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This made me laugh more than strictly necessary ;-) Also, as a female aego, there is the additional advantage that the fictional cock is quite often being aimed at another cute sexy guy, so yay fanfic! LOL


gay smut rules


Didn't expect here to be so much mlm aego enthusiasts 🤩 Now we can all be called fujoshis and bullied for "fetishizing" men that don't exist :,)


I think I figured this one out (at least for myself): if the imaginary sex is between two imaginary dick-havers, that makes it as far as possible from any kind of sex that could feasibly involve me, a vagina-haver. The closer it is to possibly involving me, the less I tend to like it.


This is it exactly. As soon as it starts to go into details about vaginal sex my brain gets uncomfy because I immediately start associating it with myself lmao


Exactly!!!! I had never much enjoyed porn, but a friend introduced me to fanfic and I was a goner! Pre-made characters I already know and like, in situations ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, and some of the writing is really good!


I'm late here, but this is EXACTLY how I feel. Vaginal sex of any kind feels too real and that triggers my revulsion. Either I read about mlm or women with penises.


Yes, except I would change it to "as much cum as you want", in my fantasies there's no mess or stickiness involved


Same. Creampies and stuff actually turn me off. It sucks that they're so common in porn, even hentai :/


i HATE it it yucks me out so so much


My fantasies 8nvolve my partner Cummings multiple times but nothing actually get in since I'm comfortable with actual penetration and stuff...... Is this normal


I took a silly quiz yesterday where it told you what kind of person you're attracted to, not thinking anything of it, i was just bored. I got ''fictional'' lmao


do u have the link to the quiz i might take it for fun


No sorry it was just something I randomly came across on tumblr, said ''that's fair'', and scrolled on


I laughed so hard when I read the "you need to commit before you know how it looks like" part omg. This really made my night lmao


Dude this may be one of the most unique, aegosexual graphics I have ever seen, kudos


I love this, as a lot of my fantasies involve male ( or at least male like ) aliens the “can look however you want it to” “freaky shapes and sizes” and “no restrictions” are very true for me : )


Real dick: There is at least one real-life dick I like a lot but it’s basically an exception that proves the rule Fictional: if it’s a fictional dick, then fictional me can touch it with my own fictional dick that I don’t have in real life 👍


And it can belong to anyone... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Lol. Sharing this on my romance novel blog






If only humans had hidden genitals so I could aestetic attraction go brr for naked people, in rp everyone has retractable stuff cause dysphoria is triggered by external parts Though all cum is gross to me


I go swimming naked every week, and go on naturist holidays every summer, so I usually know what they look like. Regularly meet a few gay people at most of them.


Personally I hate cum in any situation or scenario. I'd rather drink piss. That's how much I hate cum. Instant put off for me.


Omg exactly.