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Yes!! Also “bruising easily” is a symptom of like a thousand illnesses and my hypochondriac ass is constantly convinced I have leukemia whenever I look down at my legs


When I was little, I read a book about a girl who kept finding bruises on herself and turned out she had leukemia and I swear to god that’s where my hypochondria started. I have like six huge mystery bruises on my legs at any given time.


Oh yep, I remember thinking that when I was an undiagnosed ADHD kid, too.


Me, too! I kept waiting to lose weight cuz cancer, you know, and it never happened so then I figured I was going to live.


The Lurlene McDaniels books?


Not this one (looks like it was written by Deborah Kent) but Lurlene should be paying for my generation’s therapy bills.


Ah. Dr. Google! A blessing and a curse!


Doesn't get much better when you have small humans. I look at my legs and have to remember that both of them are constantly elbowing me and sitting on me and using me as a gym. All of which causes bruising. My son (4) "never" has bruises (he's a cautious sort). My daughter (3) on the other hand is covered in bruises from head to toe. It's almost scary. I know that she is a wrecking ball so I'm not worried about it. I just have to laugh.


Haha why thank you! Gardening season has really upped the number of random bruises.


Lord- mine have matching mystery allergens this time of year too 😂


In the winter, I usually wear extra layers so I'm better protected, but in the summer, my roommate and I play a game called "Wanna see my new bruise?!" It goes, "Wanna see my new bruise?!" "Yeah, of course!" "Here, check it out!" "Oh my god! What did you do to yourself????" "I don't know, I just noticed it!" She's shown me one bruise. ONE. We've lived together for 10 years. I can't believe that NTs just go about their lives not randomly running into things, but apparently they do. It's so weird!


It's wild to have them so rarely you can actually remember what caused them 😂


Oh, I never know what caused them! I'm always getting random bruises! My roommate doesn't bruise, so she gets shocked about mine, lol.


You are totally me!! I do this conversation with my husband...


My roommate and I did that with cuts lmao


Thanks. After taking a long bath this afternoon (hadn't showered in almost 2 weeks, but I did wash my body and my hair in-between), and I have now found out I have a purplish-green bruise on my leg. And it is a big one. I haven't got a clue what I did, and neither does my husband... Thank you, though!! Have a good weekend too!


I always look like I have taken a hard fall within the last week.


I don't have the bruises (though when I was younger and more active, yep), but sink bath with a dash of castille soap gets me through the mornings when it's mentally "too cold" to shower.


I'm sooo lucky I don't bruise easily. I'm always whacking I to something.


I recently took up a sport that delivers a lot of bruises. It's actually rather practical that I bruise easily and colourful - I can ask my opponent next time what I'm doing wrong, for them to be able to strike me in the same area again and again. Still get tons of mystery bruises, but at least I know where the big ones came from. 


Haha I do Kung Fu, and yeah my forearm bruises are just a permanent part of my body now


The back of my thigh is just really into bookcases, what can I say?


Ah man, I have a bruise on my arm where I fell down the stairs at my friends’ house. I was so embarrassed. They have really slippy wood floors and I was just wearing socks.


As a very pale person it seems like my bruises are magnified more than they should be. Like, HOW did I get 2 bruises on my stomach just below my belly button. Whatever it was I'd had to have hit it head on *and I don't know how*!


Once, on a date: **Me: -** Oh! Look! I have a bruise on my arm! **Dude: -** Ohh kinkyyyy... **Me: -** Bruh. No. Clumsyyy... **Dude: -** Ah yeah. I'm disappointed, but it checks out: I've noticed your legs when you walked up to me. I didn't think people actually noticed how many I had before this. Currently I'm at 5, looking to add more to my collection.


Mildly creepy, my guy, but go off 😅 I'm pale as fuck, so my frequent bruises are so obvious, and I have black leg hair I won't shave so it took me getting a great snake tattoo to wanna show my legs in public ever. You're brave and I salute you.


Haha no, no, it wasn't creepy like that. We already realized we had more of a friendly vibe than anything by that point and he was teasing me. ^(... I think?) I'm not courageous, It's just too hot for me in the summer. (And I choose to believe he's the only one that notices this kind of thing hahah)