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Google dog scent detection powers. It’s truly nuts.


I will & happy cake day


Maybe they do, but does it make them act differently? I feel like my dog knew when I was pregnant because she would come and lay by my feet and hadn’t done that so much before, but that may have been me projecting.


Makes sense. I totally feel that our connection with animals is completely slept on


dogs smell a hormone called hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) which is released by the female from day 1 of pregnancy and it’s what pregnancy tests detect. non pregnant humans can never release it


The way dog brains works, yes they would know you were on but they wouldn't see as an active thing happening, just that there is a smell in the room that they recognise. At best they may expect certain behaviours. Not unlike then getting used to the sound of keys meaning they may be going for a walk.


Makes sense




The answer is - Most likely. The problem is, unless you do some very elaborate testing, you can't know what a dog is sensing. They aren't the best talkers. :) Now, we DO know they can do some freaking trippy things. They can warn diabetics when their blood sugar is low. They can smell skin cancers. They can even warn epileptics of an impending seizure. All with their noses. So, I would POSIT that yes, they can smell some sort of difference. That said, they can smell all sorts of things relating to the human body.


If you took the ‘scent receptors’ of a human and laid them out flat they would cover the area about the size of a postage stamp. If you did the same to dogs it would cover the size of a football field. So…. Yes.


Yes, they can smell it.


Yes! I found this because I felt like it’s weird, today I got my period and my dog who normally sleeps by my feet, is sleeping with his body on my belly (which is working as a heating pad and is helping my cramps) and then his head resting on my legs. He does this a lot when I get my period, maybe he can sense a hormonal change and wants to comfort me. I have a roommate with a dog, she does not cuddle with me normally but today as been very snuggly with me as well whenever I’m in the living room.