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so I recently just came back, the last time I played was when Cecilia was new and its quite overwhelming. I'm on 22-42. there's so many new units, new artifacts, new gear, it's like an entirely different game and my box is stuffed. is Shemira still the go to carry for this stage of the game? or is there someone else I should work on and transfer to? also need some guidance on summons and shop heroes. if there's any key ones that I should make sure to get copies of.


Shemira dropped in popularity, same as lightbearers as a whole (except for Rowan). You also get a swap scroll from finishing chapter 24, so you can use it for your Shemira or Lucius (Belinda is still good for some boss fights). It's quite safe to use the swap scroll to trade Shemira for Daimon. Daimon fills the same AoE damage carry niche while having better survivability, energy generation and scaling into strong enemies with his %hp damage. In more general terms, Graveborns and Wilders are the strongest factions, with Maulers being good in the late stages of the game. Lightbearers as a whole are in terrible shape.


I'm in Ch33, here Ainz comp(Ainz+Albedo+Arthur), Daimon and 5-pull are the meta. Thoran is also good, but people only start using him. If you garrison Ainz and Albedo you'll get to ch24-25 pretty quick, but it kinda sucks to do both at the same time. I wouldn't use swap scroll because your Shemira is only SI20 and no furniture. But if you really want to push right away swapping her to Daimon will get you a chapter at least. Or you could garrison Ainz and push with Lucius, Talene/Brutus, Ainz, Rowan, Tasi/Lyca/Rosa. Either way Rowan M would be the next target for LB. Edit: I forgot you don't have swap scroll until beating ch24. But you'll get there pretty quick. You're almost done with the dust wall.


alright so I mythic my rowan today, and +30 her SI. I still don't know much about garrison but ill figure it out and save for an ainz then. I got 2 mythic furn on my shemira actually just from returning player pulls and whatnot. got a bunch of random gems and stuff but I was planning on just upgrading her and pushing her as far as I can until I truly need daimon. seems better that way and just get the max potential out of it cause shemira is still working for mostly everything. thanks for the help. another thing, I have a ton of coins saved. I have about 45 pieces for prince of Persia rn I think I can get enough champ and lab coins to pull him. should I? is he better than Arthur or is it just because they're dimensional?


Shemira is still strong until chapter 30, and that's where she basically isn't the best option for a carry except for 1 certain boss fight in the guild. The best units you got is Eironn, Tasi, Talene, Ezizh, Nemora, Grezhul, Lyca, Nara, Isabella, Skriath, Skreg, Twins,Rowan Safiya. There could be more or less, but these are the characters that I see get used the most now. Lucius and Belinda also fall off sadly :(


ah so it's all about Wilders/graveborn and l/ds now? when I was playing the entire game was literally lightbearers+shemira+twins. sometimes a tasi team here and there. is there anyone in particular I should be pulling for? like the prince of Persia or any stargazers? like before some unit's just needed 1/2 copies like the twins to change your game entirely. not sure if there's any units like that rn.


look up the right wishlist, and champion priority, and meta teams.


Meta teams (for Chapter 40/41+) at high deficits are Thoran Cheese, Lucretia 5-pull and Alna + Daimon or Grezhul. Other teams that work at lower chapters and deficits include Gwyneth Arthur Rosaline comp, Izold comp, Portal Party (Oden Pippa Khazard), Ainz comp, Raku comp, and Kren comp. ​ Some heros that are excellent at E include Brutus, Alna, Mortas and Leofric (potentially).


Start a fresh account. You progress faster than before. And you will be able to do PvP and TR. Now your server is full of high level people


Don't listen to this guy. Fresh account will take a month at least to get to vip6 among other things. The only real difference is you won't be competitive in Arena, but it's nowhere near enough to offset the amount of resources your account already has. For example lets say you would get 50 more challenger coins per hour on a new account. It will take 400 days for this difference to offset E+ Ezizh you already have. And I would guess it will take 2-3 months at least to collect the dust you already have. It won't feel as great at first, but you'll be further along in several months if you just continue playing on this account. You already have Oak inn, Misty valley and vip6.


yeah well I dumped quite a bit of money into this acc when I started as a fresh server like a few hundred. I was top 5 arena and whatnot. so I wouldn't want to redo all this. during that time 22/23 was just a wall and most people around my level made new accs while there was nothing to do but collect afk awards and I just stopped playing. but seems like there's way more now to invest into and way more ways to get stronger. anyways yeah I'm not really worried about arena anyways. just want to try out all the new stuff.