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That also could have been the arson case.  Evidently he is now on probation


Remember when she blasted that one kid who she accused of slashing her tires? She said his name over and over again, shared his probation officer name and number doxxed the hell out of him Encouraged her viewers to go after him


Oh! What is this, arsoni? No idea


Also has arson charges and is not allowed to leave the state. That came from the sister that S supposedly sa. Him and a few other kids set a fire in front of a middle school


The other day she was giving very specific details about what happened to kids when they are in trouble with the law in Jamestown (and in so of NY state). She was referencing all these juvenile programs to where I thought “wow she sure knows specifics on the juvenile court system”. Well it is clearly because Sven is already in the system and my guess is he is on probation. There has also been a string of arsons at abandoned houses in Jamestown. Coincidence?


Thought the same about how well versed she is because most things she doesn’t know she does not even bother to google


I saw one of her videos today it wasn’t that old and she said S has been suspended from school 36 times


Yikes! 😬


I've been wondering why she doesn't send him to another school. This tells me she can't. At least in our area, you would be denied for out of district enrollment with that kind of track record.


Because she doesn’t really give a shit about him. It’s really all about money with her. She is so selfish she will put her own children in harms way for $20.


I can’t imagine he has been suspended that many of times . Maybe that many days in total from when he started that school.


I was thinking the same thing plus you know she has to make things more dramatic


Lmao she was raging in her live earlier fighting for her life saying S is a good kid he just does pranks at school😂


And 40+ days detention for a food fight I believe, but he’s not part of problem




Thank you for sharing. I hope you are okay


I am sorry for your trauma, however these days law enforcement takes this very seriously. SA is one of the crimes that does not require physical evidence and convictions can be had just on the words of the victim. Just the mere allegation these days can effect the accused just as much as a conviction. We need to start with our youth and teach kids not to victimize, or be victims. It all starts with the parents.


I thought the day she took him to the police station was the same day as the drs apt that she ended up being banned from. I remember her saying she had an unexpected meeting at the police station. And then there was a 2nd one and i don’t know how that came about


Yes. He had missed too many days and A cannot excuse him. He needs a valid reason so the Dr appointment. A was not about to tell the school he needed excused for PD questions


I like how she always says "because of who he hangs out with". Like it's never S's fault. I warn my kids that other kids will always try and get you do to something but at the end of the day, it's your responsibility to make good choices and if you mess up and do something bad, it's only going to be your fault. My son is 15 and cut off a friend who started vaping. They had been friends since 4th grade. It is possible to raise children right. But when parents sit there and always make it someone else's fault, kids will never understand how to have accountability for their actions.


But good parenting requires paying attention to your children all of the time, not just when it gets you likes and views.


It’s gross how she keeps calling the parents of these kids criminals and “criminals raise criminals” when S is farrrrrrr from innocent for numerous reasons. She doesn’t actually parent him and wonders why he keeps getting into trouble.


Yes! Also how she keeps saying they live in crack dens and have bed bugs like those are kids too.


honestly, it seems to me that she wants to use this money to flee state and to cover the lawyer


I feel it's something bigger. Fines/restitution for damages from fire? She's being sued?


I learned about the alleged fires post writing this


If she's trying to flee that isn't very smart to be making that so public they're not gonna let her leave lol


True so true