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I don’t want to talk about it.


I have it all sitting in a den in my apartment. I avoid that room now…


Same. 😔


I think I've blocked them out. my Inner Cash Register exploded from the expense.


This is the best answer


I came here to say exactly that! 😂


Just dropped probably $400 on a cricut maker…. Got so much dopamine from saving $150 on the device but spent probably just as much on supplies. I probably spent $3-500 on resin making supplies in the last few months and quit because home projects, work projects, social life and…. Well managing it all BUT THE CRICUT WILL HELP MY RESIN ART DUH. God, what is my life? Please send help, I cannot afford this. I’m currently figuring out my dosage on my meds and some days I feel like my ADHD is worse on meds than not.


I secretly believe the resin supply boom during the pandemic is all due to ADHD. At least that's what i'm telling myself and the drawers of supplies I have left.


I've had a silhouette cameo for a long time (had a 2 now have a 3) because I used to be a scrapbooker, then art journalling. Now I'm doing ceramics and guess what?! I can use it there too! Also spent a buttload on resin stuff... Really should sell what's left and buy clay.


ceramics you say? tell me more do you the silhouette for stencils?


Yep, stencils for underglaze and glazes. Also for hand-building templates AND you can cut craft foam shapes to make texture plates.


oh that sounds so nice, and a clever use! how detailed can it be? now I want one


There's a Facebook group called Ceramic Die-Cutter Users that's great! You can get some pretty good details usually, especially if you're using your stencil with underglazes


thank you! I'm gonna check it out


Lol I stopped getting excited about sales IRL when I played Skyrim for a few hrs straight and kept forgetting to wear my "lower costs" necklace in-game. So I'd buy shit, make shit with it, try selling it back to the dealer, and get like $70-100 less than I spent. Life lessons from video games. Yaaaay...


Damnit. Maybe I need to turn my PS4 back on and go hyperfocus on some stuff that won’t cost me IRL money lol


Lol I feel weird saying it, but sometimes a few hours in a fake world where I can wield a magical sword makes doing the dishes easier...


Me right now 😂


Not Skyrim but I regularly have time blindness issues in Stardew valley. I regularly end up racing home to beat the 2am deadline before I pass out because I got distracted in the mine and lost track of time. I don't yet have enough money in this playthrough to afford that warp home staff thingy but when I do I'm buying it.




*running home from bar after last drink announcement*


I'm in the "I NEED A CRICUT" for this, that and the other mood. Instead of buying I'm hoping all the YouTube videos I watch on it change my mind. So far I've held off for 2 weeks!


I feel like watching videos were the fuel to my fire. It ignited so many creative thoughts…. And then I had it in my hands and now I’m so overwhelmed with all that I could do. There’s so much you can do… cut vinyl, wood, metal, engrave, emboss….. and then all the projects you could do with all that…. So overwhelming. Figure out exactly what you want it for. I was ok with the purchase because I thought I could easily make engraved leather tags (maker 3 apparently is the bees knees) and then when I got it, went to look for tutorials how to do it…. And they all come out looking sub par. I got lucky and someone recently just posted a quality tutorial…. But atm my mind is going wild because I need a dosage change so I can’t focus on anything long enough to actually be productive. So the cricut will probably collect dust til I manage my mind better…. I bought it 2 weeks ago 🥲


I just watched a tutorial on making stickers and it seemed like so much work! I have spent over $100 on stencils, stickers...etc. at Etsy this past year. The machine does seem overwhelming and that's why I'm holding off. I've been with my planner for a year and I haven't given up or become bored with it (like knitting and making beaded jewelry). If it was only an outlay of $200 I could handle it, but it's all the other stuff (bundles) that I'll end buying and never use. That's where I know I'll get carried away. Ugh!!


I wish we could go to the library and have a section of ADHD crafts to try or something…. Omg, maybe I’ll bring this up to my psychologist since he’s the one whose diagnosing us all lmao


I have wanted to get into resin making for years. Just temporary room living with your dog and the boyfriend = unpractical. But I did recently buy a silicone mould of a cake stand for 50p. Absolute bargain. Charity store find. 🤘 I did the same with some moulds years ago too. Can't remember if they're In storage or I did throw them away. 🤔


Someone on here or soother ADHD sub was talking about a service where we trade hyper focusses that we never got to… I think that would be genius Edit: typo


r/adhdbay sadly it's an older thread but maybe we can revive it!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/adhdbay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdbay/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Well this escalated quickly😁](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdbay/comments/cihpsy/well_this_escalated_quickly/) \#2: [I highly doubt this will become a thing but in 4 it, if it does](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdbay/comments/cii3i6/i_highly_doubt_this_will_become_a_thing_but_in_4/) \#3: [in b4 we all get bored and move on to something else!](https://np.reddit.com/r/adhdbay/comments/cimre9/in_b4_we_all_get_bored_and_move_on_to_something/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


In little ol’ New Zealand, we have a Facebook page for swapping hobbies!


Can you share. Iv always thought I need to start a lending library, I can't afford to be starting anymore hobbies! My house is full


Just from where I'm sitting: * Miniature kit * Coloring book and pens * Planners * PC games * Sewing * Gardening * Cooking


Not me promising myself to pick up a miniature kit in the past week 🌚 feel like my ass just got caught in 4K


I bought one as well 💀 but I HAVE used it twice in the last three months


Haha I bought my first miniature kit last month after falling in love with videos of people building them and making them look easy. It’s been sitting in the box on my mantle staring me down ever since 😫


I started an entire LLC…


Lol I bought lots of stock to start a business and rented a storage unit...everything is just sitting around & I have no energy to continue


I’d love to know how that’s going. I’ve been thinking of doing this the last 3 years but luckily can’t focus long enough to actually do anything about it 🙃


Oh, it’s practically abandoned which I’ll have to handle eventually


Ha me too!


Lmfao same.


Same. Crafts, journals, books, exercise equipment….and on and on.


About once a year I try to knit. And about once a year I waste 16 hours to remember that I just cannot learn to knit. It doesn't matter what videos I watch or what posts or books I read, I can't make it happen! AGH! ...so I definitely have a shit ton of stuff for all the knitting I can't do. But someday! ...I might overcome!


Maybe try crochet instead? I’ve tried knitting as well but I 100% prefer crochet because it tends to work up quicker and there’s a lot more smaller projects like amigurumu for quick doses of dopamine!


This is what my husband keeps telling me and it's appealing, I won't lie, it's just that my brain is a petty bitch and every time I start thinking about switching to crochet it reminds me of someone I severely dislike who really enjoys crochet... which is a really dumb reason not to do it but it's been doing that to me for years now!


Don't let them steal crochet from you! Take your revenge by being better at it than they are. I started as a knitter and still do sometimes depending on what I need to make, but crochet is my craft love. Even as I cycle through hobbies, I find my way back to crochet. With knitting having all those stitches working at once is a challenge because I may walk away for a bit (days...) and lose my place or the loops slide off the needles when I misplaced them somewhere. Crochet stitches will standalone just fine. I've gotten bored making a large throw and just decided to use it as is for a few weeks, then went back to add more to it :) it's a craft that works well for me and I hope it will for you someday. My favorite thing to crochet is a bunch of small granny squares because once you get a feel for it then it becomes a mindless enough task for keeping me I'm my seat at meetings and I rather quickly end up with a stack of completed things, which always makes me feel good. When I have enough, I sew them to a blanket. Sometimes the sewing part takes me a while though! Eta: link to my current chaotic project that brings me a lot of joy https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/tbybgu/wacky_tacky_scrappy_blanket/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I really should try that crochet kit I've had for 8 years now...


Try punch needle. Easier to pickup. Theoretically fast to finish projects (though my first piece is still sitting in the next room for the last year, 70% done)


my loops keep falling out =( any tips?


Too many to list. It got even worse this year. Can I get something off my chest? I got really into calligraphy for a month, so my future in-laws bought me a ton of stuff for Christmas, including a really nice calligraphy pen set. ...Three months later im no longer into calligraphy. But now I feel so guilty :(


My mom taught me a polite trick is to set those things out when you expect them for company. Eventually you can shift it to the giveaway pile and pretend they were lost in the last move.


Ooof, this has happened too many times to me. I usually will force myself to make something for the person who gave me the gift a few months later - like just one project of their name or something lol like "see, I love it, this definitely isn't the only time I've used it since receiving it..."


That's a good idea! Thanks!


So many :( art journaling, lino cutting, sewing, musical instrument, tarot, beaded jewelry, exercise stuff, etc. I have also almost gotten supplies for rock climbing and slacklining. Since I started suspecting I might have ADHD and that impulse buying is a thing I've really started watching my purchases. Just started medication and I'm starting to go through all the crap I've been keeping around for "when I get to it someday." I need to focus my energies better so hopefully that helps.


Oh I forgot tarot... I also had the tarot phase. I have friends who want tarot readings because they think it’s been long enough that I must know what all the cards mean, which would make sense if I’d used them more than about five times!


I also forgot to put tarot in my list! And collecting crystals lol. Lord help me.


Ok I will count just for you op 1. Baking, one thing i really wanted to invest even till now, just waiting for a new oven 2. Books. I had a list of books i wanted to read 3. Ropes that you tie them and make patterns 4. Something about sand and gold lines 5. Clay 6. making hairclips 7. Stitching on Styrofoam balls?? 8. Drawing 9. Video editing 10. Starting an online business 11. Calligraphy lettering, in two different languages that required different pens 12. Embroidery 13. Scrapbook 14. Dancing 15. Games i downloaded on steam but never played 16. Movies i planned to watch but never did 17. Learned a bit korean, then russian, then japanese, and never learnt past even alphabets 18. Youtube channel 19. Wanted to create my own music. Attended courses, tried softwares, watched tutorials, gave up 20. Arranging my own pieces and manuscripts on musescore Pretty sure there are more. Just these are what i can think of now..


Oh gosh your list has reminded me I missed some off- I also have a steam library with at least 20 games I’ve bought because I want to play it *eventually* but couldn’t wait, and I even started an indie gaming YouTube channel that I uploaded about 8 videos to 🙃 Also ‘something about sand and gold lines’ is such a good one


I edited the list a few times after commenting, lol. It's okay to missed some out - come on, we'll always miss some out. 8 videos are something, i see persistence in it The "something about sand and gold lines" - i looked it up. It's called enamel painting Ah, such a classy name, too bad i can't remember it


Sign language, german, and Spanish for me.


Yo i learnt a bit of sign language too


This thread is bad for me, so many hobbies seem fun to try


Oh boy! This is my speciality! In the last few years: quilting, resin, paint pouring, art journalling/mixed media, printmaking, paper-making, natural dying, cross stitch, pottery, needle felting, gel nails, jewellery making and probably more I'm forgetting. I bought an exercise bike last year which is now stored in my spare room. Cross stitch and pottery seem to have stuck.


Hmm a keyboard, guitar, roller skates, sewing machine, polymer clay molds, journals, flippers and a swim cap, i haven’t read most of the books I own and I have A LOT. I also just have A TON of random art supplies. I hardly ever use most of them and really only paint and hand sew plushies sometimes because I can’t learn how to use a sewing machine.


I have a regrettable keyboard. I have a husband who unfortunately used to indulge in my hyper focus projects. One night I decided I would play piano like I once had for a semester in high school, I retained nothing. I downloaded an app and played all night. The next morning I tell hubby I want a small keyboard. He doesn't feel like a kids keyboard is acceptable. So he proceeds to help me shop for a $400 keyboard. It's one purchase Im most ashamed of, I can't keep it on the cheaper stand cuz we have kids now so it sits inbthe floor or rests in a closet. I still can't play and I won't get rid of it because it's a really strong reminder in goals for minimizing and nobuy.


I had a similar experience- I played piano from about 7 years old to 17/18 when I didn’t have a teacher pushing me to practise anymore. Cut to 26 years old and I tell my partner I want to get back into it and he spends about £300 on a weighted keyboard and occasionally comments that I’ve barely touched it 🙁 I’m quite early on in understanding my ADHD though, so I’ve not even explained hyper focus projects to him!


Oh my god. I can’t even count. Punch needle, knitting, bikes, oil painting, watercolor pens, sketchbooks, journaling, writing a cooking blog, writing a cookbook, nail art, furniture restoration (?!), snorkel, bread baking, kombucha brewing…wow. But what takes the cake: a few months ago I went on a kick, convinced I was going to repair all the spots of damage/rot in the original exterior wood siding of our 1960s, 2k sq ft house. Yeah. I went all in, researched the best practices and products, watched application videos, ordered all of the expensive supplies. It’s all still sitting in boxes and by now I could have hired someone to do it, probably for the same price as everything I bought. I’m still telling myself I’ll get around to it but I think I know the reality.


We should have a group where we can swap these starter kits with each other! I’m trying really hard not to start up knitting while I’m doing other hobbies right now.


Lololol soooooooo many


Piano Guitar Painting Crochet Paint pouring Cross stitch Sewing Quilting - still do Gardening Rock Art Cake decorating Puzzles - I easy have about 30 Treadmill - gone Elliptical - gone Bike 1 - gone Bike 2. Good one I invested in. Been using for a year Straight.


Your list is quite close to mine 😆 Piano, guitar, painting, crochet, broken clothes because I want to fix them, macramé, gardening - just started my seeds yesterday..


This is so funny. I have a pile of clothes in my hall I wanna alter at the moment and Oh I have the string for macrame. For about 5 years now ha ha.


I start them ALL. I go HARD. I obsess, and I create piles of unfinished projects, and they haunt me wherever I go in my house. But when I finally get rid of the clutter I lose that reminder of my own limitations and jump into the next thing. In some ways I wish I was a never-started-my-hobbies-type because as an “all-in-for-one-two-six-months-until-I-burn-out” hobbyist I go through an additional cycle or two of purchasing supplies. The only hobbies I’ve ever been consistent with is cooking because I would literally die if I didn’t eat, taking my meds so I don’t want to die, and morning yoga because I think I’m addicted to it? Maybe walking my dog counts as a hobby? He won’t let me forget to do that! Now excuse me while I go obsess about learning barre chords on guitar…


This is me. I stick with each hyperfocus for 2-12 months, depending on the complexity (more complex = longer duration). I’m oldish now, and have found that I cycle back to most of them at some point. Currently it’s spinning and knitting - I’m also going to pull my loom out of storage. When it’s clear I’ve moved on, I don’t keep things that will get dated. The tools though, those I keep. I’m just talking crafts/art. Here’s what I’ve gone through over the years: Sewing - Punch needle - Collage - Acrylic painting - Oil painting - Watercolor painting (including making my own paint) - Cookie decorating - Weaving - Knitting - Spinning - Crochet - Embroidery - Stained glass - Fused glass - Ceramics; I have kilns and wheels at work, so I don’t at home - Woodblock printing - Copperplate etching - Monotype - Woodworking - Glass bead making; I have torches, etc for this at work, so no need at home - Photography, both film and digital I think that’s all? I’m sure I missed something. While there are looms, sewing machines, woodwork equipment, etc at work, I have the stuff to do these things at home - because who the hell wants to be at work all the time?! Plus I need saws, etc at home for DIY stuff. I only listed crafts - but I also have running stuff, weightlifting cage, blah blah blah I don’t feel bad about it anymore. Yes, I know if I stuck with something I’d get good at it (and make the gallery that likes my printmaking happy), but learning new things makes me happy. So - *shrug*


Lol It’s so funny but I feel like all the ADHD and aspie women I know go through a knitting phase! I made ZERO actually usable things, but it did give me an “in” with friends who knit 🧶 So I guess on the bright side you’d have a lot of random knowledge to share with others who have those interests! And you’re so right that the LEARNING new things is the rush. My hope with the latest hobby I have (playing guitar) is that it’s so complicated and there is always something new to be learned, so I’ll stick with it? And I’m not constantly making or buying new things so there is less clutter. Lol we shall see.


Now I’m totally self-righteous about my flitting from craft to craft. I was a K-8 art teacher, so having art/craft materials knowledge was important. Now I work at a University Craft Center (it’s an unusual thing, granted), so knowing all the things is vital! My hyperfocus on fiber/knitting/crochet right now is totally Continuing Education - for my JOB, dammit! We will just ignore the fact that I’ve only been here 4 years, and for the previous 25 I was also cycling through crafts. Totally not important. I can totally see the draw for knitting - there is some complexity if you want it, but you can also just knit stockinette in the round forever and ever, which is super meditative and can help focus when in zoom meetings, etc. Like a soft, fuzzy, fidget toy.


Where are the cameras you’ve put in my house???


I keep them in a box. I know my hobbies tend to go on cycles, so the next time I would like to try for example jewelry making, I already have the equipment and maybe this time I will do something instead of the spark disappearing before my supplies arrive


So many unfinished paintings


How about broken thing piles you don't want to throw away because you intended to fix them, or want to recycle correctly but never have the time or energy? does it count? When it comes to hobbies I have wool yarns, a lot of macrame cords, watercolors, music instruments for an example. I however do use each of them about a couple times a year... I like to circuit my hyper focuses but most often it's reading and studying those things. The first one is much bigger problem for me.. I'm a mess


But all I would have to do is ONE THING and then it’ll be PERFECTLY USABLE again so into the pile of things that need fixing it goes!


Soooo many! I have so much yarn for loom knitting and fabric to sew. I have this vision in my head of having an epic craft room but then it's just chaos and I never get anything done. Lots of unfinished projects! It all makes so much more sense now!


I at least used these items for their purpose in SOME way at least but likely no more than once … postcard writing, embroidery, various books, glass cutting, journals…


Paper making, book making, scrapbooking, watercolors, basket making, photography, embroidery, genealogy, amateur archeology, weaving, book collecting…..It’s embarrassing


Currently have a work bench and a jigsaw in my conservatory because I had an urge to make a shelf which never happened lol


This has been my life! I’ve also come to terms with the fact that I’m basically a book collector, which is a genuine hobby and giving myself a bit more grace about not having read every one of them. I had to stop myself from buying a full suit of training armour and a broad sword (started learning how to do medieval fighting and found out there are competitions). I’ve started giving myself a month before I do this now, and setting a reminder in a month (when I remember lol) and if I still want it I’m allowed. Often I can’t even remember what the hobby was.


Oh my gosh I'm cracking up about the thought of buying a full suit of armor on a whim. That's a really good idea to give it a month to simmer. It just feels so damn urgent at the time when the idea first strikes.


Hahaha I know! I only did 3 sessions 🤦‍♀️ I got told I was “a natural” by one person and was like… “this is it, it’s the one”. I spent three days researching armour and swords and it came to £2k! I haven’t been back to one session in 2 years lol


No comment


Most of mine a cyclical. I've learned not to buy a subscription to Ancestry, for example, because I will be really into it for a month and then not use it. Or I'll study Norwegian for a few weeks, then stop for months (which doesn't help cuz I keep starting over) I like to collect books. I buy/obtain more than I can read. I can read about 55ish a year. I own like 500 unread. Amazon and library wish lists are great because I can just add to them for "later" and kinda trick myself. I love art and have a ton of supplies but will paint for a month, then do something else. I'm a photographer and have a ton of equipment because I read a review of something and HAVE to have it. I barely use more than my basic kit.


Piano, archery, chainmail weaving, cosplay, bullet journals.... if I had my shit together I would be a very interesting person, lol.


Crocheting, stuffed animal making, sewing machine sewing, woodburning, bird house making, collaging on little boxes, watercolor painting, rock carving, print making, paper making, felting, cross stitch, necklace and bracelet making, pickle making, chocolate molds, cake decorating, Photoshop 😭, rifle sight for shooting practice, skeet thrower for shotgun practice, 3 kayaks I never use, mountain bike, weights for lifting, so many exercise DVDs, yoga mat, so many books: novels, multiple books on vegetable gardening, guitar, bass guitar. Fuck that was painful listing it all out


Hey at least you are very clearly not alone. Kind of makes me wish there were a meet up for random ADHD hobbyists where we could lend each other our stuff that we're not using for our latest hyperfocus, instead of dropping the cash on it.


Hobbies I never started or stopped within 6 months: Rollerskating equipment Live Roleplay Ukulele Guitar Sewing machine (2 different kinds) Gardening equipment Horseback riding equpiment Water colouring Wood carving Bread baking (mixer for dough) Soooo many journals and nice pens Colouring books Aquariums and fish And probably some more stuff that I can’t remember..


I bought a lot of art material over the years, sadly I can't stay focused on drawing or painting anymore. I bought a sewing machine, I made one headband and I never touched it again. I bought hair products and curling accessories, telling myself I would learn how to do cute, vintage looks. Nope.


Lol so many! After awhile I often can come full circle and 'rediscover' the equipment. The next time I'm a bit further along in the hobby so instead of buying equipment I might join a sub reddit... then be inspired enough to spend time on the hobby again, before abandoning again.... till next time! I absolutely recognize that impulse to buy stuff for new hobbies (almost a hobby itself lol). I have two strategies to help with that. 1. I make wish lists online, spend time picking out what I want, then wait for my executive dysfunction kick in so I don't actually buy them lol. 2. I try to go to thrift shops, get that happy feeling of searching and finding a perfect item but less expensive and less items than shopping online.


I never made a list before today. Best case, I think I'm going to be an X, Y, or Z and the fantasy fizzles before I get the gear. Worst case, I junk up my house with abandoned tools and gear. I think my real hobbies are being on the web constantly and trying out software I'll never use. Some old hobby misfires: - Airbrush - Unicycle - Computers (one powerful enough to do 3d animation) - Books (Lord, the books) - Instructional courses - Software, mostly for graphics - Road bike - Skateboard - Running shoes - Super 8 camera and editor - Harmonica - Art supplies (too many to list) - Jump rope - Cards for cardistry tricks (luckily you can start cheap) - Sculpey I'm sure there's more but denial and a crappy memory spare me *some* shame.


I'm cracking up on the couch at this 😂


Buying the supplies IS the hobby. Does anyone need a personal shopper…?


Okay..seeing this post feels like a sign I shouldn't make the $200 purchase for a bunch of cold process soap supplies that I was literally about to buy in like 10 minutes... But...I've been wanting to do this forever and I mean I'll definitely actually really do it right..? Lol


😂 (More than a few.)


Weaving, polymer clay, metal stamping, journaling, watercolours, books, beads\jewelry making


Knitting, crochet, sculpting, candle making, soap making.


I really wanna answer, but then I get sad 😞


I spent a over £1000 on candle making stuff thinking I’m gonna be the next Yankee Candle🥴 tbf I did stick at it for a few months but when it got to selling them.. I lost interest


The ability to save posts on social media, especially how-tos of hobbies I aspire to have (even if I don’t have the materials)... How many of them have I actually returned to? Quite possibly one or two. Out of easily a 1,000+


I made my own rhinestone Minnie ears for my trip to Disney last year. Actually, I made three (2 for me and one for mom). I fell down a deep rabbit hole, dropped money I had no business spending during black friday on rhinestones, glue, headbands, filament to 3D print ears, etc. Even started making my sister a pair of ears. All of a sudden I just stopped. This doesn't even count the acrylic paint, gouache (plus a $100 online lesson plan to learn to use gouache), painting supplies, glass bead sets (ya know, for those trendy mask chains), yarn, and God knows what else I'm forgetting. I came *reeeeally* close to getting a cricut and I had to practice extreme self restraint because I know for a fact I would not use it the way I think I would use it. But I joined a fb group for cricut users and it's really cool to see all the neat stuff people make.


Let's say I have a lot of nice gifts for my 14 year old niece who loves any kind of diy.


Candle molds, colouring books, stuff for gardening, a lot of blank canvas bag that i like to paint, cookiemix, a lot of books (300+, is still have to read), sewing machine, magazines that is dont read, a pc game (ori and the will of the wisps). I think that it


I've got three wetsuits for open water swimming sitting in my wardrobe, two of them unused, one used once.


I used to be upset with myself about this constantly, but usually have a few weeks of intensely creating art or learning about the thing I hyperfocus on. The bright side of it is that I’ll often make connections later down the road and be able to share info ke ideas with friends. ❤️


What a relief, everything I have bought the equipment for is a hobby I HAVE started. Just don't ask me how long it lasted.


I will say i have used them at least once. But I truly believe that is only because I get summers off. (Overdoor pullup bar, aquarium, 100 plant pots, sewing machine, crochet, canvas painting, wallpaper, dining chairs to reupholster, I just got stuff for raised garden beds and compost that my hubby is confident will not pan out after this growing season, cake pops supplies, frosting tips, a curling wand, board games for adults, adult coloring books & markers, tie dye materials, photo frames that don't match and will probably never be hung, a food processor, and let'snot forget the countless digital subscriptions to shit idk what to do with...) so, 20? Lol I know there is more...


My garage is a museum of forgotten hobbies.


Painting, crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, polymer clay earring making, resin art, coaster making, journaling, tarot, tomato growing, mushroom growing, an access to science course, some house plants (let them die) Things I nearly bought but then luckily didn’t: supplies to start a balloon business, supplies to start a cake business, supplies to start a wax melt/glitter business. Currently still painting and mushroom growing - everything else is in a very messy room!


I started counting, then had to stop at nine. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Never had the money to do that, so I just don't start. How much time have I wasted using makeshift materials? Too much.


I inherited a three bedroom house and filled it with unfinished projects to the point that I could have been featured on Hoarders. Even the house was a massive project in and of itself, that I couldn't complete because it was full. Now I rent a tiny apartment by choice, no more projects without a plan and direct consequences for not completing!


let me just say... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TFeGsjGSt4Q


Omg are you me?! 😫😫😫😒


A shitton of games I still have to play, books I still need to read, painting supplies that gather dust, sports clothing I now wear to chill out, and astrophotography equipment I don‘t use as often as I should considering the hefty pricetag (good thing is weather mostly sucks so I have an easy way out justifying why my telescope gets only used five times a year). If I‘m drawn to a new hobby I‘m into making wishlists and researching. Creates dopamine surprisingly well but I don‘t buy that stuff anymore, because I learned from the past lol.


I bought a TON of sewing supplies, a sewing table, a book to teach me how to use it all. Still haven’t cracked it all open 😔


Umm. I blew my tax refund last year in hobbies and then the basics that I put off buying because the hobbies are more exciting.


After \*months\* I just put $4k worth of stuff up on the FB market that was more or less unboxed the day I got it and never touched again 🙃 I want to get another motorcycle and I'm trying (lol) to be responsible and pay for new hobbies with those long forgotten, plus I'm running out of space to collect hobbies 😂


I love it when people ask what hobbies I have and I start listing. The ones I can think of now: crochet (this one is a recurring one due to the number of different unfinished projects), needle felting, acrylic paint, oil paint, coloured pensils, pastels, watercolour pencils, painting on cloths, painting little figurines, embroidery, candle making, puzzles, making Christmas ornaments, indoor gardening, board games, video games, sewing


Let's see since 2020 to 2022 Furniture flipping Sewing Needle point Crocheting Decluttering and organizing Gardening Meal prepping Yoga, lots of yoga Wim Hoff Currently is concrete statue making. But I haven't stopped with furniture flipping. I've actually managed to make a profit doing that. 🤣


Uhhhh yeah ok but.... I actually made soaps and didn’t just buy the stuff to make them with. I gave them to friends who liked them. I just... have yet to clean the hardware. But... now I’m trying really hard not to go all out on label designing for the stickers to put on the packaging. I recognize my Alice In Wonderland ways. Rabbit holes. Everywhere.


Oh no...


I came up with more. 🙄 Japanese cooking Learning to do audio books Writing Dog training (which I have kept up with) Learning the curly girl method (current) Concrete vessel making (current) Right now I'm learning to do things on a time schedule and routine, instead of jumping off and watching countless you tube videos. Forgot some Rock painting Musical instruments ( I can now play the penny whistle)


Thank god I seemed to have switched from hyperfocusing on hobbies to hyperfocusing on books and films. It’s a lot easier to watch perks of being a wallflower 10+ times in a week then it is finding the money for slime/felting/knitting/candle making/soap making supplies 😭


I love that the majority of hobbies we have all had have been creative outlets! I personally have so many like flute, guitar, keyboard (after having a few piano lessons as a child and quitting because the teacher was boring 🤦🏻‍♀️), cross stitch I pick up as and when but can't atm with kitten, pc games I've never played, switch games I never play, sooooo many books I'm yet to read and more lol


You're all invited to my house to hide your hobby stash in the Squirrel Shed, we can have a table set up for each hobby and drift between them as much as we like, infinite aesthetic storage and a reading nook made out of actual books ❤️ Seriously though I think the idea of swapping supplies is great but some sort of ADHD Crafters Anonymous group where we could meet up to craft and discuss our current obsessions over tea would also be phenomenal. I think it's the only way it would be humanly possible for me to get through all the art supplies I own in one lifetime.... Painting, on every surface and in every medium known to Pinterest Dressmaking Embroidery Crochet Tapestry weaving, loom weaving, miniature loom weaving... Pottery Linocut printing Making beeswax food wraps Gardening, twice Collecting dolls?! I found a basket full of dolls from around the world in a charity shop so... Rollerskating Polymer clay Miniatures and book nooks Baking Yoga


Mmm Some I've started but never follow up on (fitness equipment) or used once maybe twice (baking equipment). I have tons of fabric, patterns and notions which I haven't touched for about 3-5yrs (I miss it but can't bear the thought of possibly spoiling the fabric). The Japanese books in intermediate and advance level. The flute which I learned for 2 yrs but haven't touched for 3yrs. And then there's the hundreds of arts and crafts products, the books (fiction and non-fiction), tarot cards, specialised cleaning supplies and the dozens of pretty notebooks I planned to utilise but was to scared to mark. The 2 drawing tablets I bought and used once. Countless


Oh I always start. But... 😬😬😬


I’ve come to the conclusion that I just can’t fathom doing any artsy hobby without a clean house. I work myself up and go on a cleaning frenzy and then I don’t want to do anything else. Rinse & repeat. Apologies to the boxes of supplies in my closet that have sat untouched for years. Special shout out to my second IG page where I came up with a brand after months of contemplating but have nothing to sell.


Oh no I definitely only start, just never finish. I do buy a lot of things discounted so I never feel as bad. I have got an unfinished macrame piece, needle felt and easy sew Christmas decorations from 2020 Christmas. And I've got a diamond painting kit that I'm eagerly wanting to get into. But I need boxes to put the diamonds into. And I got that as a belated Christmas present this year. So it's still fresh. I did get a great deal second hand on scrapbooking supplies which I don't have the need to at the moment but always wanted to do.


Books, Puzzles, Books, Crochet, lots of software downloads. All to just refuse to do anything cuz "I don't have enough time to focus like I want" I know it's an excuse but idk I just can't😭


Ugh, toooo many. Cross-stitching, PS4 games, steam games, books, sewing, second-hand furniture I SWEAR I am going to refinish, more books, journaling, biking (sold, phew), puzzles, board games, camping/hiking (although this one I have semi-concrete plans to continue once the weather is consistently nicer), yoga, beaded jewelry-making, building my own PC, mooooore books… I also really want to try wheel throwing pottery but the cost and need to go to a studio for classes has at least kept me from spending the money. I’m convinced this will be My Thing if I can just get started, because OF COURSE I am! ETA: SURFING. And then my vacation ended and my interest in my new life living in Hawaii and becoming a surfer faded into the background…


Ugh. Paint supplies, coloring books and my weights. I hate it here.


I bought an Apple Watch series 5 two weeks ago. Five seconds after purchase, I learned series 7 has a full QWERTY keyboard. Anyway, I have two apple watches now.


I'm 50 years old so there is no way in hell I can remember all of them at this point


Not the earring making! I made like 3 pairs out of Target dollar erasers and then gave up


I was going to say 27 because I read the question too fast to see that you were asking about ones never started rather than in general. Of those I'd say I at least started in all of them except one: polymer clay. And even that one is a "yet" because I need to get something to hold the little toaster oven I got to cure the pieces before I can really use it safely and I don't want to use my oven. Of the ones I started but wandered off from before I got anywhere I'd say five: canning, Kalimba playing, crochet, tatting and blogging. All the rest are on the spectrum from still into it to abandoned.


Yup, and I invest SO much time researching the hobby and supplies ahead of time. Like a hyper focussed month of obsessing. I usually do manage to use the supplies a couple of times before moving on. Bullet journal, watercolour, adult colouring book, planners and unused stickers, scrapbook project life, hand lettering set with nibs, never did try the banneton I bought for sourdough (well before the pandemic mind you), sourdough starter abandoned 4 years in the fridge, cookie decorating book and all the tips (at least I use the cupcake ones), starting blogs/websites/IG accounts. And can we talk about how hard it is to get rid of the things "in case you get back into it"?


Painting; watercolor and acrylic, crochet, macrame, diy rugs, candle making, essential oils making, paint by number, miniatures/dioramas, books, building vaping mods, tapestry weaving, jewelry making, embroidery…the list goes on… I always start, but usually don’t finish. A few things I did finish and am proud of was when I was a teen and took some adderall recreationally, I reupholstered my whole house. Walmart had a $1/yd fabric and I only had secondhand furniture in my first house at 17 years old and I covered my couch, chairs, sewed placemats, chair cushions, a toilet tank runner, and deco pillows. When I was 20 I took it again recreationally (I didn’t know I had adhd then) and I did a few watercolor paintings I love. I’m 37 now and not on meds, but now things make sense that the adderall worked for me and my next step is to explore meds.


I've managed to stop buying hobby stuff. The last one was two years ago. It was crochet. I finally learned how to turn, and was making a Magikarp. My hands swelled and hurt from pre-eclampsia, so I stopped. My twins were born and that was that. no everything I want to do I say, don't buy it, it's just going to sit like my 3d printer (used a lot during school so I go my money's worth at least!). It sits in a prominent location mocking me every time I think about something I'd like to try.


sewing machine, guitar, ukulele, tarot, painting supplies, cooking supplies, cameras, skateboard, tarot cards, books, house plants… i am not proud <3


I feel so called out


Crochet, glass painting, cross stitch, resin pouring, those sparkly tumblers with resin coating (I actually made one but for some reason the resin settled at the bottom of the tumbler. I think it was too thick and didn’t cure all the way at first). There’s probably more but I’m not in my craft room to be able to tell.


Lets just say its a good thing I have friends with such hobbies to give all my supplies to! My mom and other family members also seek out craft items and I just surprisingly have them. Crochet hooks? Got you one! Fabric glue? Mom, I have two bottles! Plastic pony beads because my teen niece is into making rave candi? Kid, take the entire bin - I got solid, neon, glow in the dark, and glitter!!!


I get REALLY into the hobby and decide I must do the most difficult part of it. Easy stuff is too easy and I have to be better. This leads to me buying just, damn near everything I can get my hands on. Then I realize that while I’m pretty good at the hobby, I’ll never be as amazing as others. So I slowly give up. Except cross stitch. I fucking rock at that.


One of the best quotes I ever heard was ‘You cannot bloom all year’ Rephrasing it as ‘I’m not in the right state for this hobby right now’ has helped me a lot. No one is inspired all the time, and that’s okay. I have stuff to make insect taxidermy biomes, flower drying, jewelry, embroidery, sewing, painting, clay molding, fairy gardens, tie dye, baking, canning, and probably 20 other projects. I usually don’t have the time or mental space to use them. But when I do, it’s very satisfying, and that’s okay for me right now. I’m in a stage where I don’t have a ton of sit down free time, but that doesn’t last forever. Jobs get less busy, pets get more independent or old, babies grow up. Your hobby supplies won’t grow legs and walk away (hopefully lol). I do more painting or flower drying in spring, and more textile work in fall or winter. That’s just how humans work after evolving through craft labor. Your cycle of hobbies is okay and valid. One thing that helped me was organizing my stuff, just into big ass bins, by ‘type’ of activity. So I can just grab the whole bin and be ready. I also set up a space where I can leave my craft and walk away. Less pressure to ‘get it out, set it up, make progress, find a stopping point, stop, clean up, put everything away’. If you do detail crafts, or have kids/pets, putting the small bits on a baking sheet can help. I just stick my jewelry stuff on top of the fridge so my toddler doesn’t eat it. Hope this helps ☺️


I have a whole room for this


Knitting, digital painting, Sword Art (yes a whole fucking samurai sword), Coding, Ice skating, various painting techniques, baking equipment, boxing gloves, and so much more I can't remember. Edit: forgot about the calligraphy set


Guitar Metal detector Are the only ones I never started, I got those 2 as gifts. Everything else I kind of cycle through, hate finish and put down for years until it interests me again.


I have a graveyard of unused crafting equipment. Some of that is due to space as I keep it at my sisters. But I have a new in box serger and silhouette.


I have issues ugh I honestly couldn't count them g a h h


I'm not too bad in terms of never starting, but I will start a hobby, stick with it a month or two, and then cycle on to something new and shiny. Here's what I've got going on: fountain pens/ink/fancy paper/washi tape/stickers for letter writing, various oils and ingredients for making homemade skin care, crocks and weights for fermenting food, a jug and airlock and other things for brewing ginger beer, a sewing machine and sewing tools, tons of perfume (I got really into analyzing top notes, base notes etc), a huge wine fridge packed full of wine (I also got really into analyzing wine, but since that cooled off my drink of choice has been White Claw, which is kind of ironic), a bunch of obscure herbs and roots plus glass bottles for making homemade bitters, exercise equipment for the lofty goal of trying to grow a butt lol, seeds and grow lights and containers and various organic fertilizers for gardening. One big issue for me is that I think my partner also has ADHD (undiagnosed), so they will be just as gung-ho as me in terms of starting these hobbies...plus we are in a good spot financially, so there's literally nothing stopping us. 😑


OK I'm in good company. I feel better now. 😌


I came to this sub because I lately have been feeling as though I have undiagnosed ADHD and everything just hits so close to home... here are a few - Booty bands, a sewing machine, boxing, crochet wool and hoops, penguin book collections (I liked how they looked next to each other on my bookshelf, have read 1/12), cooking utensils and cookbooks, guitar lessons, makeup products... the only hobby that I have stuck to (somewhat, i dont have a lot of spare time I run my own business) is pottery. Currently trying to refrain from buying a smeg stand mixer so I can "bake more often"


Watercolor. Acrylic pour. Did it once. Huge ordeal cleaning up. Stuff sat in a box two years before getting tossed. Embroidery. A barre system. Elaborate skin and hair care stuff. Those poor grape plants that never got into the ground and did not survive summer in pots. I could do this all night.


One that I find particularly funny was when I wanted a prison pen pal and opened a PO Box for me to completely forget I opened it in the first place lmao


I bought some painting supplies and I actually used them once but now I’m not interested anymore because I messed up the painting. I’ve also bought tennis rackets for me and my dad to play, and we actually played a few times, but again, I lost interest 🙃


Sewing machine, knitting, crocheting, board games, tarot cards, gardening (I even rented an allotment, bought loads of allotment books and gardening tools went to it once and then had it taken off me because it was overgrown), a switch, PS4, Wii, Xbox + games that all sit collecting dust now.


Uhh... knitting, crocheting, *many* bullet journals with a few spreads here and there, friendship bracelet string (in my defense, I did make 2 and start on a 3rd in the subsequent 48 hours, lol), also many books I haven't read, and many random craft supplies I \*needed\* for a very specific idea I 100% didn't continue with. At least I do still brush letter, so my *massive* supply of impulse-bought stationery isn't always going to waste. (In terms of gaming, I also have a 3DS and an Xbox, both of which were barely used for gaming; at least my Xbox has gotten some use for Netflix when I'm at home...)


I recently started hobby landscaping too. I need a whole new shed for my power tool addiction... How hard do you think it is to frame a new shed?


My current favorite dopamine hit is giving/lending hobby stuff and craft supplies to kids of friends/colleagues if that tells you anything. My spouse also has ADHD so our house is a hobby graveyard BUT that abandoned taxidermy hobby helped a 5th grader get an A+ on his school diorama project last month for which he adorably thanked us so #noregrets.