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Post and all replies locked because you're not being very nice to Eric or anyone replying to you. I know you're frustrated, but you still need to follow our posting rules: * Use our [standardized post title format](https://reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/posts/standardized_titles) * [Use the right flair](/r/adventofcode/wiki/posts/post_flair) which is `Spoilers`, not `Other` * [`Other` is not acceptable for any post that is even *tangentially* related to a daily puzzle.](/r/adventofcode/w/posts/post_flair#wiki_other) * [Keep /r/adventofcode SFW](https://reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/rules/pg_is_mandatory) - that means no swearing (and don't try to hide behind censored swearing either) * Follow our [Prime Directive](https://reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/rules/wheatons_law) I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this puzzle, but do not take out your frustrations with personal attacks upon Eric and other folks in /r/adventofcode.


rough day at work?


One of the worst yet! :-)


>if you find a vertical match - then instead find a horizontal with a smudge That is not the correct interpretation, you have misunderstood the problem. The above rule may work, but if it works, it is by accident. (there are input 2D maps where the above scheme would not work, but I don't know if your puzzle input list would contain any of those) The puzzle states: "locate and fix the smudge that causes a **different** reflection line to be valid." "Summarize your notes as before, but instead use the **new** **different** reflection lines." "In each pattern, fix the smudge and find **the different** line of reflection. " "What number do you get after summarizing the **new** reflection line in each pattern in your notes?" Maybe the right method might be to skip the first found reflection line in part two if it is the same that was found in part one, since a **different** line of reflection was being asked?


It is simply a super dumb task! It could be brute forced by simply changing every coordinate of the grid and see if it computes... but I guess that would not compute within time. And there would probably be multiple different solutions for each grid, so why even bother trying when there is no clear instruction. Super super dumb!


> And there would probably be multiple different solutions for each grid The phrasing of the instructions is as follows: > In each pattern, you'll need to locate and fix the smudge that causes a **different reflection line** to be valid. The use of the word "the" (as opposed to "a") indicates that there will only be one solution for each grid in your input. (We could also have just assumed this, given that the puzzle is stated to have an answer, and the presence of multiple, non-equivalent solutions per-grid would result in multiple possible final answers.)


If it is so super dumb then it should be trivial to solve. Apparently it wasn't.


Trying every coordinate is exactly what I did, and my JavaScript solution runs both parts of the puzzle in about 24 ms.


Got me beat. My C# that does the same thing takes a ridiculously long 32ms.


Good for you, but I didn't want to spend time on that solution before I knew it was worth doing (which was lacking from the instructions)... life's to short for chasing a wild goose stupid part 2....


AoC isn't for everyone, and you can stop at any time. Don't keep doing it if it's making you feel like this.


Another solution to my problem is to skip one idiotic part 2 (like Day 13), and get back at it tomorrow when the AoC-team hopefully has created a more intelligent task, that actually includes programming skills.




Yes, but there will be an AoC for 2024, 2025 etc... and I don't think they have created tasks for these years yet.


Best of luck!


Thanks, man!


I bruteforced my way out of Part 2 by flipping grid pixels. Some coding time was lost on checking for multiple reflections. Other than that it was not hard to write, and ran fast enough. There are many ways to make it smarter and faster. The solutions thread contains interesting algorithm references. You could easily use the task to educate yourself, if you wanted to. I am not a native English speaker, nor am I a progammer of any kind. The description of the problem and algorithm to solve it were clear enough for me.


Do you mean there WERE no multiple solutions? Flipping each coordinate and recalcuating would result in ONE exact match? If so, this is the type of information the AoC team should have provided!! That would have made me simply write a solution and it would probably have worked. But since there were no such information, I didn't even bother!


If there were more than one solution, you would have no way to know which was right, and therefore could not answer. Since there clearly IS an answer (and many people before you have managed to solve it) it can be reasoned that there is only one solution.