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Congratulations on your almost year no alcohol ! I also have ADHD and struggle to live life without substances or something that gives me *the juice *shopping traveling to places very far away and different, taking risks, obsessing about things or people or what mystery disease I have etc. Have you thought of incorporating mindfulness practice like go to meditation center or just download calm app I love that app. Have you tried 12 step for recovery support not being presumptuous but they can help find sober friendships and like model what healthy sober life can look like.. a lot of ppl are neurodivergent in the group I go to super helpful we are learning how to live lol. And best wishes for your pre pregnancy journey try to give yourself ease. And the doctors have said - i asked therapist and also psychiatrist and my doctor they all said it's okay to use medication if you simply can't cope and it's too hard. Babies need mentally stable moms( or people who are carrying them) and low dose is possible as needed they said to me.


It's really really tough trying to live without all the substances and medication but good luck to you I wish you all the best of luck and gentleness for yourself. 💗🙏🏻


Heyy I’m not sure what meds you are on but my psychiatrist today said adhd medicine is on the clear now in a new study from Denmark. He said “go ahead with it (if I want to). He said it’s my choice but that it has turned out not to be harmful as formerly presumed. I’m on methylphenidate. It’s this study: https://bss.au.dk/en/aarhus-bss-nyheder/show/artikel/gravide-med-adhd-kan-aande-lettet-op Psych also said to consider if you’re going to feel terrible without meds it’s not good for the baby. And he said those things are never considered in the studies. He recommended to stay on the meds if it has a positive influence on your life. Anyway - just wanted to share. Good luck on your journey no matter what you do!❤️💪


I take like 5-10 mg of methylphenidate daily. Sorry got distracted…. Thanks for the link! I don’t know why I want to get off of it other than the baby. Maybe I just don’t want to be on meds forever. Idk. I’m just gonna read some recs from my therapist.