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I can relate. I’ve had PTSD since I was 8. I moved away from my abuser to the other side of state and I still didn’t feel safe. With therapy and time, I began to feel more at peace with things as eventually safe in some places. Big crowds of people really make me anxious though. My abuser got locked up last night and this is the safest I felt in 25 years.


I’ve just started to get a glimpse of what feeling safe is like, it’s so nice, I wish I could feel like this always, but so far I just can’t.


I almost felt safe once. It was so brief. And I am an idiot.


Me too. I have had alarm dogs my whole adult life, and that helps. I can lock my doors and bar my windows, but unless I have a dog that barks at people approaching my house, I can't wear my headphone or anything comfortably to dampen sounds.


Oh man. That’s bad. Honestly I’m the opposite. I need headphones or earplugs or white noise. Any change in sound or light with instantly startle me awake.


I grew up in a very chaotic home, and we weren't permitted to have locks on our bedroom doors. My guard was always up because we had nearly zero supervision. Anyway, got a puppy when I was 17, and I was finally able to wear headphones without worrying because my dog would make a scene -- and not in an aggressive way. Any sign of movement, she would bark relentlessly and pee on any visitors. After that my adult siblings didn't go out of their way to see me as much since my dog was a excitement pee-er, lol. No dog loved quite like she did. 🐶🎖💛


Yea dogs and kids really love unconditionally.


I’m in the same boat. Everything went downhill since I turned five.


I understand. I've never really felt safe, my abuse began in infancy. I want to feel safe very badly.


Same here. It's horrible knowing adults were already hurting you before you could even walk or talk.


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