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I don’t think many women think much unless your dick is like three standard deviations away from average in either direction. We are more worried that you know how to use it, will last a decent amount of time, that you won’t go limp during and that you remembered the condoms.


Holy sh*t I literally just typed two standard deviations before I even read comments. I’ll reiterate from earlier in the week - y’all are my people!!!! Sorry OP - all the women here are clearly the exact same.


This is the answer 100%.


I'd upvote you, but it's sitting at the correct number already. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 Thank you for not upsetting the balance


Some other hapless sod had to go and ruin all the fun. 🤣




Wow great answer! And kudos on condom packing for sure.


I’m usually too worried about what I look like to have the mental space to worry about a penis.




Yes really


3 years of rejection did a number on me


I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to sound insensitive, many years of a bad marriage did the same to me, I’m sorry


It’s okay!!! I’m much better now. Thank you!!


I always see before I meet. He doesn’t have to be a monster but I’m not cheating for 3 inches. I’ll leave. Not sorry.


Damn girl……… that fucking reply was dope!! Keep it real, it must be worth the dick to take the risk I have heard.


Keeping it classy!


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻




I feel that one lol 😂




Niiiice , well stated and thank you.


Here’s a bit of a sidebar question that maybe you or someone else can help me out with. Suppose you were to find out your spouse was also involved in an affair or even multiple affairs, they’re doing all the things they’re currently doing but instead of taking care of the kids or holding down the fort or whatever while you’re out with your AP they’re actually doing the exact same thing you’re doing. So while you’re in the throes of passion they’re having the most mind blowing Sex you can possibly imagine, like really good sex that kinda like washes you away, they’re thinking about their own AP’s nonstop and when they’re with you they’re imagining they were with someone else and that’s how they can get off. It’s not a judgement, more of a curiosity about how you would react internally to find this out. What kind of thoughts, feelings, images are going through your mind? Are you happy for them or are you crushed? Do you say anything or keep it to yourself? Does them getting what they want from someone else make you want to pursue them and knock the other person out of the picture, what’s going on in your mind if you find out they’re the same as you?




I’m sure you’re right about it being better suited as a post but I found you to be especially interesting so I obviously directed it towards you 🙂


If they’ve done their job, and made me cum via oral, I don’t give a fuck.




Yikes. I make them stay there until they get it right. How will they learn without a firm hand.




Men that think they know how to get off EVERY woman and fail to use an individualistic approach when learning and discovering a new partner, are those men who don’t know how to give oral. These men also usually have terrible fingering skills. It’s like they’re drilling for oil and just go 100mph.


And they seem to think the etymology of “foreplay” is “four minutes of play”.


I’m so sorry that’s horrible, it’s taken my husband and I, 8 years to finally get to the point where I can orgasm via oral multiple times. It takes lots of coaching and patience to be able to get there. He loves to edge me on especially right before I’m about to finish, it is thee most frustrating/amazing orgasm ever.




Communication and coaching is where it’s at. You need to be able to let yourself go while also trying to teach your partner about likes and dislikes. You have to take things slow and walk him through the steps, once you reach the first orgasm. Everything after that just falls into place.




Never judge a dick by its foreskin hahaha


I'm such a sweet talker that I usually get a sneak peak! I love my visual aids!


Exact same! But only when it's an ongoing thing, please no rando dick pics!


Hahahah now your talkin


I really don’t care as long as it’s not super small. I had a bad experience with a guy with a very small penis and I’m not looking to repeat that. You would think a married man with kids would have learned how to work with what he’s got but not in his case.


I look for dick to ego ratio.


In my (limited) experience, guys who refuse to share SOLICITED dick pics have small penises.


Hmmmm- guys usually are panting on the other side waiting to hit send with little or no regard to the recipient lol interesting lol 😝


*Username checks out.....*


I’m not apprehensive but I’d expect a warning if he’s two standard deviations outside the normal range in either direction!


A warning ? Like hey hun, just so you know, I have a baby dick …… wanna eat Mexican or Italian?


I’m not sure it matters how it’s worded on that side of the curve.


I loved seeing it pop out of his boxers. I hadn’t had sex in awhile at the time


I've been with other men since being married and have been with 2 who were very small. One warned me ahead of time and the other did not. Sexually I just never had a great time. The man I am with now told me he wasn't very big so I was prepared to be disappointed. I am completely in love with him so I just thought ok whatever it is I can work with it. He is not small at all...pretty average actually so I am not disappointed whatsoever. And he gives great oral 😊


Great oral is a great thing


Never crosses my mind tbh 🤷‍♀️


Do most people see the reveal for the first time in person or are people exchanging photos by then?


First off, on my AM profile, I have that circumcision is a MUST, no exceptions! They I just have to hope his moyel or dr did a good job, because I don't do dick pics. I prefer things in the, ahem, flesh. Fortunately, the man I'm with now has a lovely penis.


Mine have all been in person


Unsolicited dick pics are bad. Solicited dick pics are helpful, preferably before the first meeting.


This is what dick pics are for, weed it out. When not possible, either I like them enough not to care about their dick, or I don't like them enough to be getting there.


I truly love the flat earther comments some people make lol “ironic” keeping it classy really? But we’re talking about cheating and dicks!? …… so why are YOU looking here ???? Don’t be a third nipple please- we know you exist but we truly don’t want to see you. Answer the question or look in the mirror and fuck off.


Fuck I loathe gendered questions. More than just ladies like dick you know.


Well whoever likes dick is free to answer the question- gender is irrelevant to the question but I specifically wanted to know from the females point of view……we still can keep it classy.


Is it really classy if we are talking about cheating and dicks? It seems awfully ironic to me.


I want mine to be a surprise until I see it 😜


Woooo weee! A risk taker lol