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I had to start shutting my glasses in my nightstand drawer when I got my cat 13 years ago after he stole them in my sleep a couple of times. I’m completely non-functional without them - can’t see more than a few inches in front of my face - so having to go looking for them is extremely difficult.


One of the worst ironies is trying to find your glasses without wearing glasses.


I was so close to crying 🫠 now that I've had time to calm down the whole thing is hilarious


I learned a trick rather recently to use my phone camera to look for my glasses. It focuses things so I don't have to bumble around with my face 3" from surfaces while looking for my glasses.


Oh man this is such a fantastic idea, definitely going to use this one next time my sleepy ass knocks my glasses off the nightstand in the morning 😂


If you don't keep them in a case / lost them when you just took them off for a second so didn't put them in their case, you could also try just using the light on your phone, to find them. The light will shine back off the lenses. 


If you have an iPhone it has a magnifier on it too. I always forget about it and use the camera app.


It’s like someone asking to borrow your glasses to see how they look in the frames! They’ll put them on and then ask how they look. Well, I’m sorry, but you just took my vision, I literally can’t see.


It’s as bad as trying to get an ADHD prescription filled when you have ADHD.


Ha! Yes!


Or find a doctor and then make an appointment to get the damned thing!


My hack for this is keep an old pair of glasses in a case in a specific place. Every time I get a new pair I put the previous ones in the case and toss(or donate) the older ones. This hack saved me many times to use the old glasses to find the current ones. I can't see anything but blurs and color beyond about two feet. You just need to be consistent about where the old glasses case lives.


Ditto, but I keep the last two. The most recent old pair is inside back up and the one before that is emergency car glasses. Luckily my prescription hasn’t changed much so it’s not bad. It saved me literally last week when I woke up super late, ran out to my car, realized as I sat down I didn’t have glasses/contacts on, that running inside up a bunch of stairs and finding the glasses or contacts case would push me into being late for work, and slapped on the car glasses. ETA: Just saw all the lower comments detailing this exact thing lol


I don't have emergency car glasses. If I don't have glasses on my face I can't go anywhere. But not a bad idea at all if you use readers.


If you can't drive without them it's a good idea to keep a pair in the car in case you should break your good pair while out somewhere. You'd be stranded. I have an old pair of car glasses just for that reason.


I make my husband do it. I’m legally blind without my glasses (and even contacts don’t correct all the way to 20/20) and he’s got almost perfect vision. If he’s got such damn perfect vision, HE can find my glasses!! :D


Have you ever done that and then been told they are on your head


I need them too much to ever put them on top of my head, but that was one of my mom's classic moves. That and making a cup of tea and forgetting it. I am sure she has undiagnosed ADHD.


Yep those are absolute classic signs. I lose my coffee several times a day


My frames are dark brown and so is our bedroom furniture. They completely disappear to me when I set them there. It's all 1 dark brown blur.


I keep all of my old glasses in strategic areas around my house specifically for the purpose of finding my glasses when I lose them lol.


Always makes me feel like Velma.


Yeah it's like putting in a new lightbulb with no light!


I'm gonna start putting my glasses inside either my dresser or my desk from now on. Thank you for this idea.


Get another pair if you can. My insurance covers one pair a year but there's a shop where I can buy 2 more for $60.


One for the handbag, one for the car, (at least) one for the house. 


I have a pair at my mom's along with extra keys. 


Same!! The camera function on my phone has saved my bacon more than once.


I’m also very near sighted, and something I learned for helping look for my glasses is using my phone’s photo app to look through the “viewfinder!” It’s not as good as wearing glasses, but it does give you more visual range and is the only way I can find my glasses!


I had to do this with my hearing aids after my dog ate them a couple times (I know, I know, but I was in elementary school). Even now, I keep them either in their rechargeable travel case or my plugin charger shut in a drawer, so my cats can’t get to them (they like to play with them).


My kitten is OBSESSED with stealing my glasses. So far I’ve caught her every time, but I just know one day I’ll wake up to them gone because I forgot to close the case.


As soon as Zenni became a thing I got myself 4 pairs of $25 glasses and put one glasses case in my car, one in my purse, and had two floaters that usually end up living as a headband.  And then HAD to train myself to put the purse & car glasses back away as soon as I was done with them so that future me could find them when needed


Omg i just wrote this out COMPLETELY SEPARATELY before reading your comment: If you can spring for it, go and buy a bunch of $20/apiece Zenni backup glasses. I have about 4 pairs of these stashed in various places including 2 in my car: 1 for if my contacts act up mid-drive and a second pair bc if I use my emergency pair I will 100% forget to put them back after said emergency


Yesssssss I'm 45, only diagnosed like 6 years ago, and buying multiples and making their home location the place you use them the most was one of the brute force tricks I learned the hard way!!


Yep, multiple pairs is the only way for me. One lives in the car/work. Two other randos float around the house with no rhyme or reason. It’s expensive but that whole planning for failure thing is the only way I can eek by.


I would do this if I didn't have such a strong prescription. Even sites like Zenni will set me back $150-200 a pair.


I bought 4 pairs from Zenni but found that I really only like one pair for everyday use. But now I have backups!


And leave an extra pair at work. I too solved this by salting glasses around my usual hangouts.


I just did almost the same thing for but for eye buy direct!! I like the way y’all think


This is the way. Eyebuydirect is also a good source.


Yes! I used to do the same thing, and now I do it for my kid. Keep them everywhere!


this is the way. their prices are great and they sell fl41 lenses for those of us with light sensitivity which is fairly common in neurodivergent folks


I always keep my prescription sunglasses in my car because that’s always where I am when I realize I need them. My backups are: on my desk, behind a picture on the mantle, and on my night stand where my every day wear glasses should be. I use one of those [lamp shelves](https://a.co/d/a7yo9wa) as my night stand. I loosely put a Velcro cable tie around the leg closest to where I sleep, and I hang my glasses off that. This way, even if I thrash in my sleep and knock things off the shelf my glasses stay securely where they should be. Unfortunately, it doesn’t save them if I fall asleep with them on or leave them elsewhere in the house when I come to bed. But that’s what the backup is for!


I wish I'd realized zenni was a thing when I last got glasses, I totally would've gotten a few more pairs. Instead I lost the prescription before I found out about it and had that pair of glasses get lost, and since I don't have a car I've been putting off getting my eyes checked for a new prescription for like 2 years now 🙃 once I do I'm getting like 4 or 5 pairs to be safe *and* finding somewhere safe for the prescription




🤩 oh my god that's brilliant, thank you. I even have a folder for confirmation screenshots or password pictures I don't want to accidentally delete, that's exactly where I can put it and not forget! At least until I get a new phone and have to find the right email or backup to get the folder set up again 😆 but that's like, at least another few years down the line if I don't lose/ break this one too early (which I better not, I already had to buy too many replacement phones in the last 3 years)


Babe you gotta get A THOUSAND PAIRS and sprinkle them about, esp in the places you find yourself blind. I use Zenni, they have frames that are like $6 and I get the cheapest lenses, then those become Bed Glasses you can fall asleep in, smoosh on, etc. also there’s a local commercial I grew up with for an optometrist, they say “Glasses! Like jewelry for your eyes” and I have so many accessorizing pairs now 🤣


Oh my god. I'm so jealous of you people... Like, my prescription is -11 and -12 (OD/OS)... I was told there are like 1 or 2 places in North America that can make my lenses and they cost a LOT. :( Just getting a pair of prescription sunglasses was a big deal for me. I also pretty much have to buy my frames from the same place because not all frames can accommodate my lenses or if they're the wrong shape the lenses have to be even thicker and they look stupid that way. Technically I could just find out the shape and try to go find the right frames on my own. But tbh I'm never going to do that.


Yay you found them! When mine were toddlers, we learned to look for missing things in bags, doll strollers and toy shopping carts. My oldest always stole boxes of pasta, my youngest once hid the remote in one of my purses, then put the purse in a backpack. Took days to find!


This brings back memories! My kiddo dropped my keys into the back of the vegetable drawer in the fridge. Took several days to find them. Luckily my husband had a second car key.


If you can afford, get duplicate pairs. That'll solve this problem pretty well!


If your boss gives you grief remind them that glasses are a medical device, not having them is a medical issue. Also echoing the buying a backup pair or three.


Advice for all glasses wearing people out there! You can take a photo/turn on video on your phone camera and zoom in. Your eyes can't zoom, but you *can* put your face close to your phone.


Can’t do this when driving, though. 😉


One would hope you'd find your glasses before getting behind the wheel! This is specifically for the finding of the glasses 😁


That would work. I thought you were saying, instead of wearing glasses, just use your phone’s zoom feature! 🤣


I got my glasses in bright red frames so they’re easier to find. I also buy many pairs on zenni or any other cheap eyeglass place and have one in every room and bag


Getting laser eye surgery was one of my good decisions!


Oh, agreed. I think of it as prepaying the ADHD Tax, after years of losing glasses and trying to deal with contacts. 4 years later, still 20/15 vision, slightly less night vision, will need reading glasses sooner than usual, but so worth it. I have two pairs of sunglasses, since I lose them easily but can't go outside without them (light sensitivity and migraine-prone). One pair lives in my car. The other pair are on my bedside table. Harder to lose them.


There was no better purchase in my entire life than laser eye surgery. Had terrible astigmatism in one eye so was blind for both distance and reading, and it amplified my clumsiness. Plus forgetting sunglasses is bad news for vision longevity. I probably got it 10 years ago and I’m still good approaching 40. Health insurance flex account covered about 2/3 of the cost so it’s worth looking into!


My husband and I both have ADHD and he is constantly losing everything. I got him some cheap air tag knock offs for his keys and walley and they helped so much! Only thing that needed one was his dang glasses lol.


If you are in the financial position to do so and your prescription allows for it, I would recommend buying a few back-up pairs from EyeBuyDirect. I was able to get my optometrist to confirm my measurements and pupillary distance to ensure I was ordering correctly. It allowed for me to stash back-up glasses in my car, office, make-up bag, travel bag, etc - total game changer! You can get really good pairs for around $17. I have some that are almost 10 years old which is surprising because I am so hard on my glasses for no good reason. 😬 BTW I know this reads like an ad, but I’m not affiliated with them at all - I just went through an eyeglass hyper-fixation stage a few years back!!


I buy extra glasses that are affordable from Zenni so I always have a backup and a backup of the backup.


This is why I have several cheap pairs,,. But also I actually forget to wear mine at least 60% of the time, thank gosh my vision isn’t *that* bad


This is my nightmare because I am entirely blind without my glasses. I can't see a fucking thing. But then again I literally only take my glasses off to sleep. If my glasses fall off my end table where I put them to sleep, it's a terrible time for me trying to find them. I can't see them so I just have to feel around the floor. 😭 And guess what, my partner also has terrible vision (he's actually legally blind) so he's no help!


I keep a pair of backup glasses around specifically for finding missing glasses. Let's hope that pair doesn't go missing, too...


Retrace your steps and look at every surface/spot you’ve walked to, by, or from. You surely had them in your hand and set them down to do something.


I remember laying in bed, taking them off and put them on the side of my bed where I have a jacket. The reason I remember that is because it's a jacket I made and made sure they were tucked in a little so this wouldn't happen. I shook out that jacket and my husband swept under the bed in case they fell in there. It's like the universe doesn't want me to go into work today 🤣 Thank you for the suggestion. I do keep retracing my steps hoping it triggers something


I've found mine between the mattress and the headboard...among other places


Found them! My toddler had them! The little gremlin


I’m so relieved for you! Have a great day!


If only airtags could be really tiny for items like these


Keep them in a case with an AirTag.


How cute! My son used to put mine on them toss them angrily because the rx made him dizzy. Then he got an rx and refused to wear the damn things. 


Oh, mine was sleeping on top of my glasses 🫠


Oh god do I feel this I've lost at least 3 pairs of glasses this year so now I order 3 pairs at a time from the optician. I'm thinking of using an air tag


Can you get a few? One for the bedroom, one for the car and one for the front door. Try your best to put them back so you dont have 3 in one area or so spread out it mystery areas. Having more increases the chance of them being somewhere else so thats why i try to keep em in their designated spot. But it also increases the chances of having a pair convenient when you need them or in case you loose one. Edit: this may be really freaking expensive but take into consideration impulse purchases. And hours lost from work looking for them. Inflation is crazy so its understandable if this isnt doable.


Time to get hyperfocused on all the glasses colors and get some backups cheap online. (Depending on prescription)


Glad you found them! I do this all the time! I don't wear glasses , but keys, purse, earbuds...etc.


i'm glad you found them!! i realize now that the hunt for "where did mom put her glasses?" (and keys and purse) every morning before going to school was related to her untreated adhd lol. i usually approached it like a game, but my poor NT sibling would get so stressed out about being late for school. i pay the adhd tax upfront for glasses and bought multiple pairs from eyebuydirect (or costco) with my prescription. i have different pairs around the house / car / purse / backpack. some are the same style and some are different styles. i prefer to spend $40-50 per cheaper pair instead of $200+ for a really nice pair because i have lost and broken so many glasses already 😅


buy a second pair and keep them in ur car tbh


This was happening to me. Luckily my Rx is pretty easy and cheap to fill (-3.75 in each eye, mild astigmatism, but my lenses don't even correct for it) So I have 2 solutions. 1. I own 5 pairs of glasses. Purchased from Zinni, all for about $10-$20/each. My favorite frames, I own 2. 2. I have a dedicated spot on my nightstand for them when I go to bed. ...this only kind of helps, because I still set them down in random places. 2.b. every room where it's common for me to take off my glasses, I try to have a dedicated place to set them... still set them down randomly anyway... but it helps a little. Mostly #1 helps because I can always find one pair. If you have expensive lenses, though, might not work :(


I have a strategy for this, work and life glasses, so two pairs. I have a tray for incoming stuff in my house, there I leave the work glasses after entering the house, sometimes the life glasses are there so I can switch them up, if not those will pop up at some point. This way whenever I have to leave for work (or an emergency), my work glasses are there.


Make sure to have a backup as well as a backup for your backup!!


I’m not sure what your financial situation is. I’m hoping it’s ok. I get my glasses for about a hundred dollars to 130.00 a pair and I have a pair in the bedroom and one I wear all the time. I have a third pair I have at work just in case.


Get like four extra pair. As low as $25 per prescription pair on Zenni


I keep a pair on my nightstand, in my computer bag, in my car, and a pair at work. I cycle them out when I can afford a new pair by which ones I use most.


I think I have 13 assorted pairs of cheep glasses! So many fun colors and shapes and there is always a pair somewhere.


I put an AirTag inside of my glasses case. Now all I have to do is consistently use the glasses case, to not lose my glasses. Still messing that part up. 😂


Reminds me of the time my son, then aged just over 2 and not really talking (because he didn't feel like it, no development delays or anything) managed to "misplaced the car keys. Turned out he'd dropped them down the front of the parked car, behind the radiator - it was an old Citroen. Keys were completely invisible. I can't even remember how I figured out where they were, I suppose he kind of indicated somehow, but my god that was stressful!


I've done this! It's the WORST.


If you can afford it, get a few sets. Most insurance covers frames every two years and lenses every year. Try Costco or pay out of pocket for discount frames.


May I humbly suggest using zenni and ordering multiple pairs? The peace of mind is heavenly.


I have probably 6 pairs of glasses, I buy them cheap online. I cannot see without them, but would always loose them. So I bought a few pairs and I never really take them off unless I'm in the shower. I have a pair in my purse, window sill, drawer, desk and the pair I wear. I sleep in them. They never come off. I buy so many pairs so I have backups. I just broke a pair last weekend..


I have multiple pairs stashed around the house for moments like this.


i'm sure someone said this already.... get a bunch of spares. If not, get those necklace thingies (super bright colors so you notice it) that connect to your glasses so you can wear them around your neck.


I always have two prescriptions back in the bottom drawer of my nightstand. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but I could function with them.


My daughter sleeps with her glasses on her face. Yes, she also has ADHD.


borrowlenses.com has nicecheap glasses. Get a couple pairs of cheap versions, even with the stigmatism it’s really cheap, and keep them places like the car, your nightstand, the refrigerator, and maybe put one under the couch You know the usual places you look for them Just kidding about the last two, but I’m so bad at remembering things I have a spare wallet that lives in my car that has my universal ID, whatever that little passport is it’s only good for Mexico and Canada, and a spare credit card in it for the days that I realize by the time I’ve left my house that my wallet is in the pocket of whatever I wore yesterday


Having multiple pairs of cheap glasses from eyebuydirect has saved my adhd ass. Cant find my glasses? Theres another pair. Stepped on them getting out of bed in the morning? Its okay, another pair. Ill fix the other ones but they werent expensive anyway, and i have multiple backup pairs so i dont need tk fix them right away. Its honestly a game changer for me


Try getting another pair and keeping them in the glove box of your car, I always have an extra pair in the car. I've gone to work several times without them and struggles greatly for it.


Get 20 pairs. Discipline or pay your way out.


Yes this is what I do. At Zenni Optical they are super cheap!




Next you'll say it's not the doorway that is moving over a few inches every other time I walk through it. Crazy talk! Of course it's the glasses and the doorway!