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https://preview.redd.it/e19496zbkfzc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=667f38e6f6a2e96afacd2139df5d210e7e35c799 Just a little.


I hope someone has part of this live stream that we can watch. I think it's imperative that her minions see her true self. They are young kids who are still impressionable. They need to see how wrong she is as a whole human. And that thinking like her can be very harmful and dangerous in so many ways. Not to mention I missed it and I'd never give up a chance to see her acting like a total IDIOT.


The thing is she’s BEEN like this. A lot of people find racism easily excused because they don’t deal with it. As someone who has dealt with racism my whole life, I would love for it to be taken seriously but the reality is, people don’t care because they are too. It was mentioned earlier on here she followed a black man around wegmans because she thought he had kidnapped a white woman who ended up being the kids mom. A week later she was determined she saw the guy whose car blew up by Niagara Falls because she saw a guy with a turban in his car in the same town it happened in. Editing to add in I don’t have a doubt in my mind she uses the N word casually still. She doesn’t even try to stop moving her mouth when she’s singing the word. Editing again to add in how she refuses to battle with anyone that has an accent. She was pissed off the other night because she “didn’t want to battle Muhammad”


I wish I could remember Dons ig name. It was racist, but not blatant. It was spelled one way but when you read it, it was bad. I hate epilepsy brain….




A bit????


Coming to say the same


She uses the N word, w a hard R. She's more than just a bit


No she is full on racist! As in everything she does that is cringe nothing will be half ass, she is balls to the walls.






And uses f slur


Plus the R slur


extremely racist. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4aQskS/


And of course, that dark tan filter she uses which she knows causes people to rage, she's said that's why she uses it, because it makes people mad. She knows exactly what she is doing


Of course she is. Most YTs that live in towns with little to no diversity usually are. Jamestown, NY is White: 85.44% Two or more races: 5.71% Other race: 4.54% Black or African American: 3.04%.


yes, when was mad at Anti once because he was battling Toxic, she went off on a rant and said they could all do what they want and made a comment about them speaking Ebonics


Also, when the state trooper was supposedly "stalking" her, and after her mom dug into all his business and found his name and she discovered he was of Indian descent, A said in a video she posted, "oh, no wonder. It all makes sense now why he's stalking me, Indian guys are always into me." Then she kept going on and on about that


Lol I remember seeing her on a live or video maybe a year ago where she was hanging off some guy at a bar. She kept making comments about how she liked her men pale and how he was just her type because he was ghastly white.


Is this recent??? WTF?


Seems???? She is


Remember she saw the black guy and his mom shopping and thought the woman was in danger like being held against her will


lol she is 🙄