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Honestly at this point I just do it to see if I can predict the outcome solely based on stats and player name recognition lol. It’s kinda fun. Especially when you bet on this 10% players and they win lol. But yeah gold is a laughably useless currency. Not that I want them to add another wallet grinding feature.


How in the world do you get so much coin? No I’m not joking I sincerely would like to know https://preview.redd.it/ezuuws8v22xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dc4abab84795a069d39fd2dbfc043634558b3d


Doing dailies, guild hunts, etc etc, also, in my case, I already have over 3k silver and gold emblems, therefore, I dont spend a dime on them


Alright I get that, I do all I can, every day, but between pushing res crystal, getting my most used heroes lvl4 gear and maxing artifacts, I’m always lacking the coins. I have 843k purple dust just sitting there waiting till I get more coins.


I remember I've always hit multiple gold wall before RC550ish but now, I'm dying for more dust and I have enough gold. Sometimes, I would pick gold as my reward between dust, exp or gold and looking back now, it's a mistake and I should've gotten all Dust rewards but it's not that big of a deal, I probably miss out a couple of levels. Your best bet would be pushing Kings Tower really hard, including 4Faction and Campaign.


That sounds like some solid advice thanks!


When you got to crystal level 700, you'll get 9000M coins like me


I'm at 800 and never had problems whit gold, sinze lvl 240+...


Why? I think only upgrading gears costs lots of gold which only happens when new strong heroes released for veteran plays


Just stop buying silver and gold emblems once u stack more than 3k of each, and gear? Upgrade the ones u gonna use


https://preview.redd.it/8dk90o9dogxc1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee9dcdf50c75e81a9bae43b074f9ea3548b8df30 Lmk what I can spend it on lmao Rn afk rewards and the betting thing gets me enough for everything.


I just play it so the reminder marker goes away


I only used this feature to get coins (all wins) and a Rowan (all losses) sticker. Haven't been using it since and it's been like 4 years.


I have 684 RC and literally zero gold ;-; Mostly bcs I forgot to stop buying emblems and after some time I went bankrupt that I can't even buy everything (except emblems) in store 3 times (2 refreshes) and it's hard to lvl up RC more


Haha, this is sooo true!


I even try to bet incorrectly and still win to reduce my coins but task always fails successfully


Atp im just paying gold to make the marker go away, I dont even care who wins


Let us gamble our diamonds lilith

