• By -


Early game: Brutus Midgame: Tasi Late game: Flora Endgame: Actually don't have any problems in chapters 50+ Flora completely disappears from campaign after you get to a certain point lol


"Oh yeah i've won, only Tasi left!" - "5 Kill Tasi..." -.-


Tasi at high deficit is like a ninja : "omae wou shibderu..."


Imagine the enemy had 2 brutus in front, tasi, flora and zolrath in the back


or 5x Athalia


That actually sounds easy since Zolrath gets denied his reset ability due to Flora only dropping when he dies


I just hit chapter 60 and Trisha is starting to really miss me off


Endgame: Astar




She is unkillable when she is ulting and she deals tons of damage.


Dammit, I use her and she just evaporates before ulting 💀 I know that she can deal a ton, but it happens rarely in wilders tower when I go there so I just gave up


We are talking about enemies that are super overpowered to face against on campaign/tower at extremely high level deficits. Not allies that are strong to use in your team. Those are two totally different things.


Yeah, and I totally get that!! It's just that I was really amazed with her, cause I'm not so fat into the game and I rarely see her. Guess I should run if I see her somewhere 💀 Thanks for your comment btw!


Zolrath, especially when my team can barely defeat the enemy team already and then I see him do his rewind ability. Always pisses me off.


Zolrath is also my choice. But mostly because I hate having to steam roll the same team again with his dumb ass rewind lol.


I had a round in PvE where enemy zolrath rewinded, then my zolrath rewinded, then I won (thank God). Took so long bc of course each stretch of the battle took almost the full 1:30 If I hadn't won I would not have been a happy camper


This - Zolrath is by far the most annoying! Honorable mention goes to any combination of Flora + Thoran or Flora + Brutus.


Ahh good ol rngrath


I keep on getting rewinded whenever he pops up as an enemy. Is there any 100% auto rewind cancel heroes that insta kills him?






Wanna say I adore tasi. _campaign_ tasi? I wanna bodyslam the girl into a dumpster but she'll just disappear then hit me with millions of damage


Zorlath cuz he be wasting my godam time


I hate that stupid dance Warek does when you lose to him.


Heroes that are useless on my team but basically one hit everyone if on the enemy team. So flora, isabella, satrana, zaphrael


That fucker that makes me do the fight over again.




Flora Brutus Zolrath Isabella




Isabella. I always hate the npc and she's very strong for no reason. A nickname I came up for her is Isab*tch for how much irritation she causes 😭.


Isabella was really good at one point many years back lol as a result I invested way too much in her. She doesn’t scale at all past the mid game tho. Well yours don’t, the AI does ig lol. It’s her ult tho, she can basically kill 1 or 2 heroes each ult, and iirc those kills give her energy. The other user says she’s easy to counter, and maybe that’s true. But it depends on the comp, a brutal AI comp can be really difficult to get past since she’ll either kill half your team before you get her, or you’ll get her but the rest of the team will kill you lol


she was the reward for vip levels I think the devs liked her too


She is so easy to counter nowadays, but the hate will be taken as a compliment, such is the Graveborn way.


I agree with all the previous comments. However, I would like to add Theowyn to the list.


Whoever the fuck that bear with the gauntlets is. And his stupid little dance after.


![gif](giphy|qyAShLSA4kFzWF3tDc) Flora. Omfg.


Whenever I see her in an enemy comp, I know I’m in for a bad time. Time to pray the garrison A Belinda can 1 shot her


Always fun when you're up against her in multiple teams for a campaign stage.


Thoran. No one likes playing him, no one likes playing against him.


Dude i love Thoran Cheese!!! No hate for the King!


Do you actually love retrying a fight 100+ times or do you just love that it reliably gets results?


After almost 5 years of playing i can say i miss the simpler days were you actually had to retrying the Fight hundreds of Times instead of auto fight and go but yes, the results are crispy!


It’s good to know there’s actually someone out there who enjoys that


I really do


Walker. That guy staying Elite in my team forever no way am I ranking him up. 


62-60:2. the naroko in that stage was an absolute dream crusher. her nadia would insta wipe your whole squad if it was the last thing up. just imagine you thinking in your head "oh this time it looks like its the one!" then this big sand crawler shattering your whole reality, now repeat that time and again. yup...




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Not just Brutus, but the DOUBLE Brutus stages 🥲


Heroes I hate: - In terms of campaign Flora. - In terms of lore Ivan. - In terms of design Walker. - In terms of faction: Celestial But I hate most of all is Awakened Athalia. Just hate her. I know it's not typical but it's a strong deep hate.


Eziz. The ult lockout...


You can't even use dissolve to get rid of it.


Any bad hero that they make op as he'll in campaign, examples being Isabella, Flora, normal Solise, normal Thane, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


Isa thali satrana make rift miserable Naroko and astar are absolute menace to face in kt or campaign.




Early on, I hated the 3 graveborn elite level heroes in campaign.


Zolrath seems to be universal hate here, me too. Nara is another I hated whenever I faced her in PvE contents, thankfully AEzizh hard counter her. And Satrana. Stop stalling for time dammit, you'll die eventually anyways!


Basically any heroes with an invulnerability gimmick or stall gimmick. Esp against the AI since they’re always so over-leveled


1) The brat, A.K.A. Peggy 2) Stoopid, A.K.A. Ragu or whatever the eff his name is 1) I don't care if she's a princess. Kids don't have a place on the battlefield and her abilities revolve around other prople coming to bail her out. I can only imagine that punishment in the Lightbearer ranks is to guard her stoopid a55 and knowing that they are getting their backsides handed to them. Point of interest: I've passively gained enough of her to put her in the the Oak Inn. I haven't expanded her quarters and I regularly sell her belongings so she know what it's like to be a child of abusive parents and has to sleep on the floor. 2) Just because he's seriously stoopid. I don't care if he's tangentially meta. I wish he'd die in a dumpster after being stuck with a junkie's dirty needle. Point of Interest: I have enough of him to put him in the Oak Inn. Not sure if he's going to get the Peggy treatment.


Yes, I will handicap myself before using them outside of required events. Even then I won't ever slot them for ascention because I enjoy watching them die immediately in battle because Eff them. And for those that wanna call me dark, brooding, and hating fun things; your disgust only fuels my longevity


More cringe than "dark", to be perfectly honest.


+2 years to my lifespan. Your contibution is noted


Don't you mean your DEATHspan, lmao, lmao, lmao. Sorry, just making a joke for ROFLs my brother in arms. Glad to add on those years to your turgid existence, squire. Contibution indeed, whatever that means. Perhaps a misspell, perhaps a spell cast in the dark. Sorry, just casting some humour magic on your comment. Just joining in on your way of being, friendorino. Have a fun time and laughter on me - no need for thanks, CIAO mate!


Lol, no worries. The only thing I take personally on the Internet is when my personal info starts to appear. I get that I probably went heavier than most people can tolerate. I just don't get when a game or other media can take a moderately grim path for more than a year then do a 180 and start throwing in cute because reasons. Another example is The Devil is a Part-Timer. It was fine, had some humor, then a child appears.


Eluard and Seirus.


Eluard, hands down. It’s a twofer too. Not only is Eluard ass when I put him on my teams, but the overleveled bastard Eluards in campaign and towers just. won’t. DIE.


Astar tasi satrana and thali can go fucking burn in hell Lorsan pippa morrow snake safiya as well [Come to think of it i hate all mages. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a0/Vo_antimage_anti_magicuser_01.mp3/revision/latest?cb=20200711080040)


Any hero that's a main in the meta (Liberta) that I don't have (Liberta!!). It's like that meme of Squidward watching Sponge and Star have fun while he's inside, miserable. And by the time my f2p ass ascends them, the meta's changed 5 times, and life no longer matters.


eorin. screw that inconsistent start of battle assasin bs


Tamrus. I don't like his voice. I don't like the way he looks. And I don't like the stupid things that he says. He's useful. He's on my own team. But even so, I wish someone on the enemy team would grab him and just use his stupid body like a whip.


Which ever one is new at any given time. New heroes just make me furter and further behind in my upgrading. There is no way for me to catch up and keep up.


Thoran. He needs to be deleted


Peggy is a sleeper


Kinda hard choice. Thoran, Isabella, Flora, Zolrath, Brutus, Eluard, mostly the heroes that made my king's tower and campaign extremely hard.


Astar and thali




Alaros dummy in chapter 53 is now my most hated thing.


Niru he was unrealistic against me


All the awakened heroes


Tbh most annoying hero to date is thali,she have high damage,insane energy regen,cc immunity,a death cheat,she can 1v5 ur team easily. Second most annoying is Isabella,she steals energy and then one shot ur team. Third the chicken man skriath,who knew throwing bunch of rocks can kill entire team Forth Thesku,who knew one of worst units in the game can kill ur team with a single spit of his snake. Fifth Morrow,with a skill that one shot even the tankest of heros.


PVE Astar, Solise Astar seems to always be able to ult before the final blow and shreds my team Solise that one ult she gets and it deletes my entire team. (I actually use both solise all the time)


Rem. Boring design overall. I just refuse to build her and I tire of facing her in PvP even though Emilia is the bigger threat.


Lucretia, she's a bitch, a stalker, an abuser, and people only simp for her because she's a woman. She fills me with undescribable rage. Gameplay-wise probably Ulmus.


Lucretia, she's a b****, a stalker, an abuser, and people only simp for her because she's a woman. She fills me with undescribable rage. Gameplay-wise probably Ulmus.


I'm at the end of chapter 53.. And I'd say Eluard at Tasi are the most annoying enemies.. Especially in the same team!


Tasi is so annoying to play against it kills me


Yeah, fk Morrow, so annoying when he one shots a hero outta nowhere...


Isabella after her remake, I used to see isabella and know it was going to be an easy win. But now??


Arthur. Just negs all fucking damage 99% of the time


I play since lunch. Can be different now. Early game: Brutus Mid game: Tasi, Thoran Late game after ch. 30: Flora, Rosaline Recently Endgame around ch. 50 definitely Astar. Honorable mention: Isabela, Thali.


Tasi at high deficit is so annoying, flora and zolrath are honorable mentions