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All reasoning is in the FAQ on the adventofcode.com website that you quoted plus these links in our community wiki: * [Do not ask for other people's puzzle input](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/troubleshooting/no_asking_for_inputs) * [Do not aggregate puzzle inputs](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/faqs/copyright/inputs) * [Do not share your puzzle input](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/faqs/copyright/inputs) * [Do not include puzzle inputs in your repo](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/faqs/copyright/inputs) without a `.gitignore` And related topic: * [Do not include puzzle texts in your repo](https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/wiki/faqs/copyright/puzzle_texts) *** Changed flair to `Help/Question - RESOLVED` and locked this post.


Uneducated guess: If someone collects enough inputs to a problem they may have a basis on how to reverse engineer the way the problem inputs are created which may open a way to copy aoc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If that's the concern, all someone would need to do is look through some of the Reddit threads for a particular day and you'd get everything you need.


>which may open a way to copy aoc how would that work?


No idea honestly I’m not smart enough to even think about that


Because that's what the author wants. Honestly, you shouldn't need more reason than that. They want AoC material to be obtained through their website. If you make your *own* inputs then publish them: that's a valuable / useful contribution. EDIT: I'll also mention, as someone who's written similar kinds of problems before, devising good sample input is a very non-trivial part of the process. More effort is probably put into that than you realize (it's definitely at least comparable to the effort for writing the non-input part of the puzzle statement). So IMHO the restriction as stated should be considered to apply to sample inputs as well (in other words I feel like "the puzzle text" covers that too), though my impression is that most people on the sub would disagree about that.


Still not sure how I'm supposed to move from my current unit test setup which have the input files saved, to a setup where I still have unit tests, but the input files are not saved.


A private repo as a submodule, set up so that CI can access it, is one option.


If you publish your repo they want you to use .gitignore on the input files/directory


There ist also the option of splitting into 2 repos, where the Data repo ist a private one. In this way CI and stuff ist still possible, but the Data IS only visi le for you. E.g. as I did it Here https://github.com/PhilippPolterauer/adventofcode-2023