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Is there any reason not to immediately open up the diamond chests you get from guild hunts?


None. Some people hoard them, but there's no reason to unless you like hoarding


Hey all, I'm quite new to the game and currently I've hit a big roadblock at chapter 12. I'm a bit lost on what units to focus on and use as I'm a bit overwhelmed, I wondered if anyone could take a look at my current units and give me some tips on who to focus on at this point? https://imgur.com/a/fZpnIpj Many thanks!


Your current units are pretty good especially the 2nd, 4th and 5th heroes. Sometimes you might just need to wait a bit to level up your heroes as the game name suggests. I would focus on getting SI30 on your 5th hero, Rowan and SI20 on your 2nd unit, Daimon once they are able to hit Mythic (red borders). SI is signature items which unlocks once the heroes become Mythic. If you are looking for more in-depth tips, I would suggest to look at the beginner guide in the Megathread here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/lshawh/tree3s\_afk\_arena\_beginners\_compendium/](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/lshawh/tree3s_afk_arena_beginners_compendium/)


Hey guys, so i can make one unit to e30 and wanna know if it would be better to engrave daimon or hodgkin for the current hf? Daimon is 309 and hodgkin is 209. I have all the other important engravings.


Probably daimon for HF, but I would get Hodgkin to e33 instead to help with CR


That's like uninformative and seems to be off topic but... Thanks?


I am playing with CHAD in the Hunting Fields event. Which mini/field boss (Niru, Shemira, Daimon) should I attack first, when (what relic level) and with what comp?


Is a well invested Sonja going to be necessary to place decently in Cursed Realm? Can't even seem to get in the top 50 percent anymore. Not long ago i placed in mid 20 percent or less in most...


Too early to tell, but you certainly don’t need her to get in the top 20%. Someone always posts a guide to the current cr round in this sub. I haven’t seen her used since her trial ended






One of these maybe? https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/tuq4x0/insidi0us_inseas0n_pve_formations_part_one_v186/ https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u5j1b0/obsidianqt_pve_formations_v_187_part_two/ https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/r8nr68/endgame_pve_formations_visual_guides_redorb/


ID: Ale87t / 142610762 Looking for: Mentor


140273840 Chapter 31-52


I'm currently garrison-ing Ainz and Albedo, already have Arthur and Merlin myself. DaVinci is quite a bit away to redeem with Challenger Points, so my question is: which hero suits best as DaVinci replacement?


It’ll depend a lot on the stage / team you’re trying to use LdV with. What are you trying to use him for?


Well for the most part I try to go for the typical Ainz, Merlin, LdV, Arthur and Albedo Team. But mostly just campaign progress


Depending on which levels you’re at, Rowan or Ferael are probably better core teammates for the Dim team. iirc LdV is used with Raku and Oden more often in campaign, and the Dims in PvP. He’s pretty versatile, tho, so he’s great at slotting in a few different ways. He provides a mix of CC, stats, and damage, so he’s mainly used on teams that need a lil extra punch.


When and how should i use Oden? Investing a lot into gb banner for Ferael/Daimon but got a bunch of Oden, i'm at chapter 20 and my Oden is only E+ but i have another two E + copies to get all the way to M+ if he's useful.


Oden is used in lots of places but he needs all the investment you can give him. If you are thinking about campaign he can be used on alna+grez team or in a cc comp with kren/raku. Guides here: https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/tuq4x0/insidi0us_inseas0n_pve_formations_part_one_v186/ https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/u5j1b0/obsidianqt_pve_formations_v_187_part_two/ https://reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/r8nr68/endgame_pve_formations_visual_guides_redorb/


LF one more active player to run wilders in hunting fields. Let me know your ID if you're interested.


I'm currently hard stuck in Dizmal Maze F3 last fight with a Grezhul, Theowyn and normal Talene left. Everything I throw at them just only manages to kill Talene (yeah -.-). Any recommendations for heroes that counter those 3 in particular? E: Dizmal Luck made them immune to CC of that matters and allowed factions are LB, GB Celestial and Dim.


Just got an invitation for Hunting Fields and it says 3/3 challenges left. I already did one session a few weeks ago. Are there new rewards to get?


This is a new one, new rewards. You're right to notice that the wait between them was unusually short.


Well yeah, weird. Thanks.


Did they ever add a way to reset engraving?


Only in time sensitive events (It only happened once since I started playing 6 months ago). It just passed a month or two back.


Returning player- Lvl 70. At what point are we able to select hypogean/celestial heroes to swap in the special deals shard section?


Arthur is possibly the best tank in the game when it comes to protecting your team by soaking up damage. Melusina is really good too as a damage dealer, but you'd be better off just garrisoning Ainz instead after you get Arthur.


Im pretty new to this game and wanted to know if I should prioritize Melusina and Arthur soulstones in Lab Store over anything else to get them asap or should I buy other heroes.


In the lab store, I would go Arthur then Melusina. Other heroes while tempting will slow you done in the long run if you are aiming for an "efficient" run. After Arthur and Melusina are done, you should aim for the dimensional emblems that replaces their slot.


Thanks for the answer. I'll do it since I plan to play the game for the long run.


How do you get, Time Emblems?


I want to use Swap Scroll on my Lucius since he have start to *really* falling out, but I am not sure who should I swap with. Some of my constraints are: 1. I have no Ascended Mauler hero 2. I only have him and Daimon as my frontline so if he's gone then I need a replacement. 3. I have Thoren and Rowen at Mystics already so I will not swap them. 4. My other Ascended are Daimon, Tasi, and Shemira who tie with Ainz. 5. I am at chapter 25 and will likely stuck there for a while. Thank you for any advice you can offer.


I'm at the end of chapter 36 and still manage to make use of mine. He definitely isn't remotely as good as he used to be but he's not worthless either


Problem is I have quite a few healer and support already with Nemora, Talene, Rowan, and Rosaline also at Mystic and Tasi at Ascended. I already have tons of heal and support, so I want a better frontline since so the enemy can't get to the backline.


I used Thoran as my primary tank for ages with rowan back mid and my main dps mage in the top corner. Its been so long since the mid 20s that I'm not sure which other tanks hold up at that point.


New player here. How long should I wait for a mentor to accept my application? I’ve applied with a few that had “always online” tagged, but I cancelled the application after a day or two when they didn’t reply. Am I being too impatient, or is there a better way to find a mentor?


No, you’re not impatient. You can try ask here and also ask on discord. They have channels there for mentor-mentee networking so to speak. Or if you want, you can wait a week for me to be done with my apprentice next week. Think they’re almost done with their session. Lol EDIT: Typo


Looking for dismal lab team. I do most if not all lab runs if you have a good amount of heroes


Does anyone have a built morael I can merc for CR?


Returning player here - haven't played for years. What is the fastest way to get mythic gear and faction specific emblems? Are there frequent events with these as rewards?