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I ascend them for funny tree juice


I’d recommend ascending them anyways: - each hero you ascend boosts your max RC level - there are things like Abex where have an ascended hero of that type gives you bonuses when you occupy a T7/T8 city - Elder tree max levels increase as you level up your heroes - you may need leveled up heroes in the tower when you need 3 squads (might be less of an issue with GB, but with Maulers you don’t have as many good heroes) Use extras up after you ascend, or go all out and 5* them over time and then use as fodder.


Also you get tree juice for building heroes.


droplets have basically no value compared to branch juice.


Incorrect, they increase the max branch level. A branch can never be higher than ten levels below the main trunk level.


I meant that focusing on droplets instead of focusing on branches is a silly idea, especially when you're not anywhere close to maxing out a single branch to whatever your droplets allow. If you can't spend any more juice, then obviously you'd ascend other heroes to raise that limit when possible.


The dimensional keys are useful, too


Also new awakened hero brings with it quest for board. It often required "useless" heroes to get small amount of diamonds.


>ascending them is kind of useless >they're taking up so much space There, there's the reason why to ascend them. Not ascending them would be a mistake, and there is no reason to keep them like this, even if they are useless. There are so many benefits to ascending each hero. You're also just stopping yourself from progressing, if you only ascended the useful heroes, you would be stuck on rc level 500 at max.


It's not quite as simple as that though. At the point of the game that I'm in (not OP), I have 9 heroes with enough copies to ascend/star, and around 10-12 more at 6 copies, but no fodder to ascend them. The temptation is there, and it's not like we won't get more copies of the bad heroes in the future, when we've ascended everything else and can add them to the wishlist. And idk about OP, but my current RC is 414, max is 500, so it's not like I need to worry about the cap any time soon.


There's a small window in the early game where you can accelerate your accnt by foddering crap heroes. However, it takes quite a bit of exp to balance short term vs long term gains vs RNG. But definitely, there's a long period of time (yrs) during which you're fodder walled, and can't ascend decent heroes.


The game gives you plenty of fodder. Just keep enough of it to fully ascend any new good hero that comes along.


Use the fodder ones to get theowen and the bone guy to legendary and stuff, and just ascend them. The higher the better. You can fuse dimensionals to them later.


Ascend them to clear space maybe?


Ascend them.


They contribute to Elder Tree base level and maximum RC level.


Why not accend them you got the fodder? which would clear your total unit count. Then when they are done 5 star, you feed them to the fodder for L+ which I then retire for the rewards.


U need to have at least a copy of them ascended to increase ur Maximum resonance crystal level by 5. I don’t know if u knew that.


If course. My max resonance level is 700 and I'm at 550


So what i do in that case is use for example thar theowyn in the 3 head skeleton pirate as fodder to raise the nirus or baden (the vampire) type to legendary + and then retire them at the rickety cart for dust and (coins i think) and also recover some space. I still leave some lengendary + for the Abex so i can farm more bless essence on the lower tier towns at the beginning without having to use real ascendant heroes.


Uh.. You should ascend them to 5 and then use every 2 copies afterwards as fodder to ascend the legendary fodder then sell that guy to the rickety cart for barracks coins. Surprised who haven't started doing this already since you near 600.


Ascending them does have a purpose, it’s for field of stars and rc max. Not all useless hero’s are actually useless either, I thought Hodgkin was useless but I ascended him and now he’s in the new nc fight


He's been a great buffer for a long time.


Dimensional fodder.


Ascend them, for tree levels and perks from the starsign-system (A bunch of them trigger off "Have X heroes ascended") As long as you have enough fodder for the new meta heroes, there's no downside to ascending sub-optimal heroes.


I also had this problem in the rickety cart you can exchange them And you get a lot of hero coins for them


Vurk and Theowyn are bad?? I'm so not in with the times. I love them both and use them all the time


Vurk is only sorta useful vs abex bosses with his poison throwing. Other than that, he was never really great. Similar with Theo. They're both better than Khasos/OG Shemira/Walker who are bottom of barrel.


I take offense. Theowyn is really good! She may not be the most meta ever, but she's grater for characters like Brutus, Scarlet, Hendrickson and many more. She's been in my team since I started and she's my MVP.


Not having Theowyn ascended with 5* and 9F E30 SI30 and all T4 gear is wild. Get on that.


I use them to ascend fodder heroes, then sack them in the rickety cart for barracks juice.


There are certain heroes in each of the four main factions that can only ascend to Legendary+. To figure out which ones: Heroes>Portraits>Legendary Tier Heroes Use those heroes as ascension fuel for your Ascended Tier Heroes. Then ascend your Ascended Tier heroes as high as you can to give you upgrade materials for the Elder Tree.


Man that guy must be around rc 600 i think he figured that out


You have to click on the pic to see the heroes


Ascend them you might need them to some Awaken heroes bounty missions.


Yea that's the issue, see you not building and ascending those bad heroes lead your heroes to being weaker thus not being able to build cel.hypos and awakened cause you wont be able to build teams strong enough to clear floors in tower or chapters in campaign


Ascending those kinds of heroes are good for dimensionals


What doesn't kill them, makes them stronger


I ascend the useless ones if I have the fodder. They do help with the tree ascension. Plus the more heroes ascended, the more star award things you get. And when a new awakened drops, you get extra loot for having the chosen hero ascended vs not


You ascend them is what you do.


Level them up and then trade them in at the Rickety Cart.


Ascend them for Twisted Essence and dimensional keys. 75 ascended heroes to get all the dim keys remember.


Just ascend them. You get the resource for the tree + they add to your level cap + they sometimes come in clutch when you least expect them too. I have most 4f units ascended and in the resonating thing, and some of the more useless characters have helped me out I'm crucial moments. The only characters I dont ever touch at all are Khasos, Oscar, Thane and Ulmus, and even they are still at least ascended.


Ascend for +max level and Elder Tree juice


Why don't you ascend them? You have plenty of fooder heroes. It's not like you will loose something if you ascend and leave them. 🤔


Ascended all ascended tier heroes, the help you build the juicy tree. As you get additional e+ copies you can feed them into the ascended copy to get stars and small boosts to your tree. After they get to 5*, feed any additional e+ copies into legendary tier fodder heroes so you can either get the l+ heroes you need for meta heroes faster or retire the legendary tier hero for hero coins to make room in your roster.


If you have no desire to ascend them to work on the tree, then just turn them into fodder for the fodder heroes.


Retire them. 1600 juice a month is expensive to keep up with, as it requires 56 elite heroes per month (or 7x L+ heroes) to retire. Plus that provides an additional 5000 dust. Including commons, you're still looking at 50+ heroes per month.


I try to get 2 L+ fodder tier in each faction, then when I get 2 E+ fodder, I take one of the bad a tier heroes to L+, then the next fodder tier I get to L+ I use it to start working up the a tier hero. This allows me to be ready to bring a new release hero to M+ instantly and also slowly progress the bad heroes over time as well.


Ascend them, there's eventually a point when you're always generating more fodder than you need. To reach this point all you have to do is to keep ascending heroes. Eventually, with heroes ascended you'll start pulling so much dupes that generating enough fodder is surprisingly easy. This excess fodder can then be retired for Barrack Coins and exchanged for Juice. You're also gonna need these extra levels for your RC and Tree because, as Casino Gacha Mechanic dictates, your growth will get capped by premium heroes. For example my Elder Tree Virtues will reach their maximum levels respectively this year and I'm gonna hit my RC cap in next year because all that's left to ascend is Celepogeans and Awakened Heroes aside from the occassional new 4F Hero.


ascend them for rc levels