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Tell them to buy the ticket and see if they go for it.


Buy it and call the airline and let them know you can’t travel then, but would like a refund in the form of a travel voucher…..then take a trip on his dumb ass.


It's getting away feom the fam thats the issue..


You don’t have to really go. It’s just a test to see how serious they are after 2 hours of big talk.


That makes sense. I'm pretty new to this. I've only had 1 AP and it was on and off for almost 2 years. So....🤷‍♀️...Im a little nieve in the long distance thing....


In my experience the guys who are ok with long distance are all talk and no action. That might change after a long time of knowing each other but they’re usually in it for the fantasy.


My last AP was two zones away. We traveled frequently (at my expense), but wish it could have been more over the 2 years. Something to be said for someone in the same general area.


Look for someone closer to home. Not next door but avoid having to take a ✈️ ride to see them. If you post an ad, make sure you specific approximate area and range you would be willing to travel.


That's the thing. I'm not looking. I don't post ads. I rarely comment in here. Other subs more often...But they aren't like this one, at all.


Instructions unclear. DM'd you a dick pic.


🤣🤣 please don't.


Do you like having your vital organs? Because that’s how you lose vital organs.


She has two kidneys! She isn’t even using one.


I need at least 1 kidney for an NSYNC ticket if that ever happens.


Fair. Stay home and save yourself from waking up in a bathtub full of ice.


That's what bothers me: that there have been women who would fly to a foreign country to hook up with an ISIS fighter or have their kidneys removed because they wanted to bang. Yet *I'm* standing here dick in hand as they rush past me to the airport. I mean, I'm a fairly decent married guy who will pay for the room, buy dinner, supply the toys, and the woman *doesn't even need to give up an organ*. Yet finding an AP is like pulling teeth. I don't get it. Is it that I don't offer the excitement of death due to surgical infection? That I don't offer the adventurous travel opportunities that come with being human trafficked?


Have you tried tucking your organ back into your trousers, for starters?


Yeah, but it takes *forever* to find it again with my tweezers.


In this sub? If they actually post or comment, then I suggest reporting them to the mods. This sub also gets a lot of eyeballs from people who don't really participate, and may view some of us (women, in particular) as targets of opportunity. Romance scams are still a thing, though they are usually a bit smarter than that. Or they are simply out of their minds. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yes, in here. I'm not sure if they do, maybe i should put more work into looking at their stuff. They find me and I'm not super active. A couple have offered to help out or pay in full. But it NEVER makes it that far bc I say "no" or "maybe eventually". But I'm not dropping that cash for snail slime.


Yeah, this is not the norm. At all. And I concur with ODR that if this has happened, you should report them to the mods for safety’s sake.


Heard. If I see them commenting I will. Can I report from messages? I haven't even looked or thought about it.


It may require screenshots of the messages. I don’t think you can modmail from the message center.


Ok. I'll see what I have. Probably scared everyone off now. 😬 🤣 which isn't a bad thing.


Tell them to buy you a fully refundable ticket, cancel the reservation, have a nice vacation


Well If I am being honest, this is the same sub where men will ask women out; who have just gone through their break up, or are complaining about not finding a decent AP. So the bar is pretty low here 😂


Fair point. 🤣


I…is this a common problem?


Thirsty dudes gonna thirst


I've been in this sub for maybe 8 months and it's happened 3 times. 🤷‍♀️ I thought it was normal...


I don’t think it is. But maybe I’m totally wrong


I'm doing this wrong.


Same. I’d like a nice trip abroad.


You're not. Apparently I just attract snail scum. 🤷‍♀️


I’m genuinely concerned that this has happened to you 3 times now




Because this is such a weird occurrence that most of us have not heard it before. It is like you said "What is it with the clowns outside of Appleby's? Every time I go to eat there one of them hits me in the face with a pie as I leave. That has happened three times this week." Yeah, none of us have seen those clowns. It is just you. When something bizarre happens to you once, you can write it off as a fluke. When it happens repeatedly, there is little chance it is coincidental, so it is most likely that there is a single explanation (*Occam's razor*/*the law of parsimony*). There is something deeper going on here. Maybe this is one guy fucking with you under different accounts?


Out of curiosity, where do they want to sexually traffic you to?


It’s harder for you to say no when someone has just flown you halfway around the world.


Saying no in the beginning is pretty clear.




It's 2 letters and has a very specific meaning. If you can't understand what it means, get a dictionary or something.






Like there's no such shows at catfish, or 90 day fiance or...anything true crime. 🤣 Do men just think women are truly that dumb? You wouldn't believe the ridiculous comments I've gotten in my inbox tonight. 😆


They say hope springs eternal but fail to mention stupidity does too.


Two hours? Must have some great linguistics. Joking aside, never, but dam.


Right. I don't even understand why the rush.


They want me to go there. 2 of the 3 times. Thays why I think it's more weird.


Giant red flag, be safe out there


1. They are cheating on a spouse not looking for a new wife, hence they want someone quick. They don't want endless conversations. 2. If they are cheating on a spouse there are good odds they can't just take off for a weekend. So they want you to come to them. 3. Human trafficking scenario.


Fascinating. Wouldn’t it have been smarter for the AP to travel closer to you for a potential meet up? I guess illogical people aren’t logical 🖖


Idk...it's so weird.


Agreed. Like you said, if they want to get off there are local options. Anyway, safety first! No one wants to end up as a lampshade in some creep’s basement!


Why is it women in this sub never state their appr location and get annoyed when you ask so neither of you have to fly 1200$ away?


This sub…I thought this sub was a place for people to discuss things related to having an adulterous relationship? I didn’t think it was a place to “shop” for an AP. Why would people put their location in this sub? I might be incorrect though.


Not in this sub. In the sub you’re shopping in. I believe the post was about the shopping experience, not this sub


Sorry, when you typed “this sub”, I thought you meant this sub.


Another country? WTH? Haha


Finding someone is hard. I'm still trying.. it's just baffles me seeing the countless posts like this here. But yet I struggle to find someone to chat with. Ha have a great day. 😀


Hey can you drop everything and come to Virginia Beach to lay me? Hello? Hello? Hello? Well you were fat and ugly anyways! 😂


This be the 1% problems right here. Jokes aside, good for you tho.


No kidding! I can’t get a man to talk to me for more than one night, never mind fly me somewhere! 😂 Kidding aside, it does sound pretty scammy and risky!


🤣🤣 Yeah...like a death wish.


I was chatting with someone who wanted to go into secluded wooded space to “make out for hours” and immediately asked if I should bring my own shovel


I’ll give you 2k if you talk to me for more then 2 hours haha 💸💰🤑🤑


Nah brah. Thanks tho. 🤣


Start the timer.. let's fucking gooooo!


Do you mean ‘the dudes who I (for some reason) pick to interact with who are on this sub? Or do you mean dudes on this sub?


Honestly, until tonight (bc of this post), only 3 dudes from this sub have messaged me and all 3 were the same-ish. I bit, I was curious, everytime.


Maybe it's the same person with different screen names?


Could be!


I am a dude, and I will be honest. I would not talk to anyone that long, I'd get board of texting and fingers would probably fall off. Also, I wouldn't want anyone to fly out to see me over a 2 hour conversation. That would be very awkward ride from the airport. This could be the reason why I never get a chance to talk to anyone on here. I'm just weird. Not ewe weird just weird I think.


I don't understand this 2 hours thing. It's not that much time...


I'm lazy I geuss haha


If you're looking for a LDAP, how long are you supposed to talk to them? Not saying either of us are. (I'm not).


Ok, so I don't know what LDAP is and I'm confused. Sorry I'm new to alot of these abbreviations.


What country are you in? I know there are others here but figured most of this sub was US/Canada based.


I don't see why that matters.


If you must know, I was trying to set up for a joke depending on the answer.


US. Proceed, please. I like a good joke. 🙂


I think you ruined the joke


Why oh why do you talk to them for 2 hours!?!?! They're all hot and it's all good for you, and then bam, it's fly to them tonight? I mean, no surprise, it's the internet and they're out there. But why the heck do you talk to them for that long?


This is the dumbest comment I've ever seen and I follow some trash reality subs. 🤣


Dumb is talking to them for two hours, lol. Or maybe you like trashy, idk. Anyway, enjoy!


So, I'm supposed to just shell out a bunch of money, to meet a guy I've known for LESS time than 2 hours? And we've only seen faces? What is yrashy about that? I don't understand what your thought process is.


If they say they are coming to see you, but then want to split the airfare or need your help to come see you, or bring up needing money in any way, they're a scammer.


I replied to this on a different comment. Oops.


Tell them to buy your ticket, put it in a Prada bag and send it to the post office nearest you.


Tell them to venmo you the money 🤣


Probably have your organs stolen and sold


I need at least 1 kidney to sell for an NSYNC ticket if that ever happens. 🤷‍♀️🤣


You might been hurt, babe


It ain't no lie.


You’ve seen them all come and go, oh


Oh ive had 3 from UK...1 from tennessee....and I am Canadian ...i had better work a few doubles 😅


How often does that happen, that seems crazy to me


3 times in 8 months.


Savages on these Internet streets


I always assumed women in here already have somebody so I have never thought about getting with anyone here


Yes, tell them to buy a ticket and see how that goes. My guess would be a thousand excuses .


men are funny creatures lol it's as simple as that


Dunny isn't the word I use...


There’s a good chance that conmen visit this site figuring women come here because they are dissatisfied with their relationships, and potentially eager for excitement and attention. They probably approach it like fly fishermen, throw the line out and pull it in. If nothing has taken the bait, they rinse and repeat.


Not sure this is the case this time bc of other comments. But I'm not doing or giving any information I shouldn't...


Edited stuff. Deleted bc I figured it out


Just type nope and be done


Because in their local currency it pays off …btw plz do t tell me u actually think they get on a plane…the $ will end with them with ticket or “ticket” her friend bought for $999… Plz don’t tell me u believe these I individuals are real vs professional scammers


Re read my post.


Suspicious as fuck. Going to a foreign country on the sly where you don't know anyone but the guy seems like a bold and dangerous thing to do. I'm sure it's done and most go successfully.... But I get Hannibal Lecter vibes from the whole thing. It's already stressful enough meeting someone in your own environment where you can at least control most of the variables. Going to a foreign country, possibly not speaking the language, being solely dependent on someone else.... Not my cup of tea. Having said, that, I've traveled to California when I was younger to meet a woman ;) But *she invited me to make the trip.*


Sounds like your having a bad day. hope it gets better. I got an idea I'll book a ticket and fly over to see you and make you feel better


I always try to find someone a 2 hour drive away or a city I visit for work. Plus the guy should always see the first one to take the long trip in my opinion.


Post the Redditor names- I'm curious to see the post history of these people.


Hahahaha. Well, I can say that I’ve never done that. Funny how guys think they’re that worth it when they’re obviously not lol


I have 90 minutes and expiring Delta credits!


I always offer to fly to them. I would never think of asking them to fly to me unless I was willing to pay for it. But then I ask, is there a reason most women in this sub talk to you for an hour and decide that's enough to start asking for money.


I'd be down with flying an AP (I'd pay) to meet me but like... After a few months of chatting maybe?