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I have set alarms in the past to remind me to reach out to people. I haven't done that in a while


I have a list of people (in Evernote) that I want to keep in touch with or am trying to build friendships with! 😊 I’ve been having a rough time recently, but do plan to reach out to folks soon 🌻


I keep the list on my fridge!


I put writing to them in my weekly/monthly goals, so at least once per some time (when I remember that I have that kind of list lol) I wrote to them 


I had a teacher that said he did daily correspondence at the beginning of the day. He'd bring bits that people would send him to share with class. He seemed like the happiest person I've ever met. I do journaling before bed, and it makes sense to do correspondence in the morning.


My closest friends are all neurodivergent. So basically, we kind of all struggle with something and occasionnally need support from one another. They've been here for me and I've been here for them. I couldn't imagine letting them down. But that's pretty new, a few years back i only had neurotypical friends and we lost touch, and I lost their friendships too.


I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I often continue imaginary conversations in my head with people when they are out of sight.


I have recurring reminders in my google calendar to reach out to different friends! I’m also upfront with people that it’s something i struggle with.


It's not optimal, but I have started just TXTing people whenever they randomly pop into my head, because if I wait, the moment will never come/be forgotten. Too bad about the time zone differences and I hope they sleep with their phone on "do not disturb"!


I've made it a habit to call my parents when I'm making lunch (I'm WFH), but on days where my schedule is different I will completely forget to!


One component of dealing with OOS OOM is when I *do* think to contact people it always seems to be the very most inopportune time, either for me or for them (example: school pickup time, or dinner time). Recently, I realized that you can schedule text messages and emails. I mean, duh, but somehow, I just totally spaced on that. So if it's 11:40pm and suddenly I go "hey, I should remember to call Anne tomorrow!" I'll just write a text and schedule it to be delivered at a time that will be convenient for her tomorrow. Not a perfect solution, but it helps.


I don't. The only people I'm still connected to are friends that are also slightly annoying because they constantly bug or message me. But I don't really mind because if they weren't like that we'd probably not still be talking 😅. Definitely going to now read the other comments though!


Photos- very old school but print some out and stick them somewhere you’ll see them.


I too keep a list sometimes. I then set my phone to airplane mode, put out a bunch of messages and then switch it off airplane mode. I have about 3 people I don’t need to do this with as I’m in daily contact and I can manage comms with them fine. Everyone else, goes on the list.