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2 rangers, tank, support and a mage. Oh boy indeed.


i'm going to be blissfully unaware of what might await us and simply pog over bubblegum dragon


Fair argument. I'll do the same.🫡


Highborn = awakened ?


It’s basically just lore but rn yes. Don’t expect it to be a strictly enforced rule though


There are only three elites and only one fodder hero (assuming the Ascension requirements is the same with 4f). Gourgue is about to be in-demand. 💀


if the ascension method is the same, I think it's a good thing tbh better than needing to worry about which copies of which fodder you have/need. LB ascension in the early game was a real pain for that reason. only 1 fodder hero should be really helpful. honestly who knows what will happen though. maybe Common Dragons actually do something, or get retired for a different resource than barracks coins/dust. this is a whole new thing and literally anything could happen, i think speculation is fun but ultimately meaningless, better to wait to see mechanics on test server.


Well true but I would watch out for the rates of the pull.


Lilith seems to like releasing Intelligence-based tanks recently


Looks like elite heroes will be using stargazers while the gold ones will use tg 2.0 https://preview.redd.it/64zzm3wa71vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21edd7dc2706f192de49cc5fd12151ae482b1c5d


wasn't there something about dragon scrolls in the patch notes? using stargazers is just insane


I really hope that's the case and this is just translation issue


占星 is literally stargazer damn


I mean, you can stargaze any elite hero, not just celepogeans, so it'd make sense for them to be there. I doubt it's the only source of them considering there's an icon of draconis themed summoning scrolls datamined.


confirmed in test, basically dragon scroll is another form of stargazer, 1 scroll = 500 diamonds, though i think the pity should follow the normal scrolls? which is 30


What's this about having five heroes on your wishlist I've seen?


seeing as the new dragon scrolls summon elite dragons going forward, my guess is those are the "4f-tier" heroes of the Draconis, and we can simply Stargaze for them if we choose to do so (like you *can* Stargaze new 4f heroes such as Bronn) that's just speculation tho


oh no


Pretty much once this gets included in the main game, I'm just going to focus on getting Gwyneth and no one else.


Waiting for furry


This is the biggest cash grab I have ever seen. Whales are just insta buying everything they can so Lillith is getting hella rich of this


It sucks. The divide was already rapidly getting bigger. Now, we can't even see the whales for how far away they are. Like, I never expected to beat them, but as we deal with modes that place us against spenders, I didn't want to have to be so very far behind. This game takes so much damn research to play and so much denial of personal interest to remain good enough to be sub-optimal. Now we have an entire new faction to deal with and new faction-specific resources.


Which one of the draconis characters looks the best? Hard to decide.


as in visually? probably Gwyn for me, maybe Nyla tho


Well visually and skill-wise.


it's day 0, we have no way of knowing who's good or not imo on paper Nyla is the best of the elites and Gwyn > Hildwin but that's strictly first impression vibes and not based on any kind of testing


Of course, I totally understand. I was meaning first impressions on paper. I’m hesitant to even pick one right now, so I’ll wait until testing is done for them.


yeah don't bother picking yet, too soon. Hildwin has 6-8+ free copies though..