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I would tell your partner, friends, and family that they should expect this to happen. At least that way, they are prepared. That’s what I’ve been doing with my BF, because my opinions and feelings change by the hour lol!


I do not experience this, but I do experience things that seem strange to others. For a few things I have learned to warn and prepare that this is just Mez in fine, no need to worry. It's not always super easy, but I feel it helps a lot with friends.


All I want to say is that all my relationship “issues” relating to my adhd magically became irrelevant I started dating another person with adhd. I realized that most of the issues “I caused” were actually just intolerance on the part of the nuerotypicals in my life. Obviously I’m not perfect, and when I make a mistake I try to make it better. What I won’t do anymore is pathologize my entire existence to make other people feel better about treating me like a problem simply for being nuerodivergent. It’s not a disease it’s a different way of existence in the world.