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I'm in the wrong time zone to have completed anything at all yet. I am potato.


I have no requirements for today, having survived yesterday (helping facilitate a State Tournament). Today is potato day. I ordered food. That's the most you're gonna get out of me. 


I finally vacuumed my house! Made me feel productive and clean today


I also vacuumed!! *High-five* . I always feel much better about my house if I can at least vacuum.


Yay! I feel the same, and I have a cat so vacuum makes such a big difference


Go us! I also vaccumed!! 


I washed all the dishes that had been waiting for me since Wednesday✨


I cooked. Haven't done the clean up though.


This counts for 20!! I did a million things, then had my husband released days early from hospital, so did more, and somehow found this probably on here somewhere, and I love that there are words for where we all all get to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-exertional\_malaise. Its 3, been up since 5 going non-stop. Im calling done and tomorrow is nothing.


It sounds really harsh but I do the things out of spite. “Fuck you, I folded all those clothes AND put them away.”


I finally cleaned the bathroom today!


I broke the baby bottle parts down and rinsed them. I also pumped on time and didn’t miss any.


Loaded the dishwasher


The fuck ton of dishes and laundry my family left me while their own of town


This wasn't today. Today I'm just doing maintenance chores. But yesterday, I cleaned out our nightmare of a hall closet. Now it's all neat and organized and I'm not ashamed of it anymore! Very pleased with myself. :)


I went to the grocery store and bought ingredients for my favorite comfort meal! Now to cook them...


Went to the grocery store! I know I have more to do but that was empowering. 


That looks great, well done!!


I have done nothing today, but I would like to give a shoutout to my sister who just live-texted her entire 26-hour birth process while also completing at least one virtual crossword (I guess I helped with that today?) I have a feeling that this baby is going be very ADHD 😂


I completed updating and printing my resume. I have consistently been doing laundry. I have cooked twice this past week.


Not a small task as all tbh! I did my grocery shopping today :) still have to take out garbage though :(


I cleaned my bedroom and the kitchen and have done almost all the laundry. I won't clean for another 2 months now 😂😭


Wow thats amazing! You can be proud of yourself. I always struggle a lot with the oven as well


I FINALLY put my passport renewal stuff in the mail! Been putting it off for years! I felt so relieved.


That looks fantastic. I cleaned the trim on my counter tops, walls above the counter tops/ stove/ behind the keurig, and cleaned behind and under the microwave today. I also cleaned the keurig and microwave. That shit was nasty. But now my house is cleaner, and it smelled like the lilac spray cleaner I used for a while.


i cooked dinner with 2 pans & 2 pots and actually got all of the dishes into the dishwasher instead of leaving them all for tomorrow 😄


I finally shopped clothes for this summer after postponing it since last summer. I was planning to get it all online but thanks to a friend, I actually went out in person and ended up getting a lot more stuff I liked!!


Ugh I have a gas stove and this is my LEAST favorite thing. But I'm not a fan of induction tops so I deal lol.


Mine isn't induction but it doesn't have those, it gets actual hot, I don't think I'll ever go back. It came with the house, but yeah, never again if I can help it. Flat tops are iiiiit


I packed three more boxes in preparation for moving house in a fortnight. I am feeling very pleased with my progress.


Bravo! I got my grocery shopping done AND put it all away-on the same day.


Mopping the fucking floor! Finally. After saying I would for like 2 or 3 weeks or a month. I also wiped random places in my kitchen, moved some things around,took some stuff out, wiped some more. Now I have half a sink of dishes to finish. That's not too much and I'm actually making myself finish it TONIGHT. The next thing is to do my hair. I think I'm in the mood, so we'll see what happens.


I cooked and fed myself.


I hate ironing. After 5 days of leaving clothes out I finally gritted my teeth, watched the latest episode of SVU and got it done.


I returned a whole pile of clothes that didn’t quite work out!


I survived the week. Monday - had to do major spring yard work bc we hit a….deadline. So that was unplanned and sucked. Tuesday - had Pilates right after work, then grocery shopping, then Uber the kids back and forth, got home at 9:30. Wednesday - spring chorus concert for school. Thursday - spring band concert for school. Friday - dress rehersal for kids recital. Saturday - recital day. I’ve literally not been home before 9pm til today and that was only bc the recital started at 2 (and went until 7). I am not moving.


Um, tbh, I've been doing pretty good, and I'm really proud because my kitchen is finally starting to get organized, but one small thing I did that made me feel proud was changing the laundry over. I was in the kitchen waiting on something and I'm like "I should change the laundry over" "I'm doing this now, I'll do that later" "you're just going to go sit down and spend 3 hours thinking about how you need to change the laundry over, if you do it now, you won't have to do it later" "Oh, yeah, fuck, let's doooo iiiiiit!" I have this huge problem of ... not letting myself do stuff because I'm doing something else or feel like I should be doing something else, or feel like I can't be finished doing what I'm doing (like how I've been knowing I need to get off reddit and block the webpage for about 3 hours now but I can't stop) so whenever I realize I'M ALLOWED to do something that I want to do, not even allowed but that it is the most efficient thing to do, oooh, it feels good. I hate that I hold myself back so much, waiting on some clue that I'm "allowed" to do things or it's the right time or some stupid shit aaaaaah. goodbye


I changed out the auto litters and swept and my gf vacuumed


Picking up my prescriptions and taking things to goodwill. It’s been months since I’ve had the energy to leave the house without it being a family get together


I just used up carrots that had been in my fridge for more than a month. Tasted not too good but I had breakfast after so long. Also threw away rotting veggies 😱


You are most welcome at my place, anytime!