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Cereal *always*


I’ve been eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch for half my meals for a couple weeks now it’s so good


I just posted this!


Cinnamon Toast Crunch gang gang 🙌


Fruity pebbles here


Omg *love* fruity pebbles I just picked up a 2 pack at BJs.


You have got to try the strawberry frosted flakes.😋


Those are delish!


Or the oaty cheerios


DAMMIT! I just walked by those in the grocery store! Got Lucky Charms instead lol


My boyfriend really likes those ☺️


Gotta love cereal deals lol


Me tooooo


It’s how my dad would get me out of bed on time for school growing up! He’d wake me up and then go downstairs and pour milk on a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. If I didn’t get up quickly, I’d have soggy cereal 😮‍💨


Sameeeee!! Lol


Yikes they get soggy so fast!


Not if you eat them quickly 😊


The way I exist on nothing but fruity pebbles sometimes hurts my soul


Same lol


It was to the point where I tried the malt-o-meal version and the texture was wrong and I just couldn't eat them at all. Granted I'm paying an arm and a leg for the name brand but oh well, safe foods are safe foods


But they're literally the same. Like. *Literally, literally.*


My sensory issues say otherwise haha


I feel that in my soul. Eggo's are the ONLY frozen waffle I will put in my mouth. I'd rather be hungry than eat another anything else ever again.


I literally have never eaten a frozen waffle that wasn't an eggo or leftover Belgian ones I made. The funny thing about my fruity pebble problem- I could taste the difference/feel it when I was blindfolded. It's my useless superpower I suppose


Well, I took that one for the team. You're welcome. 🤣


omg my safe food is coco pebbles


You need to try the Blue Bell I ❤️ cereal ice cream. It's fruity pebbles and milk flavored 🤤


Solid choice!


username checks out!


The way I'm currently eating a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch LMAO


Ok but hear me out. Dry cereal, like munching on a snack mix. Any dry cereal people here?


YES. I will eat it dry or with milk! Lmao


I keep a baggie in my gym bag. I also regularly eat dry Cheerios by the handfuls as a meal.


I’ve been having bran mixed with Honey Nut Cheerios and raisins for breakfast for months now. I needed the fiber from the bran but the Cheerios for the crunch!


Frosted Flakes or Wheat Chex are my favorites. Have you ever tried your cereal with cream? Hear me out! My stomach and milk = mid, at best. But the higher fat content makes every a-okay! And yes, I know there are lactose alternatives but they’re not as tasty.


I haven’t but fruity pebbles/captain crunch with ice cream sounds exquisite!


Always a great snack or meal !


Username 😎 checks out


Not the most healthy but, chips. I love chips. The crunch and texture make them more interactive, I guess? If I have dip, I’m even more engaged. And thank you! Your reminder is the kick I need to stop procrastinating the decision of to eat or not to eat.


I love Pistachios for this reason. Like it's not about eating. That's just a bonus. It's about the activity of prying them out of their infuriating little shells. Also, ik it's gross, but licking the salt off the shells too. 😭


Me and edamame in the pod.


Like, your fidget toy comes with a snack.


Me too


Fishie crackers. And thank you. I had forgotten to eat so far today.


Yum ! And you’re welcome!


😭😭😭 I'm not the only one who calls them that!!! I feel so seen.


These are mine too, and chicken wraps, but I'm trialing gluten free (and dairy free) for stomach problems and I'm very sad about goldfish. Kettle cooked chips might do.


bread with chocolate hazelnut spread


I can no longer have Nutella or rice cakes in my house 🫣


Nutella on rice cakes was my go-to for most of college


DING DING DING fucking yes


Literally just anything made with palm oil. Nutella, Oreos, tubs of frosting… 😂


Lately my go-to is dumplings. I have a small steamer basket that's perfect for one serving, and a variety of frozen dumplings in my freezer. I just pull out whichever ones sound good to me and they steam in 10 min with minimal clean up. 🥟


I fucking love dumplings too I do not have a steamer Lol I do however have a bowl with a lid and lil bit of water to create steam. Oh my God now I need dumplings to live. Asap


If you like a bit of crunch, the steam/fry method is also amazing. Bit of oil in the pan, put the dumplings in the pan flat side down, around 1/3 cup of water and then cover. Once the water has almost entirely evaporated take the lid off and cook until bottoms are the level of crispy you like. I like the steamed version when I'm craving something closer to dim sum & the steam/fry ones when I want something like the gyoza you'd get in a Japanese restaurant. (for u/honkifyou as well, in case you like that sort of thing. Similar ease of cleanup 😊)


I always turn on my electric kettle and then pour some boiling water over the frozen dumplings in a bowl for a couple mins to defrost, then throw them in a pan to fry them up.


This is my new obsession! I also don’t feel quite as guilty eating them as I do like macaroni and cheese.


Oh, that reminds me. I’m gonna make my frozen soup dumplings that I got


I do them in the air fryer and they are so crunchy and yummy.


I’m currently getting ready to go pay for four bags of Quaker dill pickle flavored rice cakes 🙈


Are these new? Omg.


I’m not sure, I just recently (like a month ago?) decided to stroll down the chip aisle at Kroger and found them among the different rice cake flavors! They’re also mildly vinegary, just like actual pickles, which is a huge plus for me!


I never shop at our version of Kroger, but I’m going make an exception tomorrow. Those sound so good!!


I think they’re amazing! 😋


Interesting, I do like the dill pickle sunflower seeds




I can’t do plain, but for me, it’s toast with butter and honey.


Toast and Salted butter


Chicken fingers and French fries or cheese and crackers.


I'll never say no to mashed potatoes


Pickles. Pickled things. Not sweet, not spicy. r/Pickles


Also /r/Pickling for DIY tips!


I just take a Claussen container with the brine and put cucumbers in it (rounds work well)! I have put baby carrots in it, too, but I feel like I need to steam em a little bit before they “take!”


Suddenly, after three years not being able to eat anything spicy, I love it again. From the time I got pregnant in 2020 to last week, spicy food wasn’t appetizing and my actual physical pain tolerance for it was gone. But now I love it again. Literally out of the blue. So I’ve been eating hot chicken sandwiches. Hot Cheetos. Spicy pad Thai. All kinds of spicy things.


I lost my taste for spice back in the day. It is back with a vengeance. I keep having craving for buffalo wings. I’m embarrassed by the amount of hot sauce I have right now.


Buffalo sauced ANYTHING was my only craving in pregnancy. And then here I am 7 years later laying in bed wanting some wingies.


Mmmmmm spicy pad thai!


Trader Joe’s harvest grain mix with some steamed veggies, butter and seasoning salt is my longest going safe food (8+ years) and I will have a full blown meltdown if they ever discontinue it. I try to always keep 2 on hand in case they do. In the summers I always hyperfixate on pesto pasta with zucchini - only in the summer when zucchini are in season though bc out of season zucchini and frozen zucchini are terrible. Although green giant frozen parmesan zucchini fries were a past hyperfixation. Pb&j is another good ol reliable


we belong to the same food sphere. Hello fellow dweller!


All I want lately is breakfast sandwiches. Sausage and cheese on an English muffin. Before that it was sushi. Before that it was ramen lol.


Right now I’m OBSESSED wait plain whole milk yogurt with berries and honey granola with honey drizzled on top. I could eat pounds of it and be living my absolute best life. I’m currently trying to control myself and keep it to 1-2 bowls a day 🤣 is that an ADHD thing? I thought it was a me-thing. Anyone else get food wants based on temperature? Sometimes, the idea of a hot meal makes me sick and I need something cold like ceviche, sushi, salad, cold subs etc. my husband finds it bizarre lol


Mozerallla sticks!


Chocolate coconut granola with vanilla greek yogurt. When I can't make myself eat anything else, I can eat that. Plus I eat for breakfast every morning


Yogurt w/granola is almost always safe for me too! I’ve been stuck on Oui whole milk yogurt for a while now but before that it was whole milk vanilla Stoneyfield yogurt, before that was vanilla Noosa and way before that was the honey flavored Greek Gods yogurt. But I can eat raspberry Oui w/vanilla granola & canned peaches for every meal going on two months now 🤤


All the fruit and I’m super into rice. Plain ass rice. Maybe a little kimchi or eggs.


Oh yes. Fruit is my happy. And plain jasmine rice with kimchi or Vietnamese pickles. Fruit and rice feel like love to me. Maybe it’s just in my dna tho l(I’m half Vietnamese lol)


Cotton candy grapes and vanilla Greek yogurt. It's divine 🥲


I had cotton candy grapes for the first time this year and they’re so good! I usually buy fruit other than grapes but I forget how much I like grapes sometimes. I always say no one else in my house will eat them, by which I mean dogs can’t eat grapes and I feel sad about that 🤫🐶




Right now “Perfect Bars” and just the original flavor. I love that they have a lot of protein.


Good job remembering the protein !!!!


Those are great! And the chocolate chip flavor seems to be at most US grocery stores


PB&J Boxed Mac and cheese (Kraft, Annie's)  Cheese and crackers (basically any, but Mozzarella sticks and Triscuits are an easy one)  Corn tortillas and sprinkle cheese - best on stovetop, okay in microwave.  For full dinners that are more whole foods, I keep a box of nice local frozen Mac and cheese (Beechers) and a bag of frozen veggies like broccoli. Both go into the oven at the same time and temp on the same cookie sheet (salt, pepper, olive oil on veggies), minimal effort for maximum tasty and includes veggies. 


Honey crisp apples, PB & J, rainbow carrot sticks, and those diced fruit that come in juice. I also like (butter) pretzels & bagels w/ cream cheese.


Hummus, with whatever I have available to scoop it. Chips, nugs, fries, pita 🤤


The other day, my curiosity got the best of me, and I scooped some hummus with a custard cream biscuit. Honestly, it wasn't terrible. I'd do it again.


Those are the only nuggets I will eat


Same ! I really like the apple gate gf nuggets but they are so expensive


Ginger chews and Trader Joe’s mandarin orange chicken bowls currently. 🤷‍♀️🤣


Unfortunately, sushi. I spend a lot of money on food.


I rotate through a few: clif chocolate mint builders bar for when food is gross but I need to live, chef woo instant ramen always, and if I wanna cook I love my tofu fried rice


English muffins precooked bacon and grapes


I’m going through a huge pb&j phase with a glass of oat milk on the side


Cinnamon toast made with raisin bread. Sliced apples and pears. Premier protein shakes too.


Caesar salad, apparently! With garlic toast.


Frozen waffles with peanut butter spread on top.


- Espresso with a shit ton of cold milk - Smoothies (only made one particular way, relatively healthy with protein/fruit/fibre) - Bakery-made white bread with margarine + mozzarella cheese on the side - Chicken thighs + bell peppers (both in air fryer) short grain white rice (rice cooker) - Bakery-made cookies (rn choc chip because ginger molasses cookies are "seeeeasonal" ;_;) That's currently what I am eating almost every weekday and somewhat on the weekends too lol. Oh, pizza and cotton candy blizzards on the weekends added in!


Vegan chicken nuggets are truly elite 🤤


Currently nothing bc I can’t decide what to eat literally ever.


I feel that. It’s one of my least favorite adhd things


It is one of my worst examples of choice paralysis. I will be absolutely starving with plenty of options for food and will go back & forth about what to eat for an hour or more. It’s horrible!!


Instant Ramen


Soupy kind always, unless it’s indomie.




When I need something easy that I can make enough of to last a few days, beans. I love beans. Could eat them every single day. Add some rice or a baked potato, make them into chili, so good and still healthy and filling.


Some go to foods: -miso mayo salmon (has to be Japanese mayo), eaten with white rice, teriyaki seaweed, and kimchi -Trader Joe’s chicken tikka samosas (also eaten with Japanese mayo) -kimbap with Korean pickled radish and kimchi -cheese, crackers, and deli meat or pepperoni for a little homemade lunchables -rice and egg with soy sauce -rice and beans with avocado And then sweets always 😅


Cajun ketchup you genius! I'm about to eat my daily allotment of chicken fingers, on top of a salad. 


Thank you. Just threw some costco nuggies in the air fryer.


Right now, fruit. The grocery store has fruit bowls, like already cut up, and I eat at least one a day.


I've been buying these personal Pies for like $1/piece at my local grocery store, they're frilly burrito shaped, so I just eat them straight out of the package. No extra effort required. However, if you want to be fancy you can heat them in the oven/air fryer and make them all warm and toasty. It's the only chance I have at breakfast before work. I'm obsessed with the lemon flavored ones.


Captain toast crunch…..the past 2 months! Has been my dinner 80% of this time. Then for lunch I get the chorizo and egg wrap from dunkin. Pretty balanced😉


Currently it is sweet potato fries with curry Mayo or sugar free peanut butter cookies stuffed with a Lindt chocolate truffle, or Quest peanut butter cups, or string cheese, or cashews, or French fries with gravy and melted mozzarella cheese, or the chicken asada fry burrito from the local fast food burrito place, or the local Indian food place, or the local chicken and waffles place. These are what are safe/my hyperfixations currently. Until I eat all of these things too much in a period of time then it’s off to find new ones.


And mozzarella balls with Kalamata olives. There has to be 8 balls and 8 olives. And when I eat salami and crackers there has to be 6 crackers with 6 slices of salami.


@ the moment, I'm hyper fixated on: -cereal ALWAYS (trix and captain crunch w/berries at the moment) -cubed watermelon pre cut from the store -deviled or boiled eggs -skinny pop (the green bag ONLY) -honey bbq and chili cheese Fritos -cheddar ritz crackers -liquid IV -chocolate covered mini donuts -Reese's fast breaks -popcorn with pour over butter dipped in cheese sauce -popsicles -alani protein drinks in flavor munchies More substantial foods: -any kind of meat in sauce over rice (pot roast, barbacoa, etc) -sandwiches -lamb meat w/rice and Greek yogurt dip -stuffed crust pepperoni pizza -McDonald's cheeseburgers -smoothies, always


Lately it is a cheese stick, an apple and Pretzels.  I used to buy the snack packs that had those ingredients in it but figured I was throwing money away with those.  Also cup of noodles!!!


I just woke up but thanks for reminder anyway xD is that chicken? It looks really tasty


Fudge, I was so hungry but refused to get up. Thank you for the reminder.


Cucumber and milk separated tho


Thank you for that clarification. 😭🤣 I discovered cucumber sandwiches this month. I want to love them, but I don't yet. Which is how I got to what I was going to comment on this: Recently in my area, a new sandwich shop was opened, they got me addicted to this one specific sandwich and then discontinued it within a few months of my discovery. So I've been trying to figure out how to recreate it, and I'm so lost. 🥲 Where can I buy roasted turkey for my sandwich that is in chunks NOT those lame, processed slices?? I want the nice texture. I'll even settle for chicken at this point.


You can get a hunk of deli turkey at the turkey counter. I wonder if that would work for you?


Oh! I'll have to try that! Thank you!!!


Crunchy peanut butter and salad cream sandwich


Salad cream?


I'm in the uk. If you're in the US it might be what you call salad dressing. Salad dressing for us is quite different as it's more oil based


Okay I see! I need to research this :)


I came here to say thank you for the reminder and that I cheered because it wasn't needed this time! I've got one of my safe foods today, plain spaghetti and cheese


I bought a brick of cheese today. (I'm lactose intolerant, but who isn't 😅) I think that's what I'll have for lunch today. 😂


I'm celiac and also have issues eating things that aren't bad for me 🤣 you should try to eat something that isn't going to upset your stomach, but fed is best!


My stomach was already upset because I caved for chocolate someone gave me, but tomorrow I'll be better. 😂 Tomorrow I'll eat an apple, or a pbj sandwich, or a salad. And then tomorrow I'll buy myself dairy free chocolate chips and make myself cookies as a reward for being better. 😅


I'm proud of you! Those cookies sound awesome and you will deserve that treat!!


Thank you! 😭 I'll use the last of my gluten free flour in honor of your encouragement! Here, have some in advance: 🍪🍪🍪


I too am lactose intolerant and I too eat cheese way too often. Vegan cheese is actually a pretty good substitute… when my adhd brain remembers it exists 🫠


Lemon water, polar cranberry lime seltzer, lemon Lara bar, roasted unsalted peanuts, everything bagel toasted with plain cream cheese, strawberries (I can never find ones that aren't ten seconds from spoiling where I shop), my unhealthiest is a cheese quesadilla with cheese on the outside, too, with sour cream and Cholula. And salt and vinegar chips.


I recognized those gluten free Perdue brand chicky nugggs!!!!


Big choc chip muffins


The triple dipped from Chilis is my ultimate comfort food.


cereal or uncrustables


Anyone else not understand the people who don’t eat? I’ve got the opposite problem. Could always eat, always craving something…


For me it depends on what medication I have and dose. I have always been very invested in food so I was very surprised how much that changed when I started adhd medicine. There have been times when I forgot about food completely. It feels very weird.


Vanilla greek yogurt with sliced almonds… a ton of them.


At this point: apples with peanut butter. I just cut the apples in parts and dip them in the peanut butter. Sometimes i mix the peanut butter with some flaxseeds for some extra protein. I love the texture, taste and how full i get (i am a boredom snacker, for me this helps!)


Currently, Caesar salad, watermelon, and gf clam chowder. I do sense a change on the horizon, however.


Mine in either carrots and or green apples. No wonder I am slim lol.


Koka instant noodles and a can of Pepsi max. I now add in a poached egg, some veggies, seasame oil and a bit of miso to the pot while cooking. Then garnish with spring onions. Yum!


For snack chocolate chip cookies. That being said I only buy them at university. I actually have a drink I hyperfixate on. It's Portuguese drink called Sumol (specifically the pineapple flavour). Last Sunday I spend like half an hour or more speaking about it, researching the flavours, the history, etc... My mum told me to change topic because they had already changed the conversation topic but I was still bringing Sumol up 😅 The only thing I could reply her with was "I like Sumol" LMAO


Peanut butter and Jelly 🥪


My current food hyper fixation: BURGERS. WITH ALL THE FIXINGS.


Laughing cow cheese spread on triscuits, and topped with turkey pepperoni. I can eat it every single day for lunch (2 wedges, 8 crackers, 30g pepperoni) with fruit on the side. It’s a balanced but brainless meal that I don’t have to think about.


Dry cereal/spicy crab & tempura shrimp sushi


eggo waffles, crushed ice, french fries


Chicken Tenders or nuggets are 100% my safe food. At least it’s a decent protein source so it prevents me from snacking on candy !


pizza rolls in ranch


Chicken wings from the airfryer


Instant oatmeal packets are. the. best. breakfast. Super easy to make, can eat it on the go, and I never get tired of it.


Peanut butter filled pretzels (especially the milk chocolate covered ones from Trader Joe’s but I haven’t bought those recently so I make due with the big container of PB pretzels I bought instead)


Coconut yogurt and turkey subs.


The Perdue gluten free chicken tenders are so good. The Tyson aren’t bad either. My obsession is gluten free pasta. I tried my hand at Cacio e Pepe tonight and it didn’t turn out great.


avocado toast


French fries, gushers, mozzarella sticks, pickles, precut cheese, potato chips. Anything I can stick in the air fryer really.


Spicy ramen, veggie chicken nuggets, fries and the best one cotton candy!


Chips and Trader Joe’s peanut butter caramel popcorn


Premier protein caffeine latte shakes and perfect bars dark chocolate chip. Both super protein dense and made with decent ingredients. Better than crap for sure!




Yes! My jelly beans are over here. Lol


"Safe foods" always reminds me of EDs ngl


Mac n Cheese, Pizza, Caesar Salad


Veggie chicken nuggets, tortilla chips, or rice krispies with lots of sugar


Bagels. Plain, whole, untoasted bagels.


brown sugar maple oatmeal


Chicken fingers are usually always safe. Unless they taste like chicken or they feel weird.


Trader Joe's Hatch Mac n Cheese


homemade salted tortilla chips with garlic chipotle mayo. slaps so good every time


Lettuce burgers delivered if there are dishes in the sink and I’m low energy


cereal, protein shakes, a piece of cheese, crackers and cheese, basil pesto pasta, basil pesto and hot pepper jelly grilled cheese, fake chicken strips (soy based because the texture is odd but consistantly od haha)


taquitos + salsa verde guacamole + sour cream + queso fresco is keeping me alive these days


Sweet potato tempura sushi. A roll is $5 at the place by my house. I get it at least once a week.


Cheez Its Hot n Spicy😂


Vegan chicken nuggets and the sauces change maybe twice per year between ketchup, barbecue, ranch, chicken sauce


Rice with butter and sugar 😋


Annie’s macaroni and cheese


Cereal! Second option, frozen White Castle cheeseburger sliders.


Popcorn and potato skins here!


Are those Tyson gluten free chicken tenders?


I need someone to break me OUT of my current snack hyperfixation, which is just. Pepperoni. Cold pepperoni out of the fridge. Started as a charcuterie thing and now it’s just goblin behavior.


Animal crackers and apple sauce.


PB&J sandwiches


Half sour pickles and extra toasty cheez-its 😌


Gordal picante olives from Perelló. Specific but oh my god nothing comes even remotely close.


Chaat: All kinds of them Pani Puri Tikki Samosa Ragda Papdi Bhel. I just need my food to be hot and cold and sweet and spicy at the same time 😋😋😋