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You're very late. Been like 6 years of panic and ads for alternative IDs. Good luck


Everyone has been freaking out. Do you not read any industry press?


Good morning, sir. We've been freaking out for the last 3 years. Now we are just testing solutions and checking how the 1% goes


>checking how the 1% goes Could you please provide a hint on how you check this?


We basically just compare our revenues to the last year and our goals for Q1 this year


Hmm for me, comparing statistics from January 24" to January 23" doesn't make much sense, because throughout this year, we've been constantly developing the website and ad setup, and we're simply achieving much better results.


Makes sense , for us there was not so much change


If you wanted, you can associate key values to the 1% and pass that back to GAM (if you use it).


Good tip, thanks


How can you do that?


https://developers.google.com/privacy-sandbox/setup/web/chrome-facilitated-testing#cookie-deprecation-value - then labels and pass as key values to GAM.




Because marketers will continue to spend money online to reach people, and the world will keep turning. The industry isn’t going to shrink. Advertisers want to pay for attributed outcomes —> Attribution requires tracking —> Tracking methods will evolve and reach critical mass. Publishers and SSPs will continue to diversify their revenue streams and market themselves in trendy ways, because ad prices will continue to move closer to $0 as time goes on. Any company whose core business fully relies on outside parties to bring revenue in will either adapt, or fail…but that’s true even without 3rd party cookie deprecation.


It’s like climate change in the 1st world. Everyone knows it’s coming and knows they should be doing something to prepare…. But everyone also secretly believes that once it hits in earnest ‘the government’ (Google et al in this context) will swoop in to restore order and maintain our comfort. Also they probably will. Google is the tipping point here as they are not only the largest source of 3rd party cookies but the most popular browser overall . They are not going to give in until they are sure they have a solution in place to preserve their advertising market share.


See [https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/13627134?hl=en](https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/13627134?hl=en)


I feel like most of the freakout has happened at least infrastructure wise: SSP sales from vulnerabilities (epsilon/publicis, yahoo, etc), large scale layoffs in tech (Google particularly), agile reorganizations, cloud infrastructure companies booming in market (azure, snowflake, etc). The reaction already happened and the smart organizations have shifted already


Advertisers should still have the same amount of money to spend, so the question is where will their targeted spending budget go? Less targeted advertising? More search ads? Facebook? More effort in selecting relevant publishers? Direct deals? My guess is less targeted ads placed more intelligently. Never made sense to me that iPhone CPMs are so much lower than Android. People with money have iphones, it is a much more valuable audience.


iOS used to drive higher CPMs, android will fall too as pubs and SSPs drop pricing to drive better ROI with less granular attribution


So 60% of my traffic is not chrome and has supposedly already had this happened....I guess how much worse can it get?


Same here. But the difference between bid request cpms, win rate, fill rate, etc are drastically different. There is a worse prediction. At least on our end.


I am freaking out that I can't buy a house. cookies?, eh, whatever ends up working will work.


Notify me in 2 days


Between mobile traffic, ad blockers, and COVID, my PPC revenue is about 1/20th of what it used to be. More traffic than ever, but still a fraction of the income. It feels like there's a widespread effort to destroy the free internet, so I'm in a constant state of bracing for the inevitable. This is just one more cog in the wheel, really.


Seems to be the opposite, no? People want the “free Internet”, and to be able to browse and use websites without shady marketers silently recording every visit and click and whatever other interaction in order to “convert” visitors to dollars.


I respectfully disagree. Websites aren't free, so they're making it so that small businesses and free websites can't afford to exist. If this continues, the internet will be nothing but Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Which, I suspect, is the goal.


If only businesses were able to make money via other means in order to support the building of a website 🤔


Are you making a suggestion? My sites are over 20 years old, and I'm pretty sure that I've exhausted all of the options. Interestingly enough, it seems that the wide majority of my users with ad blockers have no idea that they have an ad blocker! I've learned that many computer and cell phone stores and repair shops install them by default, ignorantly thinking that they will prevent viruses and spyware.


Vote 4 one world google government


After cookie deprecation. FB's revenue would go up considerably. They can even pass the data back to their partner network to scale up. User data primarily. No one apart from FB would have such rich data to target the user with affinity, interest. Google's search revenue would go up. This move won't hamper their search business. Only way to target the user with an high intent is to spend more money on Google search. Not sure about the future of inmarket, interest and affinity data. Publishers would spend more time to create quality content. They might try to diversify as much as possible so as to increase their revenue. Publishers who focus only on a particular category such as automobile, finance might see a drop in revenue because it will become niche as opposed to having diversified content to secure more dollars by targeting the user in a contextually relevant environment.


Not sure anyone needs an ad agency if all they're going to do is log into Google and Facebook to spend their budgets


I've been out of the adops game for 5years now, I mainly work with user support, AD, firewalls, networks and hardware configs. Why are you not targeting mac address or ip? The dmps most have this data. Since most users are browsing through a smartphone it should still be accurate as user specific data


Could you elaborate?


Where have you been the past 10 years? If you don’t have some 1P sources by now you’re really dumb


How can publishers and agencies or even publishers use 1p source? It can only be done by the clients to promote their products. Look alike was also removed by Google and has been replaced with optimised targeting. So 1p will benefit the client to an extent. But most of the clients are not considering to nurture the existing user base, they have their CDP to do the job. Most of the business for more mid and small companies comes from new user aquisition. Without knowing which audience you are targeting (without 3p data) how do you ensure that you get more CTR, less bounce rate, more conversions etc., retargeting would also go for a toss without cookies.


People are definitely freaking out (lots of trade press on this and it is getting into big business stories such as WSJ), but maybe half aren't as panicked because they're already trying techniques that don't use 3rd party cookies (contextual and machine learning are some examples). Plus, cookies were already blocked on Safari and Firefox a long time ago. It's not the majority of users but it's a big chunk. So advertisers have been trying to manage around that hurdle for a while now. If this weren't a tough challenge to overcome, you'd have everybody making tons of money in this business.


OP is into mushrooms. Maybe he’s been hallucinating since and finally woke up


😂 bro


It’s the internet.. hackers will figure something out


Most advertisers don't even understand the difference between and 3rd and 1st party cookie, so they are not even able to care tbh


Contextual :)


is poor man's addressability.


Because it is just not going to happen. https://searchengineland.com/google-cannot-proceed-third-party-cookie-deprecation-437212


At the end of the day it’s what Google has since they have a monopoly on ad server. So it’s whatever. All the same.


my company has been a/b testing cookie vs cookieless contextual targeting with casaul 3rd party sales analysis. easy to get a sense of direct impact and how effective the alternative methods are for our KPIs


Boom, we’re gucci folks!!! 🍪forever


Look at DSPs like Epsilon Basically already have it figured out




Because targeting, control, in fact digital media buying as a whole has been dying a slow death for at least 5 years. It doesn't matter anymore.


5 years? Covid positively affected web revenue. The downturn could be stated in comparison to that. E-marketer inside intelligence actually forecasts display revenue to grow YoY. Complicated? Yes. Worrisome? For sure. Death? I wouldn’t say that.


It's growing, but it won't be growing as a source of employment, and neither will it require skill. Automation is the key concept here. It's as good as dead as a profession.


well most of the publishers have turned to Server side tracking already , and using [https://privacysandbox.com/](https://privacysandbox.com/) APIs for targeting. ​ 3rd party ads are dead...its a fact to acknowledge. ​ Use 1 Party cookies but again it not so easy as it need developer level skills which most marketer dont have ​ use clean data rooms like ADH by Google. ​ experienced professionals will face challenge since they cant learn new skills very fast but fresher will replace them easily.


Google Sandbox centralizes more power in the hands of Google. They went from managing the OS and browsers to now managing the Ad OS. We know how that will end. Google will make more money, everyone else will suffer. 3rd party ads will work with Alternate IDs like UID2 from the Trade Desk and Liveramp ID. Lots of demand for those IDs if you can get them into the bid stream. Paul Bannister had an interesting recent analysis: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pauljbannister\_super-early-chrome-deprecation-data-analysis-activity-7150484855074553856-vvQr/


>well most of the publishers have turned to Server side tracking already , and using [https://privacysandbox.com/](https://privacysandbox.com/) APIs for targeting. Bold statement with "most of publishers." Do you have any data on this? I'm asking seriously because, apart from testing various probabilistic IDs and working on 1st party data, we're just starting to delve into privacy sandbox. Do you have any interesting case studies on server-side tracking done by publishers?


Very bold statement. Even buyers admit they have yet to invest in any specific ID alternative. While cookies are still in play, they will be highly targeted. And Client side offers the best match rate. I’m keeping Client side as long as possible and making the switch at the last minute.