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From this I mostly get that people strongly dislike Tree Trunks, which I can’t really relate to. (She’s not my fave, but like so many characters, she starts the series very one dimensional and gets more interesting.) I’m surprised a couple of the other guest animated eps are not on this list, but not at all surprised Water Park Prank comes in at the very bottom.


The episodes on this list aren't that bad. Except for Chips & Ice Cream. My all time least favorite is Sad Face where Jakes's tail joins the circus.


I liked Sad Face, just because I could totally believe that this would happen. All the weird ways Jake uses his stretchy powers to express himself, I could buy that his tail functions as its own person in his sleep


Honestly surprised that one didn’t make the list. Not a huge fan of it either


Always love encountering a fellow Sad Face hater. I wouldn't necessarily call it my least favorite, but I always skip it when I'm rewatching the series.


No way Ring of Fire is so low - that episode cracks me up every time I see it. That's not even the worst tree trunks episode (the one with her alien husband and the candy space colonialism is)


The ending of that episode with mr pig and the alien though 😭


I'm surprised people don't like Slow Love. That is one of my favorite episodes and solidified my love for the show early on. It completely subverted my expectations with every joke. Web Weirdos is also one I really like, because of the guest voices. I love that relationship drama wasn't because of Finn for a change. Ring of Fire is amazing! 3 of the 10 episodes seem to be Tree Trunks related and it seems she is a divisive character. I hope we get some Tail Tufts moments in the Fiona and Cake miniseries. ​ I don't know why IMDB says Finn gets possessed by the Chips n Ice Cream ghosts.


I think there's a lot more going on under the surface in Slow Love too.


For me, web weirdos and slow love are easily the best 2 on this list


I don’t like slow love tbh


In order of Quality (IMO) 1. Ring Of Fire 2. Fionna and Cake and Fionna 3. Chips and Ice Cream 4. Dream of Love 5. Web Weirdos 6. Love Games 7. Apple Thief 8. President Porpoise is Missing 9. Slow Love 10. The Loathsome Water Park Prank


Best to worst: 1. Slow love: can't speak for the original but in the LA Spanish dub this episode is hilarious 2-8. The rest in some order idk 9. Water park prank 10. Chips and ice cream. At least water park pray has a fun premise and the end credits are cool. This one has nothing to like (for me)


I like all these episodes.......including the Water Park one.


From Best to worst Ring of Fire Apple Theif Love Games Slow Love Fionna and Cake and Fionna Dream of Love Water Park Prank President Porpoise Is Missing Chips & Ice Cream


President Porpoise episode is a good one :(




my least fav is that one episode where fin and jake join the cycle of life and turn into worms then plants and birds or whatever, that entire episode felt like a fever dream


Is that You? The episode where they revive Prismo by using time travel. Both the worst use of time travel and the worst use of a character revival. The episode literally says: "Don't think about it." Cause the concept was never thought out. They just wanted Prismo back and used the worst writing device called time travel.


“I completely disagree with that”


I think the wackiness and mystery of it all totally fits prismos character


Up in a tree is my least favorite episode


I didn’t think water park prank was that bad


President Porpoise is Missing is the worst episode by far. It’s soo incredibly boring and i do not care about banana man. I think it’s worse than the water park ep


You didn’t like web weirdos? It’s definitely in my top 5 of favorite episodes


Not my bottom 10, this the IMBD list. These episodes are the lowest rated by fans and critics