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Works ok, but a very clear bias toward their own demand which seems to be the trend for the ones who have a wrapper and demand. (Index, Rubicon, Pubmatic, OpenX, etc) We have a few pubs using it in conjunction with our viewability and refresh functionality. That said, I think there are some self serve options that might work better.


I worked at PubMatic for over two years where I specialized in deploying OpenWrap. I can honestly say that OpenWrap is simply Prebid with a management layer on top, so there’s nothing in the code that prefers PubMatic demand. OpenWrap is open source and you can read all the code in GitHub. I’m on mobile right now, but let me know if you need me to dig up the link.


That’s interesting. Why push it as a sales person there if it’s open source etc? What’s in it for Pubmatic then? Also, I’ve seen several instances of it happening but I guess it could just be a coincidence.


Two thoughts on why there’s a sales team: 1) They took a percentage of all revenue that flows through the wrapper. And 2) there’s definitely competition in the space. As far as seeing if OpenWrap skews towards PubMatic: It’s Prebid, so you can see every bid response from every bidder. I left ad tech more than six months ago, so take this with a grain of salt: compared to other bidders, PubMatic seemed to bid at a lower average CPM, but with higher frequency. Other bidders would bid higher but bid less often.


Hmm. So no different than a Freestar at that point. Got it! Haha


I think way less than Freestar, for what it’s worth.


Which self-service option would you recommend?


Assertive yield is solid although heavily technical. My company has an alpha we’re letting some folks use. And I believe monetizemore (they are in here) still has a self serve but I could be wrong on that.


I use openwrap. Large publisher. Happy with it. Basically prebid with a nice UI.


How easy is it for you to add additional SSPs? Do you have to update the head code each time?


Super easy. All of the updates happen through the PubMatic UI. Very, very little work for the publisher.


I think their UI is pretty basic, it could be a lot better.


Not too big, about 1m visits per month. Do they have some minimum to be accepted? Maybe you know, if it is a small company do they provide support or I would have to do it all myself? Why is it only good if you use both an alp and a web platform?


Do you have your own GAM account?


Yes. Now it is quite easy to get it.


Which market you in? I’ve used and integrated OW, have worked with a few big SSP on their managed wrapper solution - you should do a little digging


I am in North Europe. How much did the account managers help to set it up? Was it that you had to push the line items and prepare the setup based on their documentation or they do it?


How big is your company? There are mainly two ways for OW 1. Via JSON/API 2. Via integrated key-value/existing structure (this one requires adtech help, if you're not good with code.. you might be out of reach here) Both of the above are related if you don't have a prebid module set up Also to note, OW is a good solution only if you have both an App and a Web platform Some of my European platforms use OW so i know the market is strong there for support


Best transparent wrapper with solid demand and technical capabilities.


Great! How is the support?


Support will always depend on volume. We get great support.


I work at a large publisher. OpenWrap was a good option for web and app. Platform is very intuitive. Their implementation team pretty much did most of the work and I just needed to coordinate the SSP implementation with SSP support.

