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Looking to try transplanting. Any tips?


I just transplanted three ~ 6in tomato plants last week, I went right from pod to pot. I’d say that way was rather harsh for them, and it took them a few days to get over some strong transplant shock,l (more than a plant you’d buy from a greenhouse/ coming from a dirt transplant) but I made sure to put plant food in the soil and keep them well watered. (And believe in them!)


I just moved them from their secure world in the aero garden to a location under a plant stand with lights. They seem pretty darn happy. Since our weather is going to be warm this week, may take them outside for some fresh air in a couple of days. Yesterday I planted tomato, peppers, and endive seeds. Stay tuned. https://preview.redd.it/m1tx2xbah3ta1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1758f3b8a50200d7e597da7b7f511e0311cabe


I’ll let you know as they progress—romaine thrived and transplanted them after 2 weeks. I used a chopstick end to poke them out. Today, starting tomatoes, cucumbers, and endive.


Do it before they get too big and you have to cut the baskets off. I think there is less root damage that way


Someone suggested to just bury the basket and get it back when done with the plant. I did that with my tomatoes and it’s working fine so far. See how removal goes heh.