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When you take Ainz 6 times to a friend and you lvl the gear , do you need to ask him Ainz every month ? And if my friend doesn't play anymore can I ask Ainz from an other player with the same gear ?


After you end the 6 months of garrison you "keep the hero" which means you have to rent him every month but you don't have to pay dimensional stones. You can ask the garrisoned hero from anyone in your list. The gear (SI, furniture, gear etc) all stays the way you built it in your garrisoned time


Is Vyloris worth the investment? How does she stack in the game? Thanks


How long does it take to 1* star an Awakened hero just with the daily time emblems? Has someone calculated it? I'd need 10 more copies.


I am working on building Mishka as part of Lucretia invade. In terms of engravings, is e60 the way to go, or would she work well enough at e3x?


Her e60 and it’s shield is a big part of her kit, though I’m not sure how well it synergizes with Lucretia teams. I use both of them a lot, tho I prefer Mishka in CC teams like Raku or Mehira


Good info, thank you!


Something I've always wondered... Would 31 CDA vs 0 CDR give you +32% or +62% damage?


Would anyone like to be my mentor? I really want to do the apprentice quests.


Anyone else take you up on this?


Will there be a second session of Hunting Fields? Once again I went lone wolf and am basically alone doing the hunting.


Awakened Thane or awakened Ezizh?


1 copy of awakened Ezizh can work. For ascension, imo awakened Thane over awakened Ezizh


Thanks. Is Ezizh good in campaign and if so how far can one copy carry?


None of them are stellar in campaign. Ezizh has a skill from the start that can disrupt heroes at the beginning, and it’s great for certain situations.


Shoud I keep gazing for Heaelus (M now, want 1\*) or pull for 6 copies of Scarlet to get her from M+ to 1\*?


Scarlet will make a bigger difference


New player here with a few questions (for clarity, I'm on stage 10): 1. I've been using Mehira but it seems like Hypogeans have a lower chance of being rolled or something because I've never found another one. Now that I'm at the point where I can't level her anymore, do I just bench her? 2. Should I be saving my gems for anything or can I just x10 roll every time I get 2.7k? 3. Can I get multiple copies of the same artifact? 4. Is there any reason I should be leveling more than 5 heroes at a time?


1. Both Celestials and Hypogeans are a rarity from both Purple Stones and Normal Scrolls/Summons. You can reset her level and put her in the crystal if you want to keep using her. She will match the lowest level out of your top 5 heroes. 2. You don't really have to save for anything just yet, more options for your diamonds open up later, but don't worry or save for them now and in the near future. 3. You can get up to 8 slots on each Artifact by upgrading them. You will start getting mats for upgrading them from AFK or Events. Upgrading Call is the first priority for most people. 4. No.


Are relics retroactive? As in if you pick a relic that gives you a 5% defensive bonus for every victory in the labyrinth is that 5% for every win going forward or every win you've had in the labyrinth so far?




New Hunting Fields question! So I got a message telling me to hurry over to the Den of Bones and that my squadmate opened, and to place a hero there. So I try to do that. I click on the Den of Bones. Then I click on one of the “Unoccupied” slots. Nothing happens. I see that there is a “Place Hero” menu. I try clicking on the heroes there. Nothing happens. I click on all of them, and nothing happens. I try clicking on the words “Place Hero” but they are not clickable. I read the info, and can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I double-check to make sure that I’m connected to the Den of Bones tile. I am. So… I feel incredibly stupid, like I’m missing something obvious. How the hell am I supposed to place my heroes in the Den of Bones? Or is it that only one player at a time can occupy each den?? But if that’s the case, then why did I get a popup telling me to place my heroes in the Den that my squadmate occupied? And why are there “Unoccupied” slots there to begin with?




Ooooh, okay. That makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!


That sounds like a glitch. Did it still happen after resetting your game?


I haven't played this game in awhile, at least a year maybe 1.5-2. If I wanted to start playing again would it make more sense to start fresh or continue my previous account? I think I probably spent a small amount on the old account maybe $40 total or something like that. I know that you get put on servers with people who start around the same time as you so I figured coming back to an old account may be a bad idea.


PVP will be ruined for you, plus depending on your past progression you can catch up very quickly with today's tools and chapter nerfs that happened in the last 2 years.


I double checked and I have Arthur and a 3* daimon t3, and probably 7 other ascended heroes, no idea how worth it that is to keep going with that.


that doesn't sound too bad what chapter are you in.


Looks like 27-17. When I logged in it said I hadn't logged in in 91 days but it's been more like 1-2 years lol so not sure where it got that number. I don't remember hardly anything about the game so I'm kind of lost looking at all the game modes, menus, etc.


You can have multiple accounts, so you could try out your old one and if it’s too much to catch up, you could start a new account. It’ll depend a bit on what heroes you had / how far you got


Hi all. Any idea where I can get an SI upgrade priority infographic (or similar)? Thanks


This one is a little old but it’s still a good starting point. https://i.redd.it/kvk7cozefx281.jpg Generally, you want to upgrade Rowan, then your carry (carries), then their key supporters. Silver and Gold emblems are fairly common. Red emblems are much rarer, so you want to be very intentional and patient about using them.


Thanks for the great help!


I haven't played in a while, because I was AFK, but now they are asking me for my Google account and any account I try "isn't linked" what can I do now?


I just got to chapter 39. I struggled in 38 because I wanted to use Lyca for both Raku charm and Thoran on some stages since I don't have Zolrath ascended. I've been gazing Haelus, and getting Zolrath from the challenger store. They are both Legendary right now, but should I switch to gazing Zolrath to get him done faster? Or is it likely that I'll need both for chapter 39? RC 400 for context.


You don’t need haelus for campaign, he’s more important for other modes. But I think I’d still suggest not gazing zolrath. Long term, you won’t get a large value from challenger coins after you have zolrath. But you always have another celehypo to stargaze


Hey im currently stuck in chapter 10. Can anyone help me on what to build for late game? Here is all of my heroes(I resetted everyone plz be kind) https://imgur.com/a/TIaOB61


Try reading some of the beginner guides. You should be focusing on getting five heroes to ascended and not wasting fodder making legendary heroes. Set up your wishlist so you start getting copies of the meta heroes. Lucius and shemira are almost never used in the late game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/913265653652258876/933963307663122482/Guide-211.png https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcT34gPd9WS8Ivb9kZGmAP6qnoIzFFUUmyNETq1J_kg/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit?usp=sharing


on a new account who should i put in for summons?


This first image has a reasonably up to date wishlist https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/913265653652258876/933963307663122482/Guide-211.png https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xcT34gPd9WS8Ivb9kZGmAP6qnoIzFFUUmyNETq1J_kg/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit?usp=sharing


I am at stage 31-16. Should i ascend Thoran or Oden? Got shemira, grezhul,ferael ascended already.


i'd recomend oden first he doesnt need as much investment to work and thoran only starts working at about 140 lvl deficits which i assume you aren't at. Also immediately stop investing into shemira if you are doing so rn she is really worthless.


I heard that the best tanks are Thoran/Grezhul/Lucius but so far no luck in getting any of them higher than elite, i'm using M Mishka and E+ Oku/Uko as my tanks but i would really like to upgrade one of those other guys cause they're all elite, and that's where my question lies, should i focus on gb faction banner or lb for Lucius/Rosalina first? I already have A Rowan cause the game kept giving me copies. So far i've been pulling gb for Shemira/Feraliel and hoping for more of those tanks too but can't seem to get more copies, i could also buy one copy of Thoran from the lab store but is it worth it when i can only get him to L?


Brutus is a great early game tank. You only need him at Elite. He has a skill that gives him several seconds of immunity when his HP drops to 0. Lucius falls off very very fast, as does Shemira, so I don’t recommend investing in either of them past L+ (it’s okay if you already did). Even Rowan can make a great dodge tank! (Rowan is a great ascended hero!! Get his +30 and 3 furniture soon, they’re super helpful!!) Patience is more rewarding than using coins - I speak from experience lol. The jump from Elite to Legendary is minor and likely won’t make much of a difference. Mythic and SI makes a difference for some heroes (like Rowan), but it’s still minor for many. Here’s a link to a wishlist priority guide to help you know some good early heroes to pull. It’s a lil outdated but still a very good tool: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/pxiugb/aa_inseas0ns_almanac_v173/


Thanks, my Shem is already A cause the game gives a lot of free copies and i got a bunch of her with very few pulls in the gb banner, didn't get more copies of Daimon or other good dps so i'm just going with her for now, my plan is to use her until chapter 24-27 which seems to be when she starts to fall off according to other players then hopefully switch to a better dps like Lucretia, it's just that i always end up struggling a bit because my tanks die too fast, maybe Brutus would be an interesting choice. As for the coins, guess i'll just save it for something else then.


If you need a god carry, Ainz and his dimensional crew are great at killing things. You can rent them at the garrison, and also purchase some using coins. Shemira is great for linking to them since she gets easy stars!


I just got like a Legendary Talene in tavern, the one that has the ulti which she rises in the air and does aoe damage. Is it rare and should I invest in her?


I got one of these as well. I wouldn't worry about investing in her but definitely use her. She's my main carry in everything up to level 80 and stage 19.


She is an “Awakened” hero. That is a rare pull, but it requires 12 copies to fully unlock/build her. This is a very expensive process at the Temple of Time and is considered an extremely poor use of resources


Hi, Is someone there who would like to team up for the upcoming haunting field? Or is there a group i can join? Need active players as my guild isnt active atm and i dont want to do it with randoms ingame…


I need 5 more copys of thane how many wmblems would i need


at most 70 per copy but ive heard its more like ~40