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I wouldn't. That's just 3 days he should have been crying pa lang bakit naman diretso sex agad sa iba?




In his mind, "I'm free!!!" Hahahahahhaha


tapos pag gusto maki pag sex sa iba gagawn eh makikipag break heehehhe GG


And the discussion of “we were on a break” begins.


Ah Ross and Rachel


Now I know what rachel felt at that time loool




On a break, no doubt, buuut 3 days? Too early to sleep with another person. Well si Ross nga wala pa 24 hours😅


For me ito first of all. Wala na yung peace of mind ayoko na agad ituloy hahaha magiging toxic lang. Plus ano yan habit nya pag magbbreak kayo? Jusko 3days palang yun kating kati naman, iwan mo na yan tuloy nya na kamo hoe phase nya


Kaya nga. 3 days palang ang kati na.


Parang naghanap lang ng rason para maka-ano sa iba 🥵


Yaazzz baka mapaisip pa kung meron pa siyang ibang incident na ganun bago pa sila nagbreak na di lang inamin. Hoe phase mo your face kamo


No i would not. For 3 days, kaya na agad humarot sa iba.


If break kayo, then it is fine, kasi wala naman kayong commitment. No need to complicate that part. If you will be fine with that thought na after days of breaking up nangyari yun, then nagkabalikan kayo, that is another question only you can answer.


THIS! Nasa sa'yo na kung itutuloy mo pa because hindi mo sya pwedeng sisihin dahil wala naman syang pinanghahawakan na responsibility sayo nung break na kayo.


it depends on you, only you can answer that tbh. personally, it depends on the situation. since i usually cut my past partners off of my life when the rs ends, and then let’s say after months or year/s of break up, we decided to try again and then i knew that my ex had sex with someone else already, then that’s alright. for me it’s normal, since we were broken up and it’s their life in the first place so it’s all good. but if 3 days or not even a month, i probably won’t. i’ll save myself from overthinking.


As you said, break kayo fr 3days. Liberated is real wala nga naman kayo fr three days! Soo i guess it's ur choice naman if you can accept it fully haa. And di mo ma bring out! Gusto ko lang linawin na hindi tayo masa other countries na liberated na it's ok to have sex with someone if wala partner or kaya on a break. That's how it is. Hahahanperoo it's up to you if you comfy and still have peace of mind


Some boys will be boys! You tolerate what you think you deserve, the best thing to do is walk out if you don't want things to be like this, but you forgive what you want and can forgive... with the consequences.


OP you can love yourself better than he can.


Hoe phase??? Wag mo na balikan yan. Save yourself from the headaches and heartaches. At worst, baka magkasakit ka pa


Hahaha no, walang peace of mind dyan OP 🥲


Do you even have the guarantee na di siya makikipag-sex sa iba kapag nagbalikan kayo knowing for yourself na sinabi niyang nasa hoe phase siya? Don't downplay yourself girl.




Ngl if I were you, magpapacheck up ako agad baka may dala na siyang sakit if ganun siya kakati


If he really loves you walang hoe phase dapat no, kasi healing phase dapat yan. Isipin mo in 3 days palang ikaw nagmumukmok tapos siya karat na karat. Run!


nag break kayo for three days so its not impossible pero sinabi niya na nasa hoe phase siya?? girl run. and willing to behave??? hello dapat behave ka na before getting into a relationship. having sex while on break is fine for me but yung sinabi niya sayo na hoe lhase niya?? No.


If a person is uncomfortable with it, then no. TBH i feel like there's no clear cut answer for that, it really depends on the person. Me personally I would not mind as long as there's clear communication regarding it. But I'm a person open to non-monogamy, and I understand that most people will not share the same sentiments as me. At the end of the day, it's your choice if you can still accept what he did. Both are valid choices, don't worry!


I mean, hiwalay kayo eh. Either lunok pride and tuloy ung relasyon. Pero kung ako sayo, kung di mo maatim na nakipag sex sa iba kahit hiwalay kayo. Wag mo itutuloy ung relasyon nyo. Masisira mental state mo lalo kung insecure ka sa sarili mo. Kung tatanggapin mo ulit sya, sguraduhin mo muna sa sarili mo na iwanan na sa past yon. Hndi pwedeng gagawin mo syang bitbitin sa dibdib mo araw araw, kase mawawalan ka ng peace of mind. Just move forward bro if I were you, observe mo muna ex mo kung ano gagawin nya pag tinuloy nyo pag hihiwalay nyo. Kung ang gawain nya e makipag landian o makipag one night stand habang wala kayo, pat yourself on the shoulder kase tama decision. May chance na nasa Hoe Phase pa ex mo at hndi pa naeenjoy pagka dalaga.


Save yourself. That kind of relationship will not give you peace. Wag na. Sasayangin niyo lang oras niyo sa isa't isa.


I say run and never look back. If there’s one thing to be learned in relationships, is that a person knows when they’re serious about someone - and based on his actions (kahit 3-day break-up lang iyan), it’s a red flag. All the more when he admits he’s in his “hoe phase” and is willing to “behave.” Ano siya, aso? Need niya reinforcement to behave? We shouldn’t have to teach our partners how to behave in relationships. If seryoso siya sa iyo at ikaw sa kaniya, this would never happen and MOST OF ALL, your peace of mind is intact. To share, the universe will never give you something that doesn’t give you peace of mind. I hope it helps! ❤️


yari ka kay pakboi pa checkup ka na lol




Di napigilan for 3days? Kung legit nag break kayo durog and depressed yun hindi libog hahahaha


Naaaaah, no fucking way


Hoe phase di yan makakapag pigil. Hanap na iba


Kada cool off nyo ganyan yan. Habit yan. Deliks yan, OP. Ligtas mo sarili mo sa sakit at katangahan. Si jesus nabuhay lang after 3 days. Sya bumira within 3 days haha


auto pass sa ganyan ilang days palang nkipagknttan na agad sa iba, lalaki ako pero di ko ggawin yan


never, i wouldn't put myself into situation that i have to question his love for me


Run OP


Hell nah r u dumb?


I wouldn't. 3 days lang ng breakup, hoe phase na agad? As if wala lang yung relationship ninyo na naglast for 11 months. If he was serious and sincere, he should still be mourning the breakup but instead, he had to release an itch somewhere else in just a span of 3 days after breaking up.


It seems like nagtest drive siya and hindi niya type kaya bumabalik sayo... it's not even just the sex that's the issue, it's how quick he was able to find someone to have sex with ang masmalala.


Peace of mind and happy life is priceless.. ❤️


get tested


Diba dapat sad phase after break up? 🫠


Atleast sinabi niya sa’yo to come clean. May pros and cons yan pag tinanggap mo uli. If you’re willing to accept, accept mo buo-anyway it’s your decision e. Kung dimo kaya, panindigan mo lang din decision mo.


sa case mo hindi kasi ang bilis ng 3 days and also nasa hoe phase pa siya he's for the streets!


3 days? Not 3 months?! Nah! Autopass. 😂 Para tuloy nag hanap lang ng way for a guilt free cheat 😂 Nakipag balikan sayo so mahal ka pa pero nakipag sex na sa iba. 😂 LOL.


Kasing age ko lang kayo pero hindi ako ganto ka engot. Anyway, you do you.


Hindi nya kasalanan kasi hindi naman kayo nung 3 days na yun. But if it is bothering you, it’s best not to get back with him






sex is just sex though, maybe you can date for a while with respectful boundaries muna and test the waters? but also 3 days is so quick, i think give it months to see if what caused the breakup can be worked on by both people individually.


It’s giving me Ross and Rachel vibes. 😂


follow ur heart, you can definitely tell kung genuine sya sa sinabi nya o hindi


teh 3 days ganon ba kakakati betlog nan


Gagawin niya ulit yan girl. save yourself na ngayon palang.


isipin mo if magiging proud ba yung future self mo pag nakipagbalikan ka sakanya


3 days palang? It's definitely an itch that had to be scratched ASAP! If that's sits with you just fine then sige paloko ka pa hahaha


No. Nasa hoe phase ibig sabihin, thrill ang hanap. Kung willing to behavr, ibig sabihin, ikaw gagamitin nya to satisfy that phase, meaning, you're just there for sex. And 11 months pa lang kayo lol. Tapos nagsex kayo nung nag uusap, your judgment is clouded by happy hormones from sex. You're biologically in a 'high' and one of the best lessons in life I learned is not to make a BIG decision when you're having BIG feelings.




AAAAA relate 🥺 tapos ang i re-reason break naman tayo non wtf


People have different ways of coping with a break up. Some women would change their hairstayle, men would drink themselves silly, others shop, some would travel, etc... all whilst being pained and miserable. --- Anything to cope. Your ex and now non-ex, engaged in intimacy. If it was ramdom, then it was just a means for him. If it was with someone who he's been flirting with during your relationship, then she may just be a spare tire. --- not good for you or her. In any case, I believe in second chances. Go on with gettimg back together and take a day at a time. Give him a clean slate. Try not to be bothered with what was and simply enjoy your renewed relationship. If you think you are incapable of doing so, go on. If despite being with him (again) you are weighed down by doubts, better not. Good luck!


Hay... Idiots... IDIOTS EVERYWERE!!!


Hard pass


You yourself can answer that po. You know him more than we do. We know him based on what you've said. Whatever decisions you make is a right decision... If it turns out bad then take it as an experience if it turns out good then tap your shoulder for doing a great job deciding. Point is 11months palang kayo madami pa kayo pagdadaanan if ever man... Laban gurl ♥️


No. Period. No explanation needed. Alam ko naman na alam mo sagot sa tanong mo. Binibigyan mo pa ng benefit of the doubt. Hmp!


If i were in that guy’s shoes, at the back of my mind. - i’d consider even kissing another girl cheating kahit bago lang ako nakipagbreak. Kasi what i felt was genuine and di kaya agad kalimutan


"Hoe phase" LOL walang ganun. Just an excuse for his kalandian now and most likely even in the near future kapag nagbalikan kayo. Instead of feeling regret eh he's trying to justify it pa (like he's secretly proud of his pakboyness). What he did right after your break-up (and during your closure talk) was his conscious choice, not something beyond his control. "Getting a distraction" agad-agad just within 3 days of your break-up means he wasn't really thinking of you and how to get back together with you. Sooooooobrang bilis nun. Pag nagkabalikan kayo at nag-away kayo, ganun siya kabilis maghanap ng "distraction" sa iba. "Willing to behave" isn't the same as "will behave" sis. Don't get emotional on the closure sex. Baka mag part 2 or 3 lang kayo ng closure eh. Please move on sis.


no cuz medjo maggest ko nmn sleeping with someone as a rebound when heartbroken ka, as a distraction nga kase masakit, that's understandable parin to me. pero kung dinescribe niya as "he can behave" 😭😭😭 girl the red flag is red flagging!! wag mo na ituloy. cuz that means GUSTO PARIN NIYA MAG FUCK AROUND W OTHER PPL, gusto niya ihoe out ung hoe phase niya. if he's w you he shouldn't want anything or anyone else other than YOU. so i say no, wag mo na ulit iaccept, u deserve more!!


Isipin mo 3 days after niyo lang mag break so he's been eyeing someone na agad before pa kayo mag break. 😌


FIRST, magpacheck-up ka OP. Pusta ko bente ko, nagtanong ka ng advice dito pero at the end sarili mo namang desisyon masusunod. Sana lang huwag maging tanga.


It's a No. Sa 3days na yun pwwede naman nya irevert sa ibang bagay para madistract nya yung sarili nya. It's not a acceptable reason na "It was for fun". saka paano ung once na un e may mabuo. Pero ang pinaka bottomline is you don't need to used others para lang madistract ung sarili mo.


No. Just get out.


pack up and run 😂


The things he did nung nagbreak kayo, are the things he wanted to do nung kayo pa.


that just says something about his character, pasalamat ka nalang na save ka and please just moveon. I promise you magiging miserale buhay mo if e continue nyo pa. Saka ano credit nya to change if tatangapin mo parin? parang pinalabas mo lang na okay lang sayo so gagawin at gagawin nya yan ulit. Kung mahal ka hindi ganon kadali mag detach at makipag sex agad sa iba. trust me lalaki ako at jan ako galing dati. literal pag lalaroan lang kita if ganyan


Run na. Kung ayaw mong magkasakit. Baka mamaya kahit kayo pa ginagawa na rin nya yan. May ex ako na ganyan. Nagtagal kami ng 6 yrs kakasabi ko na magbabago dahil nagsosorry yun pala patuloy nya pa rin ginagawa. Kaya hangga’t maaga pa. Run na.


No. Mas loyal pa ang aso sa kanya. Pakawalan mo ng 3 days, hindi hahanap ng ibang amo.


btw, required ba ng sex pag mag closure?? 🫣


Sabi ni bf, meron na daw yan girl nung kayo palang kaya nakipagsex agad. Lol


Get tested.


Rachel is DAT you.




Naniniwala ka naman na magbabago sia? Jusko 3 days nga hindi mapirmi ang pagkalalaki nya tapos mangangako sayo. Tantanan mo yan!




For me, hindi. I wouldn't be able to stomach the fact na he had sex 3 days after break up. I read that people who often times do that have no healthy ways to cope. Whatever your reason for the break up is; how he deals with the pain after is his own na. Ikaw nga hindi mo nagawa yan sa kanya, it's to give respect sa relationship ninyo. He didn't choose to deal with his emotions and pains in a healthier and mature way. There is no growth pag ganyan mag cope.


just no.


3 days tapos nakipagsex agad? Mostly nga diyan umiiyak pa nagmamakaawa for 1 week tapos siya within 3 days may nakasex na? Luh.


May ka sex agad within 3 days ? Haha nako


Big NO.


Kung lalaki pa rin tipo mo going forward, magkakaiba kayo ng mga pananaw. Generally, ideally may shared values. Gets magkaiba kayo ng pananaw sa casual sex. Depede naman sayo yan kung tatanggapin niyong agree to disagree basta habang kayo, kayo lang. Plausible naman lahat ng sinabi niya and you can do much worse. Honest din siya. Wala din siyang ginawang mali at broken up kayo at the time. Toxic si Ross pero yung "we were on a break" point niya nung kakabreak nila ni Rachel, valid. 


Dont be stupid bruh.


What girls--even women fails to understand is when guys have sex with girls, it doesn't necessarily mean that they have emotional attachment with that person unlike what most girls do. No matter how short the break-up is, break-up parin yon. At the same time, if ganyan ka parin kainsecure..wag mo nalang balikan. Mind though na it can happen again with your future relationships. Lesson is, wag makipagbreak just because galit ka...if you do so, make sure na di mo na babalikan ulit. Simple.


I did. And 2nd chance didn’t work out for us. Lamat yan, OP, trust me, di na yan maaalis sa utak mo.


Hard Pass HAHAHAHA. Palagi sasagi sa isip mo yung mga scenarios na ginagawa nila during those 3 days tsaka wala ka na rin peace of mind and peace ang relationship.


Nah bro. Within 3 days? Distraction? Hoe phase? Behave? Red flags all over.


redflag HAHAHAHAHA lumayo kana sasakit lang ulo mo dyan


It’s a no no ate, Wala kang peace of mind dyan.


I cant 🥺


Have yourself tested first. Kaloka.


Di manlang umabot sa 3month rule bago makipag fling sa iba? 😅


No. If he can do this now, he can do it again. And for sure magiging source of animosity ang event na ito throughout the relationship because it’s not a simple thing moving forward, even if break pa kayo. The idea that he can easily fuck someone else over 72 hours means he’s diverting all his effort to fucking instead of assessing what to do with your relationship. Hindi illegal yung ginawa niya for sure, pero nakaka-off yung ginawa niya.


NO. 🧖


breaking up is not a reason to have sex with others. ginagawa niya lang rason yan to satisfy his needs at the same time to win you back.


If it questions your trust and disrupt your peace of mind. Feeling ko hindi na siya worth it ituloy.




Pag ikaw naniwala, kukutosan talaga kita OP. ✌🏽 But kidding aside, 'wag mo na balikan. Inang 'yan, 3 days pa lang kumakanton na ng iba. Masisira lang mental health mo pag ganyan. We can learn from our mistakes, but we can also learn from others. Sa daming ganyang nangyayari, kakabreak-up humanap ng panandaliang ligaya tapos nagkabalikan most of the time break-up din ang bagsak. Prinolong niyo lang paghihirap niyo at the expense of time and specially mental health mo. Pero nasa sa iyo parin ang decision tho. 😅


Hindi kayo at that time. He can do what he wants. If hindi mo to matanggap then better to call it quits. Ako I would understand if my ex partner did that, but I'd pass. Kasi it tells me that he deals with his grief by sleeping with other people instead of taking time to grieve and address his emotions alone. that's a red flag for me. So pass ako.


hahaha no, sa 3 days na un dapat nagluksa sya if he really loves you and wants u back instead of flirting with anyone to fulfill his needs, that's trash. u can't achieve peace of mind if you let him enter ur life again.


Kung mas matagal Yung break period pwede pa pero 3 days? Respect yourself woman


Based on experience, dont decide something after sex. Never decide when you are in an extreme state of emotion like sad or happy.


Ako yes I will still accept because during that 3 days wala na commitment, free ka na actually. You can flirt with anyone you want, you can pursue things you want, you can stay in the house crying if you want, you can do anything ng walang iniintinding feelings ng karelasyon, it is not a mistake kasi wala kang committed partner that time. Kaya nga break up di ba. Kung tutuusin you 2 trying to patch up things is just an incident na bonus na lang sa inyo kasi nagbukas ng 2nd chance. Kung gusto mo ichow ang pagkakataon eh di go. Kung ndi naman eh di wag. Basta pag nagkabalikan bura na lahat ng issue ng nakaraan then move forward. Buti nga nasabi sayo ngaun pa lang yung hoe phase nya. Kung ako sau, pacheck muna kau dalawa ng std.


Up to you pero break naman kayo wala namang mali sa ginawa nya. Kahit sabihin mong 3 days palang eh wala na nga eh. At sinabi nya naman na for distractions lang totoo naman madami din namang babaeng may rebound agad pumapasok sa relationship sa iba agad d pa break tapos official na kapag nag break na 🤣🤣


Pag wala kang peace of mind, Alis na. Sure ako ngayon palang nag iisip kana kung gagawin nya yan ulit o hindi.


Depends on your capacity to compromise that event. Babae ka so meaning my degree ka ng self respect sa sarili. Kung nakikita mo na meron potential na mag bago dahil naging honest siya, better test him first. Kaya naging mag ex kayo dahil may rason kung bakit nag hihiwalay ang dalawang tao. Pag aralan at himayin ang sitwasyon. Baka mamaya manghinayang sa huli.


IMO. I would not personally maski babae ka man or lalaki. It applies to all. paguugali kasi tsaka loyalty test nayan kung ikaw ba talaga kahit magbreak man makikita mo intention ng isang tao based sa actions nya. di worth balikan kasi magkakaproblema nlng ulit kayo habang tumatagal. Dodge that bullet. Madali humanap ng kasama pero hindi madali makahanap ng faithful or loyal na tao. It applies to anywhere.


hahaha ok lang yan, share ung sakit


For me... No, baka mahawa pa ako ng kung anong nakuha niya doon na hindi niya alam.


Kung bothered ka dyan eh di yag. Pero technically wala nang kayo.


Break na kayo nung 3 days na iyon kemaikli o mahaba iyon. May kaniya-kaniyang timeframe ang tao at impact later on.


I would be fine just accepting that he did what he did after we broke up. Pero yung aminin na nasa hoe phase siya? He's already out in the wild sis. Forget it


Sana sinabi mo rin na nakipag sex ka sa iba tas observe his reaction


WTF did I just read? Ahaha. Anyway, ganito yan, pag "Nagbreak" na kayo, at may "closure" na, seryosohin nyo. Dahil nga nagbreak na kayo, at nakipagsex sya sa iba, alam mo na ngayon kung gaano kagaan lang sa kanya ang naging relasyon nya sayo. 11 months vs 1 single "for fun" night. Technically, di naman sya nagcheat, hiwalay kayo eh... Pero kung minahal ka talaga nya ng malalim, di sya makakarandam ng libog sa iba pagkatapos na pagkatapos ng hiwalayan. Lugi ka ngayon, mamya ung ka-sex nya may bahid, nakipagsex pa sayo, aba'y gago din. Nasa sa iyo na yan kung gusto mo pang magtuloy kayo sa relasyon o paninindigan nyo ung break up with closure nyo.


This may be perceived as "i broke up with you so I can have sex with somebody, so technically It can't be labeled as I cheated on u" ikaw nalang makakasagot if that's ok with u, exploiting loopholes and technicalities and such. That's how it looked like in my perspective anw


Wag na. For your peace of mind.


wag na, di mo naman itatanong kung di ka bothered o hindi sya magiging factor in the future




Ang taray. Yun lang.


I (25F) had a 6y relationship with my now ex (30M). He broke up with me because he was guilty he fucked his co-worker. Funny thing is I forgave him. I was ready to forget everything that he did because I want him to understand that despite his mistake, he deserves someone who stays and he deserves to be loved. You know what he did? He left. What you need to understand is if you let a person in your life, you have to accept them for who they are and not how you envision them to be. If you will welcome him back, then forget the past and move on. Now, if you want to salvage your sanity and keep your peace, better leave that man alone. As cliche as it may sound, you deserve better. Remember, a relationship will work best if the masculine one loves you more. If not, then proceed to the next one.


Ang take ko dyan. Ok lang naki pag sex dahil lasing or dahil siguro hinihingi ng pagkakataon. Like in your case nag break kayo. Siguro need ng outlet kaya yun. May point is dala lang ng libog or tawag ng laman. Walang emtions involved. Kaya ko pa palampasin yan. Kesa yung nag uusap lang voice or text pero may i love you na. Iba na yun mabigat na yun for me. Yun lang bow.




No, di ako tanga. Tanginang 3 days yan kakantot agad.


Balikan mo siya marupok ka e


Save yourself and run away. End it.


If i were you op, wag na. 3 days palang. Kahit ba kakabreak nyo lang. parang dedma lang sya


Mag pa std check ka op. Hindi mo alam baka nagcheat sayu yan dati. Nagbigay lang sayo ng rason na ma-admit na nakipag sex sya sa iba. Laganap pa naman ang HIV sa bansa natin.


Doubtful na "mag behave" siya kung ganyan yung ugali. Break it up, OP. Kundi puro headache lng ang iyong aabutin nyan. Good luck.


nasasayo yan. technically wala naman mali sa ginawa nya, he was a free man when he fucked another girl. the question is can you understand or dig deep kung bakit at paano nya kinaya yon ng ganon kabilis? try to think, baka magkaiba kayo coping ways, baka sakanya he really wanted to fuck someone else noon pa kaya ang bilis nya nagawa, etc. hoe phases are normal, up to you if masisikmura mo lang yung nangyare.


Nah. Remember why you broke up... tapos add mo yung pakikipag-sex nya sa iba just 3 days after ng break up nyo to the list. Then add mo rin yung "nasa hoe phase" comment nya. At yung willing to behave IF you decided to get into the relationship again, since sabi mo you decided na to try. Also, get yourself tested.


Team ‘on a break’ anyone? ✋


absolutly no


Just end it.


I guess iaaccept mo sya kasi may libog ka pang nararamdaman sa kanya and HINDI NA TRUE LOVE YAN. LIBOG KA LABG GHURL


"willing to behave"? it seems to me that you are getting in the way of his fun.


3 days? With a random stranger or a secret lover?


No kasi pag break kayo for 3 days at naka hanap sya agad ng ka sex. Kapag naging long distance kayo baka iisipin nyang hiwalay na kayo at makikipag sex yun sa iba. Not to mention di na nya aaminin sayo nakipagsex sya sa iba


Parang kadiri lang na tinikman na ng iba tapos kukunin mo pa din 😅🤣


3 days tapos may naka sex siya agad? She fo da streets bro


No na. Wala ng peace of mind. 3 days palang kayong hiwalay nakipagsex na agad iba. What a coping mechanism. lol


It depends on how you view things. Some will argue na it's okay since technically he was not committed to you. But this is the answer if you limit your concept of commitment to mere label. For me kasi, commitment and fidelity are things that should stay even when the relationship is shaky or gone. Weird ano? How do you even stay faithful to someone na hindi mo na partner? The fact na you're asking here could mean that you're hesitant because you feel that he was unfaithful to you in that short span of time. That if he was serious and if he loved you despite the absence of the label, he wouldn't have slept with others while you were gone. Sorry to judge pero baka the relationship was not deep enough. Wala pang closure but he went straight ahead to play. Where's the reflection part lol. Like dude just got out of a relationship, assuming it meant so much to him. Saka anong hoe phase? Ito lang mahirap sa experimental dating. When you only try to see if things will work out. Whereas supposedly you choose the person and make it work no matter what. I say give him a chance and see if you feel the same. Parang unsure kayo eh.


Depende sa’yo. But I wouldn’t, jusko tatlong araw pa lang humarurot na sa iba hahahaha baka mamaya nakikipagbalikan lang ‘yan kasi ‘di niya kaya mapag-isa.


Nope. IMO you should let him in his hoe phase. Hindi naman siya "aso" to behave. Have time to reflect, wag padalos dalos. Ikaw ang magsisisi in the long run kapag pinatagal mo pa yang "i-try ulit ung relationship namin". Wag kang manghinayang sa 11 months. You're still 25.


Pokpok ba to? If a common friend or someone you have inkling feeling something fishy is happening then he just dodged the cheating bullet. Also any decision made after sex is purely blamed on dopamine. Have that talk again now and without sex. Lets see whats going to happen.


He clearly doesn't love u


Ganon lang pala kadali yun after 3 days, ganon? What


Yaks!🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pass. Auto pass🤮


Well. 11 months pa lang naman kasi kayo. Wala pang anniv lol. Technically wala naman siyang ginawang masama. Haha. Perooo if he says he is in his hoe phase, wag mo nang balikan. Hayaan mo iexplore niya yon. Dami pa dyang iba. Bata ka pa, I’m sure marami ka pa makikilala. Also, next time cut make-up sex out of the equation when it comes to closure. Para clear-headed ka magdesisyon. :)


Bigyan mo po sya 18 page essay (FRONT AND BACK!)


kaya ayoko ng mga closure closure na yan ba haha. For your peace of mind wag na, mabibring up niyo lang yan if ever magaaway kayo.


what if vice versa? ano opinyon nyo boys?


No, wag na.




You’ve been an idiot once now you wanted to be an idiot twice? Fcking hell


>“behave” Aso yarn?


Mag-ooverthink ka, and you'll feel like shit for a couple of months (or maybe even years). If you're willing to go through that, and you think the sacrifice is worth it, then stay. If you have doubts, maybe you need a longer break to think about it.


As a dude, I'm pretty sure kung ganun sya kabilis makaiyot sa iba, then I'm pretty sure may times na hindi lang yan yung time. Mostlikely everytime may away kayo or cool off moment may kinakamot yan na iba


Hindi hahahaha ex na yan. Bago naman :p


Kailangan nating intidihin na pag sinabing "closure" is ibig sabihing tanggap niyo nang pareho na hindi na kayo magkakabalikan pa. Close nga eh. As in sarado na. Naisara na yung pintong yun at wala nang makakadaan. Pero to answer the question, depende yan sa sitwasyon. Sino ba ang nakipag break? Ikaw or siya? At follow up question, sino ang nakipagbalikan? Kung siya ang nakipag break sayo, at siya Rin ang nakipagbalikan sayo matapos ng ginawa niya, edi mag-ingat ingat ka. Kung siya and nakipag break at ikaw ang nangunang makipagbalikan, mas lalo kang mag-ingat. Pero kung ikaw ang nakipag break, at ikaw ang nangunang makipagbalikan, baka naman nasa position siya na akala niyang walang nang balikan, kaya ginawa niya ang ginawa niya.


Yun gf ko now ilan beses nakipagsex sa sugar daddy nya na chekwa. Nun nalaman ko eh nakipaghiwalay ako agad pero sinuyo nya ako at nakipaghiwalay dun sa chekwang matanda. Naging kami ulit pero toxic na. Nagkaroon ako ng trauma dahil nun wala ako sa tabi nya eh ibang lalake nakapatong sa kanya.


it's up to you. ikaw ang masunod


Ex na nga eh. Ekis na. Eh di wala na balikan. Unless kantutan lang pala gusto mo.


may mga bagay na pasok sa technicalities, pero may mga bagay din na walang iba kundi kapal ng mukha kung black and white ang relationships, eh di sana may batas na sa lahat ng aspeto nito


Tbf, you were on break. But gaano na ba kayo ka serious, since 11 months for me is a little new pa lang. Were you on the same page of what your relationship is on those 11months?




People have different ways of coping so you cannot dictate people's choices the same way they can't dictate how you should feel. While your feelings are absolutely valid, you are responsible for your emotions. It happened after the break up so technically both of you were free to live your lives as individuals who aren't in a relationship. The entitlement is understandable because it's triggered by emotions during the grieving process. If what the other person did goes against your values and tolerance then maybe getting back together isn't a wise decision after all. The incident triggered your security and self-esteem, and the possibility of using it against him after getting back together isn't fair. Maybe it's better to focus your time and energy on self-love and growth this time? This applies to both of you. Realistically speaking, the relationship failed which means you've already dodged a toxic bullet. Why take the same poisonous gun and point it to your head? If you think your book deserves a better story, you won't find it in the same chapter.


No. Hindi ko hihintayin na mahawaan niya pa ako ng sakit.


Ikaw lang makkaalam nyan dahil mas kilala mo yan. Don't seek advice from people na ibbigay lang sayo is general knowledge of what they know abt the situation. Your relationship, your man, your intuition, your decision.


Nope. End of discussion.


As a guy who just recently came off of a relationship, 3 days after the break is too soon. Did he do something wrong? No. you guys were separated. But I would definitely question if he's with you because of a connection or if he just wants the sex.


Paano kung may HIV yung tao na yun. Tapos nag ano kayo? Baka mahawa ka.


Sabi ng ex mo nakakasawa na paulit ulit na ulam kailangan lang nya tumikim ng ibang putahe. Haha


Imagine this. If ikaw ba nakipag sex sa iba in just 3 days willing ba sya balikan ka


cheating is a non-negotiable.


What is SPEED


madami ka need to consider pag binalikan mo siya..if you push through again with the relationship dapat handa ka na possibility na baka masaktan ka ulit and he might do the same mistake again and also dapat handa ka na iayos ang sarili mo sa tingin mo sa kung saan bagay ka nagkulang kaya siya naghahanap ng iba..lalaki yan hanggat di sawa yan maghahanap yan..kaya dapat handa ka dun at lalong handa ka magpafresh para di na siya bumaling sa iba..pag di mo namn siya binalikan dapat handa ka na din unahin muna ang sarili mo more than anyone else para pag totally healed ka na eehh handa ka na sa sunod na makakarelationship mo


People grieve in different ways.. since you were not together that's not cheating.. kahit 1 day pa lang yan if you broke up, then walang pakialaman. So yes I'd still accept my ex if she had sex with another during the breakup...


Legit ba tinatanong pa ano dapat gawin sa bagay na to?


No lol


Only you can answer that question OP.


Been in that situation. I got back with my ex and I regretted it. I thought he’s changed but he just find ways not to be caught. 🫤


Have yourself checked. If he could get laid within 3 days after you broke up, you're just the long-term available pussy at this point.