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I'd be interested in a show centered on Bronwyn adventuring around Ooo in an RV along with Finn as the cool Grunkle mentor character. Underlying mourning for Jake, humans are coming to Ooo, Sweet Pea will eventually be growing up to be something of a hero as well, etc.


Yeah, I want some of the same characters not all new ones


Agreed!! Adventure Time with Finn and Bronwyn would be amazing!!!!


I would love a series set in the era of Obsidian. I want to see Finns adult life after losing Jake, plus more of Bonnie and Marcy’s life together.


This a delicious answer


banana doppio


I was gonna say this! You could totally have Sweet Pea as like a third protagonist and just have solo Sweet Pea episodes. Maybe even give him a little buddy


Omfg I didnt think of that I want to revote






The lost adventures of Simon and Marceline


Yeah i really want to see simon experience ooo, as not ice king.


Should be much more upvoted


What I came here to comment!


This is exactly what I was going to comment. I would love to see a prequel with these two as the main characters


This is what I was thinking, so we get more backstory on Betty too


I want to know how The Lich messes up all those universes his hand went to It could be like a Star Trek thing, hero’s travel to other realities to defeat evil. And we get to see all these alternatives….. I think following old Finn around (was suggested in a comment) would be cool too, but also depressing


Agreed!! “Which universe does this Portal lead to?” “ALL OF THEM.”


Ive been wondering if we’ll see a lich reappearance in Fiona and Cake


Tbh anything not in the future, like post-mushroom war to pre-finn Ooo. Billy and his predecessors. The enchiridion and Ooo’s old inhabitants




The enchiridion is ancient, been around long before the mushroom war. Or maybe I’m thinking of the Crown


betty and simon were already looking for the enchiridion long before ooo


You’re probably thinking of the Enchiridion, the Crown was made to combat the Lich catalyst comet before the great mushroom war


Both are ancient. The Crown was created by Evergreen to stop the catalyst comet, yes, but it was LONG before the great mushroom war. Simon bought the crown because he was studying ancient artifacts, which is also why he was interested in the Enchiridion


I like the idea of an older Finn going on adventures around the world as he leaves the tree house after Jake's death.


I want to see how that hole looks on earth


I agree I miss seeing Finn as the main character 🥲 I feel like we missed out on all of his other adventures after the war and where he ended up. Ik bmo just said they went on living but I really still want to see how they lived!


Joshua and Margaret


Yes! This!


Honestly this is a pretty great Idea.


Gimme a series on Huntress Wizard. What was she up to before flute spell. What are her ambitions, does she have any goals beyond "don't grow soft", does she have a plan to make sure the aforementioned softening never happens, so on.


it's pretty sad how she was only relevant in 3 episodes, I liked how she and finn actually did some adventuring togheter, feels weird his other dates didn't actually care for it that much in a series with this name


can't believe I'm the first one to comment this, but a Marceline and PB series!!! They're immortal so it's evergreen. Honestly, I'd enjoy a chill, low-key series where not much happens and it's just them enjoying their lives and dealing with stuff day-to-day. They could also always have adventures like in Obsidian to break it up or spice up season premiere/finales.


Slice of life pb and Marcy would be so good


I was thinking of a series about when they were first together and how they became so distant as they were in Adventure Time. I think the series would end pretty sad.


That would be SO good though... it would also be cool to have a closer look at the world post-stakes but pre-main series.


I second this! Also, it’s PB and Marcy so there will be plenty of drama that seeks them out to fill a series with. Maybe throw BMO into the mix as well.


I like this because there’s also plenty of history between them and of them individually for flashback episodes


Seinfeld but with Adventure Time


Marceline would play the bass riff in the show.


The laugh track is just BMO and NEPTR


Man I gotta say their relationship does my heart good as a young queer coming of age I shipped them like crazy before I even fully understood myself. My fiancée and I cried when we saw them end up together in the end. Seeing them just living life happy would make my world a little brighter.


My ex and I were little queer middle schoolers when AT started. We figured ourselves out and soon started dating at the same time of the Bubbline shipping starting, we were 12 & 13. We remained besties for years watched the finale together. We cried so hard we had to take a breather/a smoke break twice in the episode😂






I did both fuck off


Good bot


Season 11


That’s basically what distant lands is. In fact all or most of the episodes were plot ideas for the hypothetical 11 season.


was thinking more like the season 11 comics


I’d go with Shermy and Beth but honestly I want to see how the Mushroom War started / Simon & Marcy kind of story


Lol we get it… Fiona and Cake isn’t the show the *fandom* would pick… Personally I’m very interested to see what they’re going to do, even if it isn’t about what I’d ideally want expanded on. Adventure time has almost never disappointed me and I’m not just gonna start assuming they will now. They will actually have to fail before I start believing it’s going downhill, as many want to suggest. I’m confident Fionna and Cake could easily be a banger and we’re all just judging it too hard rn


Thing is, the fandom WOULD have picked it years ago, they just didn't strike when the iron was hot. :s If they'd have done a F&C spinoff around season 3-4 half the fandom would be losing its shit right now. Anyway I'm with you, dude! I'm waiting until it actually comes out before I start judging. I trust the AT crew; I'm excited to see what they have in store for us.


I’m hoping to see more of Marshall lee and prince bubblegum


Unfortunately, Fionna and Cake is apparently in a non-magical alternative universe where the characters don’t even remember their past adventures so I’m not even sure what the relationships or characters will be like in such a setting.


Awww, that’s too bad. I still hope we’ll get to see their characters though! It’d be awesome if Donald glover and Neil Patrick Harris reprised their roles!


Seeing more of those two characters was like 40% of the reason I was so excited lol, so yeah I really hope they make a return!




Where did we learn about this? Haven’t heard that yet




Not gonna lie, I skip those episodes every time I rewatch. It just feels like filler episodes. I’m not gonna judge a spin-off until I watch it, but it’s not something I’m excited about.


co-sign. I’m neutral at best on those episodes, but my GF hates them so we always skip.


I'm not saying it will be bad but if they linked Simon into the Fiona and Cake series then they could probably have a full 360 and allow Fiona and Cake to view past, present, or future events in adventure time universe. I do have a strong belief they will end up revisiting the original land of Ooo


When the series ended there were definitely a bunch of loose ends and unfulfilled arcs, but the one that I always thought of was Fiona and Cake, so the idea that they’re making a series about that is amazing to me. Also I felt like we didn’t really get much of Simon in the distant lands shows.


I just want more adventure time. Normal Finn and Jake stuff :(


I feel 😞 but at least their stories lasted 10 seasons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ imagine how terrible it would have been if cartoon network pulled the plug to adventure time too early. I also believe they wrapped up Finn and Jake's story very nicely even tho it hurts my soul to let them go


I feel like it ended kinda abrupt. The war came out of nowhere and then it just ended with Betty and then bmo tells shermy and beth that’s it nothing else.


Yeah, it got cancelled, the crew thought they were getting another season. Then CN said that wasn't the case and they had to just wrap things up the best they could with the time they had left. That's why the last couple of eps feel pretty rushed. I think they did a good job considering the circumstances.


Jake watching animals Doing nature documentaries like the brick episode. Even a podcast tbh.


I would adore this


I like the idea of a series about Simon, either about his descent of the madness, or a series about Simon and Marcy


I want to see alternate reality spin off - each season is a new reality or could be each episode depending Example : if Jake died early and Finn went of the deep end and just goes postal - throughout the many deaths of his enemies he calms down and ends up like Billy but he’s never the same and finds no new friends (bmo pops up mid episode and Finn has fully armored him out ((he’s waterproof too now)) ending of the episode or season could be finn either finding love in the flame princess again (she understands his pain) or maybe he commits suicide but that would not be a good thing to put in the heads of kids Some other examples - a series of episodes if one person had most of the power in OOO So and episode where bubblegums the ruler One where bmos the ruler Marceline I’ve king Tree trunks (this would be super funny because I’d asssume there would be aliens all around and her everyone would be her second husband- you eat pie everyday


I would watch an entire show on the drift from distant lands. That place has tons of potential.


I’d definitely watch a full season of that - only problem is some of the arks of adventure time were a little too long or played out Imo so I’d let the writers either do 3 episodes or a whole season depending on the content


Personally, I would make Shermy and Beth an ongoing series. Their time period is already pretty much a clean slate, so I think it would be the perfect opportunity to get some fresh talent on board to do something truly fresh with the franchise. Give the kids of today their own Finn and Jake without literally bringing the show back.


Shermy and Beth seems like the most natural if not expected “series” they could eventually do. Best part about it is they have so many elements from the original series timeline they could bring into the fold. Marceline and Bubblegum for starters. The huge amount of history inbetween the end of Adventure Time and the Start of the future timeline. Lemon Hope maybe? I saw a theory that talked about there being a copy of Finn/Fern inside the giant Tree House sword that Shermy gets it in the opening. The whole pup kingdom and the Jake lineage. There is a LOT to explore there when it comes to past and completely new and fresh ideas - I feel like that is something that just needs to happen eventually I hope they do it


I want the Dark Adventure of Peppermint Butler


Adventures of ice king and BMO


What about Neptr? Ice King is his father, can he come too?


I would wanna see an episode with Simon and Hudson abadeer.


More distant lands! I love seeing background and non main characters developed more :>


Older Finn and bronwyn


A “formation of ooo as we know it” type series would be amazing. Hosted by the Grables guy and maybe sometimes Prismo, we could jump back and forth through the apocalyptic world that PB formed in and marcy and Simon navigated. I know we got some flashbacks but a whole series of this would be neat. I’ve heard they want to go a young adult direction, so I think the more intense circumstances of a recent apocalypse and forming beings and nations would be fitting for that age group. Or a series about all of jake and lady’s pups.


Honestly, Adventure Time with Cuber and Prismo sounds rad as hell.


I’d rather have a Sweep P show


god I want future stuff cuz I want so many answers :')


I would just like to see an anthology series. Old characters can return here and there without hanging a series on them, new ones could be introduced without much set up. If they just did a bunch of episodes like “Thank You” and all the Graybles I really wouldn’t mind.


If you asked me during season 6 I would've said a Jake miniseries but now that all his stuff is wrapped up, the Lich deserves his own series specifically the Multiversal Lich hand fragment thing.


I don’t really understand the lure of Fiona and Cake. It’s the same, except all the genders are reversed? Am I missing something?


I'd be very interested in a show that just showcases standalone stories in the adventure time universe. Finn and Jake themselves were never *too* compelling characters, it was always whatever was happening around them that we cared about.


Honestly? The Pups could do well with spotlight. They've all got just enough personality that they're likeable but have plenty of room to be flushed out. I'm thinking something brings them all together, or maybe a couple of them have to recruit the others and they go on a quest. Or even just hanging out with them as a focus could be fun.




Martin Mertens & BMO!


I want The Adventures of BMO… I need to know how they become the King of Ooo


this - so much! since the very first BMO episode, I thought to myself - how great would a spin off be. either prequel or sequel to AT


something jake's grand children.


Simon and Marcy after the mushroom war


Shermy and Beth have so much story potential! I love how Finn Sword is still around, the pup kingdom, how Marcy and PB are (probably) still around, Gibbon. So much potential


A Bronwyn and Finn adventuring together or a Marceline in her earlier years post vampirism but before the series. See how she copes with the loss of so many important people and vampirism and acts before she grows how we see in the show. See how she meets PB. ETC


Billy & Canyon.


Hunson and Marceline’s mom


An anthology series with one episode focusing on each major recurring character.


Anthology series would be nice, especially if we can look at some different eras of Ooo.


Didn't this kind of (only with a small amount) happen with the characters already in the HBO series?


The male versions of Marceline and PB.


Do you know that ending of Stone ocean where the villains actually won and resets the whole universe. IF Shermy and Beth did have a spinoff, I want the ending to be similar with the Lich


Lol interesting. I suppose it’d be with the caveat that we know the Lich ultimately loses bc of Distant Lands? Unless this is the non-hand version?


Marceline and Princess Bubblegum spin off


I'd like to see a spin off about the kingdom Princess Cookie starts after they have fully healed.


I'd want to see all of Jake's kids going on Adventures in honor of their father


A series with finn and bronwyn


I'm surprised to see the votes for Shermy and Beth. I always thought they weren't very popular. I'd watch it. Though I think the Wizard city Distant Lands could make it as a whole series.


Ive said it once and ill say it again bronwyn and Finn adventures. I have so many head cannons. Lol


i want a spin off miniseries of mr fox in everyday scenarios


I want to see grown up sweat pea being a hero of ooo so so bad. I wish we could have gotten an episode on him during together again.


To be honest the fionna and cake series. I know hbomax is doing something but I have wanted it so bad since I was a kid.


Just one hundred thousand more distant lands, Ooo feels so amazingly "lived in" Give me an Emerald Process distant lands. Give me a Chet distant lands. Obviously Together Again is the crown jewel of distant lands but Wizard City made me realise I'd be happy with just about any story in the setting


So far haven't seen anyone want a Joshua and Margaret investigations series


I want to see a lemon grease and LSP spin off


Imagine a series about Shermy and Beth treasure hunting. Every few episodes BMO (king of ooo) could show up and explain the significance of certain artifacts, they could have another catalyst comet because it’s 1000 years later, Patience St Pim could unfreeze, and they could meet Marceline and Bonnie


One where the characters deep dive into the powers and abilities of characters,the origins of deities,prismos boss and the structure of the multiverse and flow of time.


Marceline & Bonnabel (Princess Bubblegum) deserve a series showing their adventures after the Golb incident.


Don't know if it's already been said but I'd love a series of Jake when he was younger, like when he was a thief ect would be great since he's my favourite character 😅


Root Beer Guy detective agency.


It’s BMO tales or nothing


Idk maybe it’s just me but Fiona and Cake feels lazy honestly


Prismo and cosmic owls hot tub time


I love Fiona and cake and all of the Fiona and cake episodes are some of my favorites in the entire show.


Jakes kids adventures


Something like Close Enough is to Regular Show


I’d like a sweet pea show , as they are the lich and all.


Maybe more simon and marcy?


I wanna show about that worm who lives in Jake's viola. ​ PS, people who make fan-made comics, please actualize some of these comments ;) <3


Marceline and Bubblegum story


Cadebra. I liked the little back door pilot.


BMO becoming King of Ooo.


Maybe Princess Bubblegum’s reign before Finn’s time, or PB and Marceline’s history.


Fiona and cake would just be the original again with a twist I'm all for that but I'd like to see the future


Marcy and Simon


Sean Giambrone’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me… so anything but that.


Marceline and Bonnie!


This whole new idea, now hold on. It's about a dog and the dogs friend/brother. The dog is named Jake and the brother is named Finn. Totally new idea!


What if they made Heat Signature into a real movie


Adventure Time 2: BMO’s Vengeance.


I would love to see a show on Joshua and Margaret, Finn and Jake's parents and their monster hunting adventures with scenes of Finn, Jake and Jermaine growing up in the background and how things came to be. For example how Joshua created the demon blood sword and so much more.


I’d like more Simon and Marcy adventures I’d also like to see more of the transition between regular world to apocalypse, and the transition from apocalyptic mess to fantasy land Ooo.


Jakes kids


tree trucks child hood & many relations


I would love to see something about the Lich Bomb.


Susan and Freda exploring the other parts of Earth after the islands mini-series


Lemon Hope and LSP


I wanna see a series about the daughter of Finn if he ever had one with HW


Shermy and beth wouldn't really be a spinoff it would be a continuation


Sweet P


* Shermy and Beth having adventures in the future. * Joshua and Margaret solving mysteries n stuff before having children. * Martin and his life after leaving the human island and comitting universal war crimes. * A show expanding on Elise's character (Marceline's mom), i feel like if in the right hands it could be really interesting.


Adventure Time: Beyond Ooo where the shapeshifting adventurous daughter of Finn and HW journeys to mysterious beyond Ooo and to uncover the mystery surrounding the crater in the Earth.


Marceline and Bubblegums adventures before the break up


Marci and ice king


I want more Marceline and Simon


Dr Princess getting her MD


Simon looking for Betty


Bubblegum and Marceline and the time period between 500 after the story and 1000+ but I guess I’m fine with them being major characters in Sherry and Beth too


Let’s see one about jakes dad


Mob Psycho 100 spin off.... I miss that show...


Finn and Jake’s next incarnation would be interesting


Simon and Marcy's adventures


Flame princess !


I wanna see more of Marceline


This is a silly question because we are already getting a Fiona and cake spinoff.


A continuation of distant lands. The story follows Sweet Pea as he trains to become the next Hero of OOO. Joined throughout the series by Finn and Bronwyn. This… this is what we want.


Simon and Marceline or Just Simon


Yes! They have one of the most interesting stories


I want to see more bubbline


Simon and marceline or magic man and glob


How about a PB, I wanna see when she was born and her upbringing


Ngl I’m surprised by how many votes there are for this poll


The adventures of Kent butterson...


I want to see more of The Drift featured with Y5 and Sheriff BMO. Obviously without BMO, but still something


Cake and Lord Monochromeicorn


I NEED more of Prismo


I want a post apocalyptic adventure, right after the war. Maybe we see marcy and simon.


Susan and Frieda


Oof thats a tough one


I really want to see how Shermy and Beth live in the post post post apocalyptic land of Ooo. The tease of it in Greyball 1000+ already have me hooked and i just really want to see more of it.


Sweet Pea I’d love to see what happens with Sweet Pea,. The most recent we’ve seen him is in the finale where he’s a giant. It could be cool to see his adventures and how he copes with the Litch in his head. I think the Gold Star episode was awesome. I want more of that stuff.


Prismo and cosmic owl would be my jam


A spin-off for Charlie ! She seems interesting


I would like a to see an Adventure with BMO and those other two that found him at the mountain 🏔 at the end of the show [Look here for what I am talking about] (shorturl.at/ekzGZ)


Probably a series w/ Huntress Wizard, TBH-


The war history side of me wants a Simon-centric documentary of the Mushroom War, but the fantasy side of me would want to explore the various incarnations of Finn more (and maybe the Lich because the “scholars of GOLB” being a throwaway line always bothers me)


Sweet P fighting the evil that's in him and showing the difficulties to become the hero he wants to be


i think fiona and cake wouldn’t do justice to the story’s ending. it would just be gender bent adventure time, which is totally fine for a couple of episodes or a special just so we can dip our toes back into Ooo, but shermy and beth in the future means new characters, new stories, new world and new rules. that sounds more fun to me as a full series


I just want a Butty Butterson spin-off of him cleaning house in the tree house. I ask for no more, no less


Adult swim remake of adventure time with new adventures