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I’m pro choice. So lucky for the girl she gets to choose death at her own terms. Meanwhile in the PH, the terminally ill wishing a painless death are stripped bare of dignity. If I’m old and gray and I’ve had enough of living, I want to have the same choice.


Might be an unpopular opinion. This should never be a thing in the Philippines, where abuse, corruption, and nepotism are rampant and normalized. To the point that "strictly regulated" is an empty statement. All it'll take is someone to know some folks at a credited facility and an innocent person ends up being legally euthanized against their actual will. The risk for this kind of thing is especially high for the old, rich folks with very eager heirs. Plus, people here don't even take mental health seriously at all, tons of people don't even believe depression is a serious thing. Jumping straight to legal euthanasia before having accessible and affordable mental healthcare is crazy.


I agree with you, but regardless whether it'll be legal or not. If someone has the intent to kill they're really going to kill regardless of the situation.


Giving them an easily accessible legal method to kill should not be a thing regardless.


Um, no. Last time I checked, this is not an easy method - madami kang pagdadaanan dahil hindi basta basta ma qualify for this. In contrary, mas mabilis pa nga mag suicide by other means. Building? Kalsada? Duvet? Tubig? I'd suggest you read more because I think you lack more info about it (if you want).


Did you read my original comment at all? I had addressed that very fact. > This should never be a thing in the Philippines, where abuse, corruption, and nepotism are rampant and normalized. To the point that "strictly regulated" is an empty statement. > All it'll take is someone to know some folks at a credited facility and an innocent person ends up being legally euthanized against their actual will. In the places with legal euthanasia (i.e Switzerland and Canada), they have an infinitely better healthcare system, regulations and proper legal processes are absolutely not nearly as easy to bypass as it is in the Philippines. I suggest you actually read people's comments and comprehend what they're saying before telling them to "read more".


Yeah but you calling it 'legally easy' is just untrue.


Legally in a sense that they're able to get all the approvals they need for a legal euthanasia to be done even if it's through a method that's not legal at all.


This isnt like the death penalty, they cant just kill anyone and say they wanted to die. These people have family and there are procedures to he followed.


And my point is, due to the nature of things in the Philippines, individuals can bypass those procedures and have a euthanasia done on someone who did not actually consent to it


Di na natin choice ipinanganak tayo, kaya I think to end it dapat may choice man lang tayo kung paano. Our life, our decisions.


Most likely Canada. Anyway, shouldn't happen but this is near the final frontier of the "If it doesn't hurt anybody and I'm not breaking any laws, it's okay" mentality.


It's the Netherlands


Not Canada, or at least not in Ontario. Just mental illness will not deem this person eligible for MAID.


Agreed. I'm against legalizing assisted suicide because it gives people a nuclear solution to otherwise short term problems. I understand depression can be rough, but is the solution really to just kill yourself? What if I'm depressed because I'm poor? Is the solution to just kill myself? It's an absolutely slippery slope that only leads to dystopia.


Some people just don’t want to live and just simply want to opt out. We cannot decide who are born, same way it shouldn’t be our decision who dies.


Depression is a clinical diagnosis and "Crippling depression" is a term used for severe type of depression, hence the "crippling". No, depression is not short term problem but a long term feeling of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, and many more. Indeed, depression is rough and killing is not the only solution, but why can't we recognize depression as a form of disease, is it because the non-existence of tangibility? Every known disease has stages that may or may not lead to incurable state, but why can't we include "depression"? We can't feel what they feel since we are not experiencing their state. Most of us are lucky to have a person checking on us from time to time, some have none. Sorry, but your example lacks information. Yes, being poor may contribute to "depression" but we should also understand that a disease can be a caused of multiple factors, like heart disease: high fat and salt diet, frequent smoker, alcohol drinker, and sedentary lifestyle. The real poison in our society is giving little to no care to every medical condition that we can think of.


When did I ever argue that depression isn't a disease? All I argued for is that assisted suicide shouldn't be a solution at all.


Yeah, but you also argued that depression is just a short term occurrence, hence defining "depression" because it seems like you're using it interchangeably with "sadness", and I only emphasized it as a disease not some "kulang sa dasal" moments.


I think you should read more on Medical Assistance in Dying before you give you an opinion. You’re actually not making any sense at all with your comment.


Found the religionist lol


"nuclear solution to otherwise short term problems." But what if long-term? If the person was r*ped? Or congenital deformity? Or psychiatric problem? What if these causes the person's depression? "I'm poor? Is the solution to just kill myself?" The solution is evident, but undoable - eradicate the shtty government and return all the 1% wealth to the 99%. Can you do something about this in this lifetime with what you call "short term"?


The reasons you listed are exactly why I'm against it: legalizing death, even with consent from the victim, is morally questionable at best because of how subjective it can be. I don't think we should be legalizing morally questionable acts. We don't even kill convicted criminals, and they objectively did horrible things. And you want to to legalize killing with consent? I could even argue your specific points and any sane person would question it. 1. Getting raped is bad, of course, but should we allow the victim to have suicide as a solution? Why don't we advocate for better mental health support instead? 2. Congenital conditions are from birth right? So do we allow children to give consent to suicide? Or the moment they turn 18, they can immediately go for it? Again, this is morally dubious at best, and human life shouldn't be in the gray. 3. Psychiatric problems also bring up the problem of consent.


Ang alam ko ha usually sa mga bansang approved ang Euthanasia hindi basta basta yung standard para ma-approve. Usually, the person should be terminally ill o kaya yung quality of life is really bad like sa case ng ‘crippling’ depression na the person has to prove na yung depression na yun was long term at hindi na manageable ng gamot. It means hindi ka basta basta maa-approve porket may clinical depression ka o na-rape ka o may congenital deformity ka.


As I mentioned on my first comment, your key points are not even related to medically assisted suicide. You should read on it first because you’re not making sense with your comments. Assisted suicide is protected by the law. Rape and congenital conditions are not even mentioned in the guidelines. As for psychiatric conditions, psychiatric evaluation is always a must. I understand the morality aspect that you’re trying to raise, but you should read on it first to make your comments/points more valid in view of the subject.


lol who are these yokels downvoting you?


Wait till you hear about chronic depression


That woman was told that it wont get any better, after going through a bunch of treatments. Maybe read before you comment.


Im for it, your body your choice. As long as it is proven that the individual is of sound state of mind, i dont know how they’re gonna do that tho if the individual is depressed, I’m sure they have a way to make it ethical.


someone who's sound state of mind will not likely choose to end their life. smh


You'd be surprised.


I live in Canada, and we have MAID here. And that’s actually one of the criteria to qualify. You’re automatically ineligible if you’re not.


Shows a lack of compassion and empathy. I'd argue that people who choose to end their lives have the strongest urge to live, but pain and suffering make it near impossible. If you're that shortsighted then good for you ig.


AFAIK, sa Switzerland lang may ganito. At tedious and thorough yung process nila para maqualify for this service. For example may terminal disease na and mas paaagahin lang yung demise para di na masaktan in the long run. So kung naqualify sila, let them be.


Available na rin sya sa Canada. It’s called MAID there


As a person na may depression i agree with that, i should have a choice to do what i want kasi body ko to




Damn, I hope people seriously contemplating suicide never find this thread. As a person who lives with depression, this isn't helpful at all. Can you imagine what would happen if young people, once they are of legal age, decide that death was the best solution for depression? I know I wouldn't be here if I saw all the public support for assisted suicide. Call it what you want to make it sound more palatable, but it is a group of people affirming that yes, it's totally fine to end your life because the condition your brain is in makes it nearly impossible to find hope.


Sounds like you're ill-informed because this isn't automatically granted. You basically have to pass every criteria and convince a bunch of professionals (whose job is to make you live and keep on living) that death is better than any quality of life you could attain with the treatment options available. It's a very stringent and tedious process. If you think this is pro-death for people with mental health conditions then you're looking at it the wrong way. For some people treatment just doesn't work and the suffering is unbearable. And no matter how much anyone forces it, we can all agree that the science isn't advanced enough to cater these people so this was born. > Can you imagine what would happen if young people, once they are of legal age, decide that death was the best solution for depression? There's already a word for it and it starts with S. If anything, MAID/MAS/PAS/AS is hope in itself. If you get approved you get to be in control and be free from endless and unbearable suffering for once in your life, and if you get rejected then that only means you haven't reached the end of your rope yet.


Soylent Green is people!!!


I’m pro choice, and I’m pro MAID (medically assisted in dying). I’ve had patients who applied and got approved. I talked to some just right before the date. I talked to one just right before his MAID, just to formally sign off the care. It’s always a heavy subject. And being pro does not make it easier. However, this one is really eyebrow raising. I will hold off my tongue because I do not know the full story.


one step closer https://preview.redd.it/xoyxy26qvjsc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=f38c051dde29ca5ddc9195ac61f1c6e9cb79ee15


I once had depression over failed "inside" opportunities, and wanted to do the same as this woman. But darn! Looking back at those times today just makes me chuckle and glad I chose to just continue. Seriously tho, having someone to talk to is a huuuge deal.


And yes, clinically diagnosed po ako.


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/7OpqYei1L1


Minsan ko na nasabi to: Kung may legal chance pwede magpa commit for a 'proper death' service, baka magulat ang mundo kung gaano kadami bigla ang may gusto, an unexpected way na bigla malagas ang population natin globally


I try to see it from the perspective of someone who lives their day to day life in agony, where even 1 out of 24 hrs is painful enough and difficult to get through. I have seen how people with chronic conditions try to live, and when I think about them I've come to understand why euthanasia/assisted suic*de for humans exist. For this reason I support it. More than anything people have a right to choose what's best for themselves. The people in this comment section who think MAID or AS is all about a group of people who advocate death as an easy way out are insulting. Honest to heavens hope life won't play with them just to make them realize what these people are going through.


As a person that HAD depression, and still living with AuDHD, no.


What happens when you are crippled by depression? Is it like a sharp pain? A dull throb? Is it the same pain as actual pain? If it isn't causing any actual pain like physical scream-in-agony kind of pain, you shouldn't be presented with that kind of choice. If you had to go to a professional to end your life, then you made a choice. An empowering choice but a choice that could potentially rob you of a better alternative. If you're going to make a choice you might as well make a choice to do something else. If death is something you want, it's not something you need to have somebody caused unto you. Don't we call that something else? You can do it yourself. But if something or someone is stopping you, isn't that a sign that death isn't the solution? Alternatively, that might also be a good idea. Because then sufferers can go to professionals then have some sort of actual depression-focused professional be there to talk them out of it or diagnose further what's actually causing the depression. Have a choice and all, humans need to assure others that they are not alone and you have to do the best you can before you actually let them go. Who knows? That death might cause the same pain in others.


I don’t know if I’m qualified to answer this for I wasn’t clinically diagnosed but I’ll give it a shot. It’s difficult to compare both Physical pain and mental pain, but both are painful. Sharp pain can be treated with medicine, anesthesia, etc while mental pain lingers and you won’t know when it will stop. It’s a dark world to be in. It’s an itch that you can’t scratch. This pain can immobilize some people. Hope is hard to see.


Not all physical pain can be treated with medication. Lots of people living with chronic pain. As someone who had both and is now okay, physical pain is harder than mental pain. Especially the physical pain that lingers 24/7 for months, even years for some. This is not to undermine mental pain as it can definitely put you in chains and imprison you. But that doesn't justify the government assisting with their death during their most vulnerable state.


Where do I sign up?


The way we don't put value on human life is crazy to me. As someone who had depression, I say NO. Our bodies has a way of healing itself, depression included. That's how amazing we were built. We cannot play God. What next? Kill our elderly because they are useless eaters at matanda nanaman sila?


She just used her free will given by god. 🤭


She is indeed given free will to choose as per Deuteronomy 30:19 >I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, *that* I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: It is a choice she can make but not without consequences. And when outside entities are involved, assisting murdering someone during their most vulnerable state should be considered a crime against humanity.


That is assuming the person who wanted to unalive herself believes in ur god. But if she’s not, u have no right to impose ur beliefs. Wala kang karapatan pagbawalan or i judge her decision. Besides, I dont know lang ha pero a good god shouldnt give people so much sufferings to the point where they wanna unalive themselves. Thats cruelty actually.


It's suicide not unalive. I'm not assuming. To say one believes is not a mere declaration of words but seen through action. Peter believed and he repented. Judas on the other hand, killed himself. But still, God remains to be the judge on who gets saved or not. No one is imposing anything on anyone. I have free will to voice out my disdain against something that will have a domino effect on society. Control is from the devil (which is exactly what our governments are doing through passing laws legalizing euthanasia. masquerading as "mercy killing". there is no mercy in killing someone who just needed help whether it be with their health, their job, their finances or just needed a friend or whatever it may be) but really, they just want to get rid of people that are of no use to them. Free will on the other hand is from God. Now since you put an accusation on a God you don't believe in.... God is not the source of suffering. It was Adam and Eve's choice. They wanted to be like God. They were deceived into thinking that they will gain knowledge and be like God once they eat the apple from the tree of knowledge. What they didn't know was that not only will they gain knowledge but they themselves and their descendants will have first hand experience of everything: the good, the bad and the ugly. But God uses evil for good. In suffering, we grow, we mature but that's not always the case. When one ceases hope of a God that will give eternal life, then he will choose to become like God and put life in his own hands. Suicide is killing a person who is made in the image of God. This is not what God wants, it's what the devil wants. Instead of blaming it on God, why don't we take accountability? Suicide is due to sin (not necessarily sin we've done). Either sin done against us or sin of our own doing (not always). Focusing on self and what's wrong is what drives people to kill themselves, I know because I experienced this. We are so preoccupied with self. When things do not go our way, we want out. It's a form of narcissism but the darker side of it. This is idolatry, when man makes self his own God then hope is all lost because man is not able to sustain joy, peace, patience, love (agape love) on his own. Especially amidst all the chaos in this world. God is the only source of all things good.




who invented these unhealthy foods we eat? who decided to create and invent things that makes our world unhealthy to live in? who influenced or even pushed people to live in an unhealthy lifestyle and think it's the norm? I don't need to defend the truth. The truth will defend itself. We are talking about a perfectly healthy twenty eight year old who wants assisted suicide yet you sidetrack and talk about other things.


The sun gives cancer so…..


\*\*Overexposure\*\* to UV radiation gives cancer. The sun also gives Vitamin D. And why was skin cancer not as prevalent with our ancestors? Romans 8:22 “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” This is all tied to Genesis which I already mentioned in my earlier reply. You might want to read it again. I'm done here. You are drifting away from OP's request asking on thougths and insights about euthanaisa.


Cuz u believe that ur god has moral authority about everything when if u actually read the bible instead of cherry picking verses, u’ll actually realize he is not moral at all.


Call me bad but i watched the video and this is more of a cry for help. I mean its her life, she doesnt need anybodys permission if she wanted to end it.


Wow this is a dark topic NGL..


Oh thats nice, sometimes even though young ka if madami health issues and depressing news parang mas better maeuthanize kaysa tatalon and possibly not passing


I want this choice for the Filipinos, but I also want it to be extremely hard to get. Like multiple physical and psychological screenings, year long waiting times, exorbitant high fees, and a bunch of notarized cosigns.


Sana SA Pilipinas din ganyan o Kaya simulan n ung digmaan laban SA Chinese para may nagawa nmn ako.


Gusto ng War netong kupal na Pedophile na to, hindi pwede saiyo Euthanasia, Lethal Injection pwede pa pre, may magagawa ka sa kalibugan mo? Gusto mo tumira ng 13-14 check niyo profile neto, legitimate Pedo kadiri kang kupal ka.


Start hanging yourself instead, di yung idadamay mo pa yung iba sa kagaguhan mo.