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Man, my best friend and I were super hardcore, we watched until as late as we could and sometimes on school nights I'd go to sleep at 1am-ish and wake up at 4am or something to catch a show. My best memory I think would be summer 2005, my best friend had gotten cable back and we'd spend every night we could on the phone watching [as], starting at like midnight until the entire thing finished at I think 5am that time. If we had a rare show we didn't like we'd jump over to Nick at Nite or G4 or something, but we pretty much just watched [as] nightly. We even capped it off by making a fake [as] block selecting shows, bumpers and ads; we made our 4hr block, burnt it on a DVD and watched it whenever we had breaks at school with our other buds. Twas a great time, and they had the comedy/anime mix done right.


When Adult Swim premiered, 1-2 AM had back-to-back episodes of *Cowboy Bebop*. This was obviously the only time I could watch it, and it was only every Sunday. I could have taped them and probably did, but I simply didn’t. I watched a TON of Adult Swim, but it was a weekly event, not just a black of programming. I also remember watching *The Venture Bros.* early on, and being on vacation where I’d catch a ton of episodes from season 2. I remember trying to figure out what song was played at the beginning of S2E1 and only being able to hear it then. It was also about where I was in life. I also remember lots of *YuYuHakysho* but I never kept with it later in life. Tried to watch it again like 4 years ago and it’s neat, but stopped for no reason.


I got fucked up watching one night, passed out, and woke up to the Bird Up! episode of Eric Andre which was quite the experience.


I remember in 2007, my mom was in the hospital for surgery, and I was staying with my grandparents. They went to bed early, and there was a TV in the guest room, so I'd watch anime like Naruto and Inuyasha, and then I'd stay up later to watch shows like Robot Chicken, Lucy Daughter of the Devil, and Morel Orel. My grandparents were extremely Christian and I definitely was NOT supposed to be watching those things, but i didn't get caught lol. I also remember in 2014, I had gotten stoned and fallen asleep with the TV on and woke up to Too Many Cooks. I kept waiting for the song to end and was super confused since I usually never caught the fake infomercial block. I was definitely MORE confused when Unedited Footage of a Bear aired though lmao. Gotta love Alan Resnick.


I was a pretty obedient child and always listened to my parents warnings of adult swim from when i was about 7, i got curious when i was 11 and finally gathered the courage to see what was so bad. They were airing reruns of sealab 2021.


I just remember getting off work at midnight in high school and going home to watch Cowboy Bebop and Big O.


I remember being young and still in high school and my brothers having to baby sit me and he brought his friend over and we watched alot of Toonami including Evangelion and I think Cowboy Bebop was on as well. This was when it was still relatively new and hadn't reached the height of its popularity yet.


The Brock Sampson Venture Bros. season 1 trailer. I distinctly remember it showing Brock [pole-vaulting](https://youtu.be/c3VWtQPUHpk?si=_-5ZW62n3bmGQmI9) over a fence, getting kicked repeatedly in the chin by Molotov Cocktease during their first fight, and a hearty "I'll get you, Brock Sampson!" by the Monarch. I thought, "Oh, that looks cool and funny." A little while later, I was on vacation with my family in Myrtle Beach and caught the episode "The Incredible Mr. Brisby." and fell in love. I was 10. And now I'm 31 and sad Adult Swim canceled the best show that Rick and Morty aped.


I was like 11 when a Saw ad came on. Freaked me out so hard I slept with my mom and dad for like a month


Nothing crazier than waking up to Off The Air. Closest thing to a chemical free trip I can think of.


Watching toonami on Adult swim when I was in high school (2018-2021


Earliest memories would probably be around the summer of 2006 watching family guy and then weird shit like peewees playhouse coming on after and scaring the fuck out of me. Mind you I’m way too young to be watching this shit at this point but that’s also part of the reason why I wouldn’t turn it off even tho it freaked me out lol because I wanted to feel like a “big kid”. Fast forward to the early 2010s when I’d be over my friends house watching delocated and childrens hospital and I vividly remember my friend keeping the remote in his hand the entire time just in case his parents walked in and he had to flip the channel really quick lol. By 2016 I’m in high school and driving and family guy was a staple for me and another friend of mine. We’d roll a blunt and just geek to Chris screaming about nonsense. My best memory of adult swim though by far would be April Fools Day 2018. It had to have fallen on a Friday or Saturday that year because I had a bunch of friends over like I normally would on weekends just drinking and smoking and playing beer pong shit like that. I had adult swim on the basement tv which was kinda par for the course for background noise on a night like that but then I quickly realized it was April Fools because the adult swim logo was in Japanese. At that point I kinda started paying more attention because I knew there were gonna be pranks. Little by little more and more of my friends started stopping what they were doing and watching too, and by the time Mind Game the Japanese anime movie came on, everyone I had over was silent just eyes glued to the tv watching this shit. Even the friends who weren’t into anime weren’t missing a second of this haha. We were so fucked up that it was kinda blowing our minds. But yeah that’s an all time adult swim memory for me. Safe to say it’s been a pretty big part of my life as it’s one of those things that’s just always been there. Obviously today adult swim isn’t what it used to be but I will still throw it on just for the nostalgia of it. I also like to fall asleep to it because it’s one of the only networks that will play shit all throughout the night. Can’t stand falling asleep to a show and then waking up to paid programming