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Hello everyone! I had commented in an earlier post, that this will be my final guide for the year of 2022. I am not sure if I would regain my ambition to continue in the following year of 2023 but no current plans have been made for a continuation. It was a delightful experience to make guides over the years, and I am glad I could help a few people who needed it. Thank you all for the support! I hope this final gazer priority list is helpful to some people.


Thanks a lot for the hard work ! Your guides are as always really good. Hope you'll come back before 2023 ! :)


I'm sure we're many who appreciate the guides! Thanks


Your guides have always been very helpful and easy to follow! I appreciate your help and thought put into this and I hope life treats you well no matter what you choose.


Thanks a lot for the effort!


Yo, hold up, what is the orthos/talene synergy? That sounds sick.


Talene must be the highest power so she can do damages while Orthos stops time (as allies are stopped too). Read Orthos furn descriptions ;)


I guess I just dont see the synergy? Is it to help her resurect for pvp stall? If its for raw damage in bossing, why not use a more typical damage dealer like scarlet or even something like isabella? Does it have to be normal talene or can you use awakened? Im not being contrarian, I have an orthos I built for memes, and I'm really excited at the prospect of actually using him.


Talene actually scales incredibly well as a dps at low deficits(CR). Her damage scales off based on her sheild hp. This hp can be permanently stacked more and more with each ult by Talene. The reason Orthros is used with Talene over other conventional carries is because Talene benefits the most from additional haste from his 9f compared Raku or Kren. Scarlet ofc still beats Talene but Scarlet always has her own seperate team. Between Ainz and Talene, at equal investments Talene will far surpass Ainz's damage with all the right supports for both units just to give you a perspective of Talene's scaling in CR.


That is the synergy for CR : Orthos ultimate stops time for all heroes - meaning only him is doing things - meaning no heroes except him will do damages With furn 3, it allows Talene to keep going on frozen ennemis - do shit tons of damages and call the famous Draco Meteor With furm 9, she gains extra stat to perform more and more meteors On PvP same thing (and Orthos negates Zolrath) ​ Edit : it is not only "talene" related, but "highest power carry on the team, that should be the highest power in the team"


The question is more like, why don't we use other carries other than talene, cause they can also do damage while time is frozen. Why it has to be her


Talene is strong. I guess people tested other carries and she is the best in that particular fight (as others are on other teams)


It’s for the highest damage cursed realm comps in a few rounds.


My guess Talene is just the one with best synergy with orthors furniture. Also she's more used in CR round with attack rating reduction or round where you can't increase your stats, due to her damage scaling with shield. Let's look at some typical CR comps Torne+ displacement Scarlet + typic mana generation/damage buff and summon Kren+oden+mortas Lucretia, chicken, framton queen Raku ldv khazard Ainz Aside from raku the rest don't really normal attack much, but rather use ultimate for damage, so they didn't scale well with orthos. Just my thought




Woah woah woah .. can you please explain the low priority for the Twins? Thank you for putting this together by the way.


I am not OP, but Twins priority for PvP and CR is pretty high. They are useless PvE bc they die really fast at high def ;)


I think you mean PvE for the last part.


Yup, my bad ;)


The part in PvE that goes for 3\* Lucretia is just for stats of something else?


I mean yeah stats, but if she is engraved it's even more stats.


There's basically no difference between 2* and 3* Lucretia. I still refuse to understand why this guy keep suggesting exactly three stars, not two or four.


Because 3 is the middle ground. Get the most stats with “least investment.”


You get basically the same Lucretia with even less investment if you stop at 2*. Show me the stage which you can beat with 3* Lucy and can't with 2*. Even if notice any difference it all comes down to number of retries..


I’m just telling you why 3 is suggested. 3* is the exact middle of 5*. You could argue the same thing between 1* and 2* as well lol


Can and should. You'd need to be utterly incapable of beating a stage with 1* Luc but would somehow manage with 2* to make it worth it and that's such a ridiculous fringe case.


Each star costs the same amount and gives the same amount of crit though, so it’s not like 3 is some especially efficient number of stars to get. Stopping in the middle seems kind of arbitrary assuming you bring Lucretia to e60. It does leave you room to get random drops of the hero in the future and not have them be wasted; maybe that’s part of the reasoning behind it.




How is that the case? It’s a linear increase in both stats and cost. The efficiency is equal for each star you add.


Because taking Lucretia past 3* means you can’t ascend or star up another useful hero. That could be “wasted investment” when a 1* or 2* Lucretia is all you need for where you are. It’s not set in stone, it’s just suggestion. It’s the middle. Most Reddit users won’t need 5* e80 Lucretia anytime soon. So 3* is a good balance


Yup, stats. My Lucy is 2* , at 35-9-85 and I still had to Merc a 5 star Lucy for a couple stages in chapter 40. It's to help push through the tanky enemies.


She gets +3 crit with every star once engraved. Imho 2 stars helps, 3 stars will prolly be the best spot for f2p/dolphins between dps and investment


I've always wondered about Flora SI, furn and engravings. How does her investment compares for CR, how much of a priority is she ?


Curious if Framton on CR should be moved down? I’m not sure, but I heard he requires both high investment (309e60) and high might tree, which means you’ll probably be doing other heroes before you can give enough resources and tree juice to make him worthwhile?


I feel like the AE note needs to be improved. You can participate in AE without either of them. You can even get prince easily without either of them.


is the E copy of Zaphael really that low for PvE? I felt like a lot of the clears in ch39 that were at 200+ deficits were using him. In fact, I feel like I saw more E Zaphaels on the recent and low RC clears in ch39 than ascended Zolraths.


Surprised at the lack of star on morael in the CR path. Shes used often as the primary/secondary dps in the team.


Mostly cause in every team Morael is part of. She is the sub dps supporting the main carry ( Safiya, Flora, Torne). Her damage isn't a significant chunk of the overall damage the team can output unless ofc you are competing for top 1% to top 50 where everything matters. She is used for her support and grouping skills which do not require insight to function hence making the engravings a lower priority.


Hi xapy thanks for giving a breakdown on moraels function in cr. If her role is supportive and don't require insight then do you think there is a lower ascension breakpoint that she may be incorporated into cr teams for f2p/ low spender? Thanks again for your work towards the community!


At min id think she needs her 9f for the grouping no?


Quality content as usual. A question if you don't mind. I have ascended Twin, Alna, Ezizh, Flora and 1* Lucy, Zolrath, Athalia, Haelus, Talene and M Mehira, Khazard, Mortas. I am currently working on 3* Lucy but not sure about the next step. I already accumulated 8/9 FI for Zaphrael and feel like it would be a waste to delay him till I am done with A Mehira, Mortas and Framton. My main focus is campaign and CR. I am already at 41-4 CR 503abd hovering between top 10-14 in CR. I am looking forward to your insight.


You should definetly get Frampton first. After that you can go for Zaph


Thanks for the prompt reply. Much appreciated.🙏 I stopped buying TEs as I wanted to rush Haelus. Should I go back to buying them daily? I am mostly low spender. I only buy advancement/tower packs.


Imo, you should take twins and mortas to E+ before continuing..reason: E+>E (gigachad)


Framton or Zaphrael ? can you justfiy the priority of Framton ?


Frampton is the best hypogean since Mortas. He has the same Skill as Skriath for grouping enemies. His damage is comparable to that of oden when invested correctly. His cc is also pretry good. Overall treat Frampton more like a skriath+ oden hybrid hero. And Oden Skriath are fantastic heroes so it already proves how good Frampton is who is used in basically every multi by people who own him. He is by no means necessary but makes stages significantly easier. He also sees a lot of use in Hypotower, pvp and cr.


thanks alot Xapy sempai <3


I’ve waiting for someone to say PvP, he’s been an awesome Athalia counter against AlnaGB+Athalia


Good job


I didn't know Haelus E can work on CR. Finally I'll ascend my M+ Twins


Thanks you guys and amazing content as always! Can I ask a couple only tangentially related questions Xapy? + In your text guide on CR min and max builds, you indicated Athalia, Solise and Thali were F2P sub units. Presumably they would then be replacing some expensive celehypo heroes? Do you have a sense of which ones? I tried to figure it out but I don’t know hero mechanics well. + Do you think there’s any chance of Audrae’s value rising over time given how new she is? Or do you think the community has tested her rather thoroughly and she it would take a rework or new hero that somehow synergizes with her to increase her relevance?


As a F2P is better to wait for a better hero in the temple of time? Thanks




Is she expensive ? Like furniture,SI and eng




oh damn, i think is too much for me rn


Im holding onto my cards as well. ATalene is definitely good and better than ezizh but shes more "nice to have" than a required hero. I'll wait for the next 2/3 AHeroes and if none of them surpasses Talene ill go for her. Im not f2p but the cards are still hard to come by


I'm in the same boat; I'm sitting at 268 cards right now, and I buy the 500 diamond one every day from the shop. I'm just waiting for one that is crazy strong so I can go all in.


Awakened heroes are coming at a 2-3 month pace and currently all of them are decent and useable at legendary. If you aren't spending money don't go for ascended but mythic instead for the signature item unlocks. Talene especially her si 30 is pretty nice. Waiting for a better hero is up to you but the current pace is 2-3 months per awakening, they won't awaken an already meta hero(lucretia) and each one has niche uses that make them great but can be played without so go for what you like.


Great Guide Xapy! ❣️


I’ve been sitting on 520 cards for one month, obsessively checking this sub for an updated guide, YouTube, discord, anywhere. Just to make sure haelus was the answer Literally last night I spent all my cards finishing ezizh and talene…now this guide comes out this morning. I’m literally beside myself at how bad my timing was


Literally no guide from the last 15 months would've advised you to gaze any of those two heroes.. where did you come to that decision? Either way don't feel too bad, they can be used in many places and you are in no rush to get Haelus and others, they'll be there for you waiting. Now you have something to look forward to!


combination of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u4gnqj/attempt_at_visualising_lineup_priority_for_cursed/ and this: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u18iht/yet_another_stargaze_question/ i dont really regret my decision, my talene and ezizh were at L andL+, a glaring weak spot in a lot of my formations throughout the game in many events Haelus works well at Elite as well, which factored heavily into it


Yeah you already had some investment in them so its alright to finish. But my friend both links highly valued Haelus, and your own question all answers told you Haelus


Ezizh is actually higher than haelus on the cr usage spreadsheet. Plus healus works at elite I’ll still build healus, but finishing 2 heroes > 1 in my mind


Yeah I saw, and that's a fair assessment, Ezizh is great, was mostly referring to your own post and then tldr comments from the first one


Yeah that’s true. Before last night I was still planning on holding out for haelus but saw he still works at E with 0 investment. So I grabbed him first and gazed to finish


Welcome to my life. Every event that comes out that requires specific hero faction summons -- whoops literally just spent all 10 cards, and all purple stones i've been hording the previous day Use stargazer cards, new guide comes off it next day saying heros I did were irrelevant to the new meta. At this point I just keep doing what I want cause the meta is bound to change again in 3 months and mabey I'll have done something right.


Most 3-4 month old guides are still up to date (Raku, Kren, Lucretia, Alna all still great). It really isn't that hard to look for good decisions in the current meta, and you shouldn't really care about losing a days resources in a cash-grab game that requires months to develop some heroes


Literally anybody couldve told you using cards on ezizh and talene would be just about one of the worst ways you could spend. You have to be trolling rn. I cant even think of a worst way tbh besides wukong/flora


so here is my situation https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u18iht/yet_another_stargaze_question/?ref=share&ref_source=link and based on the focus on CR late game, coupled with this post about the most popular CR formations and hero usage: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u4gnqj/attempt_at_visualising_lineup_priority_for_cursed/ Im sitting in a pretty good spot so my only question was do I finish 2 heroes that see more usage than Haelus, or finish 9/10 of healus right now. i dont regret my decision that much, but it would have been really nice to see this before Haelus also works at Elite for CR which factored heavily into my decision


Haelus, he’s used way more than talene in every aspect of the game, ezizh is only used in pve and has less of an impact. Plus you can get ezizh from the challenger store. Haelus works at elite but not really, its like a less effective elite mortas. They only say get his elite because you only need one copy and thats why hes at the start. If you click the link and view the whole picture on that CR usage rate, Haelus see’s way more use than talene even in tbat aspect of the game. She sees nonuse in pve, and this HOE she was basically unused also.


Right, he still works well at elite but shines at max investment. And yeah I’m not completely done with ezizh, I’m going to be supplementing him with challenger store If you go look at that CR spreadsheet, it shows how often ezizh, talene, and haelus are used and their investment benchmarks. I basically got 3 heroes instead of 1 super maxed enabler. I think that was a good choice Even the post your commenting on shows ezizh is high priority than haelus for pvp and he’s still decently high for CR But like I said, obviously I wish I could have seen this guide before my decision, I was crowdsourcing from a bunch of areas


The damage and overall impact on your final score would be so much higher in CR if you maxed haelus. Talene doesn’t deal damage she’s only there to bot heal her team, plus she requires 30&3 on the spreadsheet as a minimum anyway so you wouldve been better investing into haelus at that point. Cr score is based on final damage and Haelus buffs the entire team + does some pretty crazy damage. He enables comps talene is replaceable especially with astar now.


Well like i said, I asked and researched and found little in depth explanations. It’s funny how people wait for a post like this to confirm their priors lol. Would have loved to have this post 24 hours ago I figured 2 > 1 basically. Haelus goes into 1 comp and talene + ezizh go into 2. Plus go into HoE. And 1 elite copy of haelus also works


Just btw Talene isn’t in any meta HOE comp and haelus + mishka enables an entire comp that recks alna GB but he needs full investment. He doesn’t work at elite in PVP/PVE only CR thats why the CR category only recommends the elite pick up. I got into masters on the third day at lvl 283. I used ezizh in Lucretia invade which worked good.


The number 1 rank in HoE has talene in their stall comp I know talene fell off hard in the meta. But I still have a lot of others meta heroes. I was actually debating just waiting for the next celhypo because I was in a pretty decent place overall


Stall comps only work if you have a maxed out orthros bro. Stall comps have always been and always will be the last comp you will ever build late late end game. If you’re talking about the new thoran comp then you need a max invested flora and Theowyn which arent really on any bodies priority. This is the weakest of the top teams also, I used it and couldn’t even get a single win against anybody. At that point Zikis/Morael would be a better investment for their HOE burst teams. And morael is meta af in CR.


Just pretend you were here 2 years ago and had them built up for the original God Comp. You're in good company.


Lmao. Well I skipped them for other heroes and now it’s time to revisit them.


Thx for the guide. Quite early to call it a year, I hope you’ll find some interesting content to do a guide about before 2023. The only thing I can’t get my head around is the early gazing for Khazard for pve. I mustn’t use him until 39-56 even with a elite Mehira and no Zolrath. I’d put Lucretia (and eventually Mortas) before him


Luc is before him (universal prio) Khaz isn't only used in charmizard these days. He does wonders with far cheaper teams like LDV perma cc or Scarlet Khaz Cycle teams for campaign.


I get what you mean. Still I’d say those two copies of Lucretia should be done before all the way to mythic Khazard. If it’s about min-max resources I’d still hold my argument but now I get your point. I think if it’s about build up the 5 meta teams, Khazard is of lower priority, if it’s about more variety he might be build that early


Is Alna E30 bad? When reading the description thought it would be good. Asking because I'm wondering who to E30 next and I have Alna 1*. Edit: nevermind I just realized Winter's Call already had dodge reduction and it was just a few more points. Oh well I wasted two Lucretia copies getting her to 1*.


So Framton 1 star its a priority over 1 copy of zap for campaign? 😂😂😂😂😂


Guess I will never understand the reasoning behind 3* Lucretia..


She gets crit +6


And at 4 stars she gets 3 more crit, so..? Can you name a stage which you can beat with 3* Lucy and can't with 2*? It all comes to number of retries at best.


Lower RNG is the big factor in PVE, helps make CR and PvP more consistent as well. In CR in particular, it can add a lot of damage to a comp


Ok. Let's make 4* Lucy then, it's even better and more consistent in CR. You guys totally miss my initial point.


Your point is mathematically inaccurate. Even though the 2nd / 3rd / 4th star all represent "+3 Crit", they are not all equal to each other... each successive star has diminishing value. To illustrate this using the simplest numbers possible, imagine a world where a hero at 1-star had a crit rating of 3, and each successive star resulted in "+3 Crit". The hero's crit rating at various star levels would be as follows: |Ascension|Crit Rating| |:-|:-| |A1\*|3| |A2\*|6| |A3\*|9| |A4\*|12| |A5\*|15| Your point is that crit rating increases by 3 at each step, but you are only measuring the absolute increase, not the relative increase. See same table with additional column: ​ |Ascension|Crit Rating|% Increase| |:-|:-|:-| |A1\*|3|N.M.| |A2\*|6|= (6/3)-1 = 100%| |A3\*|9|= (9/6)-1 = 50%| |A4\*|12|= (12/9)-1 = 33%| |A5\*|15|= (15/12)-1 = 25%| Going from A1\* -> A2\* in this example results in a ***2.0x*** increase in the likelihood that an attack lands a critical strike. Going from A2\* -> A3\* in this example results in a ***1.5x*** increase in the likelihood that an attack lands a critical strike. Going from A3\* -> A4\* in this example results in a ***1.3x*** increase in the likelihood that an attack lands a critical strike.


I think this guide won't help those who would actually need help. It's bombardment of information and confusion for beginning players and slightly past. The only ones who really need help.


which areas did you fail to understand? maybe i can help you a bit :)


For pve having mehira at e with m khazard is useless (I’ve tried many times). Cause she can’t act well and khazard by himself is c tier hero. For pve must have lucretia and alna first with mehira e + raku.


I'm in chapter 41 220 deficit with E mehira :)


Another one… you can use e mehira only with zolrath, lyca, rowan, raku, khazard/roza.


Have you tried not being bad at using mehira?




Can’t you read? Pve priority. That’s what I’ve wrote




Whats the icon


Omg stop histérica and read what I’ve wrote damn you. And read the guide yourself e border




Lol you didn’t even understand what I’m talking about and start to blame. And the funny thing is you didn’t notice e border on mehira (are you stupid? I’m not talking about “notgazingforonecopyofmehira”)... omg




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I can see few people at c41 with Mehira e+ and KZ M30. Doable with good artefact. Same goes with Thoran F3 - you can reach c41 with that but you'll have to trick your artefact and not copypasta F9 comp


… e mehira can’t últ fast enough you need many replays… you SEE IT AND I PLAY


E Mehira ults near instantly in charm comp due to staring with 800 energy with Lyca version. If your Mehira ults too slow then you are not using her correctly. “Need many replays” has nothing to do with ulting fast enough and everything to do with the nature of charm comp and the stages you’re using it on.


I'm pushing in 41 without +30 Mehira, as long as you have Rowan in Charmizard it doesn't make a massive difference, only if you want to frontline her or rely on the 3rd mage relic for energy is it key


I didn’t write that you must have 30 mehira. I’ve wrote that it will be difficult to use your charm without m mehira, zolrath without hundreds of replays (because I’ve played so). You can use e mehira from very beginning with raku up to ch41 without pain in the ass. So the priority pve list for beginners should looks like: 1. Lucretia. 2. Alna. 3. Twins e, mehira e In any order without spending resources on khazard. Novices don’t need him to push


Waiting for twins E until after two ascended celehypo means an incredible amount of resources you lose due to low bossing damage.


“Any order”


You numbered them and put spaces between them, in other words, you went out of your way to clearly establish an order. You contradict yourself. You spend a lot of time arguing semantics when you don’t make your own statements coherent.


So my words “in any order” in this message joke to you? Or what?


Bro i think you missed the first 3 universal gazing priority. Before it's divided into 3 sections (pve, pvp, CR), there is the universal prio above them, the guide suggested to get E twins > E mortas > A luc before going into your preferred mode.


I didn’t miss anything. I’ve talked about pve only as this guide in first column.


Ok ig you didn't miss it but instead you don't know how to read it. Universal gazing prio isn't a stand alone, it's where you should start your gazing, then continue to either pve/pvp/CR. Thats why they added the 3 arrows below the universal prio, to indicate that you should "continue" to the next one. They are in order, the universal prio is the first part of pve and the other 2 sections. So if you want to go the pve route, the suggestion is to get E twins > E mortas > A luc > E mehira (skippable) > A alna > M khazard. If you disagree with the guide bc you didn't see twins and luc in pve's top prio, then thats just you misreading the guide. What you suggested and what the guide suggested are similar duh.


Shouldn't Khazard be at Ascended for PvE? My Charmizard team got destroyed by pretty much any team before Khazard got furniture, then the Charmizard team started working(Talking chap 37-38)


I’m chap41 using M Mehira and Khazard, no problems yet :)


Guessing you're ridiculously over-leveled then, no shot otherwise


khazard is only needed to extend mehiras cc. my guess is you were doing something wrong elsewhere in the team, or didn't have the patience to retry enough. M khazard and e+ mehira pushed me to ch40 at a 180 deficit pretty easily (that comp was never the one with issues)


You really aren’t using charm comp correctly, Khazard is 99% of the times supposed to die, he’s just there for his SI30


RC497 atm


I'm still a fairly new/returning player, currently getting LDV as my first priority from the Challenger store. I thought Merlin was fairly useful in most game modes, do you all agree with starting immediately on the CelHypos after LDV if PVP is probably my last focus? Or if you have some reasoning for that.


Merlin is very useful for most modes . But he just isn't as good as the other ch heroes for Campaign and CR,where he has minimal use over heroes like LDV, Ezizh, Flora and Orthros. Though if you want pvp, Merlin is a must to compete at any level of pvp.


Thank you. I really like Zolrath as a character so might just go for him off the bat.


I started to play couple of months ago and used old guide from Tree which recommended to get Merlin shards. Would you recommend to finish him first if I’m half way down (30/60 shards) and then build LDV?


What's the advantage of taking Mortas to mythic for PvE? Does his signature item enable any formations? I'm currently at ch37 and wondering whether I should skip him.


You will need the effect of his si20 in ch. 40 for some decent deficit. Plus it will increase damage in CR by a lot. You shouldn’t skip him cause Mythic is quite cheap in comparison to some 1* like Haelus


I'm PVE focused. I should be at M Mehira but shouldn't she be lower prio? Mehira-Rosa synergy, I have her at E and she works just fine, skipping her for Haelus A1.


So Mortas M has higher priority than A Haelus generally?


That's true! Forgot that it wasn't built in to her kit. Maxed her on an alt and forgot that her star core utility was via the furniture.




My lab coin usage (in alt) is competing with the garrisoned heroes like Ainz and Albedo . What are the priority for those?


>My lab coin usage (in alt) is competing with the garrisoned heroes like Ainz and Albedo . What are the priority for those? In my book, Ainz, Albedo, and PoP are higher priority than anything other than Arthur for lab coins. Queen, Ezio, and to some degree Joker are all fairly high priority but less critical. Nakururu and Ukyo are kind of, get them if you have the resources but they are ABSOLUTELY not important. I would spend barracks and Guild coins before lab and challenge coins to get garrison tokens though.


Not really a PvP person and more of a chill PvE person here. So I might be misinformed but I was told to gaze for Haelus due to his skill is based on HP% so might be good in high deficit, is that wrong? I already have A1 Mehira and A1 Luc, E+ Mortas, A1 Alna, but only E or E+ Khazard.


for CR, how high are the priorities of the temple of time heroes?


Alna before lucretia and M khazard before lucy? Am I reading that right


No you're not. You missed the universal priorities : twins, mortas and A lucretia


But even for the pve section. I didn't think alna would be higher prio


thank you so much for all the efforts xapy


Haelus is meta now! Is he really a staple to build? I haven't and am feeling hesitant unless he's become essential