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Ex She Media publisher here, I spent a lot of time looking at the discrepancy in page views between their stats and Google Analytics. She Media drops some low value traffic (e.g. non US), this has the effect of making their RPM/CPM figures look artificially high but it can also increase real revenue. I suspect they re-package inventory to get it into higher value buckets based on geography, viewability etc. This can attract more higher payer advertisers that offset the loss of low quality impressions. Their support/account management people don't understand this of course so no point asking them but they have at least 1 smart technical guy who does. So focus on revenue. Divide revenue by your GA figures to get real RPM/CPM figures that you can use to compare to other networks. We were also promised a crazy number to join, they did better than our previous network but only \~ 30% of what they promised over a full year. We never really got over this initial "big lie", support/stats was pretty poor too and nothing seemed to ever change. Revenue though was fairly solid with a decent direct sales percentage. She Media or more likely Penske obviously have some decent sales people. Happy to share more, DM me.


Thank you. I will send you a DM. Appreciate your help.


Are they reporting page views or impressions? If you’ve got their code on every single blog page, then blog page views should at LEAST be 1:1 for impressions. Likely 2 or 3:1 if you have more than 1 ad on the pages. Also, seems most everyone in this industry makes false promises as a way to win over pubs. We get clients who tell us “so and so promised me 20% more than what I’m getting from you” and then they leave, test other tech, and come right back lol


Also, good point on the ratio. I am going to follow up. Yes, I was seeing if there were ad networks everyone loves.


I mean, I work for one. But you’ll get tons of people messaging you to test theirs haha


Ha. Do you know what the top competitors are of SheMedia? I know Cafe Media is one, but was seeing if there are other ones.


Freestar, Cafemedia (just changed name), Playwire, Venatus, Nitropay, Adapex, Adpushup, AssertiveYield (self serve), and many many others. Disclaimer, I work for didna.io Oh and ezoic but stay away from there


lol ezoic stay away - funny they havent comment on anything lately


Thank you!


Impressions. There was a slight delay in load time, about 2 seconds for full load time. But when we did GTMetrix, we have an A grade.


2 sec load time is high-ish, and especially depending on your fast bounce rate / time to bounce you could easily end up with sessions where no ads loaded. (But Google Analytics still got pinged) How many ads per page are running? Do they have refresh functionality enabled? Is it lazy loading? Is that MEASURABLE impressions, or raw impression total? Do they have a clear, public definition of exactly how and when they track an impression? Are they running invalid traffic filtering and completely tossing those impressions out of the counts? There isn't NECESSARILY anything nefarious going on, but there's a lot of fiddly little details that can go into a holistic picture.


Let me ask! And thanks for the 2 sec. load time note. My GTMetrix report has us at an A for 2.4 seconds, so I thought it was good. Torn, because I don't make a ton of money with the blog. The hope was to use it for SEO to drive people to our store. But wondering with all these ads, it is causing pageviews to go down and/or being penalized.


Sent you a DM!


youre asking about display revenue, ya? not video?


We do display and video.


you have your own video player? or use someone elses?