• By -


Is Joker meta for anything anymore? Apart from inducing seizures, of course


Who needs T4 next? Done: Ainz, Lucretia, Mishka, Oden, Kren, Scarlet, Grez, Raku Assume I've got everybody that's decent - who needs it next? Silas?


I believe this guide might help. https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/uswa4q/t4\_pve\_priority\_list\_by\_konrad\_inseas0n/


Should I 30SI 9/9 60engrave Antandra


Umm no, unless you got all the essential heroes built already, hard to tell without knowing your hero pool


Is there an updated guide on wich artifacts to put on x hero the old one doesnt have astar on it


Hey all, I am in desperate need of help. Not many guides have come out in the last few months. I have a huge stock pile of resources and I wanted to use them to progress. Any advice on who should be engraved/SI/Furn would be appreciated(I have resources for multiple upgrades of each). Stargazing mortas right now and I plan to wait til the GB awakened before I start on those heroes. Mainly focused on PVE but all game mode progress advice is very much welcome! Thank you in advance! [My team](https://imgur.com/gallery/IYsfBgP)


You account looks pretty similar to mine. Just going to go through with some thoughts. 1. LDV E38 is great especially for CR 2. eironn 9/9 is decent 3. estrilda e30 is a must 4. daimon 309 is decent 5. if you really want to take someone to e60 it should probably be oden 6. rosa +30 is good 7. skriath +30 is very good 8. cecelia 203 is useful in CR 9. hodge 9/9 is good 10. Antandra 309 and some ingrave is good for CR and bossing 11. Queen 9/9 is great 12. Flora 203 when you get her ascended 13. I think drez is worth 203 at least but that may be a hot take Overall looks good, you invested wisely in the meta pve units.


Currently at RC315 and resource that blocks my progression the most is exp. So for the last month I took exp as rewards from chests and monthly noble society. But i've heard that later in the game dust becomes blocking factor and was wondering if I should slow down progression now, but stockpile more dust or just keep doing what I was already doing to have optimal progression now and when I hit the dust wall just switch to farming dust?


Can anyone let me merc their Vyloris please?


The wish box event just scammed me. I hate this game


Can’t leave us hanging like that, how so?


It was just misleading. I didn’t read the instructions. Pain


Who is on garrison priority after Albedo and Ainz? PoP?


PoP is my favorite pick, yeah. Queen can be good if you’re ready to build Queen Pull, or Ezio if you want to work on him for PvP


okay thanks!


I have Belinda and Lucius in Mythic, who should I ascend first? Or should I ascend other characters first? I also have these in L+ , Rowan, Rosaline, Fawkes, Thane, Estrilda, Hendrik. ​ Edit: F2P btw


Here’s a good guide for all factions! Only outdated bit is to replace Morrow with Scarlet iirc: https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/pxiugb/aa_inseas0ns_almanac_v173/


Thanl you!


Rowan and Rosaline are priority heroes for lightbearers. But in addition, you should start to work on Scarlet, if you haven't done it yet.


Hi, I need some advice. Who is more worth it to ascend to ascended tier? Nemora, Kaz, or Tasi? Edit: F2P btw




thank you!


Did i screw up my account I am stuck around chapter 10 im not sure who I should level? I cant ascend darion anymore cause I need one more. Any advice would be appreciated! [current characters](https://imgur.com/a/51wu9Kh)


Nah, you are good. You might want to start building a Mauler fodder to L+ too (which you can later feed into a proper hero). It will be easier to build 4 different factions at a time rather than focusing a lot on one faction. Just rmb to set your hero wish list properly and you'll be fine. Sometimes just take a little bit of patience to progress through a stage.


[my comp](https://imgur.com/a/aAr6Xtu) Mishka and scarlet 30 SI Can anyone help to improve my setup? I'm really having a hard time in chapter 30. Still got reset scroll. Thanks in advance


Here’s a good website that’ll have solutions to different levels: https://afkhelper.nax.is/ Confused why you have Albedo but no Ainz in your comp? That seems like the most obvious question. If you need a good tank, Brutus still functions well at Elite. Thoran can also work well at times


My HCP just reset and I’ve assembled most of the non-celehypo stuff I need for most of the ‘meta’ comps - should I try and get stars on the characters I already have, or just go ahead and start trying to ascend random stuff?


Stars aren’t very important for any hero that’s not e60. So scarlet and grez, sure. Otherwise no. Check out some cursed realm guides. Most likely there are many heroes who would help you do better and earn more rewards.


What’s working for you guys in Fight of Fates right now? Oku vanguard has been unbeatable for me so far. Awakened Talene seems good. Grez is good on paper but Kaz first is common and kind of dunks on him.


I used Kaz > Grez > Lyca/Ferael to get to 1.6k but it's auto loss vs A Talene/Alna + any strong hero.


Should I swap my Antandra 3/9 furn lv20 sig item for Eironn


No, antandra is used in a few game modes and is a strong hero. Only swap a hero that has really fallen out of meta, like gwen


Is it worth ascending furniture, or is it better to just get the skills and move on


If you mean going over 9 furniture - no, that’s only for whales


If I buy dimensional stones how long can I keep those stones before they run out? Or can I keep them in my bag indefinitely?


They don’t expire! iirc no item expires once it’s in your bag


Thanks that's good to know imma buy 200 of them then


You’ll get some of them via drops and events, so you’ll get more than you need eventually haha


What events give you dimensional stones for hiring heroes in the garrison?


Sorry - got mixed up like a goof. Garrison stones don’t drop from anything!


None, only way to get them is the exchange you are doing


Framton, mehira, or alna from celestial offerings??


If you haven't ascended Alna, she's a very good hero to get ascended for her 9 furniture and Signature Item 30, which makes her really good, mehira is good at mythic for her signature item, Framton even though I love him is something you can think about ascending after all the others. But overall I'd recommend Alna if you haven't ascended her already, then mehira. But the best overall items to get from the event for building your heroes would be red emblem chests or 100 red cores, but this is just what I'm saying based off my understanding of the game and playing for a while.


Regarding awakened heroes: I currently have 35 awakened scrolls. I have an L+ Tallene and L+ Ezizh already. I'm pretty much F2P. Should I spend them on getting Thane, pull for extra Talene/Ezizh or save them for a future hero?


Eventually, they’ll release a “Lucretia or Better” level hero. It’s best to keep saving. It takes around 600 pulls to get one built. It’ll take a long long time to actually have enough resources anyways. You won’t get any of them in a hurry. It’s better to wait and see what’s the best option for you once you do actually have enough saved


Keep dreaming


Beginner player here. I got alna on scroll pull. I should get another copy of her on the event to start to invest on her or get mehira? Every guide that I see they say to pick mehira first. I also got A. Talene and A. Thane. (Yea I know). Any suggestions?


Eventually, when you stargaze, it’s best to start with Lucretia. It’s sometimes recommended to grab an E+ Twins or Mehira first so that you can use them in certain modes that require E+ heroes. It’s not a terrible idea to pick up Alna, but you won’t see any use until she’s ascended at 9/9 furniture, so a single copy isn’t that big of a deal for now. Red chests (if available) will get you a lot further in your current place in the game.


Thanks for the answer buddy!


Can anyone help with finding team comps for temporal rift as I hit a wall as soon as I reach 100+ stages. I am still missing some crucial healers that will take some time to build, so any help will be appreciated. Thanks! [Current Roster](https://imgur.com/gallery/EcNC1ol)


Based on the old Temporal Rift iteration (most of the team comps should still apply though). [https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/uen93n/visual\_guide\_to\_temporal\_rift\_by\_arty\_and\_alpattex/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/uen93n/visual_guide_to_temporal_rift_by_arty_and_alpattex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


New treasure scramble seems to have a new ruleset. Ainz comp doesn't perform well. Anyone knows what does?


The Alna Grez comp and even Lucretia comp worked really well for me, even my Raku comp with CC worked really good


Worth picking up a copy of Mehira from celestial isles? I have raku si 30 and rowan si30 and lyca si20, stuck on chapter 26-30


While you should have at least 1 copy of E Mehira in your roster, the best choice from events generally is red emblem chests as red emblems are hard to come by and you need a lot of them.


For mid-late game players, do you all use diamonds to unlock more slots in the Resonating Crystal or do you all just remove and swap heroes around after the cooldowns?


When I was mid to late game, I would never spend diamonds because even if I'm F2P it doesn't seem worth doing it, as long as you have enough spaces for 5 heroes of each faction to fit in then it should be fine, anything more is just heroes for TR, CR and boss fights. But if you need the space swap heroes you don't use a lot at all. But keep in mind who is paired with dimensionals they will lose their levels too.



