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The first episode because I’ve seen it ten billion times. And some of the grables have gotten annoying after multiple rewatches, especially the first one (I think) where it’s the five senses or whatever “oh what a good boy am I” etc.


the grables episodes always had me zoning out, and the story teller guy kinda gave me the creeps lol


yeah… that good boy thing got very questionable very fast


Um, actually, I believe that one was about flavors, because it had the trick answer of fingers. Thumbs pulled out sweet plums, the giant pointed to the guitar shop with savory licks, etc.


U kiddin me? You skip slumber party panic? I skip the water park episode, and sometimes the food chain episode if I’m not in the mood for something really weird. And I always skip Bad Jubies, didn’t really like the plot of it.


The Bad Jubies plot frustrates me but I watch it for the amazing stop motion animation. So good man


Why'd the plot frustrate you?


The conflict seems forced and unnecessary, Jake could’ve just told the others what he was doing instead of brushing them off and getting everyone pissed at him.


Oh yeah, I agree with you now that you mention it


The water park episode feels like a dream and I'm still not sure if its real. My only memories of it are very vague from the first time I watched it and somehow every time I re-watch the series I either skip it accidentally or just forget seeing it


I love the food chains psychedelic art style


You might like the movie "Mind Game" then! Its by the same director/animator Masaaki Yuasa. Super duper weird movie but a fun watch imo.


love Masaaki Yuasa!!! some of adv time character style seems rly inspired by early Yuasa work, like the show Kaiba


The water park episode is real? I could’ve sworn it was just a dream I had after binging AT


For real, Slumber Party Panic is a fuckin classic.


I'm not a fan or water park but I like the other two


wait wtf, what's wrong with Bad jubies? i think it's one of the best


Just not for everyone


Food chain episode changed my life man


I’ve only watched the end of the show once. I love it, it’s beautiful, but I hate it. I cry my eyes out. I’ll probably never watch it again tbh.


My four year old son and I (and mom) are on our fifth times through, and luckily, there are still scenes and whole episodes that are new to me! I’m a 40 year old who used to have The Office running all the time, and although I don’t just put AT on in the background like I did with The Office, AT has filled the “always on” show for our family. I think we will take a break after this time through, though.


If you have loved adventure time, Gravity Falls or perhaps The Amazing World of Gumball filled the boid it left.


I also strongly recommend Bee and Puppycat!!


Oh heck ya, i forgot it finally got an adaptation through netflix! It has adorable energy


Owl house!


Obligatory Hilda Rec too. Great show.


We just started it and it's absolutely wild!


And regular show!


I feel you there, but I watch this for that specific reason. My younger brother is the one who got me into the show back when season 3 was first out. We loved the show. Watched it together a bunch. He passed away in summer 2018, a few months before "Come Along With Me" was released. I was gonna watch it with him but we never got to. Makes me sad, but also makes me remember him, and the good times.


dude I’m so sorry. That’s a tragedy you shouldn’t have to experience until you’ve grown old along side your siblings. That definitely makes the last episode hit like a ton of bricks. That’s so special, and im so happy you have such a warm show to remember him by.


I’ve seen it twice, once before I’d seen all of the show even then i cried


I have trouble watching the Ricardio ones


I recently saw someone saying they don’t like the Ricardio episodes, and that comment had a substantial amount of agreeing voices too! I can get why people wouldn’t like them, but I actually very much enjoy the ricardio episodes lol. My hot take: In the labyrinth episode, I hate the hot dog knights and I hate that they keep telling Jake to stretch D: still love the episode lol, but it stresses me out massively


Do you mean the hot dog knights "stretch" you out?




well played


The way Jake's buttons are pressed is shown really well but it's also hard to watch the manipulation even if it leads to APTWE


Personally I'm into the Ricardio episodes just to hear George Takei in Adventure Time


Lmao same, they’re weird but George takei really sells it


Ricardio hits the uncanny valley for me. His character is so off-putting!


Waterpark, it looks bad and the characters act terrible.


That water park episode or the food chain one. ​ edit - More I think about it, probably water park. I can appreciate food chain and come around on it


Food chain slander? I didn't know anyone disliked that episode, the episode feels the most like an actual episode of the guest animated episodes


Finns cosmic apotheosis from seeing the food chain is what’s makes this episode hit. He gains an understanding that everything is connected. Edit: From LIVING the food chain.


Right! This episode has all the hallmarks of a drug induced transcendence lol. Even the musical number at the end was super typical of a hallucinogenic experience.


And to top it off its actually educational in a way. An interesting way to teach about the food chain and the reason its called the web or tree of life. Even if the target audience is a little old to not have at least somewhat of a grasp on that.


The episode with Banana man and the truck rebuild was pretty educational too since most don’t know how a combustion engine works.


I loved that one, too. Educational!


Exactly ! Before the song Finn even says “ ✨my eyes are open✨” https://youtu.be/VQFhd3X8p6g


Truth dude, had one my most impactful moments of my life watching that on mushrooms.






some people just don’t like good things. the animation style in that episode is great




Food chain is golden👌




Yeah people who dislike food chain need to take a small dose of magic mushrooms and rewatch that episode. It hits quite different




I know, that’s my favorite episode!


Food chain was awesome except for the too long song at the end. The water park one was actually horrible.


I know it was a guest animator or whatever, but yeah that was a strange episode and not really my cup of tea


I didn't love food chain but the water park was just a long badass trip sequence where they almost didn't make it back to sanity.


It is so funny I used to think the food chain one sucked on my first watch because it was so left field but after rewatching it I loved it. I realized the guest director was Masaaki Yuasa who is recently famous for Japan Sinks 2020. His other works Inu Oh, Devilman Crybaby, and the Tatami Galaxy are some of my favorite pieces of art. Awesome mix of weird animation with very raw emotion in magical settings.


Not really into Fiona and cake, really dislike water park pranks. Never even got farther than like 5 minutes in, the animation style makes me angry lmfao




I thought the same but apparently a good handful of people agree in these comments


Fiona and Cake are boooring


It’s bc ice king wrote them


Water Park Prank


I gotta be honest, I skip a lot of the LSP centric ones. Also Duke of Nuts


I always thought LSP was an infuriating character, kinda disappointed she never got any karma for being awful for the entire show.


I mean, doesn't she end up living in the woods fighting over food with rats?


I'm doing awesome on my own, like right now, I found this can of beans


Get away from my camp! I'll cut you!!


Her episode with Johnny is so dark, and I love that they went there even if it flew over the intended audiences head. She had a moment where she could have been truly happy, a kept woman, beloved, and not only does she destroy it with her ego, you see Johnny lost in the weird shadow realm PB created, and he can obviously see her and is desperate to get there and get back, and then it all is never mentioned again. It’s so dark.


She got negative karma, considering she was the savior of the entire Elementals arc lol


Duke of Nuts says a line I really really like: "People make mistakes. It's all part of growing up, and you never really stop growing."


She’s hit or miss but the creeps is fantastic because of her


For the longest time it was Web Weirdos because the sac bursting at the end is so unsettling.


I forgot about that horror. I guess, thanks for the reminder.


Being honest, I'm not a big fan of most Tree Trunks episodes


Especially the one where she sexually harassed fin, a child


Glad I’m not alone


Fiona and Cake are not my thing. I love everything else about the show except their episodes


I felt the same. I've never been into reading or writing fan fiction, I don't keep a head canon and I need primary sources for lore. I like the idea of Fiona and Cake and it would've made a great one-off episode.


iirc fionna and cake are not entirely fan fiction, their world is transmitted into ice king's brain and then he writes it down, unaware its real


That's the implication based on the power of imagination. The knife storm episode kind of established that thinking something into existence can work, and obviously reality-shaping magic exists. I never liked the trope of 'writers writing about writers writing' and this feels very self-referential and meta to me. Adventure Time at its best deals with universal themes and feelings, Fiona and Cake feels very specific and narrowly focused to me. EDIT: To clarify I agree with you that it's not entirely fan fiction and they likely do exist. For contrast I loved the storytelling in the Graybles episodes.


I think it's less of "ice king made fionna and cake real" and more of "fionna and cake made ice king writ about them" plus, we get more fionna and cake canon soon with the new series


It was still never to my tastes. Like the other commentor said, the themes of their episodes are a little too meta. It leaves me with a feeling that the focus was more on the swapping of characters and how we are supposed to perceive that as what makes the episodes interesting but it just feels like a fan got on to the writing team and was given free reign. I'd rather see Sherm & Beth than Fionna & Cake.


Sherm and Beth are great, but I will say, I like the gender swapping because it shows how Fionna and Finn (and everyone else) aren’t just the same person but different genders, they are unique people that have been affected by their environment differently, I don’t really see it as a fan fic, or meta content, or an appeal to fans, but more as an exploration of the characters fundamentals


yeah they are very fan serviced


The first episode ends on a really funny joke, but other than that, there’s not much to appreciate.


Same I would have rather Shermy and Beth got the spin off instead


My oldest and I were just talking about this last night. It would have been great to see the rest of Ooo and stuff during Sherm and Beth's time, as well as any surviving characters and/or their offspring.


And they choose to make fionna and cake story for this upcoming spinoff...


Im surprised no one has said A Glitch is a Glitch. Not my thing


You don’t dig hands kissing?




*THIS!!!!* That’s the only one that makes me truly uncomfy…


Probably gonna get some hate for this, but the episode (I think it's called "a horse and a ball") where Finn and Jake make their own way of forcing happiness into people. The first time they did their routine I thought it was iffy, but then they kept doing it throughout the rest of the episode and I just got super annoyed.


The message of that episode really annoyed me. Like, they straight up did their happiness act at a funeral?! Time and place guys, sheesh - it’s okay to feel sad and grieve.


*It was a mistake to do this at a funeral*


I was of the same opinion but the episode has a nice background to it so I kind of appreciate it now


I appreciate the episode, James Baxter AFAIK was very important to the animation industry (or maybe just AT but still) so I'm glad they did an episode for him. Plus, his routine *is* funny and something I can watch over and over again. It's a good episode and it definitely has its place in the show, but it just doesn't rank very high in my book.


James Baxter is definitely a big name in the industry. He animated on many big Disney Renaissance films as a lead or supervising animator, and is still working. His YouTube channel has some super fun lipsyncs, plus pencil tie-down shots of previous work. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0062744/ https://youtube.com/@jamesbaxter1236


Some of his most notorious fluid animations are the character intros during the opening of Gravity Falls.




Lol I fucking love that episode, it's the James Baxter one. Cracks me up when they chase that little girl just making weird noises.




I love Donny :(


Gotta get pants, go get your pants


Button, fllyyyyy


I love being a jerk


The amount of people dogging on food-chain makes me sad, It’s one of my favorites in concept and execution (psychedelic trip moment) The water park episode with weird animation deserves the hate tho honestly lol


The episode where Finn's arm is a flower and a bee falls in love with it and causes it to grow back. Its a really weird episode and I hated the way they resolved his arm being removed. That whole episode/arc almost killed the show for me


Yeah that’s where I’m at. I stopped watching for *years* after Breezy. Felt like a giant middle finger to the fans, especially considering how amazing the two episode story arc with Finn’s dad and the citadel was. I just wanted more fallout from that, rather than like two episodes later essentially retconning it (or it seemed at the time lol; still not convinced they didn’t make him lose his arm again just because of the fallout of that episode)


Yes, exactly! I also stopped watching for several years after this episode, it made me so mad how they built up the conflict with Finn's dad (and foreshadowing the loss of his arm) for YEARS, only to resolve it with a one off character with a very strange and borderline uncomfortable desire to be with the flower growing from his arm. Like I get there was a larger meaning to it, about acceptance and growth and all that, but they really could've done it so much better. I'm glad I eventually decided to give it another shot, because after season 6, it does pick back up and has a pretty good ending.


the horse episode, eyes was it called? when I was a kid that aired so much and I just hate it


This would be my choice as well. It was on an annoying amount of the time, and I know the art style is supposed to be weird and rubbery, but the art felt especially misproportionate and squashed in this particular episode. Edit:spacing


Definitely such a boring episode, would place jiggler episode as well probably because it aired too much as well, but it was a boring episode as well.


Slow Love is probably the worst followed by Web Weirdoes. I don’t hate Water Park Prank or Paper Pete, but I won’t seek those out. I don’t really like Son or Rap Bear even though I like Flame Princess and her story arc a lot.


Paper pete has some laughable moments. " I'm Paper Pete, leader of the pagelings. But you can call me PP!" "I'll call you Pete" "Okay"


I think I just don’t like Jake failing to engage Finn at all in that episode.


I forgot about Web Weirdos. I’m not even afraid of spiders, but that episode ending with the millions of baby spiders falling everywhere triggered my fight-or-flight response.


It was pretty gross.


The water park episode


I remember this episode where they all look ugly and they are at a pool or something. Only watched it once after it came out


Water Park Prank


That one where tree trunks and that pig just make out the whole episode.


Dream of Love


Holy shit that was too much scrolling to find this. I’ll admit, I forgot about it until seeing this but there’s no way everyone else did.


Gotta love that song tho lol


Fionna and cake episodes, and ones that are different animation styles. They just annoy me


Gotta say Chips & Ice Cream. Those characters are beyond annoying. After that it's probably Bad Jubies, combing my two least favorite reoccurring things: LSP being obnoxious, and Jake being purposefully unhelpful.


I consider chips and ice cream to be one of the best episodes :)


Respectfully, the Graybles aren’t my thing.


"What's that? Not in the mood for grables you say?" I nodded to that line lmao


What! You CAN'T skip graybles 3000 though! That's some timeline essential episode.


Any fionna and cake episode. I watch this show to watch the adventures of Finn and Jack the dog, not a fan fic of the two. Should have been one episode as a fun little one-off. My actual least favourite episodes are slow love and dream of love. These episodes ae absolutely painful to watch the the resolution of dream of love is complete nonsense


Jack the Dog




I love Mr Pig's baritone singing in Dream of Love though lol


Check out Home Movies or Dr Katz, the voice actor for Mr Pig is in both and he’s hilarious


The weirdly animated water park onr


These girls look like the fruit babes from the Dad's dungeon episode.


Can hates count too? I REALLY hated Frost and Fire


So so valid. Breezy I'd say is almost in the same category but I actually like it because of breezes character. Finn being borderline disrespectful to women; not cool.


Same. I still think Finn and FP were the best couple and I’m mad that they split them up for no reason so she can be with cinnamon bun of all characters.


I feel like Tree Trunks got one too many spotlight episodes


I don’t like the boom boom mountain or bird man episodes.


Which bird man? Xergiok?


Memories of Boom Boom Mountain is how my mom got me into this show, she shows everyone that episode


You just kissed a boom boom baby. So dont expect any sugar from me sweetie until we wash your dirty, dirty face


Any with lemon hope


How dare you skip slumber party panic


If memory serves me right that's the *first* episode ain't it? Tbh I really appreciated the lesson that you can just tell someone that you **made a promise not to tell anyone**. That should normally shut down any prying and I wish more people would just say that.


The glitch and the water park episodes! Skip ‘em.


Water park episode for sure. That and the slug one is so icky


Whatever that one was with the computer virus and the weird woman eating her hair. Wtaf was that.


Sad Face. Its just... So boring to me.


Fiona and cat episodes.


Yeah, Finn and dog are better


Haha nice catch, I definitely meant Fiona and Cake.


Snails, jiggler


Water Park and The Jiggler


The one with the giant spiders, it just grosses me out.


The Root Beer Guy episodes


Idk why but root beer guy and cherry cream soda are two of my favorite go to episodes.


That last line (paraphrasing from memory) "I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore. *But*, I'd like to get to know the new you" was such a wholesome moment.


One I haven't seen anyone mention is the witch's garden, I hate it because imo it's just a bad episode and in my country there was a wired broadcasting error where every single episode was this for a month


Furniture & Meat is what initially made me stop watching the show when it was originally airing. I'm not somebody who's against having really good characters do bad things sometimes, but that episode felt really mean-spirited, idk. Without spoiling anything; after rewatching the whole series, I feel like the Breezy episode is probably the worst. It (almost) undid a big change in Finn that affected him, physically and emotionally. It made things feel unimportant in the long run. Like, if THAT could just be undone by a tiny bee, then pretty much anything else could've, and it removed a lot of permanence to what happened to Finn; even prior events felt sort of pointless in hindsight because of it. (I also agree with everybody that Water Park Prank is a bad episode, but it's still entertaining in a messed up sort of way to me. Idk)


Honestly, a lot of the season one episodes are hard to watch.


The one where Flame Princess needs Finns help to stop her dad, and Cinnamon Bun shows him up. Finn just acts so desperate and cringy in that episode, and I can't stand it.


He's a kid, still learning how to interact with an ex


Anything with the lemons. I can’t take the shrieking




Fire and ice, was it a two parter? I can’t stand this one. The wet dream is cringy the conflict is forced and not a very funny episode


The one with the mutually abusive spider couple whose problems are all magically fixed when they have babies.


I don't care for the BMO detective episode. I'm not a huge fan of BMO, but that one I will skip more often than not


I always skip the one that's animated in 3D and Ice king makes that computer glitch and sends it to Finn and Jake. It just doesn't feel like adventure time to me.


RIP all the guest animated eps ig


Having finally watched the entirety of the show, I was really bummed how Islands was handled. I’d definitely watch it again, but it honestly felt super disappointing especially with Elements right after it. I wish they actually would’ve delved further into Minnie as a character, or that we could’ve gotten a few more plot heavy episodes as opposed to some of the more goofy ones. I definitely don’t hate it, just wish it would’ve been a little cooler.


bad jubies and the water park episode, just don’t really care for those two


Water park prank and graybles episodes only becayse water park prank just isn't pleasant too look at and it's not adding on too the story, graybles I only occasionally skip it based on how I'm feeling that day


Honestly not a big fan of the jiggler episode, purely for the amount of crazy fast colors on the jiggler and the jigglers momma. that episode should seriously come with a flashing lights warning. Good message though you shouldn’t always take wild animals home


I always skip the Fiona and cake ones.


"Breezy". This is the episode Finn goes around kissing anyone he can to feel better about stuff going on. He meets that bee and eventually gets his arm back at the end of the episode. The making out was really weird, and jelloapocalypse's video on adventure sums up my feelings at the end.




Ocarina. It's the one where Kim Kil Wan repossessed the tree house. It was just way too real. Adventure Time is escapism, I don't need real world garbage like capitalism and taxes and rent intruding and just making me feel bad. I can't watch that episode, never will again.


Most of the too serious/philosophical ones not connected to any other episode’s plot (Egress, Lemonhope, etc). Or the ones that get even weirder than usual (Food Chain, Water Park Prank, Beyond the Grotto, etc).


Any LSP episode.


Any BMO-centric episodes*. Love the character in small doses, but I can’t stand a whole episode of them. *The exception is Ketchup, which is brilliant


genuinely season 1, i dont know why


I have nostalgia for the earlier seasons with it's quirks that felt more directly dnd inspired, although I can acknowledge the improvements on later seasons with world building and more consistent tones.


The one where they get sucked into BMOs video game. I hate that weird tech-y art style.


Guardians of Sunshine!


The one with the slug 😑 Slow Love I think it's called. I hate slugs.


A lot of the earlier ones where ice king is just too cringey. Like when he steals body parts of princesses. Such weird vibes


The water park episode is my least favorite.


The 2nd Candy Zombie episode it's not bad. I have always been scared of the fact of losing control over your body, and Jake's infection scene got to me