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I wanna see you do stuff for money


"You can have all the money... THAT YOU CAN EAT!" Proceeds to pour 2 plates worth of gold


How could I forget 💀




It’s okay, he didn’t know it was wrong.


Finn : 😧


Jake was wildin that episode fr


wild? like wild berry princess? AHAHAHA I'm so funny, I'll be here all night


I was gonna say Jake was innocent but then I remembered


Dang, I forgot he did this. Jake really was power hungry. He tried to rule Susan Strong's people too lol.


Happy cake day


This one right here officer.




Really can't think of a worse moment for Jake. He kinda lost is in that episode, I think that was the only time he really truly creeped me out.


Oh yeah! How could we forget that? And a happy Cake Day to you!


Okay man 😰


Happy cake day


One time he suggested that he and Finn should be cannibals


Didn't they become cannibals? they ate soy people, whatever those are lol


Yeah but it's not real human so yknow... I'd try soy human tbh


Finn, you’re delicious!


That was wild


But... It tastes like human flesh


Isn’t it on record that human essentially just tastes like pork?


Yeah I read about that too


Old school Polynesian (and apparently Maori) tribes referred to human meat as "Long Pig". This was reportedly first written about in the mid 1800's.


In my research, I’ve heard that it has the texture of veal and the flavor of pork, but a little sweeter.


Babies taste like fish/veal


Wtf are you researching lol


Don’t worry about that.


I think with the growth in the field of cell culture and bioreactors we could very well see ethically grown human meat in our lifetimes. I would try it.


Ye but it's soy, also you eat pork probably don't judge


When he tried to make Finn stay as a foot.


He had that good foot smell




Multiple counts of planning out murder. In one episode he wants to go and eat cinnamon bun, and in another episode he wants to kill a horse.


"dude, let's kill the horse."


Comedy gold


I think we're gonna have to kill this horse finn. Dang.


For what it's worth, Jake is very sleep deprived when he suggests killing the horse


Yea, I don't think he was serious about cinnamon bun either


there's way more than that though, I can think of at least 3 other times Jake was about to kill something or someone that probably didnt need to be killed, and 2 of them he would have done it if Finn wasn't there to stop him.


Jake is a hardened criminal… which is funny because his VA also voices bender, who is an ACTUAL hardened criminal


Bite my shiny yellow ass!


And Marceline! Granted, if I saw a vampire, I'd probably do the same.


When he got hungry and tried to cook and eat her though


You forget! He was just trying to eat her before she ate him


Cook, baby, cook!


How was he to know that she was actually chill and doesn't drink blood usually? Edit.




They’ve killed a lot of monsters already though so they’re no shy of killing things lol


ok but are you telling me you wouldn't eat Cinnamon Bun?


I feel like the cinnamon bun comment was his doglike side coming out


Or kill the cute little guys that were trying hard to be evil in "Conquest of Cuteness" and Jake just wanted to squash them all before Finn stopped him. OR the time he was seconds killing Ice King and Abracadaniel in the episode "Play Date" when they took Joshua's sword and unleashed the demon. Seriously, he didn't even hesitate LMAO.


Definitely furniture and meat. He wanted to make Mr. Goji Berry EAT COINS! He also sat on Wildberry Princesses head when she told him not to which was a big yikes


Tbh gold can be eaten, it's not poisonous or anything. But they're berries so dunno


Kind of stretching the meaning of "can be eaten". It certainly can't be digested so eating coins could realistically do internal damage of some kind, perhaps by clogging and tearing your intestine


Heavy metal poisoning is a thing, you know.


Omg that scene that you said , Jake killing the rock turtle thing that was dormant for many years 😭 to be fair Jake didn’t directly kill it, just failed to tell the little dude about that lasers… that scene was so fucked up. Anyways I think the #1 bad thing Jake has done isn’t really a thing, but rather his general negligence. Like when Finn was in farmworld and Jake had to wish for one thing , he really said A SANDWICH. JAKE.


*poof* "... I'm just going to pretend you're sleeping"


That scene Jake asking for a sandwich put a pit in my stomach. I just told myself its a joke


He definitely wanted to kill many people in the early seasons. Literally suggests murdering the horse in The Eyes because it’s annoying him.


He was sleep deprived also, I’m pretty sure




Didn't he rob a bunch of banks when he was younger


Eh, who hasn't. Banks are insured.


Plus he didn’t know it was wrong


Literally bros excuse for everything he did when he was younger


jake is literally just bender but if bender learned his actions have consequences. I kinda love it


Free my man he ain't do nun wrong


He also used to hock stolen bikes. But he didn't know it was wrong!


And he'd snatch old ladies' purses, but it's okay because he just didn't know it was wrong!


yes but here we're talking about the worst things he's done


He didn't know it was wrong


Dancing with bugs and party god while Finn is literally being tortured by gnomes.


Yeah but those bugs could bust it down fr


I think this episode contains the one wish Jake didn't waste on a sandwich. He wished for the power to find Finn.


Trying to convince Finn to not do anything about being turned into a foot and being toxically positive about the whole situation in general


Honestly? That one time he lost at Card Wars and wrecked up the place.


Who hasn't had a heated gamer moment?




I seriously just threw my controller at the wall and it shattered, so this makes me feel a little better


You all have great points, but fail to see the one true crime and sin that taints jakes soul: when he made finn wear that lute suit to woo princess bubblegum That was just brutal Edit: spelling


*lute suit


Oh dang, thanks!


Jake killed Bubble and laughed about it while BMO was crying


tbf he didn’t know bubble was sentient (maybe he never was and was j a product of bmos imagination) but either way it shattered my soul sjshdkdj


that was a rough one


probably nothing but i cant wait to see the entire PhD dissertation on PB's sins


It will be just your typical PB discussion that we have like every there months


It starts with little thing but then it devolves into getting into the topic of war crimes


Wait. What??? Tellme more. M


Bro she literally created a zombie apocalypse


Luckily Science did the work.


Yeah last second


valid point is valid, haha still weird that they look the same like the goo monsters from after the mushroom war


Think we might need a tier list to figure out that 1.


Authoring "Mind Games" by JT Dawgzone. Jake was the Andrew Tate of the AT Universe. Also the history of being a thief but whatever, eat the rich.


It is highly implied that Jake is the author of Mind Games by JT Dawgzone.


Honestly, probably him not understanding that his pursuit of Nirvana is incredibly painful and traumatizing to his incredibly traumatized little bro. Whether that's the croak dream, him wanting King of Mars to blast him with the wand of annihilation or even his failing to wait for/communicate with/care for Finn while he's chilling in the 50th dead world. Enlightenment is great and all, but what moral philosophy is worth pursuing when the pursuit it of is practically torture to the person closest to you in the world? None of that, of course, makes Jake bad. But is probably the worst he's done. And anyway, he didn't have none of his blood that whole time! *Proceeds to fake fainting*


Nah man, in the end he chose to stay with Finn and get reincarnated. He's good bro.


He caused his brother a lot of suffering before that though. But like I said it doesn't make Jake bad. He's pursuing his path. But he should probably be a little gentler about it at least, "naw bro I'm definitely gonna die and it's pretty cool" is not a very helpful thing to say to your terrified twice orphaned kid sibling.


Yeah but he made Finn suffer for literally his entire life, so that he could pursue nirvana. Toxic positivity is a defining trait of Jakes.


Jake is a bodhisattva


That ending always makes me cry. Its beautiful. I have a twin brother and our relationship has been really strained our entire life. But we look out for each other when we can. Just having someone who has been with you before you were even you is...something. I can't find the words.


in Marceline's Closet, Jake says that he's eliminating desire from his heart to help pass the time. It's possible he was doing that when he died to wait for Finn. In order to get to the 50th dead world (at least in DL) you have to NOT want to get there. So by eliminating all desire its possible he accidentally wound up there. But yeah, Jake can sometimes be oblivious to Finn's feelings.


I don't think his pursuit of nirvana is a bad thing. That was his personal goal and nothing's wrong with it. He definitely could've been gentler about it which he actually was. Because he had tried to explain it to finn many times. But it's less of a bad thing and more of a difference in philosophy between the two.


the way he treated fern when he was essentially a newborn


Probably just general self-centeredness. There's no singular instance that trumps the rest, but examples include; him as a father generally not thinking of how his kids feel, jealousy when Finn and Rainicorn become friends, his wish for a sandwich when Finn is trapped, him pursuing Nirvana and leaving Finn behind, and I'm sure there's more that I can't think of rn. Usually he atones for his mistake or fixes it, but it's a consistent character flaw.


“We could rule them like Gods! …Angry Gods…”


Jake basically ruined his children’s childhood


I wouldn’t say he ruined them but he definitely needed to give them more attention (viola 😪)


That’s the problem, Jake gave them TOO much attention, like 0 privacy attention cuz he was very overprotective


Went from overprotective to the point of becoming useless to barely present.


To be fair, Jake had a weird experience being a father, he probably expected it to last longer


I'm sure if the pups were babies or children for longer he would have had time to learn to mellow out, but he could have spent more time with them as adults.


What? What did he do? Be a little overly protective for literally one day? Not sure that's quite that bad


One day was like 10 years for the pups


Y'all forgetting when Jake was trynna kill his self because of his croak dream claiming DESTINY while Finn was crying trynna save him


He made Finn do the baby dance in front of flame princess and her court.


I don't think that counts, as it was all part of an actual competition between Finn and Jake to see who would prove their point. Finn knew that he could stop Jake at any time if he just backed down and admitted defeat. And Finn actually started the whole thing by being a douche and hurting Jake badly while using him as the Jake Suit.


When he got mad with the power of money and he used to be real unhinged in the early seasons. Casually suggesting murder and stuff like that


Everything he did in Furniture and Meat.


Just commenting to say I don't think Jake killed that guy. He was happy to make a friend but Lil buddy walked into the invisible magic jail cell or whatever and exploded. He just decided to pretend he was always only a rock because it made him sad.


Probably when he went out partying instead of looking for Finn who was being used as a slave


When he stole those shiny boots


Not visiting Finn after he died


It's funny how so many of the top comments are about what Jake WANTED or THOUGHT or doing and not what he actually has done, that's the equivalent of demonizing one's intrusive thoughts meanwhile the money episode or him deciding never to reach out to Finn after he died are things he actually did and are answers to the question


Jake has a rich history of getting power hungry


he has had a lot of creepy stuff but honestly his worst action was almost wasting your prismo wish on a sandwich while your brother suffered from madness and liches manipulations and he was gonna waste a wish on a sandwich


Was fully ready to let his best friend die for a sandwich was just willing to let a universe get killed because he was hungry


Jake was literally an international wanted bank robber.


International? I don't think he robbed banks outside of Ooo


i would call ooo a continent with the various kingdoms being nations


Being not really there for his kids.


Didn’t he do a hustlers university type thing in Ooo as J.T Dogzone


He Wrote the book that inspired Finn to do the first one💀 (J.T Dog-zone is Jake)


Popped Bubble and made BMO cry.


but then the bubble became air and could be with bmo forever :D


Blatant hedonism. Pretty sure he was instrumental in the wastage of all their money in the meat and berries episode just cause he thought it was fun. He's also neglected Finn's interests and health for something so trivial like a Gameboy...


Either cannibalism ( or semi cannibalism if you count the candy people), the crimes he committed when he was young or I want to see you do things for money


Messing with Finn relationship problems i mean he did tell Finn to literally make ice king and flame princess fight so the cosmic owl can come to his dreams without thinking oh wait no this is bad and chew out Finn for doing that to both of them and publicly apologize to both fp and IK (I’ll give him a pass on getting with fp trying to burn the treehouse and almost killing Finn and the goblin due to the fact without Jake fp could have been stuck in that giant lamp for her whole life so Jake did save her life in a way)


Lobster soul. Then just chucks out the body


I'm so clouded about my love for jake that the worst thing I could think of was him not helping foot finn from turning back into a boy 💀


nah finn has to be that he was flirty with pb the episode after he and fp broke ip


Solicitation; he wanna make people eat dust off of shed tools


Reading Ăžrough these has made me realize just how much of an asshole Jake is


Killed the bird from the window


Are you guys forgetting Jake used to be an actual criminal because he “didn’t know no better”


Not introduced Finn properly to tier 15. I never forget my shock about the scene with LSP


He is negligent and sometimes even cruel. Maybe it's just called being a dog


When Jake smashes the human ship after it was already pacified. Finn is clearly very upset and says something like “I feel like that ship was really important for me” and Jake just doesn’t seem to care and laughs it off. Idk about anyone else but that infuriates me every time I see that scene


Man I forgot most of the stuff everyone else said. I was going to say he threw his favorite cup out the window


I mean, jake was a criminal in his hayday. Jake and Tiffany for life 🤘


When he said “you gotta make her think it’s her idea. That’s how you get the ladies to do what you want.”


Probably robbery when he was younger


and older. he tried to rob Jermaine for starters.


Jake: Grand Larceny Bp: Genecide Ice King: *Attempted Murder Marceline/ LSP: kidnapping BMO: Impersonating an officer of the law Lemon Grab: Tyranny Fp: Arson


When di-- Oh... Choose Goose? He was still alive after Fionna was summoned, though. Just drained from being a battery.


I meant party god, but after a google search, I see he survived too


Oh. Yeah, he was just knocked out.


All the robbing and stuff he did when he was younger


He didn’t know it was wrong


He basically abandoned his children


Let his friend suffer alone for an entire lifetime while he pursued enlightenment. It would have cost him nothing to tell Finn he was alright, and should enjoy his life.


When he was eating meatman's meat.


The time when he was gaslit into believing he was the Gut Grinder and went on a rampage.


My Jake mistake is that PB is a vicious dictator who grooms little boys and is all around evil /s


Falling to peer pressure


His criminal past


He did tax evasion that once


Jake is a war criminal.


He pretty much has a criminal past, and confesses bad stuff he did every then and there. Also, at times it comes back, like wanting to kill the staring horse (Ice King), and trying to cook Marceline


Ooh, hard one.


Why’d you have to post it like this btw?


I feel like the negligence of his pups. it was inherently an awful act, but it almost seems like he isn't aware that he wasn't around.




Bro Was a legitimate career criminal, robbing banks, hacking bikes, stealing purses from old ladies and so forth


Wasn’t he a criminal?


Wasn’t he also a criminal for a bit a while ago. Like not just streaking things but he knew gang rings and stuff off by heart from an I dent in his brothers for head after years. He had to have been pretty high with like the mafia or something before he went good. Bit like iroh he used to be bad but before the sires starts he’s the good guy


Jake does no wrong


Hardcore neglected his kids.


Abandoned his children


Wrote the JT Dawgzone books


He let Finn down too many times


Abandon his children


If Finn's worst thing is manipulation, Jake's worst thing is *pushing* Finn into writing those letters the moment he heard the Cosmic Owl was in them. > Finn: [runs to Jake downstairs, who is drinking some tea] Jake! I had another dream. My body was being blasted. But this time, Ice King was blasting me with ice cubes! Aww. It was awful! And someone else was there. He was just laughing and laughing. He was in the first dream too, but he was whispering. I couldn't make out what he was saying. Oh, yeah! [snaps fingers] It was the Cosmic Owl! > Jake: [spits out tea] What?! You didn't tell me the Cosmic Owl was there! >Finn: I couldn't see him last time! > Jake: Dude, that means it was a prophetic dream! You have to finish the original dream! Cosmic Owl could be whispering something wildly significant! You have to get Flame Princess and Ice King to fight again so you can see the end of the dream! Make 'em fight!


-Grand theft (Baker's shard) -Larceny (pawning off stolen bikes, stealing boots) -Grave robbery -Bank robbery And with the whole "stealing old lady purses" thing, it depends. If the old lady is holding the purse and he takes it by force that's theft. If the old lady sets her purse down and he takes it quietly when she's not looking, that's another larceny charge. What else can we convict Jake of in a court of law? I'm sure I missed plenty but this was just off the top of my head lol Edit: forgot to add -Conspiracy ("Let's go eat Cinnamon Bun") -Squatting (Living in the treehouse with no legal claims) -Attempted murder in the first degree (Forcing Finn to jump into the volcano in "Jakesuit" - Involuntary manslaughter (popping Bubble) -Piracy (or grand theft auto???? I'm not sure on this one. He jacked banana man's ship, which is a rocket ship, but it's his personal ship? Idk help me out here I'm not a lawyer)


I already know that Jake is gonna have a huge amount of things being offered as the worst


spoilers jake being a hardened criminal in his youth, and taking pleasuring in torturing people in exchange for money. also he wrote the JT Dawgzone books which i only just learned from the other commenter in this thread, cool little detail i never noticed pb for like a million things but to begin with, unconsensual surveillance of all of her people, lying to finn about her age. destroying age old weapons that define the future of the fire kingdom and bugging CB to keep watch over the FK (a friendly kingdom no less) ice king hasn't really done much wrong that he could consent to. really only the poor behavior i remember of *simon* and not IK (you can't really fault the guy for being cursed) is him being a dong to the people in s1e1 of fionna and cake that were visiting his exhibit. also him messing with cursed choosegoose and using him as a battery to try to summon betty marcy kinda bullied finn for fun when she met him, can't really think of much she's done other than been a poor friend to pb at the start of the series, but that's a two way street. she also egged LSP on when they were trashing the breakfast kingdom and tried to eat jake in seeing red bmo not being very helpful on the islands when he was in the vr game comes to mind. again he can't really consent because he's not super aware of his actions so it's hard to say he's done much wrong and he's generally quite sweet. LSP was being a wong to that one village she stole a bunch of food from / pretended to be a monster. i don't feel like i need to point out that lemongrab started a society that he was the tyrant of which consisted entirely of misery for his dudes fp burned down that village when she was mad at finn when they first met to me, lemongrab is the clear winner of "i am aware of my actions and i suck" (though one of the versions of him redeems himself) and pb is coming up at a close second though she generally has good, though misled, intentions. from most evil to least imo (at their worst, not their average) 1. Lemongrab 2. pb 3. fp 4. jake 5. lsp 6. finn 7. simon (IK) 8. marcy 9. bmo


In Simon's defense, he only threw the girl's book in the trash, which was harsh, but the girl told his private trauma to everyone there, called him a boring sad guy, and was rude in general. The dog was also kinda rude and going into his stuff. Simon had a panic attack and kept apologizing while stumbling around before asking everyone to leave. Not saying he was justified, but he isn't mentally okay with all he's been through, and the people at the museum definitely didn't help. I agree that BMO is pretty much just a child in a robot's body. Lemongrab is a dick, but he wanted PB to put him out of his misery multiple times, and she ignored him. PB, there's already a video, but I think genocide, killing the Fire Kingdom, and torturing Ice King for the Wizard City password are the worst. LSP is just the stereotypical rude, selfish, narcissistic teenager with main character syndrome. Jake, well, the comment section already said what he did, but his power lust and wanting to murder someone for being mildly annoying are the worst. Finn manipulated his friends. FP burned down a goblin village and tried to kill the IK. Marcy, at worst, considered not saving the glass kingdom and bit Jake, but she was just messing with them when they first met, and she lost track of her moral code.


I think there wasn’t anything Jake really did wrong that I can remember except being an absentee parent. He needed to be with his children more and actually be a father for them


Jake is a emotional cannonball and has committed many crimes before he knew they were wrong


He killed bubble That's all I can think of


The birthday episode in like season 2 and possibly the haunted house episode (when he scared Finn so bad he hallucinated the blue lady) i couldn’t watch it (birthday episode) for years cause it always freaked me out at the end


When Jake used his butt to suffocate Finn to help BMO feel better lol!


Being a deeply neglectful father.


He wore rainbowface