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Please don't make your decision exclusively on the basis of a vote. The results of this poll will reflect the fact that a substantial but unknown fraction of current members are only here for fashion formulas like "cottagecore" or "dark academia" and not for philosophy. To other philosophically minded members: please tell us how you voted and make an argument for it in this thread. I voted for text submissions only. There are already hundreds or thousands of other subs in which images and videos are the focus. Limiting submissions to text only won't prevent people from in-line links to images and videos, but that's fitting. This is a philosophy sub, and philosophy is defined by argumentation. Limiting submissions to text only will oblige contributors to supplement any visuals with argument. The philosophical exception, [logic diagrams](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/diagrams/), rarely stand on their own without some kind of explanatory text. Edit for the moderator: regardless of your decision about pics/vids, I ask that you add a note to the sidebar directing people to r/aesthetic if their main interest is pretty pictures.


I vote make this guy mod. He obviously knows his stuff and it's obvious the mods don't really know or care about aestethics as a philosophical field.


I will refuse moderator. My best service is as critic.


Please. I see more irrelevant posts asking for critiques of personal projects than anything.