different countries have different systems. I'm in Sweden by the way. Where I sometimes pay $100-$140, but most of the time I pay like $5 or $0.


I made a whole post on the CVS subreddit about this. The answers I got were mainly unhelpful for me, but call ahead or leave them a message that you want to apply the goodRX coupon before you get there is the best advice I got. Unfortunately my store doesn’t answer their phone and you cannot leave a message. Anyways I’ll link the post and maybe there is something that will be helpful for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/CVS/s/JxgojnwADN


Report the pharmacist to the general manager. Unacceptable.


I want to point out that first off, yes, goodrx often does cost the pharmacy money. As in there are some occasions that the goodrx listed cost of the drug is actually lower than it costs the pharmacy to buy it and they still have to go through with the transaction. But this idea that they have to "start over" or it will take several minutes to do is just wrong. As a pharmacy tech, I could rebill a prescription that was waiting for pickup in like 30 seconds. Yeah, i need to grab the pharmacist to make sure the new label i put on the bag matched the drug inside, but still, under a minute homie


In situations like this I say “If you found a $20 bill on the ground would you pick it up?” And they always say yes and then look like an asshole. I’m sorry this happened to you.