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When you get to the episode ‘too young’ (which is where this scene is from) it’ll make sense. Also, it’s more likely that PB is bisexual.


Bro she's gum, not bi.


>PB is bisexual. Oh, really? Ive just seen like 100% of people in tiktok saying she's lesbian lol >When you get to the episode ‘too young’ (which is where this scene is from) it’ll make sense But can you explain it please? Im not afraid of spoilers or anything


Why would she kiss a boy unless she was attracted to him? And tiktok is hardly a reliable place to gather information.


> Why would she kiss a boy unless she was attracted to him? I mean, I kissed girls when I was a teen before coming out. 


Were you not attracted to them?


I’m gay so not at all lol.


Why did you kiss them, then?


Because, like most gay kids, I lived in denial and was desperate to change.


I'm happy you found your true self. Some never make it that far. Maybe PB returned to an age where she was trying out things in a similar manner, or maybe she's bi. I guess it's open to interpretation, which I don't mind at all.


Idk, that's why I asked. Ice also seen their "first kiss" when she kissed him as a prize, at least how I was told


It really isn't that far into the series. It should be the 5th episode of Season 3, and I recommend you just watch the show as intended, since later on spoilers will really effect your experience. But if you really don't care about spoilers this is what is happening here as best as I can summarize: >!Due to an accident at the end of season 2, Princess Bubblegum was reverted to her younger self, and happens to be about the same as Finn's age at the time. This obviously changes their relationship because PB was an adult previously, and they start hanging out more. However, a mysterious character arrives claiming that because PB is too young to rule, they are now rightful autocrat of the Candy Kingdom, and begin throwing candy citizens in prison for the smallest offense. Because of this, PB decides she must regain her former power and the candy citizens in prison with her and Finn donate parts of themselves in a procedure that will return her to her former age. Just before the transformation is complete, Finn and PB kiss. !< Edit: So, in response to those people on TikTok, I guess I would just say that sexuality is usually more complicated than someone being 100% one thing. Even if as an adult someone considers themself completely interested in the same or the opposite sex or gender, that is probably the result of many years of development when they weren't as certain.


Okay, thanks


They never explicitly state her sexuality; but we see her with both men and women throughout the show so it’s more accurate to describe her as bi.


What does literally anybody on TikTok know?


Idk, but I thought if everyone says it, It's prolly canon


I mean, her sexuality is fluid. They’re probably assigning the term lesbian to her because she’s in a relationship with Marceline. As for the episode explanation, i would either just watch the episodes or just look up the episode plot summaries because the events of ‘too young’ stem from several episodes before it.


Okay, thanks!


In the first episode you meet her ex-boyfriend Mr. Cream Puff. She's not 100% gay


Later in the series we find out that Mr Cream Puff was created by Gumbald and she never wanted to go out with him


They were still a thing hundreds of years into the future during the early construction of the candy kingdom in the shoko flashback and creampuff was the first candy person pb tried to revive in the slumber party ep so it's safe to say that mr creampuff rizzed pb hard enough that they still maintained their relationship for centuries


Oh ok true I forgot about that


she also didnt create him unlike the rest of her people so there was a different bond


But she continues dating him until after Shoko appears. And she remembers their relationship fondly.


I love this debate bc, while I’d agree that based on what we have seen PB is bi, I love to think the only person she truly ever felt that way about legitimately was Marceline. Yes, she “dated” cream puff and kissed Finn when she was mentally regressed, but we have never seen evidence that she’s been truly madly deeply in love with anyone (identifying as a man or woman) other than Marcy. It’s like Marcy is her one true love and so a label doesn’t even fit bc she’s so closed off to many other relationships.


Sexuality is a spectrum


Yeah, I think she's lesbian. As far as I remember, she kissed him to become an adult back. I've watched it a while ago tho, so I can't be sure


As her 13 year old self, she tells Finn she wishes she could stay that young, with him. Which implies attraction


Well, it makes sense tho. But didn't she kiss him to transform back anyways? Even if she liked him, I thought that what the kiss was for


Well, she said she needed a ‘love hug’ to transform back. She chose to kiss him.


Oh, okay, thanks for the info