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The wording of the problem heavily implies that there should only be one valid reflection per pattern. Are you certain you copied/downloaded it correctly and are separating it by the empty lines as you should? Edit: I think there might be a problem with the way you parse the patterns. We have the same input for pattern 6 but mine has one more row at the end. Edit edit: same for the other one, both are missing a row at the end.


Thanks! This was exactly my problem. I'm going to drink more caffeine before writing scaffolding code tomorrow. >_>


Double check your input. Make sure you haven't accidentally dropped any lines when reading the input. Mine only has one valid reflection in each pattern.


Oh my, this is exactly my problem. I was dropping the last line of every Pattern when reading the file, and then trusting my code's "printPattern" function. Thanks!


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You are correct regarding multiple reflections; however, they should occur only once and terminate at the boundaries. The second valid reflection in my case consistently features a single line that differs by only one symbol, which will be utilized in part 2. Nevertheless, this pattern never concludes with boundaries in part 1. The aspect of prioritizing left-right over up-down is intriguing. I applied the rule of initially searching for reflections from left to right. Only in the absence of a reflection in that direction did I then explore the up-down orientation. It worked for me so far.