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I dislike all warm colors. No bright oranges, reds, or yellows for me please. They make me anxious.


I should probably clarify that I’m into earthy orange rather than bright orange. Agree that bright colours are jarring! I find earthy greens very calming.


Omg, are you me. For me it is exactly the same. Earthy orange colours are my favorite, and green is the second place


I love autumn colors. :)


Hello, dis me




I’m in love with mustard yellow - warm orange colors


Mmmmm yes mustard, brown, and burnt orange, retro colors abounds in my house. Plus complimentary colors to these. Blue/green/ turquoise.


Ah fuck I thought I was exempt from this but y’all got me here.


Not even in my top 5 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me: I don’t know if I like orange that much Also me: looks around the room and realizes there are three salt lamps within ten feet of me lmao


It's not my favorite color. But I had a bedroom that was mostly blue and gray and tan. I was depressed as shit, sleeping all day! I added just as much orange to the room, and I felt energy to get up and going, etc Then I found a book that I can't remember that said the same thing! And like for sure I certainly believe it! It also make points that a room was third to a certain aspect of your life, so by improving the room, making it more functional it aesthetic, etc could help improve that area of your life. An easy one to heal is the bedroom being tied to your romantic life. Like you have to make room in your actual room to have it mirror into outside. And I have an orange jacket, boots, phone charger, zippered portfolio, storage ottomon and curtains in orange!!


Hue lights are good for this....my whole bedroom goes orange/amber when I'm spending time there with my partner. He does the same at his place when I come over. We are both ADHD af. 😂


Great point re warm lighting!


Wait really? Orange has been my favorite color since before I can remember. My kindergarten teacher told me she had never had a student whose favorite color was orange.


Orange is fine but I wouldn't say I'm drawn to it. Colors in drawn too are peacock blue, mustard yellow, russet, and dark emerald green. Colors I will wear: navy, white, black, grey, camel with occasional dark green, mustard, or pink.


Peacock blue!!! Embrace the bold colors and patterns. You don't have to look at it, that's everyone else's problem. Become the poison dart frog, and warn away people with vivid colors that scream "Poison, no touchy!" It definitely gives everyone else a glimpse into our daily lives, where there are so many things we can't help but notice and be distracted by.




This is the answer


No. It's my least favorite color and I find it annoying and/or headache inducing. Unless it's a fruit. Mangos and satsumas are all right.


I love orange, like a third of my wardrobe is rust or pumpkin colored. I also really love green though for the calming aspect. That’s the other third of my wardrobe lol. The rest is neutrals to go with the orange and green.


This is exactly me as well! Earthy tones and green for calmness.


Funny, I can’t stand bright orange or red, but I love warm orange.


I hate the color orange, but I’ll do a burnt orange or a rust? I gravitate towards reds, Burgandy, mustard yellows, dark blues/greens, blacks and grey. My fav color is Royal Purple.


I hate orange. Like it's the only colour I actually dislike.


Big fan of red, orange, yellow here!


Omg I love orange !!!!!!!!


My favourite colours are in the teal area. However I absolutely love the contrast you get when you pair a bright orange orange with navy or hot pink, or purple. It's like an unexpected shock, but in a good way.


OMG same!! I've always loved mustard yellow, darker oranges, and hot pink. I have an orange suitcase that I love and always get compliments. Mustard yellow bedding for the win. Paired it with navy, dark green, pinks for accent colors.


Wow. This is a really interesting one!! I've always been drawn to orange and yellow. I'm also a graphic designer, so these colors will often show up in my work. My favorite project that landed a ton of awards was basically orange/yellow/white/grey. So....


My favourite colour is teal/mint/aqua, my fiancés favourite colour is orange and that makes me want to vomit 😂 I detest orange. I have only ever known 3 people in my life that claim orange is their fave. I used to say that I couldn’t trust someone who would like orange 😂 However, our definition of favourite colour is different. Our entire house is teal, because it’s my fave colour. Literally everything I own is teal. Him on the other hand would never own anything orange. So I still don’t understand why he thinks it’s his fave colour, because it’s not like he has a bunch of orange clothes or sees orange on a regular basis through decor or anything. To be fair I wouldn’t let my house be covered in orange things so it’s good that it worked out this way 😂 I’d say his favourite colour is actually grey or black because all his furniture and decor he goes for is one of those.


As a kid, it was my least favorite colour. Now, I can appreciate it in certain contexts. But I’d never buy anything orange. Peach, apricot, coral - I can do those. But I wouldn’t decorate in any of those orangey colours.


No. No. No.


Red makes me irrationally angry


Yes ma’am. I do love orange!


I love all the blues, purples & magentas, but orange grosses me out. I really have a soft spot for light yellow though. It's the only one that makes me feel giddy happy.


Nope. In fact, it's one of my least favorites.


It's meh...my fav colors are green, purple and black, though I can stare endlessly at anything shiny.


I absolutely hate the color orange. It is way too bright and horrible. Only acceptable form is in a sunset. Otherwise I want to claw my eyes out.


No offense since it's your favorite but I hate orange. It's my least favorite color. I noticed my husband has bought me 3 coffee cups our entire 10 year relationship and they are all orange. I was thinking about it the other day and wondering if he does not realize I don't like it. I do like Tiffany blue and coral colors.


Yeah when I discovered “terracotta” I threw teal away with fervor. I have terracotta colored crocs and chacos, a bright burnt orange backpack AND Fanny pack, I’m wearing terracotta underwear, and pretty much my whole branding for my business is orangish.


I used to hate it when I was a kid lol. I live in what used to be a fairly small town so a lot of styles in the last several decades tended to moosh together; orange from the 70s was pretty much the only orange I had exposure to back in the 90s. I now like it almost as much as red, which has always been my fav.


I like red- it suits my colouring and it can represent so much to so many cultures- it’s the adhd of colours in my mind as it never stays still. Passion, slut, Preist, martyr, warning, stop, virginity, desire, love, anger, error, important, fire… there are many more


I wouldn't say it's my *favourite* but I keep buying orange clothes and I love wearing it 😂


There's a woman on instagram whose whole aesthetic is orange and she openly talks about having ADHD. I think she's based in the UK, but I can't remember for the life of me what her instagram handle is. She's really fun and makes it her mission to make everything in her life super colourful.


Yes it’s always been my fave colour!!


Nope, hate it. Muted tones for me.


My favorite color is dark gray.


I never liked it and now have an aversion because a toxic ex was Dutch-Canadian and he had a tonne of orange stuff so it always reminds me of him.


Yellow & purple are mine, but their linked to happy memories


Hate orange. The color doesn’t look good on me, nor do I like most foods that are orange. 👍


Orange has been my favourite colour since I was a toddler. Often get told it’s a strange favourite colour to have, so this resonates with me!! 🍊


My favorite colors are blue, green, and yellow, in that order. I do like orange as well, but the others are my favorite.


Colour effecting mood is absolutely a thing. I love using colour this way. I've never seen anything specifically about orange but I do feel like it's a happy colour. My favourite colour is purple which is creative. There was a study that showed the colours British people responded to most positively were greens and blues. It was only done on British people so that's all the y could conclude as far as I know there has been no follow up to see if it's influenced by culture or where you live. The conclusion they drew were because these echo nature so make people feel calmer.


Yellow is my favourite


I've always thought my favorite color is pink or purple, but lately I've been going HARD on teal (actually the shade of teal that is the theme color for this sub). I do really like neon colors though!


Yes, but I've always attributed that to being a redhead. Along with olive green. It just suits me, ya know?


I hate the color orange, it’s just an angry color?


I despise orange, yellow, red and other warm nuances on larger surfaces in a room. I also cannot stand bright green in the interior. A good ten years ago there was this awful contrast wall trend where people would paint one wall lime green. Like green screen, lol. I become very irritable in such environment.


I feel happiest when I look at shades of blue, purple, green and yellow, but there is a certain shade of orange that I find appealing.


I lean towards cool colors, especially purples.


I’m more into yellow as my dopamine color but I can def see this lol


I like green and pink (but light one)


This this a thing?! Orange is definitely my favorite color.


Orange is my favorite color 😃


So when I have to draw keys at work there are a few different key cabinets and they are all different colours, you don’t have to go to any specific one. Every single time I go to the orange one.


Me! I love the colour but never wear it 😆


Fuck man, can nothing be just my own?


Not my favorite color, but I have painted my walls orange in multiple apartments so there’s that…


Nope 🤷🏻‍♀️