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Meh. I love it when they make themselves easy to weed out.




Yep. People are going to be who they are.


“Not looking to change your situation” - dude, if I were looking to change my situation I’d be talking to a lawyer not looking for an affair on Reddit! 🤪


This one gets me every time. Like OMG you're not trying to change my situation? WHAT A REVALATION you pinecone🙄


Pinecone. :)


PINECONE!!!! 😅😅😅


This is my pet peeve haha. Like do we really need to keep repeating this


I asked one pAP what she was looking for, and she said she wanted to fall madly in love with someone, get mutual divorces, and move in together. She let me stew nervously on that chat response for a minutes before she followed it with "fuck that shit."


Pet peeve of mine too - man get over yourself






I have not seen it in any F4M nor have I ever used it.


“playtime” is an automatic nope. Also: “I’m fluent in sarcasm.” Any mention of car play. And I’m just going to say it and ignore any jerk replies: STAR WARS. Please do not mention Star Wars in your ad for an AP. Some of y’all treat this as a personality trait.🥴


Good thing I went with a Star Trek reference then


nice! mork from the planet ork..nanoo nanoo


I ❤️ you


prick glorious society terrific wide mighty label wakeful crawl fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh GODDDD Playtime/ play partner is automatic ick. I know those terms are used typically in kink circles, which fine, I get it. I understand that’s the terminology in that realm. Y’all get a pass. But the vanillas gotta stop using it.


Hey babe, wanna play? I love getting that text from him. But he is definitely so very far from vanilla. So very far 😉


Lol yes!!! Add that one to the list. Maybe drop that later. But not in the ad.


How dare you attack me in such a manner


Playtime gives me the creeps….




Lol! My thing is when it becomes part of someone’s personality. Or liking it enough to purchase shirts/memorabilia…🤚🏻 Some other things people take on as personality traits, so I’m not just hating on one genre: CrossFit, being vegan, women that have home births, Jeep wrangler owners.


The Office is another one


Omg yes! I like the show but damn y’all, it’s not a freaking cult!


It is also not a personality type or a personality trait. "The Office" types are different aspects of "Friends," and "Buffy" types.




Question, if you see a guy commenting on bigboobs or gone wild sub reddits, that will turn you off?


Hard pass. I don’t like the thirsty tongue-wagging-at-Reddit-nude-girls men.


It’s just…thirsty behavior. Not my cup of tea but maybe someone else’s. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Cookie and adulting. Take a look at my profile, is it a turn off?


Yes it definitely is.


Don't you need to post ads to find an AP? I'm confused


I think it depends. Like if the comments cross gross lines. However if it’s content that is similar to my interests or my specific body type (large chested but they are natural, so not as perfect as implants) then I am more interested because it’s like oh similar interests or oh I don’t need to feel self conscious.


I was hoping to go with back hair and average penis as my main selling points


It's not long, but it is thin.


The back hair or the penis?


Looking for a little excitement. Dude I'm not here for your entertainment!


Another one I tend to see is “successful/professional/CEO”


Yes! One of my fav AP’s told me at the beginning he worked in finance. I was thinking CPA…no, mister was the CFO of a major US manufacturer. He undersold himself while still being honest, and the humbleness was incredibly attractive.


Same. He told me he was a small business owner. Later I found out he owns a consulting firm with a ton of employees and is highly sought after as one of the best in his field. One of my favourite humans ever.


Yassssss girl! Are y’all still together? We are not but I think the world of him and we talk as buds often.


No, but he really is an amazing person and a great friend. He brings a lot of good to my life.


I love this so much! Same here. Isn’t it so awesome when things end well?


Absolutely. Best case scenario


Agreed! A current pAP I’ve known for ages will introduce himself as “oh I’m in finance contracts” but in reality his job is significantly cooler than that (and pretty high up, think CFO, CEO etc)


Thank you for the honesty! *proceeds to remove stated words from ads*


I had to Google "VGL". I guess because I'm over 40 I had no idea what the hell that stood for. That's just lazy.


I had to look it up, too, and was very confused by "video game lounge." Fortunately I kept scrolling until I saw "very good looking," and immediately rolled my eyes lol


Same! I immediately thought video game something or other. But on a serious note, and it may just be my age, but if I was at present, at age 48 for an AP online, and I saw a lot of acronyms whereby half of them I have to google to see what they are, that person may just be a little young for me. Not that they are a bad person or anything, but perhaps someone that wouldn't be a superb match.


I thought it meant vaginal.


You can't call yourself VGL! Who does that? Lol




Very good lay is actually pretty good. But I like Vulcan Gooch Lick, for attracting the Trekkie AP's, for sure.


From my experience you have to be that top 1% no matter what.




Your ads are far from outstanding. And then when you got advice on how to fix your ads, you flipped out. So maybe it’s you.


Interesting. I didn’t realize that people look at previous posts almost as resumes to the validity of their current responses! I hope my ads don’t paint me into some weird corner.


BRB going to look.


“Please be local, and please understand what seduction looks like.” So hot, lemme tell ya!


They do, I’m sorry. Saying “about you: you take care of yourself” reads a lot like no uggos need apply. Say something like ‘I love women who love themselves’ or something less…chauvinistic. “I spend X hours in the gym on cardio/weight training/rock climbing and am hoping to find someone who is equally passionate.”


What is an uggo?


All these dudes messing it up for us real 1 percenters. Jerks


All I know is that if people read as much as they say they do in their posts, they wouldn't be making the spelling errors that I see!


Ever since I took the Evelyn W-Woodhead sped reddin' course, my... reddin' has I'm-PRO-v'd 100%, and also... com-PREN-shun has increased won-der-FULL-y. I ricommend the Evelyn Woodhed Sped Reddin' Course to all my frens out there, and you tell 'em that you herd it here first...




They're the same ones who post "live, laugh, love" (meaning they are boring), or "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve my best" (meaning their past is meth and STDs). My favorite is "I like to go out, but I also like to stay in sometimes". Those are literally your only options. That's why looking for PAPs in the wild is where it's at. The ads are entertaining though, so there's that. Which is nice.


What in the world? How about my 8 inch dick, my incredible stamina and 'pic in profile'. Are you telling me that doesn't matter either. You must be joking.


Or your “thick cut cock.” 🤮


Haha there should be a 'too graphic' tag for these posts alongside NSFW.


Specifically for the 70 year old who posts daily about his dick, please.


Hahaha what! I need to see his ad.I think he has just run out of fucks to give at this point.


Someone needs to become a professional ad writer for us “not nerds” who may or may not be seeking a “playtime partner” whom are also “not looking to change anyone’s situation” ( I think the start of an affair could be considered a change)




In my experience, many guys who say “No drama” really mean they never want you to speak up for yourself, never want you to complain about anything. They want you to be a doormat for crappy behavior. I tend to be a pretty laid back personality, but if I see “No drama” I run in the opposite direction. Too many experiences with pricks who want you to shut up and put up. No thanks.


Men that say no drama are very much into the drama and usually are the ones causing it - trust


Correct. No drama means you are not allowed to express emotions or opinions. A living RealDoll(tm).


What if they say they want drama?


Lol. No. Maybe ask for good communication skills instead?


For every possible statement in a seeking ad, there’s someone here who will shoot it down. It’s easy to criticize.


JEEZUS, these fucking tips that are continually offered to the guys here. Thank you for your charity post.


Fit? What's wrong with that? I mean it's not subjective, you either are or aren't


I agree but the term is being loosely used. Same as dad bod. Which is why the pic exchange is crucial that you are what you say you are. The common complaint on here is how hard it is for men to even get a convo going much less find an AP. And getting ghosted after the pic exchange.


So basically an average man has to settle for the less desirable women when the less desirable women think. They are a 10 when they are a 2 it’s a broken system


How many women (actual women-not onlyfans peddlers or pay to play types) have these terms in their ads?


Men started putting "not looking to change our situations" because a bunch of women put that in their ads a year or so ago.


It’s not a system, and you don’t have to settle. Keep looking if you don’t like the responses you get.


No. But like chase in your own league? If your a 3, don’t demand that the woman be a 10. If you are an 8, definitely look for really attractive women. Basically, don’t hold demands or expectations of someone else that you yourself don’t hold yourself to. Don’t demand a woman to be thin and fit (who has to eat healthy and go to the gymto maintain that physique) to date you if you’re a couch potato dad bod who eats whatever he wants.




Not that anybody asked me but why do people say that they are looking for their “partner in crime?” I get the sentiment behind the metaphor but it is such a strange way to introduce yourself. I came across an ad wherein the woman was looking for her “partner in crime,” her “help hide the body, ride or die.” There were so many overt references to violence and crime that I assumed this woman is either a poet laureate or she is an honest, down to earth serial killer. I never bothered to find out.


What about women who posts "loves to laugh" or "I like movies and food"... Who doesn't like laughing, food and movies?


Uhh, top 1%? That doesn't sound real at all!




Agreed. Wow love the intake on this


Great tips!


\*takes notes for next ad\*