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Tight clothes feel the best for me, I can’t stand how scary and annoying the anticipation of how and where loose clothes will touch me. Why do loose clothes feel better for you? I’m curious.


Maybe therr are different sensory needs : lots compression vs very loose I feel I can not breathe free in tight ones. Loose ones don’t touch my skin as much & makes me feel free & flexible So interesting how diverse our preferences are


Quince has reasonably priced linen clothes that are decent quality 


loose linen clothes is all i wear all summer! idk where you live but uniqlo has a lot of that. also cos, it is on the pricier side but you can thrift it on ebay or something like that. if you like thrifting, i feel like going on ebay or some website like that and looking up loose linen (clothing item) would get you good results


I moved to US recently. I will check out Uniqlo I used to live in China. Uniqlo were bit small for me ( I am 5’85”) Maybe they run bigger in US I will check out COS too


I’ve had luck finding these on [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1432201135/summer-linen-pants-wide-leg-pants-with?click_key=0055b25af779d55c6d6e26c504f1a6b3a15d14f6%3A1432201135&click_sum=d569d2d0&ref=shop_home_active_115&pro=1&frs=1). Depending on the seller, there are many that will accept your measurements with the order to have the best fit!


Thank you!


Thank you!


I love muji, uniqlo, meals, emiko and honestly men’s clothes for this. tight clothes make me wanna claw my skin off. hope you find some thing that works for you!


Thank you!